Marvel: Killing Makes You Stronger

Chapter 193: Dormammu Fleeing from the Scene

Chapter 193: Dormammu Fleeing from the Scene

However, the lack of magical power did not surprise Bi Xiao.

After all, the perception between the Celestial and the singular universe is immense, far greater than the leap between the Celestial and the sub-Celestial.

This is closely related to one's own power reserves. If the sub-Celestial is a lake, the Celestial is the sea, and the singular universe is the magnificent galaxy in the cosmos.

All are exponentially increasing.

Even though Bi Xiao is still in the transitional phase of transforming into a singular universe, the quantity and quality of magical power reborn within his body are much higher than at the Celestial stage.

Fortunately, at his current stage, his thinking, wisdom, and vision are almost on par with a singular universe, and the Golden City can still continue to rise.

By then, it should no longer be called the Golden City, but the Golden Kingdom.

Bi Xiao knows that when he fully steps into the singular universe, his vision will no longer be limited to this universe on Earth. Instead, he will need to find or create a realm of his own, or occupy another existing dimension.

Of course, Bi Xiao had already thought of this when he planned to farm the Hell dungeon. Hell is not suitable for him, but the Heaven that opposes it has caught his eye.

After all, Heaven's inhabitants are full of schemes and disgusting plots, but the dimension of Heaven is well-constructed and rich in foundation, making it a ready-made dimension.

Having defeated the ten major Hell lords of Hell, although not annihilating them entirely, they are severely weakened.

Hell has lost most of its top-tier combat power. Given Heaven's mindset, they will certainly not miss this opportunity. The war between Hell and Heaven is bound to reignite.

This is also the best time for Bi Xiao, an opportune moment to shorten his transformation period. If he slaughters those archangels, Yahweh, and the remaining Hell lords in Hell, he can immediately step into the singular universe.

The first phase of his plan has been completed, making Bi Xiao immensely grateful to Dormammu, the benefactor.

Bi Xiao glanced at the space he had created, which was almost collapsing due to his ascension. After a moment of thought, he extended his hand, filling the entire space with vast, supreme power to stabilize and fully restore the dimension.

At his level, creating a new world is not a problem, let alone fixing an existing one.

This originally broken world has the advantage of being a battlefield for Celestial-level beings. It has recorded various magical energies from Bi Xiao and the Hell lords.

This space has thus formed a very unique state.

Moreover, Bi Xiao's transformation here has further enhanced this unique state.

For ordinary humans, this place is worse than Hell. Although it has an oxygen environment like Earth, it is filled with various magical energies, death forces, dark powers, and cursed magic.

Anyone who enters will be immediately disintegrated by these forces, their soul cursed and broken down, experiencing unimaginable pain.

The chaotic energy turbulence is the most lethal.

Even for top-tier beings below the sub-Celestial like Wanda and Thor, it is extremely dangerous. However, this danger also brings opportunity, allowing them to directly perceive the level of combat recorded here.

This is highly beneficial to them.

Such environments are not uncommon in the multiverse, though they are not frequently encountered. Such a battlefield, a Celestial fighting nine others, in a specially created folded world, is rare.

Typically, battles between Celestials are rare, and after fighting, they usually return home to lick their wounds. The recorded information often dissipates quickly if not specially preserved, not lasting long.

Therefore, this unexpected benefit from the battle is a pleasant surprise for Bi Xiao, not something he intentionally created.

Having noticed it, Bi Xiao did not waste it. He preserved the chaotic energies and strengthened their containment.

He then concealed the death-match space to prevent detection by other dimensional demon gods.

After dealing with the death-match space, Bi Xiao did not rush back to Earth. Instead, he planned to "thank" his long-admired dark lord, Dormammu.


With a golden flash, Bi Xiao disappeared from the death-match space, leaving only the ongoing clash of chaotic forces, a testament to the epic war between ten Celestial-level entities.

On Dormammu and Ancient One's side, there was an unusual calm.

Their attacks were perfunctory, as both were preoccupied, especially with the situation on Earth where ten Hell lords and Bi Xiao had appeared.

The Ancient One witnessed her old friend's emotional changes, seeing a myriad of expressions on Dormammu's gigantic head, a rarity.

From the initial excitement over the Hell lords' descent, especially Satannish's appearance, Dormammu realized that even with Kaecilius's death, he had not failed entirely, knowing that Earth could still be divided by the Hell lords.

The Hell lord Satannish, who has always served his own interests, will undoubtedly take action. Even if the other Hell lords do not wish to move against the Sanctum, he will stop at nothing to disrupt it.

When the time comes, Dormammu will also be able to descend successfully.

At this stage, Dormammu is elated, even taking the opportunity to mock the Ancient One with his words, celebrating prematurely.

Then he sees Bi Xiao appear, instantly killing one of the Hell lords, causing Dormammu's excitement to momentarily turn to a stunned stupor. His emotions shift to frustration and anger at the incompetence of the Hell lords.

Fortunately, the one Bi Xiao killed was not Satannish, which allowed Dormammu to breathe a sigh of relief.

Nonetheless, Dormammu still holds the advantage. Although it's not ten to one, nine to one is still favorable. As long as Satannish remains alive, everything remains under Dormammu's control.

The result then shows Bi Xiao employing his prepared methods, pulling the nine Hell lords into a folded space.

The scene, which could have been leisurely observed, suddenly becomes chaotic, causing Dormammu much displeasure and a bit of unease. However, he comforts himself, repeating that nine to one is an advantage, reassuring himself.

Dormammu continues to bluster and mock the Ancient One.

The Ancient One, maintaining a calm demeanor with a gentle smile, watches Dormammu's bravado without reacting, which greatly irritates Dormammu. In frustration, Dormammu launches a perfunctory attack, aiming to provoke the Ancient One into a reaction.

Unfortunately for Dormammu, the Ancient One, having seen through everything, remains composed, exuding confidence. This attitude increasingly unnerves Dormammu.

Dormammu, not being a fool and indeed a rare genius in the multiverse with extraordinary intelligence, begins to suspect something is wrong. He realizes that if the situation were unfavorable, the best choice for the Ancient One would be to quickly defeat and banish him, then assist Bi Xiao in dealing with the remaining enemies.

Now, Dormammu deliberately delays, and the Ancient One cooperates, which only heightens Dormammu's suspicion.

Dormammu's emotional journey from exhilaration, to frustration, to confidence, and finally to self-doubt and unease is perfectly enacted.

The Ancient One finds this amusing.

Dormammu, this old friend, has truly provided her with an entertaining comedy today.

What truly drives Dormammu to despair is seeing Bi Xiao appear before him in a familiar golden flash. That seemingly small figure harbors a terrifyingly immense power that Dormammu can hardly believe.

"How is this possible? How have you reached this level?"

"Why? You are merely a human."

Dormammu, as the pinnacle of a singular universe, understands the transformation occurring within Bi Xiao's body. Once completed, Bi Xiao will ascend to the level of a singular universe god.

Though this transformation period might be long, considering Bi Xiao's age and talent, it may not be as prolonged. And even if it is long, what does it matter? Bi Xiao is young, with plenty of time to complete this transformation.

Upon fully ascending to the singular universe level, transcending life itself, life would merely be a number.

Bi Xiao might not perish even in a cosmic explosion.

After all, there is more than one universe.

Such a person has appeared on Earth, implying the inevitable fate of the Hell lords.

Dormammu's enraged energy forms a massive, writhing head.

He is filled with resentment, recognizing that he has failed once again. This time, Dormammu realizes he might never again have the power to invade Earth.

Dormammu's gaze cannot remain here, as Earth has birthed a god more monstrous and terrifying than even the Ancient One or Odin.

Time will no longer be his disadvantage; instead, it will be his advantage.

Time stands on Bi Xiao's side, and with it, Dormammu dares not imagine how powerful Bi Xiao will become, as even thinking about it is frightening.

What a curse.

Dormammu, with a deathly stare, glares at the small figure before him, seething with hatred.

"Long time no see, Dormammu.”

Compared to Dormammu's teeth-grinding hatred, Bi Xiao was elated to greet the top-ranked player. Dormammu was exceedingly generous; each of his major actions perfectly accelerated Bi Xiao's growth, truly considerate.

What could Bi Xiao say to such a top-ranked player?

Of course, he was filled with gratitude and appreciation. What delighted Bi Xiao the most was that, in addition to a heap of rewards, Dormammu also contributed himself, becoming the largest source of experience for Bi Xiao's accelerated growth. So considerate, extremely considerate.

Simply put, in the multiverse, Bi Xiao was most grateful to this brother.

"Hmph, I won't let you get away with this."

Dormammu, seeing the smiling Bi Xiao, felt a headache. Last time, Bi Xiao had injured him, requiring a significant amount of time to recover. Now Dormammu had grown wiser, understanding the futility of further conflict. After uttering a resentful remark, he turned tail and fled.

He fled in a way that no one could stop him.

Dormammu waved his sleeves, leaving no trace behind, but his departure was not graceful; rather, it was somewhat embarrassing.

Bi Xiao was indifferent, knowing that the opponent's escape was instantaneous unless he was prepared to penetrate Dormammu's core consciousness. Otherwise, dispersing that dark energy would not harm Dormammu at all.

Moreover, this was the top-ranked player, after all. There was only gratitude, no possibility of returning enmity with ingratitude.

Dormammu's departure marked the official end of this Hell's Gate crisis. Although it was termed a crisis, it was not a crisis at all, entirely within the control of Bi Xiao and the Ancient One.

Odin from Asgard remained silent throughout.

Had there been a real crisis, Odin would not have remained passive. Asgard's honor and dignity did not permit any infringement. The Earth was still under Asgard's domain. With the Ancient One around, Odin was too lazy to intervene.

If faced with a real crisis, Odin would inevitably make sacrifices.

Furthermore, Bi Xiao was evidently the greatest potential asset, a high-return investment Odin would not abandon.

Earth might appear to have few trump cards, but in reality, it had an overwhelming number.

Dormammu's plan was good, but Bi Xiao's uniqueness was too extraordinary. Even though the Ancient One had long anticipated it, seeing Bi Xiao reach this stage, nearing the phase of a solo universe transformation, still astonished her, leaving her clueless as to how Bi Xiao achieved this.

Fortunately, the Ancient One had no intention of fighting further and had let go of the issue. Otherwise, she would have sought to uncover the secret of Bi Xiao's growth.

Afterward, the Ancient One had no further conversations with Bi Xiao, as everything had been settled. They were on the same side. With Dormammu gone, she returned contentedly to Kamar-Taj to continue her serene life of tea-drinking and training young sorcerers.

Bi Xiao returned to the Arctic Circle on Greenland Island.

In the Arctic Circle, due to special reasons, Thor, Wanda, and others were patiently awaiting the outcome. Meanwhile, the military leaders of various countries were closely monitoring the situation. Even though they were unaware of the exact circumstances of the Hell lords, their appearance immediately impacted all life on Earth.

The commotion was truly frightening. Anyone with common sense would realize that Bi Xiao and the Hell lords' disappearance would lead to a terrifying war.

The outcome of this war would determine Earth's fate.

For the rulers, having their fate decided was an unpleasant experience. They were used to controlling others' destinies, and now it was reversed.

Unfortunately, regardless of their discomfort and unwillingness, facing these former gods, their efforts were futile.

They could only pray for the favor of the goddess of fate, a self-consolation of no real use.

Fortunately, Bi Xiao reappeared in the Arctic Circle. His towering figure in the sky immediately reassured many, causing even those who were emotional to cry with joy.

Perhaps influenced by this, in the joint command center, military leaders and soldiers from various countries couldn't help but applaud joyfully.

At this moment, regardless of their fears of Bi Xiao's power, they now saw him as the strongest guardian, a god, someone to be grateful for and to worship.

Crisis determines destiny and also gives birth to heroes.

Heroes are often revered, but Bi Xiao was more than a hero; he had risen to a new level. Everyone knew that Bi Xiao was so powerful that even the mightiest countries and their weapons could not shake him.

He was a true epic, having written a genuine, real-life legend, a god.

Heroes may provoke fear, hatred, or envy, but gods do not. Bi Xiao's immense power shattered greed and envy, eradicating even the courage to feel such emotions.

Standing on the skies above Hell's Gate, Bi Xiao suddenly sensed a strange force converging invisibly toward him.

He had noticed this in the death match space but had not paid much attention. Now, after his appearance, the force surged.

He reached out his right hand as if grasping something in the air, collecting specks of pure white light into a ball of light.

Looking at the light ball, Bi Xiao raised an eyebrow: "Is this... the power of faith?”

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