Ms. Attractive and inciting CEO

Chapter 165 - One of the many blissful time they shares...

Chapter 165 - One of the many blissful time they shares...

All of them had a blissful time as they walked back to the house in the island. It is already past one in the afternoon by the time they reached.And due to the long walk they felt very exhausted and dozed off into their morning dreams of spending pleasant times.

The events they planned for that day will start at six in the evening. It will resemble to masquerade ball but with slight changes. There will be a set of couple masks and one of it will be already selected by a girl before the ball according to her choices.

But it will be hidden by them until men select the masks, if they knows the feelings and favorite choices of their woman they would surely select the one which is the coupled mask that is selected by their girl. Then they have to dance with their masked partner for whole three hours despite of their likings.

As no one is aware of this event except David and Daisy there is no way that others can cheat. Daisy is also cautious not to mention her choices and likings, she wants to play it fair and wants to know how extent her man understood her. This event will surely stir up some opportunities for girls to taunt their man.

As Daisy is familiar with her friends tastes and hobbies. Being a fashion designer she could easily guess what others prefer and likes, so making the masks according to their priorities is like a piece

of cake to her. And of course she also have some one to help her...

But girls are more excited to get dress up and do make overs to their already beautiful faces. They eagerly wanted to tease their partners and are also curious to test their self control. To increase this effect and curiosity they shooed the men away out of the house.

The event will take place outdoors and it is getting decorated beautifully by their men while girls indulged themselves in getting ready. After god knows when David placed the masks in the living room and left quickly.

Jean wore her black sleeveless slit dress which is delicately threaded with gold and silver linings. Her tender and long legs gave her the exquisite look while she wore a simple pendent necklace coupled with beautiful ear rings and bracelet. She looked gorgeous in her tall and slim figure with her hair freely falling till her waist.

Daisy are Aria both wore the knee length floral dresses that were specially designed by Zenith(Daisy’s fashion brand) along with diamond necklace and earrings.

Ria and Seline both wore c.o.c.ktail dresses with simple pearl necklace and hangings, what they didn’t know is this attire will send ripples into their admirers heart and make them question their self control....

All of them have the mischievous glint twinkling in their eyes thinking of their plan to take revenge on their partners. How dare they make fun of them during their movie session previous day...

Daisy explained them about the surprising improvisions they planned in the event. It is actually a thoughtful yet entertaining can a man stay calm if his woman

is dancing with other one in front of him. They will surely be jealous.

After thinking carefully they selected the masks according to their preferences and tastes. They are hopefully eager to learn weather their man knows them well or not...

Scott carefully scrutinized all the masks and in no time he selected the silver and red glittering black mask. It has black shining background on which the red glitters are randomly out spread on it. Silver linings are elegantly designated in shape of florals delicately.

Jean usually likes to wear black outfits which depicts the air of mystery and secrecy she carries around her. Her favorite color is red, the symbol of passion and determination while silver symbolizes her feminism. He is hundred percent sure that his wife must have selected it.

After him others choose their masks, all of them couldn’t idealize the views of their partners and are left with no other choice but to choose randomly.

There are four tables decorated elegantly with the symbols on the masks, they have to sit there and wait for their masked partner to come. As it will be dark they can’t figure it out who their partner is until the dance starts....

It is already past ten when the soothing music started to fill the air. It is so peaceful and Classic with a slow and melodious voice which warmed up their hearts. They never thought Daisy and David would make this vacation this memorable and blissful .

Everyone of them came on to the dance floor with their partners when the dim lights lit up around them, just enough to see their dance partners.

Scott is of course paired with his loving wife who looked damn stunning and intoxicating. He couldn’t help but kiss her very deeply and passionately, it is first filled with passion and longing while it slowly turned into hungry and desperate ones. He surely cannot keep his self control under his reins that he wanted to kidnap her and take her away with him. He don’t want to share her or let others see her especially in this intoxicating dress.

"You look so beautiful love, I just want to snatch you away with me. I could barely keep my hands in my control. You are so tough to resist with." He growled and his voice is rough because of his dried throat. He is thirsty for something which she can only fulfill it.

"But you can’t baby. You have to behave and torture yourself for this three hours, Be good and remember that we are not alone" Jean smiled lovingly as she kissed him with same passion.

"I will behave properly only for three hours...." Scott pouted while he kissed her cheek bones and then her neck which slowly traced back to her forehead then back to her lips as he bit them. Making Jean yelp in suprise.

"Hey... you said you will behave. See what you are doing" Jean squealed as his hands relentlessly moved against her tender body.

"I am...behaving" Scott hummed against her collarbone.

This is not called behaving properly.....if this is being obedient and decent then what will happen after three hours... Seline gulped as tiny blush formed on her cheeks. She averted her gaze from the pervert couple and looked at her partner.

It is David... .her childhood crush. He is her brother’s friend whom she got infatuated with. But now he is just like a good friend and a brotheras she no longer feels anything for him.

"See your shameless brother Sally, he is devouring my poor sister as if there is no tomorrow" he said as he stared at his friend and sister

"I wish I had a camera, we are missing such a good moment in their life" she whispered to him. They have been as a classmates for good ten years before Seline moved in with her grandparents in other city. They are talking alone with each other after this long.

"You think I will miss this event, the cameras are already fixed in various angles. We are being recorded from one hour" David winked at her before he started moving in a rhythmic steps.

Raymond is little angry seeing his sister and Scott act like that. For gods sake they are not alone to be thid intimate. If they barely controll their feelings how are they supposed to maintain their relationship in secret manner in public eyes.

Aria saw Raymond glaring at Scott who is barely controlling himself. "They are like that since they confessed each other. You will get habituated"

She shrugged while looking at her dance partner. She couldn’t help but feel nervous to share a dance with her fiancée’s best friend. They are not yet close to feel comfortable with each other let alone to dance together.

Raymond understood her train of thoughts. He smiled sincerely. " Aria, you are now like Jean to me and as your brother I will support you and protect you. Don’t hesitate to complain to me when Nathan annoys you. OK, let us suppress him" he winked trying to ease the awkwardness between them.

Aria is shocked for a little while but she felt the familiarity in his words. These are as same as Scott’s feelings for her and she felt happy that she got another brother to get cherished.

"Of course I will, brother. Let’s gang up" she laughed " I am proud that I got another brother to build memories with" she said sincerely and this conversation between them chased away the unfamiliarity between them as they danced synchronously.

Sam and Ria are paired up together leaving Nathan and Daisy to become dancing couples. Who absolutely have no regrets to dance with each other.

The environment around them is harmonious and blissful as all of them happily chatted and danced with each other. Except for Jean and Scott who are reserved only for each other, other than them all danced with one another without any sense of unfamiliarity or awkwardness. This is the true friendship they could get in their life.

That three hours passed like a three minutes and they are not even bit tired, so they decided to prolong the event and of course Jean and Scott didn’t stay for this extended party.

Though night engulfed them with dark and coldness the bond these friends shared warmed their hearts and the delightful light that blossomed in their eyes due to this gladsome moments chased away the darkness filling it up with the cherishing hope and light to spend many more years like this.

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