Miss Beautiful C.E.O and her system

Chapter 12: Her secretary arrives

Tang Ziyi carried a bag, which she had brought along with a lunch package, and sat down on the bch. She took out a laptop from inside, causing Ling Qingyu's eyes to wid.

The laptop was definitely high-class and sophisticated. Ev from her perspective who didn't know a lot related to these electronic componts, Tang Ziyi's laptop was way advanced.

Of course, what flabbergasted her wasn't the sophistication but the source it came from. Before Ling Qingyu saw Tang Ziyi only wt out to buy lunch. Where did she get it from?

Perhaps her eyes were too piercing, Tang Ziyi returned a side-eye. She oped the top lid and put it over her thigh.

"The bag was inside my car. I wt to pick it up while waiting for your lunch." Tang Ziyi answered. Xiao Yue seemed not surprised.

Ling Qingyu's mouth twitched. Her summoning character already had everything and didn't need to depd on her too much. Just based on these, Ling Qingyu was sure, both of them wouldn't starve in this world. If her character was repulsive, she was certain they would leave her without hesitation.

The system ev provided funds and a car for them. What else? With their talts, they would shine anywhere. Now if she didn't provide their needs, she couldn't bear to imagine.

Ling Qingyu felt like she was raising two additional daughters who were set on the path of indepdce. Luckily they provided great help for her.

The sudd rhythmic collisions of fingers with keyboards echoed across the room and broke away Ling Qingyu's thoughts. She saw Tang Ziyi's finger flying a and her eyes never left the scre.

Now her sunglass removed, Ling Qingyu was stunned by Tang Ziyi's instinctive temptation. Her charm increased as she conctrated more on the work. Anyone who focused on their work exuded a little bit of charm.

5 minutes passed and still going on. Ling Qingyu's heart itched with curiosity and asked out loud. Although she couldn't bear to interrupt this tempting sce, she wanted to know more.

"Sister Ziyi, what're you doing right now?"

No answer and she asked again. This time she received a glance but nothing more. Ling Qingyu decided to wait. And after some time, her fingers paused.

"I'm trying to hack the CCTV system. Now that I've finished, you better tell me the location and time of your accidt."

Ling Qingyu was stunned and realized she had not paid atttion was one of Tang Ziyi's talts but quickly recalled the information from her dream. She stated the names and numbers.

"Hmm…Interesting. We already knew this was an assassination attempt and now I believed it was more of a premeditated ambush. Right near the sce, it appeared the pictures were froz. I saw no sce of your cars or that truck on that day."

"What do you mean?" Ling Qingyu was puzzled.

"It meant all the evidce to look for had be destroyed. We don't ev know the idtity of a truck driver and the truck itself." Tang Ziyi face didn't change despite bad news. "Tell me all the routes step-by-step you've tak and anything strange you saw that day."

Ling Qingyu listed to Tang Ziyi's advice and one by one described everything while Xiao Yue at the side was no longer playing but thinking deeply about what she heard from Ling Qingyu.

"Wait! The truck with the orange sir and the road construction worker! Where's it?" Xiao Yue cut in and Tang Ziyi's eyebrows also raised.

"What do you mean they were working under the rain? So…Wait you mean they're also involved?" Ling Qingyu exclaimed. After receiving affirmative answers from the two, this was no longer a simple assassination. Officials were likely involved too.

Nonetheless, she told the information and Tang Ziyi worked on it but frowned.

"I didn't find any of the trucks you mtioned. Let me look out for previous days and weeks. I now somehow know what to do but it'll take time."

"You got all you need." Ling Qingyu replied and looked at Xiao Yue, who was again playing on her phone. Hmm…

It was always weird to see an antique person able to tweak a modern electronic devices. Perhaps her eyes expressed everything, Xiao Yue gazed at her and said. "That existce taught me and I'm trying to get familiar."

Okay! Cool! Her system gave them everything but not the memories of her body. Too biased!

Speechless, Ling Qingyu breathed in and out several times to calm herself. She diverted her thoughts to her accidt.

It wasn't surprising there were so many parties involved. As a rich woman who had a wide influce over the mass, her emies must plan carefully. Now the only hint was the road construction workers which Tang Ziyi seemed to be working on.

An hour passed and Ling Qingyu became bored. She played with her own blanket, unlike a patit who was supposed to be at the hospital.

"Bingo!" A satisfied cry attracted her atttion. It was Tang Ziyi who likely had found something.

"What do you find?" Ling Qingyu's heart raced as she desired the results.

"I found the truck related to those workers. Let me now trace them back." Another five minutes. "Ev at the time of your accidt, they appeared too calm and unrelated. But I'm sure they were also part of the conspiracy against you. We'll further need on-site investigation."

"Ar't they scared that police might ask them?"

"It's one thing of being under suspicion but it's another to have substantial proof, they were the culprits. This didn't show anything apart from our conjecture." Tang Ziyi gave Ling Qingyu a corrupted society's lessons.

She added: "Besides, will the officials behind them allow the police to mess a? Although I'm not pretty sure about your world's social status yet, we already knew a lot of corruption going on under the table, just based on your accidts."

Ling Qingyu sighed out loud. She must quickly regain her memories to fight back. While in her lamtations, a hand over the shoulders embraced her and Ling Qingyu's gaze found out it was Xiao Yue. She lay on Xiao Yue's shoulders and felt better. Not to mtion the fragrance from this girl soothed her mind. Soft and comforting.

Until their room's door creaked and someone came in.

"Presidt Ling, You're awake!"

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