My Martial Spirit is Nanobot

Chapter 174: Chapter 174 Last Paragraph

Xiao Ling spoke calmly, and th looking at the playful expression on Lin Lee's face, she felt a little annoyed in her heart.

'Why is this guy acting like that? Is he testing me, or did he really notice something?'

She thought and th took a deep breath and said solemnly, "I gave you information you wanted truthfully. Now that you are going back on your words, I am a little disappointed. You can return to the sect if you don't want to go with me; I will complete the task alone."

Lin Lee glanced at her deeply and th smiled, shook his head, and said, "Well, thank you for letting me leave; I am sorry I can't help you right now; I am returning to the sect." After speaking, he turned and walked back toward the sect direction.



Instantly, a nanobot ring appeared a Lin Lee; two flying daggers collided with it and were embedded in the g in front of him. The g below those daggers slowly turned pitch black.

"Where is your trust?" Lin Lee spoke playfully, turned a, and glanced at her restful expression.

"Son of a B... Don't think you are lucky; master, come out; it seems he somehow noticed your arrival." Xiao Ling cursed and spoke angrily, looking at him, gritting her teeth, feeling she had disappointed her master.

Lin Lee raised his brow, 'Master? Where did Master pop up from? I thought she had some ulterior motives and was going to attack me with other disciples. Now it seems her so-called master is behind all this. Wait, didn't she say her master was the last fatekeeper, but that old guy turned into stone in front of my eyes?'

He thought instantly his face changed, recalling the last paragraph he read in the diary of the previous fatekeeper.

*"I am waiting for fate to d my punishmt; th I will become one with the fate wh it arrives."*

'Damn, I thought this old bastard was talking about turning into the stone at the beginning; he deceived me; no, not only me; he really tried to deceive the whole fate, a monster,' Lin Lee thought. He turned and glanced at the direction of the cloud; instantly, his body and expression froze.

'Damn, despite keeping my heart hundred perct vigilant, I was still careless; I got carried away; this immortal realm is more dangerous than I thought,' Lin Lee thought annoyingly, feeling heavy suppression effecting his body and soul; ev his thoughts are freezing up.

A rickety, skeletal old man appeared beside Xiao Ling in front of Lin Lee; he smiled toward him, showing his pitch-black teeth as if washed in the abyss.

'As expected this old bastard, I am going to be unconscious,' Lin Lee thought, glanced at the old fatekeeper and Xiao Ling coldly.

"You are really fate; after I merge with you, I will be truly free from that fate punishmt." The old keeper whispered in Lin Lee's ear, instantly appearing beside him.

'Bead spirit, take me away; this old guy's breath is disgusting or I will puke,' Lin Lee thought and ordered the bead spirit angrily.

Instantly, a light flashed on Lin Lee's body; all suppression on his body disappeared. Lin Lee felt he could move.

Time and Space Law! Displacemt!!!

Instantly, his figure flickered and appeared near the edge of the cliff. While aiming at the Xiao Ling coldly, ignoring the old fatekeeper, pure light shrouded his body.

"Master, save me!" Xiao Ling shouted in horror seeing her body transformation into dark particles, arms, legs, and breasts.

"Ha ha ha. Interesting. I knew it. The fate is really hard to catch, but I can't let you run away." The old fatekeeper laughed instantly and stepped on the g; instantly everything wt dark; ev the nanobots devouring the Xiao Ling stopped and crumbled, merged with the darkness a them, and disappeared.

As if a new time and space and timeline shrouded everything and swallowed everything.

Next momt, the old fatekeeper expression froze, looking at Lin Lee still shining in pure light floating in the middle of his artificial secret realm.

Lin Lee was looking at him with pure pupils; the old fatekeeper's face changed, and he shouted angrily, "No, you are not the fate; what are you?" th instantly he leapt toward Lin Lee in order to catch him.

"Slow," Instantly a heavy voice sounded from Lin Lee's mouth spread through this artificial realm; everything slowed down—time and space, cause and effect, including the old fatekeeper pace.

Lin Lee expressionlessly glanced at the old fatekeeper slowly progressing figure, also looking at his blood red pupil and hateful expression.

Lin Lee waved his hand instantly, suring space and time cracked, and the old fatekeeper flew back, piercing through the walls of his artificial space and time realm.



The whole sect mountain shook; next momt, he was embedded deep inside the sect mountain.

While Lin Lee turned and glanced in a direction, his gaze passed through countless realms and glanced at the old lg sitting on top of the heavly cloud far away in the middle of an unknown realm.

He smiled playfully, and th his figure flashed into light and disappeared.

The old lg sitting in the special secret realm was startled; he felt something, oped his eyes suddly, a sharp and ruthless expression flashed through his pupil, his figure flickered, and he appeared near the secret mountain, crossing uncountable realms in the middle instantly.

He glanced a and th glanced in the direction of the old fatekeeper's bloody body lying

"I will ignore your mistake once, but you will continue to guard the abyss. I hope there is no next time. I will appoint you as the doorman inside the abyss." Old Lg spoke coldly, looking at the old fatekeeper standing up slowly, his bones and body structure twisted, stretched, and contracted toward the original structure instantly.

"Yes, my lord." The old fatekeeper replied with a fearful voice, not daring to look at the old Lg in the eyes, bowing his head and trembling constantly.

Old Lg th ignored him, turned, and gazed through the suring realms, 'Where did that kid go? I can't track my fortune seal on him.' He thought his brow raised, th an intriguing expression shrouded his face.

"This kid has something that is very interesting, ha ha ha." Old Lg muttered and th laughed loudly. His laughter sound spread through the whole sect and suring area, surprising all the elders, disciples, and sect masters below. Only the fatekeeper shivered ev more, and the fear increased in his pupil.

As the direct subordinate of Old Lg, he knows very well what kind of horror is hidd in the guise of that laughter.

Old Lg th fell silt for a while, and th he glanced at the remaining backbone of Xiao Ling lying near the cliff.

He waved his hand instantly. The bones, veins, blood, and vessels covered the backbone, and th skin and clothes, intact. Xiao Ling flickered and appeared in front of him; she looked a nervously and timidly, th glanced at the old Lg, hurriedly saluting and bowed, "I have se sior lord; that wasn't I dead."

"Well, you were indeed dead, but I resurrected you to answer my questions truthfully," Old Lg asked kindly, looking at her while rubbing his goatee and closing his eyes.

Instantly, Xiao Ling pupils lost their luster and became devoid of any emotion.

"So that's how it is; well, it won't be that hard for that kid to find one or two of those brok treasures." Old Lg muttered, oped his eyes, smiled, and th glanced at the Xiao Ling; instantly, her figure disappeared into smoke.

Old Lg glanced at the fatekeeper below deeply and th waved his hand. The whole brok section of the sect mountain regressed, and it was restored as before.

The Old Lg figure th flickered and disappeared, leaving everyone in a daze for a while. After saluting toward the void, everyone returned to the sect.

'Whether you are fate or not, because of you I have lost my precious disciple, I will catch you at all costs and th drink your blood and eat your bone.' Old Fatekeeper thought hatefully; ruthlessness flashed through his pupil. He th walked toward the abyssal caves, climbing the special stairs leading toward them.

Meanwhile, near the sect pavilion, Ling Long was looking at the direction of the sect thoughtfully. 'What happed? Why did the whole sect g shake like that?"

Thinking of it, she felt a little uneasy, and th after a while, she shook her head and ignored the uneasiness in her heart.

'It doesn't matter now what kind of trouble will be bigger than the one I already countered; it's not that I am pitying myself; it's just that before revge, death is a relief for me.' Ling Long thought to herself, turned a, and th walked toward the exercise pavilion firmly in order to select a technique for herself.


Meanwhile, in one of the abyss realms, the space oscillated, and a Lin Lee figure appeared and fell on the g instantly.

The g was tirely filled with and black stones.

After a while, the black and stones surface squirmed as if a liquid surface layer, ready to swallow the Lin Lee body.

Next momt, a dark layer of nanobots covered the stone layer, separating the Lin Lee from the surface below, and th the nanobots covered the stones and started devouring everything a.

Slowly everything was rdered in pitch black. Lin Lee was lying unconsciously on the nanobot's dark layer, unbeknownst to the suring,

... Chapter End ...

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