Milfs: Dual Cultivation

Chapter 7: Oh My! Saw something monstrous

Lady Yun's heart skipped a beat as she heard Xian Tian's muttered curses, her eyes flashing with a mixture of anger and hurt.

'How dare he speak of my late husband so disrespectfully!' she thought to herself, her fingers curling into tight fists.

Since there was a wooden wall between them so, she didn't know he was pleasing himself by thinking about her, she just thought, he wanted her... However, she believed it was rude of him to speak about her late husband like that.

Determined to confront him about his insensitive remarks, she steeled herself and reentered the bathing chamber.

Pretending to be unaware of his remarks, she busied herself with lighting some incense sticks and placing them around the tub.

"Young master, please enjoy your bath. I've prepared some fragrant oils and herbs that should help soothe your muscles after your long day of training," She forced a warm smile onto her face, hoping he wouldn't notice the turmoil brewing within her.

All while,

Dhup! Dup!

Xian Tian's heart raced as he felt Lady Yun's presence once again.

He knew he had crossed a line with his thoughts and mutterings, but he couldn't help but feel frustrated by the circumstances.

His gaze darted between her back and the entrance, wondering if she had heard anything.

Taking a deep breath, he tried to keep calm.

The sensation of his fingers brushing against his swollen length brought him some comfort, but it wasn't enough to fully distract him from the tension building inside him.

Just then, Lady Yun finished lighting up the incense and looked at him, eye to eye...

Feeling Lady Yun's intense gaze upon him, Xian Tian couldn't help but glance up at her.

Their eyes only met for a brief moment, and he saw the anger and disappointment simmering beneath her calm exterior.

Realizing he had made a mistake, he quickly looked away.

At the same time,

Lady Yun's brow furrowed with a mix of annoyance and concern as she noticed Xian Tian's...state.

'W-What... What is this brat doing, and what's with that size...' That's double the size of her dead husband, not to mention, her husband was six inches, someone slightly above average.

She cleared her throat gently, averting her gaze to give him some privacy...

Her cheeks flushed seeing something that she shouldn't have.

"Young master, I apologize but I seem to have forgotten to bring some extra towels. If you'll excuse me for just a moment, I'll go retrieve them," She gave a slight bow before swiftly exiting the bathing chamber, her mind racing.

Once in the hallway, Lady Yun paused, letting out a heavy sigh.

She didn't want to make Xian Tian feel embarrassed, but his disrespectful comments towards her late husband had struck a nerve.

She needed to find a way to address this delicately, without further inflaming the situation.

Squaring her shoulders, Lady Yun returned to the bathing chamber, a stack of fresh towels in hand.*

"Here you are, young master. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do to make your bath more comfortable," She placed the towels on a nearby table, her gaze avoiding his.


Xian Tian took a few moments to compose himself... wiping his hands on the towel she had provided.

As he sat back in the tub, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt for his earlier behavior.

He knew he owed Lady Yun an apology, but he wasn't sure how to broach the subject.

It was pretty immoral of him to show his dragon to a lady.

"Thank you for bringing those towels, Lady Yun," he said, his voice sounding slightly hoarse. "I appreciate your assistance...ah~"

Lady Yun nodded graciously, unable to meet his gaze.

She knew they both needed to address the elephant in the room, but she wasn't sure how to proceed without causing further offense.

"Is there anything else you require, young master?" she asked softly, her fingers drumming nervously against her long dress.

Xian Tian hesitated for a moment before speaking. "Actually, yes. There is something I would like to discuss with you, Lady Yun," He paused, taking a deep breath before continuing.

"I must apologize for my behavior earlier today. My thoughts were inappropriate, and I have no excuse for them... I shouldn't have done that act while thinking about you, who is deeply devoted to her husband, even if he is no longer with you,"

Lady Yun's eyes widened in surprise at Xian Tian's sincere apology. She could see the regret written plainly on his face, and her heart softened ever so slightly.

"Young master, I appreciate your honesty. It is true that your words and actions earlier troubled me deeply," She paused, carefully considering her next words.

"However, I understand that we all have moments of weakness. The true measure of a person is how they choose to move forward from such moments... Also, we are an educated and mature person, it's common knowledge that people are attracted to others and fantasies them, especially boys your age,"

Lady Yun approached the tub, placing a gentle hand on Xian Tian's shoulder.

"I accept your apology. Let us move past this and focus on more positive matters, hmm? You are a gifted individual, I believe you will find some beautiful partners," She offered him a small, understanding smile.

She was a understanding person, there was no reason for her to create a huge fuss over a natural human phenomenon.

Not to mention, she herself touched her guchie thinking about him so, she really had no say.

"Now then, is there anything else I can assist you with before your bath is through? Perhaps we could discuss your training regimen - I'm sure I could provide some helpful insights," she said as she got up, ready to leave.

Her body was once again heating up, the sweat and masculine scent of Xian Tian, roaming around the air was too hypnotizing.

Not to mention that huge monster... She could already feel herself weak and in need of relief.



W Lady Yun? Or L?

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