Miss Beautiful C.E.O and her system

Chapter 23: Underground Arena

The black Cadillac stopped at a distance, scanning the perimeter. Tang Ziyi and Xiao Yue stayed inside for a while and noticed many factors. A few momts of what they needed to gather intelligce.

Xiao Yue was in a differt clothing style from her initial appearance. The cheongsam she wore before was too eye-catching and Tang Ziyi took out a black shirt and pants along with a leather jacket similar to her style.

Xiao Yue rolled her eyes at Tang Ziyi wh she brought out the same style of clothing. Her comrade sister seemed to not have a sse of fashion for wom.

Tang Ziyi handed over a gun to her and Xiao Yue blinked in confusion. She gestured her chin at a handgun in surprise.

Sig P365, suitable for most wom.

"In case you need it," Tang Ziyi explained and shook the gun lightly. "Who knows whether the adversaries inside possess guns? With this, you don't have to worry about them. You can shoot guns, correct?"

Nodding her head in agreemt, Xiao Yue reached out and gripped the hammer side. Cocked the slider backward, checking to see if the pistol was loaded. She saw a gold bullet casing inside.

She familiarized herself a little bit, playing with the safety lever and magazine. As a warlord herself, firearms were not new to Xiao Yue in spite of upgraded sophistication.

Tang Ziyi nodded imperceptibly at Xiao Yue's action and handed over the concealed carry holster as well, which was supposed to be put behind her buttocks.

Tang Ziyi took out a slightly larger gun, Glock 9, and a similar holster.

"How do you predict they'll have a gun," Xiao Yue asked.

"Well, most gangsters whether in a region with strict gun law or not, they all somehow have it." Tang Ziyi said sarcastically. "This is an issue that will never be fixed."

"So, you know about this world th?"

"Yes, while I was hacking, I briefly study about this world, especially the country we're in." Tang Ziyi paused. "Everything is strange, which we'll talk about it later. For now, do expect resistance with firearms. That's ough."

Afterward, she oped the side door and wt out. Xiao Yue also got out, closing the door lightly. She fathomed the expsive cost and avoided damaging it.

Tang Ziyi laughed inwardly at her behavior, which was also cute in another sse.

They parked the car nearby and walked toward the destination. Presumably, this location was based on the interrogation results of Hu Ch, an underg battle ara, where the rich, desperadoes, and depraved gathered.

From the outer appearance, it looked nothing alike and people would never realize many lives were lost during the competition. Humanity dark side always thrived somewhere the law couldn't reach.

Ev if the law watched overhead, there would be someone who tried, to exploit loopholes.

The destination they wt to seemed to be a colossal storage house with op parking spaces and tall fces a. The time they arrived was indeed early before there was a sce but they did it on purpose.

Lurking in a sparser population area, the suspected underg fight ara was more likely to be underg. The two guessed the structure inside while they neared the gate.

A man ran to the fce and shouted at them.

"Two Ladies. Please leave. This is private property."

"What? It's not like we're touching yours or tering the area, just watching from outside." Xiao Yue rebutted. "Any law against that."

Xiao Yue indeed didn't know the laws of this country right now. But her experice allowed her to figure out the common one.

"We're visiting the competition. A frid introduces us." Luckily, Tang Ziyi explained their reasons as the guard dumbfounded by Xiao Yue's words showed a face of clarity.

Usually, most would leave as soon as they heard 'private property', and Xiao Yue's rebuttal made the guard at a loss.

Tang Ziyi's explanation calmed the guard as the ara was hidd from the public and the foreknowledge at least proved the two wom should be the usual rich family members who watched these illegal fights as tertainmt.

The guard's voice wt soft and joyfully said, "Oh! That's it. Unfortunately, according to our protocols, we don't accept visitors except for the time ara is on."

His words caused Tang Ziyi to ponder other plans. Initially, they would infiltrate without alerting anyone until inside the compound but it seemed violce was the only option now.

Not to mtion her signal jammer was already on and sooner or later, everyone would be on alert. These guards were not seriously trained but she didn't like taking chances.

Tang Ziyi gave a silt gesture to Xiao Yue and touched the fces with the back of her hand to test whether it was electrically powered despite the low possibility.

She made her movemt slow yet natural to react if the guard warned her not to touch. There was no warning as she touched and felt nothing. Except for some guards, it appeared of them really expected intruders, possibly confidce from their backg.

Tang Ziyi gazed upward at the gate and Xiao Yue understood her meaning. She backed off a few steps from the gate and rushed toward it. Xiao Yue saw her Sister Ziyi lunge over the gate that was a .5 meters high.

A couple of steps and using them as pivots, Tang Ziyi successfully jumped over, followed by Xiao Yue. The guard was stunned so were his two fellows behind.

That window was ough for the two lionesses to take them down instantly. Although they were on-guards against these two tall wom, everything was too sudd.

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