Multiverse of Marvel

Chapter 236: The Purge

Chapter 236: The Purge

The fight went on for a full one hour. John and even the members of the League didn't expect that fight would go on for such a long time. Both were exhausted, Steve had many cuts in his body while Ra's had many bruises due to how Steve used his shield. Even though it wasn't the vibranium shield Steve still used it effectively.

And after an intense clash, Steve was able to get the better of John and was able to disarm Raas by hitting the shield at his hand. The sword was thrown from Ra's. Then Steve proceeded to tackle Ra's with his shield. This prompted Ra's to take a few steps back. Steve saw this opening and didn't hesitate any more, as he took the lying sword and stabbed Ra's directly in his abdomen.

The League members knew that from now Steve would be their leader and since he defeated Ra's fair and square nobody had any doubts about his position. Steve looked at Ra's as he was on his knees at the edge of the cliff.

"May you lead the league to greater glory. From now you have the power over the dimension of the League." and saying that Ra's fell down the cliff. John who saw this sighed as he just lost Ra's though he could bring him back to life with the system. He just felt it was weird with almost the same plot repeating from the Arrow. Ra's died there after falling from a cliff.

Steve who just defeated and killed Ra's too was on his knees. John levitated in front of him as all the members of the league too were on their knees in order to show respect to the new Raas.

"You should go to Lazarus pit to heal yourself before those wounds get infected." John said.

"Can you take me there? I am really tired." Steve said. John smiled at it and vanished with Steve. They appeared again in a place which looked like a huge bathtub made of rocks. Steve didn't waste a second and directly jumped into the pit, only to emerge from the water after a few seconds.

"I gotta say, it feels weird with the healing power of the pit. I feel myself more powerful, younger and more energetic." Steve said.

"I have had no connections with Ra's whatsoever but strangely I respect him, even though he was evil. He didn't even flinch when I stabbed him. Now I am the leader of a place to which I have no idea about. I hope I can do a proper job." Steve said.

"You will do fine. Go through all the things that Ra's had done and take steps accordingly. Remember, this is an underground organisation so work with caution. The League is a perfect way to control the dark side of the world." John said.

"Yes, you are right. This is a huge responsibility. I guess immortality has a cost." Steve joked.

"Well now you and Diana can both lead a long and happy life." John said with a smile. Steve smiled at it as one of the main reasons he joined the League was because he could spend a long time with Diana, for centuries, which he could have never done before.

As they were talking Erik came with many members of the league. Erik didn't know where the Lazarus Pit was so he had to ask for directions.

"Erik? What happened? Did you lose to T'Challa?" Steve asked as he didn't know what happened at Wakanda.

"No. I won but gave away the throne. Don't want anything to do with such conservative country. I have changed my mind. Can I join the League?" Erik asked. John eyed Steve when he said that Steve would make a decision on that.

"You can but I will look into your behaviour. You have been consumed by revenge all your life so that hasn't been a good start. The League will evaluate you and only then you can join us." Steve replied and now with the tone of a leader. He had already accepted the role so he needed to act now as one.

"I am leaving. Erik will stay here then." John said as he vanished from his place.

John was back at the headquarters where Wayne and Fury were present. They needed to carry out the purge as they had been thinking about it for a long time. The names they had brought out were some of the worst scum who were sitting in high positions but carried out criminal activities underground.

Though all of them weren't in the UN Panel but a good number of them were. If they could just stick all the criminal charges on them then the whole Accords would stop as the recent news channels had been buzzing about it all day.

The normal people didn't like it as the Avengers didn't do anything wrong and many believed that the governments now were afraid of the Avengers and this was the reason they wanted to bring out the Accords.


There will be double uploads tomorrow if there are more than 350 power stone donations by the end of the day.

Thank you.

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