My Martial Spirit is Nanobot

Chapter 175: Chapter 175 Abyss Prison

"Again, I ran away like that; these top experts are really shameless," Lin Lee muttered, oping his eyes slowly, his vision restored looking at the grayness a.

He sat up and raised his palm, th his brow furrowed, looking at the bead spirit lying in his palm calmly.

Ninety perct of its appearance is black like a stone in the beginning, and the remaining t perct is also turning black slowly as his remaining fortune is dissipating.

'It seems the bead spirit can't save me again; I have to save up the fortune and deal with the next trouble myself.' Lin Lee thought to himself, th put away the bead spirit, th started looking a at the dark layer covering everything a him.

'It seems I am some kind of abyss realm; I have to explore it first. I heard there are intelligt abyssal creatures living in some abyss realms; I hope to counter them.' Lin Lee thought and stood up calmly, looking a at the black-and--themed atmosphere.

'There is really no color in the abyss realms.' He thought and th raised his hand. Instantly, a lot of nanobot balls appeared a him, and th they flew toward differt directions at an alarming rate.

"Let's explore this abyss realm first and th decide what to do later." Lin Lee muttered, looking at the nanobot observers shooting in all directions. His perspective changed into millions of visions, as if he were watching millions of places at once.

After few days,

Lin Lee, sitting in the void, oped his eyes, turned, and glanced in the direction of the east.

'Finally found it,' He thought, and th nanobots covered his body as armor: 'I can't use the law in the abyss realm, and I also can't spd fortune to teleport there; I can only fly there physically,'

He thought and sighed, activated the eight jets in his armor, and flew toward the direction at unimaginable speed.

Slowly the speed increased more and more; the creature and everything in his way separated into two and burned into ashes, leaving behind a long trailing abyssal crack after him annihilating everything.

'Probably my speed is equal to t universal speeds, although it's the speed unit I myself named, but it's easy to understand; my speed can easily cross t universes per second now, which is a trillion light years per second.' Lin Lee thought to himself,

'It will take me a few days to reach the destination. One thing is confirmed: these realms are really unimaginably huge; those lower worlds are like pebbles in the upper realms; that's totally a differce in higher and lower dimsions.' Lin Lee thought to himself and sighed,

Few days later,


Lin Lee, a smoking figure in armor, stopped above a hilly area, looking at the heavy dark cloud in front of him and dark rain falling below on land and on his armor. It is melting everything; the abyss creatures, ev the stones and pebbles a, melted into a dark liquid shape.

"As expected of abyss realms rain, but it's not a threat for my nanobots," Lin Lee muttered, observing the quantum field layer on each nanobot. They can easily deal with this type of rain.

He th flew forward through the rain. 'My nanobots ssed a strange patterned life activity a here; I hope it's some kind of intelligt life or my trip will be in vain.' He thought and started observing things a him.

Instantly, he stopped, looking at the pitch-black, huge figure standing in the rain with a lot of long, two-jointed legs. 'Is this the abyssal creature? Interesting a jelly structural physique that can ignore the abyss rain; evolution is really an interesting phomon,' Lin Lee thought to himself, observing the creature.

After a while, he raised his hand, and nanobots started floating toward the creature.


Instantly, Lin Lee's pupil shrank looking at the creature, which suddly disappeared, leaving an afterimage.

Ting! Ting!! Ting!!!

"The rain is the monster law domain," Lin Lee muttered, looking at the rain turning into dark stones striking his armor.

"Why did you attack me as a human? Leave, or you will be hunted." Instantly, the creature appeared beside Lin Lee; it didn't attack Lin Lee but instead spoke to him.

Lin Lee raised his brow. 'Did he speak just now?' turned and glanced at him and asked thoughtfully, "I thought you were like other non-intelligt creatures; can you tell me what this place is and how do you know the human race?"

The creature was froz for a while, and th a voice appeared in Lin Lee's mind again telepathically: "This is one of the abyss prisons betwe the realms; the creatures are exiled in this abyss prison; no one can leave this place."

"Abyss prison, it's the first time I am hearing such a term," Lin Lee muttered thoughtfully. He was extremely surprised in his heart.

Instantly, the creature figure flickered and disappeared along with him; the rain also disappeared, leaving Lin Lee alone standing in the dark land, which is drying at an alarming rate.

"If this is an exile prison, th there must be other creatures. He said I would be hunted, but he didn't attack me himself. What kind of creature was he?" Lin Lee thought to himself doubtfully and couldn't understand everything happing a him.

'Should I release nanobots and let them hunt everything in this realm? But it will take ages for them to spread a in these abyss realms; right now, with their currt great treasure class, they ar't capable of exploring these upper realms fully.' Lin Lee thought to himself, th sighed, and armor covered his body.

"I can't stay in a place; I have to do something and increase my strgth quickly." He muttered thoughtfully and th flew forward in the east direction.

After flying for days,

He finally countered something strange on his radar, and he flew toward it excitedly.

"Finally, my search came to fruition," Lin Lee muttered, flying in the void, looking at the dark, rocky region with differt types and shapes of abyss creatures moving a it.

He wasn't paying atttion to the creatures outside, but he was looking at the creature living inside the region.

Lin Lee th flew forward and landed inside the region boundary. He walked forward, looking at the caves a, ev the structure in the middle of each mountain. The exiled creatures are moving outside and inside through it.

'Is this the base of exiled creatures?' Lin Lee thought to himself th walked forward toward a creature that looked like a somewhat humanoid figure with rock-like rough skin.

"Can you speak?" Lin Lee appeared behind him and asked telepathically while looking at the small worms attached to his head and whole body, moving and biting everything a him, somewhat similar to medusa but completely ugly.

'As expected of abyss creatures, they are competing in ugliness; this guy is definitely the top one among ugly creatures.' Lin Lee thought to himself,

"I can speak; are you from the outside?"

The creature replied intelligtly,

Lin Lee nodded and said, "I am. Can you tell me about this abyss prison realm?"

"There is nothing major differce betwe this abyss prison and other abyss realms except creatures from other prison realms can't return.

Lin Lee nodded and th asked, looking at him thoughtfully, "I don't understand one thing: why are you answering my question so truthfully?"

"You are stronger than me; abyss creatures follow the rules of weak and strong; weak creatures like us must obey strong creatures." The creature replied calmly,

Lin Lee nodded looking at him and th asked again, "One last question: how will I know the differce betwe strong and weak in this abyss prison?"

"You can find the rain merchants and buy the abyss detector from them, or if you feel crisis from someone's existce, th don't offd. Hi; just like our rock-binding race, we can detect the strong presce through land below our feet." The rock creature replied,

'Rain merchants? Is he talking about that jellyfish-like creature in the rain? Lin Lee thought and th nodded, waved his hand, and threw a brow flickering stone toward him. "Thank you for your information. Here, keep it as a reward; it's immortal mountain essce from the surface; it may be beficial for your rock race."

The rock creature raised his hand and grabbed the brown stone; his hand trembled, and th he raised his head and glanced at Lin Lee back in shock.

'This human gave me such an expsive item; I have to leave before he regrets it.' He thought to put away the mountain essce, suppressing his excitemt, turned a, and walked toward one of the tunnels at fast speed.

On the other hand, Lin Lee countered a lot of abyss creatures, but he didn't counter any strong creature that poses a threat to him.

'It seems only the weak are exiled in abyss realms; those strong, like true immortals and spirit immortals, can leave this prison easily.

I have to gather more information about this prison; if there ar't many strong people here, th there is no use of staying here; only by devouring strong, my strgth will increase by leaps and bounds.' Lin Lee thought to himself and th started connecting with the nanobot observers he st before.

... Chapter End ...

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