Margrave’s Bastard Son was The Emperor

Chapter 251

Chapter 251

60Melania, who had been at the center of social circles. The only daughter and youngest child of the Hayman family, a woman who had always been the focus of attention for her beautiful appearance and demeanor.

She had endured and enjoyed countless gazes in many situations. But she had never experienced anything like this. Cold sweat seeped slightly onto the nape of her neck.

“…I didn’t know you were in the middle of a meal.”

It was because four individuals were looking at her candidly, each in their own way. Beric seemed to be ‘watching’ her without blinking an eye while gobbling meat, while Romandro was ‘observing’ her while assessing the overall atmosphere.

Xiaoshi, standing in the back, was even more remarkable. Though her head was bowed, it was clear she was ‘guarding’ against her, employing all her senses instead of just sight.

The problematic Ian-

“It’s alright, Lady. We’ve been so busy lately that we don’t set aside a separate time for meals.”

-was ‘surveying’ her.

Was it because she had heard Ian’s words before entering? Melania found Ian’s leisurely cutting of food to be truly unreasonable.

It reminded her of a manager at a gambling arena, enjoying delicacies while watching those who had bet their lives on death engage in bloody battles. Just a few days ago, Melania herself had been of no different status.

“Eat up, Beric.”

“Yeah. Wow, this is really delicious.”

Though the guest he had personally invited had arrived, Ian didn’t stop eating. It was rude, but could rudeness even be established between them?

Melania realized what Ian’s behavior meant. It was about understanding one’s place, realizing the absolute hierarchical relationship, and a kind of preemptive strike.


Melania looked down at the carpet ending at her feet. Though they were in the same place, this clearly marked the different positions of them and Melania.

She was in the arena to survive, while Ian was one who enjoyed watching from above. There was a need to acknowledge this.

‘…Even the sun doesn’t last a day before setting. Human power is the same. There’s a time to fall, and if you wait, it rises again. If you wait, it rises again. Surely, that is the truth.’

She tightly clenched her fist hidden under the sleeve of her dress. Then she took a step back and bowed her head politely. Since Ian had called for her first, it was courteous to wait until he brought up his business. At least, in the current state where there was a hierarchical relationship.

“Have you eaten?”

“Yes. Thanks to your consideration.”

Ian’s green eyes didn’t miss a single one of her movements. The fork and knife were set down with a light question. It was a signal that the meal was over. Though Beric didn’t understand and continued to scrape his plate clean.

“Lady Melania. About your proposal.”

The proposal to save the Hayman family by giving up everything, and also to awaken Ian’s past. Melania swallowed dry saliva with a possible expectation.

“No matter how I think about it, it doesn’t add up.”

“Lord Ian.”

“It seems better to adjust the details.”

“…What do you mean?”

Does it mean he can save Hayman if the details are adjusted? If so, she would do anything. There’s nothing she couldn’t do.

As she made such a resolve, intoxicated with hope, suddenly her train of thought was broken. The name Sereau came to mind. That analogy of Hayman being the champion and Sereau the challenger.

If so, wouldn’t the adjustment of details surely include content about Sereau?

“First, the biggest part of your proposal was the bank note shares and tax burden. But these are parts that will naturally be absorbed by the imperial palace if the Hayman family falls. Rather than keeping Hayman alive, burning it down to the roots is more beneficial for us.”

These are assets that would all be attributed if Hayman disappears. Of course, a certain portion would go to the remaining nobles, including Sereau, as privileges.

Hayman’s chance to fight lay in this small portion. The benefits that would fall to other nobles, not the imperial palace’s share. If they could protect this, the champion’s defense would be successful, and if they failed, the challenger would gain new honor.

Melania was deep in thought, to the point where her head felt hot. Now, that is…

“You’re saying to prove a value greater than the Sereau family, aren’t you?”

“Would you be satisfied with just being greater? You are traitors. Try to make us judge that your value is so excessively abundant that it wouldn’t be bad to spare even one person like you, Melania.”

One person. Melania mulled over that part. It meant he couldn’t save her family, including her father, the Duke.

She clenched her fist even tighter. The tips of her nails dug into her palm, but it seemed to awaken her mind rather than cause pain.

“Perhaps you have something else you want?”

Sacrifice is inevitable to gain something. And it’s none other than the crime of treason, isn’t it? Melania was well aware that even the fact that Ian had given her this opportunity was a remarkable situation. Apart from the external political situation, it could also be due to their past connection. Though she couldn’t be certain.

“No, what could I possibly want from Hayman? Do as you see fit.”

“…Then, will you allow me to leave the palace?”

“Melania. The imperial palace never spoke of your residence in the first place. Wasn’t leaving the mansion entirely your voluntary choice?”

What does he mean, whether she leaves or not, it’s none of his business? Anyway, her younger brother remained at the mansion. Though he would be under the surveillance of the imperial guards, he could enjoy some freedom until his guilt was confirmed in the trial.

‘He has nothing he wants, and tells me to do as I see fit?’

Melania’s mind raced quickly. The opponent is Sereau. A family that supported Ian and would receive plenty of benefits.

If we’re to compare, he’s like a fighter who receives plenty of affection from the manager. Yet to prove value by surpassing such a person.

‘To prove that I’m better than Sereau, it’s much easier and more certain to bring them down rather than showing something. Ian must know this. Is he trying to keep them in check?’

If true, it’s truly frightening. At a time when the seven families haven’t been subdued yet. When they should be uniting to finish things off, they’re sharpening knives against each other.

But this was also proof that the seven families would fall without problem. Because they were certain of the opponent’s end, they were checking their own allies. It was the way those in power lived.

“Lord Ian. But, there’s something I’m curious about.”

Melania carefully began, watching the reactions of Romandro and the others. It was a meager deal, like cutting off all limbs and barely leaving the windpipe open. In this situation, why wasn’t Ian asking about the amber raw stone?

“Why aren’t you asking?”

Secrets exert power when only a few know them. Melania knew this well, so she asked vaguely and subtly.

Romandro and Beric looked at Ian, wondering what she meant. He was leisurely steeping tea leaves.

“Melania. You have nothing left now.”


“No honor, wealth, authority, nothing at all. So the past is your only bargaining chip, your right to attack, and at the same time, your right to defend.”

It’s an answer saying he didn’t ask because he knew she wouldn’t tell. As they say, let the thirsty person dig the well, Ian, who had perfectly established superiority, had no need to make the first move out of desperation. If Ian had added questions to the order to prove value, Melania would surely have looked for an opening.

“Above all, honestly, I’m not that curious.”

Ian put down his teacup and smiled faintly. Half a lie, half the truth. Even if the illegitimate Ian was related to Idgal, if the situation is used well, it’s not a big problem. If it becomes a problem? Given what Melania has revealed now, it’s likely to end with a problem that’s not fatal.

“Well then, you may leave now. The imperial guards will guide you to the mansion.”

Ian nodded slightly. It was the end of a one-sided conversation.

Melania couldn’t bring herself to say more and elegantly grasped the hem of her dress. A curtsy with a slight bend of the knee. Knowingly or unknowingly, it’s stiff.



As Melania left, Beric wiped his greasy mouth and excitedly cut into the remaining meat. He seemed to have eaten quietly because there was a guest. It’s a shame no one noticed.

“Ian. Is there any meaning in sending Melania away like that?”

“Are you worried she might escape to Ruswena?”

“No, that’s not it. The imperial guards will be watching. And above all, wouldn’t it be good for us if Ruswena accepts her?”

If they accept someone involved in treason, we would have no say even if we raise diplomatic issues.

This wasn’t a problem limited to Ruswena. No neighboring country could help the exile or escape of the seven families. This would be like a declaration of war, making Bariel itself an enemy.

“I just wonder if it has any meaning, as you said. Their assets are frozen, and all the key figures have been brought to the imperial palace, so what can they do even if they go outside? It’s no different from being thrown onto the streets with nothing.”

“Those who can survive will survive even if thrown out with nothing.”

“When you say it like that, it’s quite credible.”

He’s someone who survived being sold to the desert as a lowly illegitimate child. He returned alive and gained a noble title in a short time, then became the center of the imperial palace. When someone who’s writing a new myth says so, there’s nothing to say.

Romandro just shook his head, crunching on gula seeds for no reason.

“I’m absolutely not worried about Lady Melania.”

“I know. How could Sir Romandro worry about someone involved in treason?”

Even if they lose family and wealth, everything, those who can make it will make it. Was it just a coincidence that Hayman remained for a hundred years? The wish of just one person might survive tenaciously without dying, creating the Hayman of a hundred years later.

Whatever it becomes, there should be no noise in Bariel under Jin. All of Hayman except Melania, nobles who are carelessly excited and don’t understand their place, and even foreign powers trying to find gaps.


Ian smiled faintly and lightly swirled his teacup.


“Hahaha! As expected of the Sereau family.”

“Yes, yes. I knew it too, of course. When was it? On the day of the First Prince’s execution, didn’t you meet with Lord Ian in the greenhouse?”

“You knew about that?”

“Of course. Everyone knew about it through the grapevine.”

“Prince Jin was there too.”

“Oh! It will be recorded as the first family to be received by Prince Jin, the future Emperor.”

“Is that kind of thing recorded too? Hahahaha!”

The Sereau family mansion, which had been tranquil at best and desolate at worst, was now bustling with guests’ footsteps it had never enjoyed before. The aged butler was about to lose his mind trying to take care of the coats of the endless stream of guests.

Sereau, quite drunk, took out a cigarette. Immediately, everyone around him held out lighters.


What kind of luxury is this? Until recently, Sereau had been living as if he didn’t exist. Now, everyone was trying to get on his good side, fawning over him.

“So, will Sereau take over the banking business of the Hayman family? You’ll probably do so when bidding, right?”

“Ahem. I’m not sure about the details yet…”

Sereau started to trail off but then shook his head. He couldn’t spoil the atmosphere here.

“Lord Sereau. If you have time later, how about introducing your sister to me?”

“Oh my, you! He’s about to become a Duke! At least it should be Lord Ian or, well, the imperial family, shouldn’t it?”

“The imperial family?”

“Yes. Hayman was between nobility and royalty. It wouldn’t be unreasonable for the Sereau family to become the same.”

At someone’s words, Sereau deeply inhaled his cigarette smoke.

It’s certainly not wrong. With Hayman gone, if the current atmosphere continues, Sereau will become the head family of the nobles. Then he could propose the marriage talk that Ian had rejected again.

“Hahaha! Haha!”

Sereau couldn’t hide his tickled expression and burst into laughter. Everyone watched awkwardly before joining in. False conversations of congratulations, flattery, and praise flowed endlessly.

In the midst of this.


“Oh, everyone was here.”

“Welcome. Did you receive the sealing magic?”

“The order was delayed, so. Haha.”

A noble who had left the imperial palace later joined. He took off his coat and handed it to a servant while relaying information.

“But, they say Lady Melania left the palace too. Lord Sereau. Do you know why by any chance?”

“Hm? Melania?”

“Yes. I saw her carriage leaving.”

Everyone turned to Sereau curiously.

The youngest daughter of the Hayman family leaving the palace unscathed?

But Sereau just tilted his head curiously and continued to smoke his cigarette.

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