Maou no Hajimekata

Volume 2 - Ch Ep

Translator: DarkHeartedAlchemist


Dear Papa, Mama and everyone, how are you doing? I am doing just fine. Grandpa Toscan is strict as always, but the Dungeon management proceeds as planned and it finally feels like were making some real progress.

I have no problems with getting along with miss Zana, Rames and Sakuya. Zana and Rames keep butting heads with each other whenever they can, but I decided t think that this is a sign of their relationship heading in the right direction.

By the way, I havent seen Tatsuki recently. Do you have any idea where she could have gone? I know I shouldnt worry about her too much given how big of a free spirit she is, but still, I cant help it but to feel a little uneasy without her around.

And speaking of being worried, it seems like Rames decided to forsake his faith in the Sun God altogether. Instead, Im being told that he has chosen me as a deity to devote himself to.

The weather is getting colder by the day, so please, take care of yourselves and look out not to catch a cold. Ill send you another letter in the near future.

Sincerely, Sofia.

Aur slowly reads the letter send to him by his daughter while sitting in his favorite chair and when he finishes, he heaves a long sigh.

After their battle with the Sun god was over Aur has said goodbye to the Yamato continent and returned to his old Dungeon Master life. His contract with Misha was supposed to last for only a year, so no that he lost the ability to control the boundaries as he pleased, he had no way of going to see Sofia whenever he wanted.

If he wanted to go see her, the trip alone would take a month in one way and another month to go back. As a ruler of his own continent Aur couldnt allow himself to be absent for so long and the same goes for Sofia, who had to oversee all of the Yamato Dungeons.

They had a route established, but it was only good for sending letters between the two continents. So right now, everything thats happened throughout the span of last year seemed almost like a dream-like story for him.

Exhaling deeply once again, Aur dips the quill in ink and prepares to write a response for Sofia.

It was at that time that the alarm signaling the arrival of intruders rang out throughout the entire Dungeon.

Whats that?

That sound has not changed since Aur established his very first Dungeon. In other words, it was a signal that someone has invaded the Dungeon where he used to live, but ever since he obtained his Heavenly Dungeon, very few adventurers dared to brave the ground one.

Who are the intruders and how many of them are there?

Well, about that how should I say it?

Even when Aur asked a clear question, Lilus answers were roundabout and muddy. He wanted to ask what the hell was wrong with her, but he had no time for that because suddenly the room was flooded with large amounts of water. But it was not just any ordinary water. Judging by the saltiness he could feel on the tip of his tongue, that was seawater.


And in the next moment, before he could react properly, Tatsuki jumped out of the water and hugged him tightly.

Ta Tatsuki?!

Ive come to play!

And she pressed her chest against Aurs face, almost suffocating him in the process.

Did you did you swim all the way here?

A journey by the ship would take one month and shed also have to avoid the Dungeon defense systems. Still, she did all that just to see him again?

Thats right!

Tatsuki claimed as she gathered the seawater around her lower half. She was obviously far away from the sea, but it looks like as long as she has water around her shes going to be okay.

As unreasonable as ever I see.

Aur just laughed out loud.

Lilu, prepare a room for Tatsuki and tweak the security systems for a bit. We dont want her to be recognized as an enemy by the Dungeon just because she brought that much salty water with her.

As you wish.

As for now youll just have to come in here.

Saying that, Aur procures a Dungeon Cube out of his pocket and uses it to create a bathtub for Tatsuki.

Ah, how nostalgic, this!

Tatsuki pours her salty water into the tub and slides inside, visibly pleased. She probably remembered that the first time she met with Aur and the others she was captured in a giant water tank made with the Dungeon Cube.

So tell me Tatsuki, why are you free like that? I thought gods are not allowed to leave the territories they are supposed to govern.

When he think about it like that, its the same for him.

Because all the seas are connected with each other.

Well, I guess that makes sense

Aurs eyes immediately open widely as he hugs Tatsuki, who looks at him innocently.

Yes! Hahahaha! Yes, thats it! Why havent I thought about it sooner?!

He sat at his desk and began calculating furiously.

Which is going to be faster, this side or that one no, maybe both will be better? Ugh, but then Ill need to alter all the calculations and then the map but how in the fuck am I supposed to make it go on water?

Aur grumbled and scribbles on a piece of parchment turns his gaze towards Tatsuki who had trouble grasping what exactly was he going on about.

Tatsuki. You are the Goddess of the Sea.

Yeah, that is correct.

Right. So, could you describe the shape of the sea for me?

Uhm something like this?

Tatsuki dips her finger in the water and then, as if she was drawing with it she used it to make a chart With two continents and blank spaces on it.

This is it!

He hugged her again despite getting even more wet than he already was.

Aur, can Tatsuki have something delicious to eat? Cause Im starving.

Im sorry but itll have to be postponed as well be very busy from now on. Sorry to dump this on you so suddenly but Im going to need your help.


Tatsuki pouts and her mood worsens considerably.

Of course I wont have you do it for free. Ill make sure to compensate you with plenty of delicious food


As long as food was mentioned, she was ready to agree to anything.

All right Mari, here we go.

Yeah, Aur!

Aur and Mari grab the pickaxe and swing it down on the wall which they hit with a dull sound. That one blow was enough to make a small hole in the wall. At the next moment, the stone wall disappeared, revealing a one made out of bricks.

Papa! Mama!

Wasting no time at all, Sofia came running towards them and jumped into her parents arms.

Long time no see, Sofia.

How have you been?

Aur and Mari hug the soft body of their daughter.

Just a few months after its construction started, the underwater tunnel connecting the two continents and Dungeons together has finally been completed. Such a monumental feat was possible not only due to Sofias Dungeon God powers but also thanks to Tatsukis detailed map of the seabed and Aurs careful calculations, the efforts of his team and Tenas predictions and Marinas divinations which allowed them to avoid any accidents during the construction period.

Now then, come with me!

When Sofia grabbed their hands, they were instantaneously transported into a familiar looking room: Aurs bedroom in the Volcanic Dungeon.

With Sofias power over the entire continent, she could move anywhere she wanted in an instant. In other words, the distance that would normally take them a month to cross could now be traversed in a single moment.

Welcome home, my husband.

Sakuya came to greet them with teary eyes and tails waggling happily.

Ive been awaiting your return

Dont cry, please.

With those words, Aur Hugs Sakuya affectionately.

Its all right. Those are the tears of happiness.

Aur nodded and allowed Sakuya to bury her face in his chest.

Now, this reunion is really touching, but try not to flood the entire Dungeon while youre at it, okay?

From the side, Zana calls out to the two people embracing each other.

Its a shame that not everyone can be here today to celebrate.

She says, pointing upwards.

Lady Marina was so salty about it that shes probably still sulking in her bedroom in the Moon Palace.

Far away, on the moon, shes probably waiting for them to come.

Very well.

Aur hugs his wives.

Next time, lets make a Dungeon that will reach all the way into the moon to make it up to her.

And he declared so with a smile.

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