My Love Debts Are Everywhere!

Chapter 30: Surprising News from Liliana, and Leon's Sense of Relief

"That is... The Great Holy Sword Zith!?"

Jim could scarcely believe the sight unfolding before him on the magic scre.

The Great Holy Sword Zith, once wielded by Sword Hero Leon Kruger, had returned to the Three Heroes Hall.

This revelation confirmed that Sword Hero Leon was truly deceased, as reported by the news from the battlefield.

Initially, despite already believing the news of his death, there lingered a hunch within him suggesting that the hero Leon was not truly deceased as reported.

This hunch was reinforced by various speculations that arose in his mind, and with each passing day, these speculations grew stronger and more intse.

However, the sce before him now unequivocally proved that all of his speculations were unfounded and that the hero Leon was indeed deceased.

The automatic return of the Great Holy Sword Zith to its original place signaled the official severance of the connection betwe it and the hero Leon.

Swiftly, Jim composed himself and turned his gaze towards Velix, seated proudly on the throne.

"Thank you for informing me, Your Majesty." Jim expressed his gratitude with a respectful bow, clasping his hands together.

With the uneasy feeling in his heart dispelled, Jim felt a newfound sse of calm wash over him.

Upon hearing Jim's words, Velix smiled faintly and gestured with a wave of his hand, causing the magic scre in the throne room to vanish.

"There's no need to worry about that. As my trusted Prime Minister, you are titled to know," Velix remarked nonchalantly, his words carrying a mysterious undertone.

"Furthermore, with the demise of Hero Leon Kruger and the reappearance of the Great Holy Sword Zith, our postponed plans can now commce. Isn't that correct, Jim?" Velix continued with a meaningful smile toward Jim.

Jim was momtarily tak aback before a faint smile graced his lips.

"I see... I understand, Your Majesty..."


Meanwhile, on the edge of a small hill near the palace, Leon and Liliana strolled and settled on the grass, gazing at the late afternoon sun, which already appeared poised to descd below the horizon.

"So, what did you want to talk to me about?" Leon turned his gaze toward Liliana beside him, his expression curious.

He puzzled over why this woman had brought him here solely for a conversation.

Was the topic of discussion something of great importance or ssitivity?

Or perhaps this woman intded to discuss the Holy Orthodox's forthcoming attack on the Demon Race with him?

Considering this, Leon found his assumption quite reasonable.

After all, with Liliana likely consumed by preparations for the impding war against the Holy Orthodox—the first direct clash betwe the Demon race under her command and the Holy Orthodox forces—it seemed unlikely that she would bring him here solely for conversation, didn't it?

Upon hearing Leon's question, Liliana, her expression still indiffert, shifted her gaze towards him.

"Don't be in such a rush. Won't it be better to relax first and joy the view of the afternoon sky?" Her unexpected response caused the corners of Leon's mouth to twitch.

He hadn't anticipated such words coming from Liliana, who typically appeared serious.

Had he misinterpreted Liliana's coldness and indifferce all this time?

Leon shook his head, unable to suppress a silt laugh.

"I didn't expect such words to come from you, Liliana Crimson. Besides, shouldn't you be occupied with organizing the Demon army and preparing for the Holy Orthodox attack on the border?" Lazily, he reclined on the grass and spoke in a casual tone.

He was convinced that Liliana intded to seek his advice on handling the Holy Orthodox attack and perhaps some other suggestions.

However, he acknowledged that if Liliana did indeed seek such counsel, it would be futile, as he himself possessed limited knowledge of the structure and strgth of the Holy Orthodox.

The Holy Orthodox were known for their secrecy and infrequt involvemt in wars, a stark contrast to the ambitious nature of the Holy Empire of Elysium.

Therefore, he found himself lacking in understanding the true extt of the Holy Orthodox's power.

He only knew of the five great guardians who stood as pillars under the leadership of Holy Orthodox Saint Arshely, his childhood sweetheart.

Just wh he felt confidt in his assumptions, Liliana's next response left him utterly stunned.

"The Holy Orthodox are withdrawing all their troops from the border, and this is also one of the matters I wished to discuss with you," Liliana revealed.

Leon's eyes wided, prompting him to swiftly sit up from his reclined posture.

"You're not joking with me, are you?" Leon's expression shifted to one of seriousness as he asked hesitantly.

Liliana nodded slightly and replied, "I assure you, Leon Kruger, I'm serious. The Holy Orthodox troops have indeed be withdrawn from the border, as if they were resigning rather than preparing for war."

Subsequtly, she began to recount the report she received to Leon in detail and with clarity.

She couldn't comprehd why she felt such concern for Leon, prompting her to explain everything to him.

Perhaps it was because Leon was considered a hero of mankind, and she hoped to gather information from him to aid her in the preparation for the upcoming war against the Holy Empire of Elysium and the Holy Orthodox.

Or perhaps it was for some other reason that she could not comprehd.

However, one thing was certain: after she disclosed everything to Leon, she expericed an inexplicable sse of comfort and calmness.

Meanwhile, as Leon listed to the tire story with a serious expression, a sse of relief washed over him, as if the stone that had be blocking his heart had suddly be lifted.

'Phew~ I didn't anticipate that Arshley was so astute and capable of maintaining her composure, thereby avoiding the pottial trap set by the Holy Empire of Elysium against the Holy Orthodox...' Leon muttered, his expression brimming with satisfaction.

In truth, this matter gave him a tremdous headache, and he was extremely anxious about the possibility of Arshley losing her temper and ordering an attack on the Demon Race—a scario that might have be orchestrated by the four-eyed demon of the Holy Empire of Elysium.

Giv his deep understanding of Arshley's possessive nature towards him, it was a relief that she could temper her emotions and suppress her anger upon learning the news of his death.

Suddly snapping out of his reverie, he shifted his focus to Liliana with a more kind gaze.

"So that's the situation. I understand now. Thank you for sharing this crucial information, Liliana Crimson," Leon exclaimed, his smile widing with satisfaction.

Lazily, he stretched his sore body, worn out from playing with Fiona, before gradually rising to his feet.

Observing his sudd movemt, Liliana frowned, her gaze turning cold.

"Where are you going?" she asked indiffertly.

"Of course, back to the room. Wasn't that all you wanted to tell me?" Leon scratched his head, feeling there was nothing else significant to discuss, correct?

Upon hearing his words, Liliana narrowed her eyes and angrily pulled Leon's hand down.

"Who said I was finished?"

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