Molting the Mortal Coil

Chapter 84: Lone Hero

Chapter 84: Lone Hero

The Chameleon Mantis moved closer. Soon enough they were only a dozen yards away and Sage was able to get a more detailed inspection. From their aura the eight caravan guards appeared to be level 35, one stage higher than Sage himself. On the other side, the lone youth was level 30. That meant he was a rank 2, stage 9, at the very peak of power. From what he learned people in this world liked to call a stage 9 peak rank while they would make a distinction for those trapped at a bottleneck. For some reason that little bit of energy that almost broke them into the next rank made them more powerful than a normal stage 9 and they were called half-step to the next rank. Sage just threw that into his level system as the 0 levels. Level 31 would mean a breakthrough into rank 3 while level 30 meant rank 2, stage 9 but halfway into a breakthrough to rank 3.

As it stood, the lone youth hadnt yet broke into rank 3 yet he was standing opposite eight others that were already rank 3, stage 5. Without using all his tricks and insects, Sage would stand no chance against so many people at higher rank than him. Even using his tricks, hed need to raise a few more bugs to make the numbers a bit more even. This kid sure has some guts to pick a fight with eight guys.

The Merchant himself and the three porters were level 31s, so theyd just broken into rank 3. Probably because rank 3 was seen as the standard level to travel around in the world without getting bullied. Those under rank 3 werent allowed to move outside of towns or cities on their own. It was far too easy to run into a beast or bandit. A rank 2 was commonly used as a thug or laborer in towns and cities. When traveling outside they would have to act as Sage had and join a large group or caravan. From how this whole group of merchant and guards were rank 3, it showed this to be a reasonably elite group. With everyone at rank 3 nobody would slow down their progress and they could move faster and further every day in comparison to a bunch of lower ranked folks. That said, it still wasnt much of an operation as they didnt have any mounts or beasts of burden.

The youth reached a hand back over his shoulder to lay it upon the hilt of his sword, I heard your boss clearly. He said my sword was at least worth twenty thousand spirit stones and then asked if you eight could defeat me.

After that, the youth drew out his sword and pointed it towards one of the eight guards, Then you said it would be childs play and offered a good spot for an ambush.

He took a step forward and then placed the tip of his sword on the ground, drawing a line in the dirt, I dont agree! If you cowards think you can defeat me and take whats mine, then bring it on! Whoever crosses this line, dies. You bunch of weaklings that not only want to use numbers, but also a surprise attack. If youre actually a man and not just a low down worm then step forward and relinquish your life.

Sage was laughing within the Chameleon Mantis. Not only was this kid straightforward and gutsy he insulted them. Obviously only an idiot would let walk into an ambush like that, but who would be so crazy to call them out directly? Is he just asking for a beating?

On the other side, the merchant and his men seemed to turn a bit green. Their whole conversation had been completely overheard and the plot they hadnt even decided on yet was already completely exposed. The guard seemed flustered as he countered back, I We we were just talking! It was just a hypothetical. We wouldnt actually do something like that!

Sage nodded at this change. Perhaps this was the youths plan. Shame these guys into giving up their attack. As long as they werent truly cold-blooded they would feel bad about being greedy and leave him alone. Sage found out, he was wrong.

Hah! Thats just what scoundrels would say. You just want me to lower my guard so you can stab me in the back like you originally intended. As if Id fall for it! Kneel down and cripple your cultivations now, or step forward like a real man. Do you dare to step over this line?

Sage was laughing again, if it wasnt for the fact that these eight were so much stronger than him, then Sage might admire the kid a little bit. So much bravery, its just too bad it was going to lead to his death. Well, thats probably the reason the kid is walking in the wilderness alone even though hed not even rank 3. All guts, no brains.

The eight suddenly went from confused and embarrassed to angry. Not only had he found them out, now he was insulting them and even daring to challenge their obviously many times stronger force. The one in the front that the youth had pointed out couldnt take it anymore and drew his own sword. Unleashing his aura to scare the kid as he stepped forward and raised his blade to attack.

At that moment, just as the mans foot stepped over the line, the youths sword started to glow brightly. The length of shiny metal suddenly turned as bright as the sun, arcing through the air and swiping across the older mans front. The kid kicked forward and the mercenary that had crossed the line fell backwards, reaching up to grab his throat as a ribbon of red spilled from it. He hadnt even had a chance to defend himself before his throat was cut. The man was killed before he even knew what happened by someone much weaker than him.

Sage was just as surprised as the others. Just like how it was possible for a short skinny man to beat a large muscular man, stages in combat could be surmounted. It would require skill, tactics, experience, or special abilities, but they could be made up for. On the other hand, fighting those at a higher rank was an unusual occurrence. Each rank provided a large boost in power. It wasnt just a smaller versus a larger person it was like a child fighting an adult. To be able to win such a fight meant this youth was amazingly strong.

A second one of the guards drew out a curved blade and rushed forward, swinging his saber, Youll pay for killing Brother Jun with a sneak attack!

Before he could say more, the youths sword flashed out again. The guard tried to block it, moving his saber into the path of the sword only to meet no resistance. The saber was sliced clean through like butter right before the second guards throat only split open. The kid kicked the second guard aside the same as the first, clearing the bodies away from his line drawn in the dirt.

Come. Do you all wish to die in order or at the same time?

At this point, the six remaining guards showed a bit of fear in their eyes before the merchant growled at them, Its just one kid! Dont let him sneak attack you one by one. Get him! That sword will pay your friends widow funds! The merchant even pointed at his three porters and had them put their bags down, directing them to pick up rocks and throw them as a distraction.

Hearing this the guards spread out and slowly surrounded the kid. They all kept back out of his sword range. Two of them even had spears and another two had bows. The Merchant even took out a crossbow from his storage bag. All of a sudden the kid had two arrows, a bolt, and three rocks whizzing towards him. He took a strange posture, lowering his hips and then suddenly slashing his sword to the side. Leaning in the same direction and leaping horizontally. It was like his sword weighed as much as he did and he followed the blade with all his weight. The move was timed just right to avoid the flurry of projectiles and the two stabbing spears. The man he leapt towards was able to swing his saber defensively and it bit into the youths arm, but at the same time the kids sword lit up like the sun again. The mercenary that hit the kid lost his head, immediately beheaded by that glowing sword. The kid took a wound to ensure a kill.

Very decisive! Hes still outnumbered and now theyre on guard. How can he possibly win?

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