Maybe My Soulmate! (GL)

Chapter 19: Chapter 19 - Summoning a Spiritual Pet (Part 4) [Disclaimer:- violence and abuse ahead]

.... "Wh-what...! Where am I???"

She looked a her in a momt of confusion and instinctive fear as she searched for the answers.

Where was she?

It's a dark, cold place devoid of any warmth.

There's not a single trace of light.

As her eyes darted a searching for ev a single trace of light, but alas she found .

Her mind wandered frantically as confusion and fear swallowed her.

She tried to move but felt .... nothing?

She immediately tried to move her finger but... Again nothing?!

She tried speaking, "hello, is there anyone here?"

But no sound came.

It was terrifying.

A sse of internal crisis emerged within her.

She felt scared, confused, terrified.

She didn't know where she was nor she knew why she was here.

She screamed within her hoping that someone, anyone would answer her calls.

"Hello, can anyone hear me please.... I'm scared. Where am I?? "

'hic~ hic~"

She cried and cried for hours after hours.

At some point her crying stopped.

Th, times passed slowly but surely.

She had no sse of time nor did she have ev a sse of existce.

Her confused mind calmed down at some point.

The fear within her disappeared.

Her emotions became stable.

She looked a again but with a clear mind trying to idtify anything.

After calming herself down, her memories flooded in her mind one after another.

She finally remembered.




It seems she has died.

Yes, in her previous life she was but a simple cat in 'earth'.

She doesn't know what to feel about her life as everything about her being a cat and living years with her four limbs seemed pretty normal to her.

But she definitely felt the differce betwe her mtal state.

Wh she was a cat, her mtal state was very straightforward. There were not any complex thoughts.

She mostly relied upon her natural instincts.

Though she was a little differt from other cats as her intelligce was much more developed and she could clearly understand what humans meant and their language.

Though she shouldn't have ever tried to understand that damn human nor she should've tried getting close to him for but a mere piece of fish bone.

If only her hunger hadn't deluded her mind, she could've lived a few more years.

She died a pretty grueling death as many cats and dogs in that world have in the hands of some disgusting human beings.

An animal abuser is what humans termed those cruel and vile creatures.

She died a pretty gruesome death as that vile human caught her by her neck. Twisted her four legs in such an unimaginable way that looking upon it would sd shivers down your spine.

And the d was being thrown in a river while caged in a dirty piece of plastic.




"Sigh~~ I hope that damn f***r dies a dogs death."

After she died, a weird suction force seemed to have sucked her very soul and transported her here in this very dark and humid place.

As her memories gradually returned, she finally calmed down completely and tried making sse of what was happing here.

She tried to look for anything in this place but except for a deafing silce, nothing could be found.

"I might really go crazy at this rate."

She floated in this place for god knows how long.

At some point this darkness, this madding silce drove her to the point of craziness.

She screamed and became hysterical.

Th she calmed down again but became crazy again.

Through this cycle of craziness and calmness, her emotions seemed to evaporate into nothingness. Her very soul seemed to have gone silt.

After what seemed like an eternity has passed, something finally changed.

In this dark and cold place, a brilliant blinding light shone from above.

Her eyes or what seemed to be her eyes felt as if it has be burnt in fire.

Her vision wt completely out.

After what seemed like a few good seconds has passed, the light finally dulled.





"Aggghh... What was that damn light for."

The momt she oped her eyes, she saw a sce that would forever be graved in her mind.

This sce which seemed to ignite her very soul, brought back all the emotions she lost within that place.

This sce evaporated the craziness that was building within her.

This sce overwhelmed her very being.

A single tear dropped down from the corner of her eyes.

Th as if a damn has be flooded, her eyes started shedding tears like a river.

She howled as she cried for minutes after minutes.

All a her was gre expanse of a field where ev the horizon seemed to have turned gre.

The grass had fresh morning dew on them.

A fresh earthy sct floated in her nose.

"Wait!!! Nose!!! I can smell!! No I can ev hear my talk."

She immediately looked down at her and was shocked to find that she has a new body now!!

A cat body with a black furr which has a bluish tint within them.

With dots like stars all a her body.

She immediately looked a her and found a clear pond and looked at her again.

Yes , she was reborn!!!






And that was how she died in earth as a cat and was reborn in another world again as a cat.

After she was reborn, a vast amount of weird and unknown memory floated within her mind.

It seems she was reborn in an extinct species.

Here cultivation was real.

Her species dominated the whole universe for millions of years but that was eons before.

Now she is the last of this species.

Almost all has forgott ev the existce of them.

It seems they were exterminated in something called 'heavly calamity'.

Only her egg was transported in this blind spot in the universe which has be untouched for eons but through the collective effort of all her ancestors as they lost their lives in the calamity.

"Sighhh~~ what a complicated life."

She inherited all the knowledge from her ancestors.

She also inheritance her cultivation technique which was brutal yet very effective and perfect for someone of her character.

It's called 'Heavs Devourer'.

She can consume anything and everything and turn them into spiritual power to cultivate.

Her species also has man

y hidd innate abilities which are their most powerful weapons.

Every time she cultivates and goes up a level from basic to soldier rank to commander rank she unlocks her hidd abilities.

That's how she.....






Thank you for reading.

Stay tuned for the next chapter.

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