My Dragon System

Chapter 191 - Evil Red Wings

Chapter 191 - Evil Red Wings

As soon as Ray had mentioned the words Red Wings, the whole guild hall had gone silent. Everyone had immediately stopped what they were doing and turned to look at the three people who were standing in front of the counter.

Then a young girl's voice suddenly shouted.

"I hate the Red wings."

When Ray turned to look at who it was, he was surprised to see it was someone who he recognised, it was Candy.

Ray was now even more confused than before.

"Is there a problem with the name Red wings?" Gary asked Sophie who was behind the desk.

"There's not an official problem, there is still no guild registered under that name but you see…"

"The red wings are pure evil." A large bearded man said as he stood up and walked over towards the three of them.

The Bearded man was named Gorden and he was in charge of the guildhall in this town. He looked at the three boys in front of him and thought they couldn't have been older than 18 at most.

"You three are young and have probably heard the rumours, it's a shame such young minds have been tainted by their evil and now even wish to name a guild after them." The old man shook his head.

"I'm sorry but I cannot allow you to call your Guild that name."

Gary was starting to get agitated. It seemed like the old man was talking Ill of the Red wings and Gary felt personally attacked.

"What's wrong with you old man why can't we..."

Just then Ray put his hand out in front of Gary to calm him down. Getting annoyed wasn't going to get them anywhere.

"I'm sorry but we do not know of these rumours you speak of, do you mind telling them to us?"

The old man was taken back a little bit as if he couldn't believe Ray's words.

"I guess you three really are from out of town. There's a big city not too far away from here called Avrion. A few months ago, there was a huge battle that took place and now it is owned by a group named the Red Wings. The old knights that used to protect the city were told they would have to sign a life binding contract or be outcasted."

Unkown to Gorden he was talking to the very person who had done that exact thing.

Gary then started to laugh.

"Those dam Pure bloods Ray, when they left the city they probably started to spread rumours about us, trying to turn everyone against us."

Gorden had caught on to what Gary had said.

"What do you mean us?"

"look, everything you know is a lie, we came from Avrion ourselves. They didn't force us to do anything, the Red wings were the ones that saved Avrion City."

Gorden couldn't help but think the three kids in front of him were lying. They had to be, the rumours and the stories he had heard about the Red wings didn't add up. Not only that Gorden and this town had experienced the horror of the Red wings group themselves.

Just then, an egg came flying in the direction of Ray, Ray moved his head avoiding the egg but the egg continued to fly through the air and landed right on Gary's face.

"Who threw that!" Gary shouted as the egg dripped and hit the floor.

"Get out of our town, no one likes you Red wings!" Tuffy shouted.

Ray noticed that simple rumours wouldn't cause the people of this town to act like this. There had to be more behind the story than just simple rumours.

"Why does it seem like everyone hates the red wings so much?"

"That's because…" But before Gorden could even finish his answer, the door to the guildhall had been kicked wide open.

"Alright everyone it's time to pay up today's protection money!" A scrawny man with missing a missing tooth came through the door and behind him where four other men.

Everyone in the room suddenly went silent. The group that had just entered started to go around the room with a metal bucket. Either coin or beast crystals were placed into the metal bucket. There were no questions asked and everyone complied almost instantly.

The men then spotted Ray and the others and quickly came over.

"Oh, I've never seen you three here before."

"These three are from out of town." Gorden said nervously, "Surely you will let them off?"

"Rules are rules, everyone must pay." The man said.

It had only been a few months since Ray had last visited the town but it seemed like a lot had changed. There was no guard, the Quest bored was nearly empty and everyone was obeying these weak in front of him.

The man held out the bucket and started to shake it in front of them.

"Please I beg you three, for the sake of this town please pay the cost, it is only a silver coin surely you can afford that?" Gorden said.

Gary then looked into the bucket and saw all the coins and beast cores.

"Hey Ray, do you think we can keep this?"

"I don't see why not."

Gary then instead of putting something in the bucket, reached in and pulled out an intermediate beast core.

"Maybe I can turn this into a chest piece for myself," Gary said giggling to himself.

"What do you think you are doing! Stealing from us!" The man shouted.

Immediately the four men behind him pulled out their swords.

"Don't you know who we are!" The man then pulled up his sleeve to reveal a red mark of a dragon head. It looked similar to the one Ray had given the Red wings members but slightly different as if someone had only described what it looked like to them.

"If you don't put back that crystal and pay double the fee, we will send an army to this town and slaughter you all. We took down Avrion, do you really think the Red wings can't deal with a bunch of kids like you!"

"Ray, do you see that?" Gary said.

"Yeah, their imposters."

The man took a step back after hearing them say those words but quickly stepped forward again.

"Who are you calling imposters."

Then Gary and Jack lifted their sleeves, to reveal the true mark of the Red wings.


Special thanks to Username1, Alexander_Bingham, DarkShadow_DS, and Fenrir2040 For the gifts, you are my super supporters.

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