Maybe My Soulmate! (GL)

Chapter 18: Chapter 18 - Summoning a Spiritual Pet (Part 3)

... "Are you speaking to me??"

"Well, If not you th who??"

"And Your name is Neko Neko??"

"Yes, Lowly one, now bow before thy presce."

I looked at this strange cat like creature talking to me using telepathy. It's soft milky voice trying to appear intimidating though nowhere near that as I only felt it's adorabless go up by a point.

"You're such a cute little cat" I said while still observing her curiously.


"Wha... Wha... How.. how d-dare you make such impudt remarks."

Ev though her cat like face shouldn't have any human reactions but weirdly ough I could still see her blush as her cat ears perked up a little and her tails were swaying back and forth.

Her voice quivered a little as she again tried to mask her shyness with her 'intimidating' appearance.

At this point, I've already made my analysis as the only word to describe her would be 'tsundere'.

Yes, this japanese word which means tough on the outside and soft on the inside. Though I never imagined that reading a few yuri mangas would give me quite a lot of weird and interesting japanese vocabulary.

Yet, at this very momt, I countered a type of character which I've only ever read about in books.

That too, a cat which is also my spiritual pet.

Everything about my new life continues to show that humans were truly ignorant on earth.

The world is far more wider and far more interesting than I could ever ev dare to imagine.

It's like we were trapped in some sort of cage thinking this is our life and this is where our death will be.

Had I not expericed this seemingly impossible scario, I would've never believed that what I read in fantasy books only are actually very true!

"Sighhh...." I let out a sigh as I was a bit worried about my future.

"Hey, puny human, how dare you ignore me!"

Oops, I forgot about my little pet for a momt.

Though she tried appearing angry, I only felt as if her little fluffy cheeks puffed a little and she seemed to go pouting?

I'm starting to understand her inner thoughts by now. She must've felt ignored and got sad.

"Are you pouting? Are you maybe sad that I ignored you for a momt?"

The momt I said those words, she looked shocked for a momt th while hesitating a little she said, "Y-you... H-how did you know what I was thinking? Can you read my mind!!!"

'Ohhh.... how innoct. Makes me want to bully her ev more.'

"Why are you making that creepy smile, human!!! It's giving me goosebumps."

'Oops! My inner thoughts leaked a little'

"No, no, nothing. I was just thinking, how are we gonna form our spiritual bond?" I said trying to shift her atttion.

The momt I talked about forming a bond, her tire being seemed to radiate happiness as her blue eyes gleamed with shining stars and said to me in an almost excited tone.

"Hmmph, It's your great honour to be able to form a bond with me, puny human. Now cut your finger a little and let a drop of blood fall on my head"

"Okay, okay, your highness. Let this puny human have the honour of forming a spiritual bond with your highness." I said in a flattering tone while a smile hung on my face.

"Hmmphh... You're quite good at flattering." though she said that, the happiness in her voice and the excitemt oozing from her tire being exposed how happy she was to form a bond with me.




I made a little cut on my finger using a wind blade I formed with my qi.

Th a small drop of blood fell downwards and immediately after that the small wound on my hand healed in an instant.

I was a little surprised but also happy at my body's healing ability.

'It seems there's a whole lot of things still left for me to learn about my powers.' I thought.

Before I could indulge in my inner monologue any further, the whole black space started shaking violtly.

The drop of blood has already fall on the cat's head as her eyes started glowing as literal stars could be se within them.

In a momt of distraction, the whole space seemed to be heading towards destruction as lightning were falling all a us.

Massive cracks started forming all over the space as it seemed to be at it's limit.

At that momt, the little cat's eyes gradually returned to normal and a massive formation formed below us.

This massive formation seemed extremely intricate as the lines were intertwined with each other forming a spider web like structure.

It glowed with a brilliant bringt red as my gold blue ord self and the cat floated towards its cter.

I felt as if a thin rope has tied itself a my very soul as the d seemed to be connected to the cat's soul.

I could feel her emotions at the momt.

Her excitemt, the feeling of nervousness wh countering something for the first time, her inner soft self hiding behind a tough exterior and a little deep.... What's this? loneliness ? Extreme loneliness!

Deep down within her soul resided a lonely self looking forward to someone's company? To have a family of her own!

At the very momt wh Mo Yuxin was feeling a deep connection with her, she was also feeling a very deep connection with her.

As if she has finally found her home.

As if she has finally found someone she could call her family.

As if she has gained a very dear frid and a master with whom she will stay her whole life.

As the clouds of inner gloom within her passed for she has found what she desired the most, what she lacked the most.

Her inner soul found a new sse of belonging.

Her mind wandered deep within her as she recalled the first time she came to life.







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