Maybe My Soulmate! (GL)

Chapter 40: Chapter 40 - The mother and daughter.

As Mo Yuxin helped her mother and sister up, they were both looking towards her face seemingly trying to idtify who she is.

The little girl with her eyes stared at her and Mo Yuxin was a little surprised to find that her sister truly resembled her mother a lot more than her.

Her mother was still looking at her face with her squinted eyes and after a momt, as if suddly realising something, her expression changed from shock to relief and finally she couldn't hold on anymore as clear tear drops dropped from the corner of her eyes.

She placed her trembling hands on her face as she spoke with a quivering voice which contained countless emotions within.

"X-xin'er!!! I-is t-that y-you??" She asked her with boundless hope in her voice as Mo Yuxin gave a slight nod in affirmation.

Tears were flowing down her eyes like a river without any signs of stopping but those wer't tears of sadness but something more with happiness and relief prest within them.

Seeing her mother crying like this, the little girl also started crying like a brok damn.

Mo Yuxin was a bit overwhelmed seeing the two mother and daughter crying while looking at her.

She didn't know how to coax others much less what to say wh they are crying.

She still mustered up all the words she could say and tried comforting them in her own awkward way.

"Don't cry. I'm here. I will not let others bully you anymore."

After crying for a while, they finally stopped and the mother still said with her red eyes.

"What happed to you? What did they do to you? You were gone all of a sudd and,, and they said you died. I was so scared."

At the d, her voice still cracked as the boundless sadness was prest in every word she said.

"Don't worry. I'm okay. They will not be able to bully us anymore, mother. I'll say the rest later."

The little girl was still staring at her with her big eyes.

She was a little confused as to who this woman was who saved them from the big bad guys.

She felt that this big sister felt familiar but her young , developing mind couldn't connect the dots.

Not being able to contain her curiousity, she asked ttatively,

"M-mom. W-who is this big sister?"

The mother was still a little dazed by everything that happed from being harassed to seeing their missing daughter come back.

At this momt wh she heard Mo Fg ask her this question with her sweet milky voice, she suddly felt a little relaxed.

'yes, her daughter is back.' She finally accepted reality which brought her hope and happiness again.

"Hahh.. you kid! Can't you recognise your own big sister."

The momt Mother said that, the little girl suddly became wide eyed as if her young mind finally connected the dots and her eyes looking at her sister became red again.

A few drops of tears trickled down her cheeks as she cried in her sweet milky voice.

"Wuwuwu .. where did you go jiejie?? Did you abandon Us? Do you not want me anymore? Wuwuwuu...."

Mo Yuxin was again troubled by the little one.

And as she took a closer look at her little sister in her new life, she was surprised to find that this little girl truly resembles her mother far more than her.

But her eyes visibly darked seeing the state of her body.

Ev though she is supposed to be a 3 year young girl, she is extremely thin and her cheeks are sunk. She looked mostly just bones and muscles without much flesh.

Her hair looked yellowish and dirty probably from lack of nutrition and the heavy ordeal she wt through today.

'sigh.. they truly lived this miserably ev after being of noble birth.'

However that still didn't diminish the inhert charm and adorabless that she possessed which could melt ev the sternest of hearts.

Petite and dainty, she possessed a diminutive stature combined with her fair jade like skin could truly rival ev the most pampered young ladies.

Though the years of poverty and ridicules directed from everywhere stunted her growth but it still couldn't extinguish the innocce in those pair of big almond eyes which seemed to be shining bright like the stars in the midnight sky.

Thinking of the memories where those big eyes always stared at her with utmost adoration and admiration, now those same eyes are shedding tears with visible fear of separation made her heart soft.

She bt down on her knees as she spread her hands towards her and coaxed her softly.

"No, fgfg. Why would jiejie abandon such an adorable little sister, right. "

Mo Yuxin said and slowly took the little girl in her arms and stroked her back softly.

The little girl seemed a little hesitant at first as her jiejie seemed to have changed a lot.

She felt that her jiejie's voice seemed soo soft and calming as if all the previous worries were washed away by the flow of her voice.

"Really? Jiejie really didn't abandon me? Th, th will jiejie be with us from now on?"

"Yes. Jiejie will now always be with you and mother. Jiejie will always protect you."

"Ok." And she buried her little face in Mo Yuxin's arms as while recieving the warmth that she so longed for.

The past few days have be truly hard for her young mind.

First her sister wt missing th her mother searched for her day and night.

And all the ridicules and rumors floating all a made her scared but she didn't dare shed her tears in fear of affecting her mother.

But now everything was fine. Her jiejie is back and all those bad guys will be dealt with.

She truly admired her sister and felt that with her sister a nobody will be able to bully her or mother.

After feeling relieved after all these days, she finally regained her youthful and adorable smile as she got out of her embrace and trotted with little steps towards her mother. It truly gave of a picture of innocce and loveliness.

"Mom, mom, look, jiejie is now back. She

said she will protect us from those bad guys. We don't have to be bullied anymore.




Thank you for reading.

Stay tuned for the next chapter.

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