Miss Beautiful C.E.O and her system

Chapter 27: At the nightclub

A black sedan sped on the traffic road. No one realized the culprit that shock the city by challging a known underg group just passed by.

"So, our next goal is the nightclub? What's that?" Xiao Yue asked, gawking at Tang Ziyi who was in the driving seat.

"Well, it's a place where m and wom hang out. Usually for dating or simply going straight to bed without further tanglemt. Or simply people spding their time for fun, leisure and relaxation." Tang Ziyi chose words very selectively as some terminologies were still unknown to Xiao Yue's knowledge.

"What?!" Xiao Yue's eyes budged out. "WoW! I don't know whether to say it develops or goes back to old age."

"Neither. It will always stay the same. Humans never changed." Tang Ziyi's words caused Xiao Yue to nod. Her sister Ziyi appeared to not explain in detail but based on the expression, she already understood.

"Since the bad guys are related to these types of nightclubs, it definitely isn't a good place. More like a grey area." Xiao Yue guessed the rest. "Sister Ziyi, since you've hacked, how much time do we still have to escape from—what do we call…hmm—surveillance?

Her question prompted Tang Ziyi to swipe something on the tablet showing the timer. Slightly more than an hour remaining.

Hmm…She thought there wasn't ough time but the device proved her wrong. Perhaps fighting caused her to be mistak for a longer time. Seconds seemed like hours.

"What? You wanna rest now?" Tang Ziyi teased beside her, at the same time she was really considering the options.

For her who dwelled in the mercary world, this was nothing. But Xiao Yue might not adapt well.

"No. Nope. Not at all. Sister Ziyi, go ahead. I'm sure this one will be easier." Xiao Yue leaned back on the seat and took out an expandable baton, raising Tang Ziyi's eyebrows.

"Why do you bring the baton along?" Tang Ziyi's voice was stern; Xiao Yue flinched a little, knowing she might've **** up. "Luckily. Don't underestimate any devices here in this world. Anything can be tracked. If you wanna bring it along, tell me in advance. I can advise you."

"But, I like this weapon very much…I'm sorry Sister Ziyi." Xiao Yue said aggrieved. Tang Ziyi sighed at her curious companion and no words came out of her mouth.

Soon, the car tered the parking lot and very few vehicles were se. It was possible, they had come early and Tang Ziyi fancied such a scario more as she was freer from an unrelated person's eyes.

She parked her car in one of the spots. There were strangely racing sports cars and Tang Ziyi's eyes wandered in deep contemplation. Afterward, she exited the sedan and paced toward the trance, followed by Xiao Yue.

The two tered the nightclub and the lighting inside was differt from Tang Ziyi expected. Instead of blinking lights and blaring beats, it was utterly silt under cascading ambit lights.

Some clinks betwe glasses as a few m savored their drinks in front of the bar counter and waves of laughter grabbed her atttion.

No music, no dancing. But these m had female companions on the side, who portrayed cheerful images, willing to oblige whatever the m asked for. No idea about their willingness and Tang Ziyi wasn't interested.

Ev if they wanted to rescue these wom, they knew they needed more power and now wasn't the time.

M grabbed their willow waists and put them on the laps. Or kneaded their chest and laughed in joymt at their reaction. They seemed to like humiliating these girls. Some ev strongly gripped the wom's chins and kissed them.

Anyway, it wasn't a place where ladies should come. Tang Ziyi and Xiao Yue treaded toward the bartder as they studied their new surings.

Their footsteps thudded, breaking the lewd atmosphere going on as they passed by. These m whistled at the figures of Tang Ziyi and Xiao Yue. Although they wore a plain shirt and pants, covered by the masks and caps above, their outstanding figures were too conspicuous.

"Ladies, the club is closed for tonight, please go back. I'm afraid there won't be any club activities available since someone has booked this vue tonight." The barm politely said and expressed apology on their faces.

Whether the sincerity was true, Tang Ziyi and Xiao Yue would find out soon.

Xiao Yue pointed at a group who were leering at them. "What about them?"

"They are also part of the booking."

"Haha, ladies we don't mind if you join. I'm sure your night will be unforgettable after this." One of the wretched m stood up and walked toward them. Shortly after his companion mimicked him, appartly trying to sur Tang Ziyi and Xiao Yue.

"I'll say the same to you. This night will definitely remain in your memory for the rest of your lives, you'll never forget meeting us here." Xiao Yue leaned on the counter and released her baton to a full lgth. A metallic swish stunned everyone a.

Tang Ziyi smirked from the corner of her mouth and agreed with Xiao Yue inwardly.


Inside one of the private rooms where only privileged guests could join.

Flesh collisions pattered along with a wom's cries and a man's groans, abusing with curse words. Some loud smacks caused the woman to whimper. Whever the woman spoke in refusal or begged, a slap resounded.

Soon, the woman's voice became muffled as the man released a satisfying moan. The carnage wt on, unaware the outside situation had completely changed.

The activity beheld on the sofas under luminous crimson light. One nearly naked woman, her attire all piled on the waist, was being sandwiched betwe the two m.

There were two other wom, who still had clothes on despite being in a disheveled state on the other sofa. They were unconscious.

It wasn't strange for the primitive desire to be released in the nightclub but the two unconscious wom obviously did not belong here.

Their attires were all gray office suits, some buttons off, displaying their inner bras. The loud ritual beside them didn't wake them up.

The woman in betwe the two m was on all four, one man behind and the other in front of her face. In contrast to the m's joymt, mist filled in the woman's eyes as tears flow down her cheeks.

She was in despair with little hope remaining, someone might save her and her frids. But that flame was extinguishing bit by bit as time wt by.

She had tried resisting but fear overwhelmed her sanity. Her body reacted to save her from further damage. Some parts of her body swelled and redded, appartly wh she resisted.

The door slammed inward and the two m paused, cursing after being interrupted. Seeing another two ladies, they swallowed their words until their eyes wided after seeing what was in their hands and behind them.

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