MMORPG: Rebirth of the Mortal Online

Chapter 145: Amelia's Favor

Chapter 145: Amelia's Favor

Cafe De Parys-a sign made out of hazel wood-swung gently in the wind by the door.

It was a nice-looking cozy cafe with its windows adorned with flower boxes full of colorful blooms and a small garden by the door.

Inside, the smell of freshly ground coffee beans lingered in the air.

The patrons enjoyed cups of coffee while chatting with friends or reading books.

By the window, near the entrance garden, a beautiful black-haired young woman enjoyed a cup of coffee.

She was waiting for someone-it made some of the male patrons wonder about who she was meeting and why would someone let such a beautiful young woman wait for so long.

After all, she had already been sitting there for nearly half an hour.

At last, the bell above the door jingled, and a navy-eyed young man walked in, scanning the room until his eyes met hers.

"Adam~" Amelia waved her hand with a smile blooming on her face.

Adam made his way over to her table and took a seat across from her, his gaze scanning her dress.

It was clearly bought from an expensive store, as its material seemed to be similar to what the rich would wear.

Usually, a rookie Mercenary wouldn't have such money to spend so lavishly, and Adam knew that Amelia's family, Beautyheart, wasn't that wealthy as well.

It meant someone bought it for her, and he had a good guess who.

'She must be popular in Moonlit Guardians.'

Compared to her, Adam's outfit was quite casual and humble-black shorts, a t-shirt, and a pair of sandals—he didn't mind though, as he didn't want to waste the money on fancy clothes.

"I am sorry for being late," Adam said and took the menu of the available drinks.

"No worries~"Amelia said. "You must be busy, I understand. I already ordered a coffee; I hope you don't mind."

"Not at all," Adam waved towards the waitress and gave her his order.

He ordered a breakfast combo-it included a black bean coffee with a side of scrambled eggs and toast.

"I met your stepsister, Alice. She is really nice," Amelia said and took a sip of her drink.

"She is not really my sister," Adam said. "I just live with them."

"Oh." Amelia looked slightly surprised. "I've heard some Government-Appointed Caretakers making the orphans of the plague their children."

"That's the case for some," Adam said. "Not for me, though. I am still orphan."

"Oh..." Amelia looked sympathetic. "I am sorry to hear that."

"I am fine with it." Adam said. "At least I have a roof over my head."

A short time later, the waitress brought him his drink and the breakfast.

While he was eating, he tried to get a reading of Amelia's emotions using his Kiryoku.

Unfortunately, he was unsuccessful, as she had also learned Kiryoku, so she was able to mask her emotions from him.

'She did the same in the past life,' Adam kept his expression neutral. 'She knows that her tricks have no chance of succeeding if a person is able to sense her emotions, so she learned to mask them.

'Since I didn't learn Kiryoku at all, I couldn't sense my closest friends planning to betray me.' That's why Amelia often avoided people she knew who were powerful with the Kiryoku.

For example, she never wanted to meet with Fleur, who was strongest with Kiryoku among the Star Faction.

He never thought it was strange-now that he was thinking about it, he might've been too blind.

After finishing up her drink, Amelia elegantly wiped her lips with a napkin and looked at Adam with her slightly slanted eyes.

"I'd like to ask a favor," Amelia said. "A favor between childhood friends."

"What is it?" Adam stopped eating and put the fork and knife down on his plate.

"I'd like to join the guild you're in," Amelia said and fidgeted with her fingers, as if she were nervous. "Please?"

"Why?" Adam asked. "I thought you were happy with the Moonlit Guardians."

"Honestly, I am feeling very uncomfortable with them," Amelia grabbed her arm, looking very vulnerable. "There's not many women there, and I feel like I don't belong there."

"Hmm..." Adam paused for a moment, considering her words carefully.

"I feel like I am just a mascot for them," she said. "A pretty face to show off, but not taken seriously for my skills and opinions."

"That must be frustrating," Adam replied sympathetically. 'A liar.'

Amelia smiled hearing that and said, "I'd like to be with you. I was never good with new people, and it would help a lot if I saw familiar faces around."

"I, of course, have to talk with my guild master," Adam said. "I do not have power to influence his decision."

"Of course, I don't mind." Amelia said with a smile.

They then finished their drinks and food.

After that, they left the cafe, took a carriage, and headed straight to the Crimson Hounds compound. During the trip there, both of them stayed rather quiet, only listening to the wheels rolling down the cobblestone streets and the occasional sound of horses' hooves.

After finally arriving there, the guard let them in and also nodded to Adam. The guards already treated him as one of them.

However, after briefly admiring Amelia's beauty, they developed a suspicious expression as they wondered what she wanted from their young genius.

They were very much aware of how the world worked-the weak clung onto the leg of a


Thus, there were many women who used their looks, bodies, and charm to raise their status in the highly competitive world.

A short walk later, they arrived at Digby's office. He was there, doing some paperwork in his usual meticulous manner.

After a knock, he told them to enter, and then both of them took a seat across from him.

"Adam." Digby nodded and then turned at the young woman. "Whose this?"

"My name's Amelia Beautyheart; it is an honor." Amelia said with a gorgeous smile.

It was a smile that would immediately charm anyone in the room.

However, Digby simply frowned and gave her a cold stare.

Amelia's back started sweating. She kept her smile, but she felt like she couldn't hide

anything from Digby. He was a person she hated the most.

"This is a childhood friend of mine," Adam said and asked. "I was wondering if she could join

the guild."

Digby leaned on the chair and sighed, "I'm sorry, but we don't accept any new members at the


"Please, I will do anything," Amelia said and put her hand on her chest. "Cleaning, cooking, and running errands. I'll do anything to help the guild, please."

"Adam, can we share a word?" Digby asked and looked at Amelia. "Can you step out for a


"Of course." Amelia stood up, bowed respectfully, and walked out of the room, hiding her

ugly, annoyed expression.

"What is it?" Adam asked.

"I know I just met her, but I have a feeling that she doesn't have your best interest in heart."

Digby said with a soft voice.

"Is that so?" Adam hid his smile, liking Digby even further.

It was nice to have a guild master who genuinely cared about his well-being and wasn't easily


"You're S-ranker, and I am sure this won't be the first time, but there are people who will do anything to get close to you," Digby said. "And I mean anything."

"Do you trust me?" Adam asked. "Do you think I am easily fooled?"

Digby looked at him deeply and nodded. "I know you're smart. However, friends can betray you as well, and this Amelia girl, I have a bad feeling about her."

"I want you to still let her in," Adam said. "I know it's your guild, and I shouldn't be one to dictate who you let in, but please do this."

Digby sighed and nodded. "Alright. I am not happy about this, but if she is this important to

you, then sure, but keep a close eye on her."

"I'll do that." Adam stood and bowed. "Thank you, master."

"Before you leave, there's one more thing I need to discuss with you." Digby said. "Sit back

down; it'll be quick."

Adam sat back down and looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Have you ever heard of the Eldertree?" Digby asked.

Adam's eyes widened in recognition.

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