Monarch of Death

Chapter 39

Chapter 39 – 10. Night of the Dead (3)

Serati, who came to her senses again, reaffirmed her resolve. Now, she had become a member of the necromancer’s household. She was in a position to obey any evil order. What order would Karnak give to her subordinate? The first order was frankly a bit embarrassing.

“Take your pick, Serati. Which one is the right choice?”

Was it because he made her into his circle? Karnak’s tone had changed. Serati, who was hesitant, asked quietly.

“Of course, we have to save Mr. Alius and Mr. Riltain, don’t we?”

She didn’t know why that would be a problem to worry about. Did he even think about abandoning them?

“Are you saying it’s okay to resort to evil tricks to save your comrades?”

“Of course, it is not a good choice. But even though there is a way, we can’t abandon your comrades, can we?”

In the first place, Serati was also a person that accepted necromancy to get her arms back. If she was evil, she wasn’t so tightly blocked that she shuddered unconditionally. She was a personality that could compromise with the world to some extent.

“If someone finds out that you’re a necromancer, Master Karnak, you’ll also be in danger, so it’s understandable to avoid it, but…… Isn’t it right enough to take such a risk to save your companions?”

Karnak and Barros shook their heads as if they had realized.

“I see.”

“If the purpose is right, the means can be vicious.”

“It’s okay to do bad things for good things, right? We’ve been living right.”

“That’s right.”

Serati was taken aback.

“No, I didn’t say that…”

However, it seemed that the two had already come to their own conclusions. Standing up from his seat, Karnak spoke lively.

“Okay, I’m going to use necromancy in earnest after a long time.”

“A lot of people will die, but it’s all to save our comrades.”

“Since they’re bad guys anyway, wouldn’t it be okay to die?”

“I see? It’s nice that there’s no pressure.”

Serati stuttered.

“Oh no, that’s…”

What was that feeling? They were able to rescue their captured comrades, Alius and Riltain. And it was a good thing. That was obviously a good thing, right?

“But why do I feel like I’ve done something irreversible?”

A powerful necromancer who controlled the city was making all kinds of preparations while hiding in a hiding place. What should he do to deal with this enemy?

“But right now, the command power is so poor, so I can’t do that.”

If it was Karnak of yesteryear, he would have first created a huge undead army with vast authority and then wiped out the city. After that, he would step by step break the opponent’s defense and advance, eventually cutting the enemy’s throat.

Karnak pondered while comparing Straf and his own necromancy power. The gap between the two was extreme. Even though he had a lofty status as the King of Death, the answer was not visible.
It was said that a force of one could move a weight of ten using a lever, but it was still necessary to have at least a force of one. Karnak murmured as he looked at Trist City covered in darkness.

“I’m going to use some scams from the surroundings as soon as possible.”

Barros asked, “Is there that much fraud around here? This isn’t some sort of graveyard or battlefield, is it?”

“It’s a funny story, but it happened.”

It was a city so dangerous that it was called the city of sin and the hell of human tax. It was a place where people died every day, and knife fights took place. The entire city was already a huge graveyard and a bloody battlefield.

“Wow, is that enough? Isn’t that a real place for people to live?”

“I mean. How can people live in a place like this?”

To the extent that such inspiration came from the mouths of the old Commander King and the Death Knight Lord, one could easily guess how busy Trist City was.

Serati also nodded, “Yeah, no matter how much necromancy you use here, the crime here looks serious.”

But she couldn’t understand where the conversation was going.

“As expected, human vitality is amazing.”

“Sure. That’s why we went through that trouble.”


Why was that something to admire? Serati didn’t know. Meanwhile, the conversation between the two continued.

“So you’re saying you can gather enough command power to deal with him, young master?”

“It’s a temporary scrape, so it might be lacking a lot, but I think I’ll be able to fill the minimum standards.”

“What are you going to do next? There are no corpses to use to create an undead army.”

It was true that Trist City was full of ghosts who died unjustly. Surprisingly, however, there were not many bodies buried there. A river ran beside the city. You could just throw it out. Karnak could treat it with fish food, but why bother digging and burying it?

“But filling the army only with evil spirits consumes too much command power.”

You also needed a body. Even with the most boring things.

“I can’t. We have no choice but to go back to the past.”

“Isn’t it? I tried not to live like before, but in this case, there’s nothing I can do about it.”

“There won’t be any big problems, right? Miss Serati said it was fine.”

“You can do bad things to save your comrades.”

The two men looked at Serati and smiled broadly as if they were really trustworthy. She put on a blank expression.

“I never said anything like that…”

But Serati couldn’t resist. If that happened, they seemed like they would run away, abandoning Alius and Riltain. Karnak wondered if it would be like that as a human being, but for some reason, they gave off an atmosphere that seemed like it could be like that.

“Okay, the grand plan is in place.”

Smiling, Karnak wiggled his fingers. He seemed quite excited, probably because he had returned to his main job after a long time.

“First of all, we have to make it in large quantities.”

Serati asked cautiously, “Are you going to kill Ranfeld’s gang members one by one from now on?”
‘Please don’t kill unrelated citizens.’

Infamous Scans

Translator: Anom
Proofreader: Orange
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It was a question with such a wish, but Karnak shook his hand.

“There’s no need to go all that way, Serati.”

A condescending smile appeared on his lips.

“Isn’t this city self-sufficient in security?”

A night street south of Trist City.

Two tough-looking men were sitting down on the street and taking a break. They were the servants of the Ranfeld family who searched the city all night.

One of the men, Erold, grumbled, “Ah, what are you really doing at night?”

His legs hurt, and he was tired. Thinking that the superiors who made him did that would be sleeping comfortably made him angry.

“Didn’t you bring a bottle of wine too?”

“Hey, Lehman! Give me the bottle!”

A man called Lehman asked in a blunt tone.

“Why? Are you dissatisfied? You should have won if you felt unfair.”


Seeing the opponent acting arrogantly, Lehman gnashed his teeth, and there was nothing he could do because he was just Erold’s subordinate now. Lehman was originally a member of the Krell family, which was hostile to the Ranfeld family. After the family was destroyed, he entrusted himself to Ranfeld.

That was the situation. Originally, he went under someone who was fighting with swords, so he felt very dirty. Of course, Erold didn’t care.

“You! What are you going to do? Are you going to come and fight me now?”

Now that the Ranfeld family had taken control of the city, his prestige was much higher. Just looking at this him right now, he was originally in a higher position than that, but wasn’t it rolling underneath like this now?

Suddenly, a low voice flowed into Erold’s ears. It was a time when such an awkward atmosphere flowed.

“You showed your back.”

At the same time, the blade grazed his shoulder. He stabbed Erold with the sword Lehman was holding. Frightened, Erold drew his sword.

“You bastard!”

The wound was not very deep, but seeing the blood made his eyes wander.

“Yes! I knew you would eventually reveal your true colors!”

Erold started swinging his sword wildly. Embarrassed, Lehman stepped back.

“Huh? No, this is not that…”

Even Lehman couldn’t understand what had just happened. He was just standing in a daze, but an invisible force slightly pushed the tip of his sword away. But it was not a very deep wound, so was he making a fuss like that?

“Damn! I don’t know!”

It was no longer a situation to speak. Besides, to be honest, he was the opponent Lehman always wanted to put a knife to.

Clank! Clank!

The sound of knife clashing began to reverberate through the dark night streets.

Untimely fights were taking place all over the city. A fight broke out among Ranfeld’s gang members, who searched the city in pairs of two or three.

“You bastard! After all, you’re after me!”

“What, what are you talking about?”

“Who do you think will win?”

“You are the one who intends to deal with me with this excuse!”

A mission to search the city in the middle of the night when you couldn’t sleep. As with most dirty things, the higher-ups didn’t meddle in these things. Most of the troops currently searching the city were either low-ranking members of the Ranfeld organization or those who had been brought in from outside after the family’s fall.

Those who risked their lives fighting each other forcibly became on the same side, so he couldn’t find it even if he washed his eyes and looked for camaraderie. Even the slightest misunderstanding could light up his eyes and cause him to die. It was inevitable that the screams would follow.



Karnak, who was hiding in the darkness of the alley and watching the situation, smiled.

“It’s eating well.”

Serati, who was hiding together, was dumbfounded.

“My God, it’s a matter of life and death, so you draw a knife that easily?”

“If this is a normal city, Serati is right.”

But this was Trist City, a place where security was self-sufficient.

“We’ve seen it with our own eyes that we usually draw knives all the time, right? From their point of view, this isn’t a very uncommon situation.”

To divide the enemy, Karnak did not use much force. There was no command power for that, and there was no need for it.

“There’s a mountain of kindling sticks piled up, so do you really need to fire a fireball? If you put just one spark, it’ll burn brightly.”

Just moved the tip of the sword slightly with magic power. And it left a short hallucination in the ear.

“Are there only two left?”


“The opportunity has come.”

This was enough. Even with this level, those who were usually full of distrust easily drew their swords and died easily.


“Kuuk, this, this dog……”


Terrified, Serati shuddered, “Oh my god…….”

It was not even a huge method. It was a minor hallucination, and only a minor misunderstanding was thrown. But people are dying in dozens…

She was breathing a sigh of relief. Karnak’s tactics only targeted Ranfeld’s gang members and not the public.

“So… isn’t that a horrible person?”

On the other hand, Barros had a very disapproving expression.

“There are too few corpses.”

Dozens of people died throughout the city.

“What command corps do you make with this?”
No matter how much life was in the middle of the day, simple tricks like that only worked for some. To be honest, more guys didn’t get over it.

“It’s magic!”

“The wizard is bewitching us!”

Those who noticed it came to their senses and began to search the surroundings. Besides, not all searchers were in pairs of two or three. Quite a lot of people run around in groups of ten or so. They couldn’t use this tactic themselves.

“What are they going to do?”

Karnak was unconcerned.

“Could this be all?”

It was only the stage of sowing the seeds.

“There are other ways.”

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