My Girlfriend Is Very Good to Me

110 - How a Mini Heena Suddenly Appeared

110 - How a Mini Heena Suddenly Appeared

TL/Editor: looloo

Status: ongoing

Illustrations: posted in discord

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After hastily finishing their meal, Heena and I sat facing each other on the sofa, beginning to grasp the situation.

'The fact that your period stopped, that means... it's what I think it is, right?'

"Usually, if, if you're pregnant, your period stops, right? I'm not wrong, am I?"

"I'm not sure, but probably...?"


Deep breath. Deep breath.

I barely held onto my sanity, feeling like it might slip away. Even amidst the confusion in my head, the option of terminating the pregnancy was never on the table. Although some might have to make that choice, it was not for me.

I thought about Heena's university, my own exams, and the necessity of informing both sets of parents. Various practical concerns tangled in my mind.

My heart sank, and I was so shocked that my hands and feet went cold, but I tried to keep it from showing. If I looked flustered, what would Heena do?

At this moment, it was clear that Heena was the most emotionally unstable person...

Heena smiled faintly.


No, why are the corners of her mouth twitching like that? Is Heena really anxious right now?

Even though we had casually mentioned babies and pregnancy before, I thought she would naturally be at a loss when it actually happened. But my girlfriend always exceeded my expectations.

Gently caressing her stomach with both hands, she barely managed to suppress a smile that seemed ready to ascend to heaven.



"...Shouldn't you be a bit worried? Are you actually happy right now?"

"Ah, no? What should we do? Should we go to the gynecologist together?"

"Could you lower the corners of your mouth first? You look the happiest I've seen you recently."


"No... Pfft... Ah, Heena, seriously... Khm... Puhahahaha!!"

I couldn't help but laugh because it was so absurd. Perhaps I was just halfway out of my mind.

Watching Heena, who seemed utterly unconcerned, made me feel foolish for having all those worries.

After laughing for a long time, I calmed down and spoke to Heena.

"Hoo... Let's go to the gynecologist first. We need to check, and if you're not pregnant, we should get you examined since you stopped your period."

"Okay, got it! I'll get ready right away~"

Watching Heena's back as she bounced into the room, I slumped back on the sofa and ran my hands over my face.

Just in case, it was better to go straight to the doctor than to use a pregnancy test.

But what if she is pregnant, seriously?

Thanks to her excellent health, Heena's menstrual cycle was very regular. So I honestly thought it was almost certain, but still, just in case.

She sometimes got stressed because of group projects, which might have affected it.

Holding onto that faint hope, we quickly took a taxi to the nearest gynecologist.

Despite it being a weekday, several couples and women were waiting for their appointments at the clinic. As we walked in, some eyes naturally turned to us, possibly because we looked like a young couple, and also because Heena was pretty.

"Your blood pressure and weight have been checked, and your registration is complete. Please have a seat and wait for a moment."

"Thank you."

But I had no time to worry about such things. After completing the registration, I held Heena's hand tightly and quietly sat down.

"There are a lot of people~"

"Yeah. You're not feeling unwell anywhere, right?"

"Even if I'm pregnant, it's still early... I'm fine. Don't worry too much."

"That's a relief."

Relief, maybe. Heena showed no visible signs of worry or anxiety. Rather, I was more nervous than Heena, sitting quietly like a condemned man waiting for his last hour.

Following the nurse who called us, we had a brief consultation with the doctor before immediately undergoing an ultrasound examination.

The consultation wasn't much. The doctor asked if we had used a pregnancy test before and if we were considering an abortion. It seemed we asked because many people our age chose to terminate pregnancies.

After the examination, we waited for a short while before the doctor called us in again.

Then, we received the undeniable confirmation of reality through the ultrasound image the doctor showed us.

"It's six weeks. If you look here, you can see the gestational sac and yolk sac properly positioned."



The small thing within the white, round part was our baby, we said. It didn’t feel real even as we looked at it. It was hard to believe that this tiny thing would grow into a baby. Or was it already a baby?

"Both the mother and the baby are healthy. Although there haven't been any issues so far, you might experience nausea or breast pain going forward. And─"

Thanks to having mentally prepared somewhat before coming in, I was able to listen to the explanation calmly. We listened carefully about the precautions we needed to take and the schedule for future visits. Both Heena and I paid close attention, not wanting to miss a single word.

While explaining, the doctor manipulated the computer and played a video. It was a video of the ultrasound image shown earlier, accompanied by a strange sound.

"Please listen carefully to this sound."

-Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh-whoosh!

We focused on the sound, but we couldn’t understand what it was. It sounded like the wind rushing by when you open the window of a fast-moving car.

As we both looked at the doctor with question marks on our faces, she smiled and explained what it was.

"This is the baby's heartbeat inside the mother. It's detectable around the fifth or sixth week, and fortunately, we were able to hear it today."

"T-this is?"

"Yes. Isn't it amazing?"

I had never imagined it. I had thought it was just the sound of wind, but it was the baby's heartbeat. The ultrasound image didn't have as much impact as the realization that a real life was growing inside Heena.

And it seemed Heena felt the same, as she started to quietly shed tears beside me.

-Drip, drip

"This is... our baby..."

"Are you okay?"

"Yes... Yeonho, did you hear it? The heartbeat, it's so strong, right?"

"Of course. It was so loud. I thought a train was passing by."

"Sob... Our, our baby... This is... our baby, Yeonho... it's your and my baby... Wahhh..."

She began to sob while staring at the screen. I signaled to the doctor for understanding and pulled Heena close, holding her as she cried.

I was moved by the life in front of us, but Heena seemed to feel something even more profound. For some reason, I no longer worried about the future. Instead, my heart was filled with a vague resolve to try harder for Heena and our baby.

Of course, we were too young to handle a new life on our own and would need a lot of help from those around us.

But still, we would do our best.

For Heena and I.

For our baby.

After Heena calmed down, the doctor kindly explained everything else we needed to know or do. We learned that once the baby's heartbeat is audible, the hospital would issue a maternity handbook, and that besides the initial ultrasound, various other tests were necessary. If needed, medication might also be required.

At the hospital, we immediately underwent several blood tests. After waiting for the results and scheduling future visits, we were able to head home, holding the maternity handbook we received today.

Fortunately, thanks to insurance coverage, the costs weren't as high as we expected despite the numerous tests. The results were also excellent, with no abnormalities.

Once the hectic visit to the gynecologist was over, we returned home, holding hands just as we had when we left. As soon as we entered the living room, we collapsed onto the sofa, exhausted both physically and mentally. While we sat there in a daze, Heena suddenly spoke in a subdued voice.

"You don't hate it, do you...?"

"Hate what? The pregnancy?"


It was such a belated question that I couldn't help but respond with surprise. She had been excited on the way to the gynecologist, and even on the way back, she had constantly touched her stomach, smiling.

Now, with a dark expression, she asked cautiously. I answered her calmly.

"Of course not. It's just that I'm shocked because we're not prepared yet."


"Of course. We decided to tell our parents tomorrow, so today, let's think of a nickname for our baby. What should we call them?"

Actually, it wasn't nothing. While I wasn't worried, a sense of responsibility was growing, and I felt the burden of telling our parents tomorrow.

But it didn't mean I wanted to say anything harsh about Heena's pregnancy. After all, half the responsibility for the pregnancy was mine.

"So, we're really going to raise our baby?"

"What are you talking about? We even made appointments at the gynecologist together."

"Right... Hehe... Yeah, that's right. We need to work hard to deliver our baby healthily, right?"

"Absolutely. And from now on, don't even think about entering the kitchen... Wait, what about your university? By the time the break ends, you'll be in your third or fourth month, and you'll need to be on strict bed rest."

If she tried to attend classes despite that, I would definitely stop her. Health was the most important thing.

Heena answered lightly as if she had already thought about it.

"I finished the first semester, so I'll take a leave of absence starting the second semester."

"Can you take a leave for that reason?"

"Yes, because there's a valid reason. If you get into the same university as me, we could attend together from the second semester next year."

"Wow, are you putting pressure on me? Just wait. I swear to our baby that I'll get into the same university."

"Haha, good luck!"

Fortunately, it seemed Heena's university life wouldn't face major issues. If she returned in the second semester next year, she'd have time to recover after giving birth. After that, we could get help from my mother-in-law.

As for me, there was no more room for hesitation about my studies. I would quit my part-time job immediately and focus solely on the college entrance exam.

More than wanting to become a campus couple with Heena, I felt the responsibility to go to a good university for the sake of our baby, Heena, and our stable future.

After roughly discussing our future paths, the conversation shifted back to the baby.

"When I heard the baby's heartbeat earlier, it was so amazing."

"Me too. It made me realize that our baby is really inside you."

"Yeah... Knowing that, it feels like I can sense movements... The baby must be moving even now, right? The heartbeat was so strong."

"Probably. Hmm, showing such energy already... Should we start training us? Sports might be tough."

"Haha, what are you saying to a baby that hasn't even been born yet~"

While having this conversation, I gently placed my hand on Heena's stomach and began to caress it together with her. For now, she didn't mind me touching her belly. She just looked down at her stomach with a gentle expression.

For a while, the two of us silently caressed her belly. Then Heena, with a soft smile, spoke up.



"Our baby's nickname, can we call it Sarang?"

"If you like it, it's fine with me. Isn't it a bit common, though?"

"It doesn't matter if it's common or not... I just, what should I say. It's too lovely. Both you and our baby. So that's the only name that comes to mind."

"Let's go with that, then."

Honestly, I didn't have the confidence to come up with a name myself, so I decided to go with Heena's suggestion. Besides, it was a pretty name.


Repeating it several times in my mind, it sounded like a great name. It felt like it truly embodied the love between Heena and I.

Seeing Heena constantly smiling and calling out "Sarang," my heart felt warm.

Now at twenty years old, we were no more than children ourselves, unable to take care of even our own lives properly, despite being legal adults. We couldn't see an inch ahead into our future, unsure of what our lives would become.

But at this moment, being together gave me immense strength. Seeing my girlfriend smiling happily in front of me made me feel like I could do anything for her.

"Our Sarang, you need to stay calm so you don't hurt Mommy. Okay?"

"...Hoo, hoo-hoo... Mommy... Yes. I'm a mom now, aren't I?"

"Yes, you are Sarang's mommy."

"I love that... It's so wonderful, Sarang's daddy."

Heena's smile, as she referred to herself as Mommy and called me Daddy, was brighter and more beautiful than ever.

Author's Note:

We've finally reached Phase 3.

Up to Phase 2, I followed the outline I had envisioned when I started writing... Although it turned out a bit longer than I thought, it still progressed roughly as planned.

I still think the maximum length for 'My Girlfriend is Very Good to Me' will be around 150 chapters.

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