Marvel With Zanpakutou

Chapter 548: The Sin of Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 548: The Sin of Pursuing Immortality

They continued to advance along the water drainage system.

Although the light here was still very dim, they could roughly see the surroundings and the situation in front of them.

"These runes engraved on the wall."

Constantine followed Nexia. The deeper they went, the more shocked they were when they saw the things on the walls.

The entire underground water drainage system was extremely complicated. The winding roads led in all directions, like a complicated giant maze. Moreover, on the surrounding walls and ceiling, there were also some dazzling bright red incantations.

The degree of complexity of these incantations was formed by many different incantations. Each incantation was connected with each other. The internal logic was strict and the spell system was complex. Even Constantine, who had been immersed in the spell for decades and boasted that he knew countless forbidden knowledge, found it difficult to completely recognize it.

He barely managed to recognize two incantations. One was used to disrupt the sense of space, and the other was used to imprison and bind.

Constantine was not very surprised by the incantation that disturbed the sense of space. It was obvious that Wilbur wanted to keep it a secret to prevent people from the outside from entering the drainage pipes and discovering the secret here.

However, the pattern and structure of the binding spell came from a heavenly bishop, and it was the most authentic Crown of Thorns. It had only been used twice in history, and it had been jointly led by the pope and ten cardinals.

This made him a little confused. Why would a person who had slaughtered the entire city and committed such a grave sin use the most sacred incantation in the Holy See in such a sinful place?

"Even the Crown of Thorns has appeared."

Constantine frowned deeply, and a puzzled expression appeared on his face. He felt a little strange in his heart and murmured, "What exactly did that guy imprison?"

"Soon, you will know."

Nexia did not stop. Instead, she increased her speed. In this complicated underground maze, it was as easy as returning to her home.

"Hey, hey, hey, slow down!" Seeing this, Constantine also quickened his pace, afraid that he would be left behind.

As he went deeper, the smell of blood in the air became thicker, and the roar of machinery became louder and louder. But if one listened carefully, one could vaguely hear a blood-curdling scream mixed in.

Cold sweat oozed out of Constantine's forehead, gathering down the edge of his cheeks to his lower jaw, and then slowly dripped down on the slippery ground. His face was as white as a layer of paint.

He could swear on his own credibility that even when he went to the deep hell, he had never heard such a horrifying scream. He could not imagine what kind of torture he had endured to make such a desperate and resentful voice.

Just as he was lost in his thoughts, Nexia, who was in front of him, suddenly stopped.

"We're here!"

Nexia raised her slender goose neck and looked at a hanging ladder hanging on the wall. Her cold eyes were solemn. "The truth you want to know is up there."

Constantine hesitated for a moment. He looked at the suspended ladder that led to the upper floor and asked, "If we go up from here, we won't meet that guy directly, will we?"

"Don't worry, it won't happen for the time being."

Nexia shook her head and reassured the suspicious Constantine. "At least before we destroy the godly climbing plan, Wilbur won't be able to find us."

"Alright, I hope you are right."

Constantine took a deep breath, adjusted his mentality, took a step forward, grabbed the suspension ladder, and started to climb.

The length of the suspension ladder was not high, so Constantine quickly reached the top. He stretched out his hand and pushed open the lid on the top. With both hands and legs, he finally climbed out from the top.

Nexia tiptoed lightly, her figure elegant like a fairy. She directly jumped out from below and slowly landed next to Constantine.

After getting up, Constantine looked around and sized up the internal structure of the factory.

The space inside the factory was very large. There were countless thick transparent tubes that were like a spider's nest. There were broken limbs in the tubes. It was obviously a waste that was going to be released.

The roar of the machine became louder. At the same time, the surrounding temperature became stuffy. The bloody and rancid smell in the air was almost ten times stronger than the smell in the sewer. It almost made Constantine faint.

Constantine looked at Nexia and asked, "How should we go next?"

"Go straight."

Nexia pointed to the place where all the transparent pipes extended and said, "The source of everything is there."


Surprisingly, Constantine did not ask any more questions. He frowned and looked at the end of the road. There was an indescribable sense of familiarity in his heart.


There seemed to be a certain voice that lingered faintly in his ears.

"F*ck. I'm hearing things!"

Constantine shook his head and felt that maybe he was too nervous, so he did not take it to heart and walked inside.

The journey was unexpectedly smooth.

As expected, Wilbur did not appear. There was not a single living person in the entire factory. Other than the loud rumbling of the machinery, the blood-curdling screams became clearer and clearer.

When they arrived at the source of the excretion pipeline, Constantine finally saw the source of the blood-curdling screams. The scene in front of him shocked him deeply!

Countless humans piled up together, like pigs and sheep in the market. They were hung in the air through iron rings, along a transport device, and were sent to the last slaughter point in succession!

It was unknown what magic Wilbur had used to make these humans who had their bellies split open and their lungs split open still retain their consciousness and self, and then they went to their final death.

These people who were hung up were already completely hopeless. They could only unconsciously scream. Constantine could not bear to close his eyes. Even in hell, he had never seen such a terrifying scene.

After calming down a little, Constantine walked to the meat grinder and looked down. His scalp immediately felt numb and goosebumps appeared all over his body. A chilling feeling instantly rushed into his head from the soles of his feet!

This was a slaughter point! This was clearly a meat grinder!

The meat grinder was very small. It was composed of countless small pieces of sword. They were densely arranged at the bottom and rotated very fast.

Every person who was thrown down would not die directly after falling into the meat grinder, because those sword slices were too small and could not instantly crush people, so they could only 'grind' bit by bit.

Starting from his two legs, he slowly moved upwards.

After letting people experience extreme pain and torture, they were finally turned into a pile of minced meat and then flowed along the drain channel to the outside.

Right above the meat grinder, there was a huge pipe device.

Those who had been tortured and tortured would not even be able to rest in peace after death. Instead, they were sucked into the pipe and sent deeper into the factory. It was unknown what they would be used for.


Constantine's eyes were blood red. He clenched his fists tightly and his nails dug into his skin. He growled, "How can there be such a terrifying beast in the world? This bastard is even crueler than the devil king of hell!"

"This is the sin of pursuing immortality."

Nexia looked calm and said, "When human desires expand endlessly, they will cause such a disaster. I have seen such a desperate scene countless times."

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