Chapter 38: Skills-2

"Now unto the next agenda of today"

Anthony said as he waved his hand some books appear on the table, in front of each other them.

They were happy as they saw the books and couldn't wait to use it.

They already saw the benefit of the first ones Anthony gave like the thought compartment and accelerated thinking and the rest.

They were eager to learn them cause they knew Anthony won't give them rubbish.

They all used the skill books infront of them and the book turned into light that merged with them.

The skills Anthony gave them were

[Telepathy: Can be used to communicate with anyone no matter the distance]

He gave them this so they could talk to each other without others noticing

They could also talk together at the same time like it was a group chat.

This was indeed a good skill to give them

[Storage space: Able to store any non-living thing that the user wishes.

The space available grows with the user]

Anthony would have given infinite space, but he wasn't strong enough to create that type of space skill.

This skill was for storing things that they didn't want to appear in their storage rings.

With this skill, they can hide anything.

[Concealment: The user can hide their entire existence and anything related to him, and be like they don't exist in the first place, can conceal mana rank and change it to what the user wants to display]

Anthony just gave them the same skill in hand so they could hide their rank and won't be caught.

[Mental attack immunity:

This skill makes the user immune to mind reading and any mind relating skills]

This was to prevent mind reading or mind control and such.

[Spatial Mark:

The user can mark living and non-living things and can directly teleport to selected mark the user wants to teleport to without any interference.The mark appearing on the marked would be undetectable and invincible]

This skill was one of Anthony's sign-in reward, which he gave them so they would be able to teleport anywhere they marked.

He wasn't yet strong enough to stop space lock or any other space interference skill or artifact, so he personally liked this skill, so he would be able to run away even if his opponent locked space to avoid him teleporting.

(The Space Lock Tiara used during the exam is just a basic spell compared to this, only used to keep or lock things in space, don't mistake them as same things]

With this skill even if the space of the entire human domain was locked or interfered with using an artifact, they can teleport out if they had marked somewhere else outside the human domain.

After they learned all skills he thanked them again, with happiness as they could already see the scenerio where they could use these skills if their lives are in danger.

Anthony also granted them 'The perfect one' skill so they could always know when someone investigates them.

Anthony wanted to give them infinite regeneration but he didn't.

He didn't want them to beome fools that neglected defence just because they could regenerate.

He didn't want to spoil them, they would have to rely on themselves.

With the amount of talent they had, if they couldn't reach the peak of this world then Anthony has chosen wrongly.

"Now, the clones of you all that I created are just as handsome and beautiful as the current you, I upgraded their face to match yours, so the neighbours would see them, incase someone went snooping around" Anthony said, as he looked at them.

"I also made them disappear for sometime, some of you a week, some two weeks some ten days, it varies but the highest being two weeks, the disappearance would be as a result of you all gaining inheritance from power houses of the older generations"

"Although it's outrageous ten people gaining inheritance at the same time, it doesn't matter, this is the golden generation, anything is passable now when it comes to our generation, some other students might have even found a real inheritance"

Then Anthony snapped his fingers again, using mind magic, he implanted fake memories of them receiving the inheritance.

This was just a fake memories he created incase someone like the Dean asked them questions they would be able to answer in a straight forward manner without messing things up.

Anthony even gave them another skill to avoid lie detection ability incase they had someone with that ability or an artifact for it.

You can't be too cautious cause in a world of fantasy, everything goes.

"I would give you weapons before you get to the academy, of course the weapon I would give would be SS rank, any other things you want you should be able to afford them, with your current strength getting points should be easy as breathing for you"

"I won't borrow either of you points so don't bother asking for it and work for them" Anthony said

Of course they won't ask for points, only a fool would ask for something they could get just buy swing their hands.

"Any other things, or any questions" Anthony asked them.

They all looked at them self and no one had a question to ask.

Anthony then disappeared from their view and appeared on a different mountain.

He started walking around the divine realm, he had never explored this place or knew how large it was or anything.

He just entered to train here and left as soon as he was done.

But this time, he took his time to walk around, he saw fruits on some trees, he ate them without even checking what they are or did.

His body strengthened as he ate them, after a while the fruits stopped working.

Anthony shook his head at the ridiculousness of his physique.

He knew this was a treasure to others, but to him, it could only strengthen his physique a bit.

Anthony didn't even know what to say and just shook his head in dilemma

Then he took some of them and sent it to his subordinate's storage space directly.

When they receive the fruits they were shocked, and immediately ate it.

Though their physique were good too, it wasn't like Anthony's.

The mages like Vivian, Donna and Evelyn achieved ridiculous physical strength that wasn't befiting of a mage.

Though they didn't have muscles or anything.

Their skin was still milky and perfect like it reflected the sun and moon, but the strength hidden inside those body was no joke.

Anthony returned the time dilation of the divine realm to the same as the real world, then he left the realm, he appeared in his room, it was already dark and it was 11PM.

Anthony left his room and came downstairs to look for the butler.

"Good evening uncle, how are you doing" Anthony greeted as he saw the butler.

"I'm good young master, shouldn't you be in your room" he asked as Anthony doesn't usually come out whenever he enters his room.

"I just wanted to give you this" he gave a fruit to the butler

The butler looked at the fruit and asked

"What is this young master"

"It's a body strengthening fruit, eat it this night, I've already taken one already"

The butler wanted to say something again as it wasn't good to take opportunity from juniors

Anthony knew he was about to say something but beat him to it

"That's an order" Anthony said

The butler's face became serious, and bowed and complied

In Anthony's entire life, he has never order the butler, but he had to, if not the butler wouldnt accept his gift.

"See you later uncle" he smiled as he teleport and appeared in front of his father's room door, which opened automatically.

Anthony gave his father the fruit, Anthony didn't need to say anything as he was sure his father was listening to his conversation with the butler before he arrived here.

Michael didn't even ask anything or speak, he simply ate it.

And his body screamed in joy, his cells jubliated as they were blessed and were purified and strengthened.

After about an hour Michael opened his eyes and looked at Anthony with a shocked expression on his face.

Michael knew he already had a ridiculous physique and comprehension ability, which were one of the reasons for his talent.

But now, his son brought a fruit that further increased his physique, thereby strengthening his talent and strength and combat abilities, he even broke three minor realms at once.

The boon from the fruit was simply too much for someone of his level.

"Where did you get this" he asked

Such treasures should be hidden and shouldn't be shared like candies.

"Fruituous encounter, no pun intended"

Anthony said with a smile, then tossed another fruit to his father and said

"For mom, don't eat it, the fruit doesn't work twice on same person"

With that he disappeared from his father's room and arrived in his.

Michael looked at his son who was in the other wing of the house and shook his head.

'I don't know what this brat is always up to'

But Michael had a smile on his face, he couldn't wait to fight.

His strength has taken a step forward and he wants to test it out.

Battle intent leaked from his body, throughout the entire night.

He was even tempted to eat his wife's fruit, but alas it only works once.

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