Multiverse of Marvel

Chapter 163: Landing

Chapter 163: Landing

Starscream soon entered Mars atmosphere. John and others were all strapped in the main deck in their seats as it might be a little more bumpy ride. After 20 minutes or so they finally landed on Mars. John was happy that they have reached without any hiccups. Even though he never really cared about safety as he always had contingencies like transforming himself to green lantern and summoning spaceships to rescue themselves if anything goes south.

But John by himself didn't want to expose his trump card. So he prayed hoping that the journey was a safe one. And Starscream didn't disappoint. It was a smooth and even had a good rest along the way. As he was thinking all this Tony said

"These look huge than I thought it would be." Tony said looking outside the glass.

Everybody turned their heads to see huge spaceships. The scout ships looked pretty big with dozens of drop ships and fighter ships beside. But what really stole the show were the world engines. They were massive in size.

"No wonder these machines can change a planet. Just by the mere fact that they are floating without any thruster state how powerful they are." Tony said.

"Did you bring the cube?" John asked.

"Of course. But I don't want to use it on all of them. Need a few for my own research." Tony replied.

"Sure. But I would take the cube away with me in this travel. I would need it."John said.

"It's yours anyways."

Bucky and others got up from their seats to get themselves ready. They soon wore the Kryptonian suits which had already been reconfigured. John had sent the transmission back to earth that they have reached Mars. The world council was immediately relieved listening to the success of the mission. Even SHIELD who was monitoring the situation was overjoyed as it finally meant they are actually stepped their foot into space.

"I want to say 'a small step for men and blah blah.. but that's taken." Tony said as he was standing in the doorway ready to take the first step.

"Let this moment be recorded as our first step to take arms against destiny." John said.

"Destiny huh?" Steve said.

They all took their first step on the land of Mars. It was a very cold temperature outside but they didn't feel it due to the suits.

"There is almost no oxygen here. I guess it would take time to terraform the planet. It looks so barren." Tony said.

"Let's go the ship. I already brought the cube." John said.

They all walked in the sand slowly as the winds were strong in Mars. They walked to the closest scout ship. John took the cube and touched the ship with it. There was a lightning spark in the whole body of the huge scout ship.

Then it started transforming and soon turned into a huge mechanical monster that looked like tortoise.

"Hello" the ship said.

"Hello. I am John. This is Tony, Steve and Bucky. Since you are new, I will call you Fortress of Solitude or FOS for short." John said.

"Thanks for naming me. Happy to be of service." FOS said.

"That's a weird name. Where did you get that name?" Steve asked.

"After the name of spaceship of Superman in other universes." John replied "Let's go inside. You can change yourself back FOS"

FOS turned itself to it original shape. They went inside the ship. It looked almost exactly like in the movie. But the ship had rooms too to stay and rest. Even though they weren't luxurious as Starscream it was good nonetheless.

John and other took a casual walk on all the places of the ship. Since it didn't have a genesis chamber it was more spacious. It actually took a good half an hour to explore all the places. Tony's eyes were already shining looking at it.

"OK we are done with exploration. Let's go outside and change a few spaceships. I would take few drop ships and attack ships with me. Tony and Steve stay here and go back if I am being too late. You can start the terraforming process." John said.

Everybody agreed as they went out. John used the cube to transform another scout ship and few of drop ships and attack ships. He parked a few ones inside the scout ship. John even used the cube to transform a world engine. It was done so that the world engine would help understanding how it works.

"Done. Bucky we need to leave. We have a long and far journey ahead." John said to Bucky. Bucky nodded to it.

After spending an hour of transporting supplies to the scout ship they were ready to leave.

"Send pictures of those bald heads and come back with more advanced tech from other planets. Oh yes! kick some a**." Tony said.

"Yes. Try to research as fast as you can while this planet is terraformed. Bye" John said while the hatch of FOS closed.


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