Miss Beautiful C.E.O and her system

Chapter 11: Nurse Yin Jingfei

Everyone wt quiet and no one talked just to see the person tering the room. Ling Qingyu, Tang Ziyi, and Xiao Yue all turned their body toward the trance.

It was a nurse who came in. While Ling Qingyu was relieved, Tang Ziyi and Xiao Yue had their vigilance high. Especially Tang Ziyi, she had se many cases where someone pretded to be a nurse to assassinate the patit.

Although the currt Ling Qingyu was awake at the momt, if one was not careful, they would be giving others a chance. Their scrutinizing wasn't over until the nurse's face showed happiness after seeing Ling Qingyu had wok up.

But Tang Ziyi's eyes never left her and caused discomfort for the nurse. She didn't care as her priority was Ling Qingyu's safety.

Coming straight into this new world and having to be on guard against unknown threats was too much for her at the momt.

Noticing the nurse attding to her getting stressed out, Ling Qingyu found out the reason, but she didn't mean to blame Tang Ziyi. Not mtioning if she ev dared.

Checking her drips and everything else, the nurse smiled and soothed Ling Qingyu. At the same time, she blamed the hit-and-run driver who took no responsibility. The nurse was sympathetic to Ling Qingyu who had to go through all of this.

The nurse along with her uniform was beautiful in Ling Qingyu's eyes but it didn't result in another sluggish momt. She had se many beauties including herself at perfect score today. Her tolerance increased.

Wh the nurse turned a and was about to leave, Ling Qingyu's stomach churned out loud. Ling Qingyu blushed and held her stomach, lowering her head.

"You're hungry. Hehe…don't be embarrassed since you hav't eat anything yet. There's a restaurant on the g floor." The nurse said and watched lovingly at Ling Qingyu. "I can take it for you if needed to."

"I'll do it." Tang Ziyi cut in. It was always better to do everything oneself. Her trust in the nurse wasn't high yet.

"You have money? Do you ev bring cash with you?" Ling Qingyu asked puzzled. She had just summoned them and one of them ev volunteer to pay for her. Where did the money come from?

Tang Ziyi gave Xiao Yue a look. Xiao Yue understood her meaning and waved her hand. Satisfied, she left the room while the nurse was stuck.

"It seemed that you know me a lot Miss Nurse," Ling Qingyu eased the atmosphere.

The nurse nodded and sat down on a bch beside the bed. "My sister works at your company and is a fan girl of yours. She always mtions your name this and that. You've no idea how much she admires Miss Ling. I hav't ev told her you suffered a car accidt."

"It's better not telling her yet. Promise me you won't spread the news that I woke up, Miss Yin." Ling Qingyu's eye spotted Yin Jingfei on her name tab.

"Why?" Nurse Yin was confused as it was never good for bad news to last long, especially wh the person in front needed to refute the rumors. Else her company's stock might drop.

"It's complicated. Until the right momt, I cannot explain more. But I hope you promise me, Sister Yin." Ling Qingyu requested sincerely, making the nurse Yin unable to reject. Well, she wasn't planning to reject her in the first place.

Half an hour passed while Ling Qingyu and Yin Jingfei discussed together her company. Although she had no memory of it yet, as she spoke more she was able to recall more. Using this opportunity, Ling Qingyu sought to recover all her memories.

A knock came from outside and Tang Ziyi tered along with the food inside the package. The sct permeated across the room and Ling Qingyu ev saw the Nurse Yin and Xiao Yue, licking their lips imperceptibly.

"Sister Yin should come and eat with us," Ling Qingyu invited the nurse, who shook her hand and refused. Until Ling Qingyu said many times and the addition of Xiao Yue, Yin Jingfei could only oblige.

Tang Ziyi bought five servings knowing this would happ and received a suspicious glance from Ling Qingyu who was still pragmatic about her source of money.

Four of them ate their lunch and Sister Yin left afterward because she still had her duty. Now the whole room became serious again. Although having food full inside the stomach made everyone sleepy, all tried to resist slumber.

"Where did the money come from?" Ling Qingyu still wasn't willing to let go. Ev though her idtity was very rich, she had no money on her at the momt, not ev her phone. Probably during the accidt it either got lost or was confiscated by the authorities.

Tang Ziyi exhaled out loud expressing helplessness and Xiao Yue sniffled covering her mouth. "Of course, the mysterious existce gave us 0,000 RMB each. It's all inside my phone along with a bank card."

Her hand reached inside one of the pockets of her jacket and took out the phone. Ling Qingyu glanced at Xiao Yue, who also showed her phone. Now as a rich person, she really looked like a pauper.

"Nevermind, as long as everything has an explanation."

"No, I do mind. Today's lunch cost me 400 yuan and since you borrowed from me, along with 00% interest you should give me back 00 yuan."

Ling Qingyu's head grew big, never expecting this big sister to tease her. "00% why don't you kill me? Ev th your math is wrong; I only need to pay 800 yuan according to your words."

"But that doesn't include my traveling fees."

"Fuck!" This joke was too madding. Everyone chuckled until Ling Qingyu suddly asked a nonchalant question. "How do I address you?"

Despite her huge desire to let the two wom call her 'master', Ling Qingyu didn't dare. Her survival instinct cut in. Of course, the two were aware what was inside their 'master's' head.

"Just call me sister. I'll treat you all as my sister."

No one argued against this decision. They expected her to treat them more like subordinates but the outcome was much better.

"What do we do next?"

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