Maou no Hajimekata

Volume 1 - Ch 4

Translator: DarkHeartedAlchemist

Extra Chapter 4: Tying the Demon Lords Loose Ends

*Events described in this Chapter take place after the epilogue*


The Star Core worked by absorbing the energy from the light of the sun.

Focusing her gaze at it, Melizand sung a holy song in which she was calling out to the sacred spirits.

Just like a thread vowen out of light, her song reached out towards the heavens to and spun around all creation.

Well that was pretty outstanding. I hardly recognized your voice boss.

He said exactly the same thing that he used to say in the past.

Have I became more beautiful?

Yeah, like a flower in full bloom.

It was almost as if the young girls that the Immortal remembered became someone else entirely. He almost didnt recognized her, even though he was a Heroic Spirit born from the fragment of her soul. In that sense, he could also be called Melizands twin.

By the way, whats your current situation? Im sure that not that much time has passed since then, but are you perhaps still with the Demon Lord?

You called, maggot?

Seeing the Demon Lord appear from within the shadows, Immortal twitched instinctively. However, when he saw how his boss was looking at him, he understood what was going on perfectly.

I see. You seem to be in good hands now, boss.


The Demon Lord only nodded slightly.

You can explain everything in detail, I have plenty of free time to spare to listen. Although significantly less than in the past.

Melizand laughed happily.

If thats the case, then theres something that I want you to hear From now on youll be called Zand.

Well that came out of nowhere. Why Zand?

Immortal asked with a mixed expression.

Now I go by Mary, so youll be Zand from now on. After all, it would be rude to call you Immortal all the time.

She said to him with a smile and a tone that sounded strangely soothing, but did not suit her at the same time.

Ive been worried about you for the last eight years, and this was all that you wanted to say to me?

When Immortal asked his question, he was smiling nastily.

Yes, I believe thats pretty much it.

And you summoned me just to tell me that?


Ahahahahahahaha! Summoning a Heroic Spirit just for something like that, I cant believe you! Truly, this is too much for me to handle!

Immortal no, Zand burst out into a mad laughter without holding anything back.

No words were further needed between them. For they managed to finally convey their feelings to one another.


An office looking room fit for a lord co clean and tidy that there was not even a spec of dust on the floor. The painful silence filling the air was interrupted only by the sound of pen moving across the paper at a steady pace. Stopping the movements of his hand, Toskan, the prime minister of the Kingdom of Grandiera lifted his head.

The outside of the room he was in became really noisy, and he could swear that he heard loud footsteps and howling. What could possibly be going on out there? He picked up his cane and stood up, when he was hit by the strange feeling of dj vu. He heard those footsteps before. But before he could recall to whom exactly those footsteps might have belonged, the doors to his office were kicked down in a magnificent manner.

Is Toskan here?!

Outraged beyond words, Toskans mouth flew agape in reaction to the person who shouted out his name so rudely.

Oh, guess Ive done it again.

There was no mistaking it. That way of kicking down the door without a care in the world, and that rouge-like grin

His hair and beard became all white, but that was undoubtedly the king whom Toskan served his entire life: The King of Heroes, Wolfedear in the flesh!

Your Majesty?

Sorry to disappoint, you, but its just a mimic channeling my voice and thoughts.

Then the spear-carrying soldiers stormed into the room. Toskan felt a headache similar to those he suffered all those years ago, and waved his hand at the soldiers.

Stand down, everyone, everything is in order. He is a guest of mine, after all.


I said stand down. He is not our enemy, at least for now. Your Majesty, let us sit down.

Obeying Toskans words, the soldiers left the room.

I see youre still as uptight as ever, Toskan!

If you could please refrain from shouting so loudly as to not attract any more soldiers then Id be extremely grateful. Its been a while, Your Majesty.

Wolfe stopped Toskan as he tried to kneel.

Theres no need for you to do that anymore. Im no longer your king, just plain Wolfedear, a ghost of the past. Feel free to speak freely, Toskan.

Is that so? Then, if youll excuse me

Toskan stood up and inhaled heavily.


And he hit Wolfe in the head with his cane. In contact with his body, it broke in half like a simple twig.

Doing whatever the hell you wanted to do and then dying just like that, just how big of an idiot can you actually be?! Didnt you thought for even a second how the people would feel? How I would feel?

Im sorry.

Wolfe bowed his head down deeply. When he saw that, tears came out of Toskans eyes.

Idiot you complete and total idiot! To think to think that my dream would finally come true!


It was my dream for you to one day lower your head and apologize at least once!

He could still remember it clearly when he closed his eyes. The image of the King of Heroes Wolfe, who was reckless, stupid, and braver than anyone. It was the job of Toskan, the calm and intelligent sorcerer, to always worry about the little things. He never apologized even for putting himself or his friends in danger, and never once bowed his head to anyone.

That was Wolfe before he became king. Before princess Yudora became his wife. And when the three of them traveled together and were as close as the real blood-related family. Those times still shone brightly in his heart as the golden era of his youth.

While were on the subject, could you explain whats this whole ruckus was about?

Well, I really wanted to see you, and I also wanted to bring Yunis and Zait with me

Wait, Yunis and His Highness the prince are still alive?!

Well, technically she is now more like a ghost than a normal human, but they both have their physical bodies and changed greatly since the time when they were living here.

So they are alive!

Acting on his emotions, Toskan grabbed the former king by his clothes.

Well yes, but Ill be damned if youre not kinda obsessed with them.

No sh*t Sherlock! Where are they?! If they are together with the Demon Lord, then we should

Oi, calm down!

Wolfe shouted at Toskan and put his hand on his shoulder.

Dont worry. Yunis is safe, and moreover, happier then shes ever been. Zait is hell-bent on protecting her, and as for me, well, lets say that there is a little hurdle that prevents me from moving freely, so

Hurdle? Is something preventing your body from moving?

Not preventing per se, but lets just say that the next four months are going to be rather hectic for me.

Toskans eyes widened in surprise.

It cant be.

Demon Lords kids. He personally tasked me with watching over them.

Toskan could feel his blood pressure rising from the excitement caused by all those revelations, but Wolfes next words chilled him to the bone.

And those are going to be Yunis children.

Tears came out of Toskans eyes and trickled down his wrinkled face. When Yudora died during childbirth, he felt as if the world was pulled right out from under him. When he heard that It was Wolfes and Zaitreeds destiny to live and die as Heroic Spirits, all he could do was curse the cruelty of Heaven. But this

This truly felt as if the Demon Lord himself reached out to him with a helping hand.

Your Majesty. When Yunis children are going to be born, I want you to take me to The Demon Lord so I can meet him and offer him my sincerest gratitude.

Dont be absurd! Why go to him when we could bring him and the kids here? We could even throw a grand celebration while were at it! A feast for the ages! Man its been forever since I had one of those!

Oh, but about Lady Yunis children! Is there anything that I can help you with?! Do you have enough doctors and healers with you?! I will never allow for a tragedy like that of Yudora to repeat itself ever again! Ahh! Your Majesty, change of plans! Im going to write a message for the Demon Lord, so if you could just wait a few seconds!

Wolfe could not help it but to laugh out loud. Maybe it mightve been better if he kept his mouth shut about this whole thing with Yunis to avoid unnecessary scenes, but oh well, whats done is done, no use complaining about it.

In the now silent room, only the sound of pen moving across the paper at a steady pace could be heard. Only this time, its movements seemed to be much more livelier.


Yunis, you sure everythings okay? Youre not feeling unwell?

Ugh, big brother, thats the fourteenth time you ask that very same question today. Im fine, dont worry.

Lying on a bed filled with soft cushions, Yunis told Zaitreed off in an irritated voice.

Geez, my bellys not even that big and yet I have to lie in a bed like this because its apparently good for my body or something.

W-Well, but

I appreciate your worrying, but you can stop it already. We have people like Olivia, who experienced many births up until now, and our medical staff is really amazing. You might even say that Im going to have the safest birth in the world!

Yunis said as she quickly got out of bed. Although she told her brother not to worry too much, it would be a lie to say that she wasnt anxious herself. She tried to restrain herself from moving too much because she was unsure of how her being a spirit could affect the baby in her womb, but now that the morning sickness cleared up, she felt a little bit better.

So even a Heroic Spirit like me can actually give birth, huh

Stroking her belly gently, Yunis whispered to herself. Even if Aur placed his protective spells on it, it remains a fact that her body was dead for several months. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she made peace with the thought that maternity was well beyond her reach.

For the last eight years, she undergone regular checkups, but nothing seemed to change. And then suddenly, just when Aur finished creating his new dungeon, she learned that she actually was pregnant. It was as if the baby wanted to celebrate its fathers greatest achievement.

If theres anything you need, anything at all, just say it, and Ill go get it even from the ends of the world.

Yeah yeah, sure.

It was refreshing to see her stupid older brother run around like a headless chicken, but Yunis was beginning to feel like hes been getting in her way, so she drove him out of the room. Usually he would have barked something right back at her, but today he just couldnt bring himself to do it.

Im sorry.

He tried to say it, but the words just didnt wanted to leave his mouth. Eight years. Its already been eight years and he was still unable to say such simple words to her.

Are you happy right now?

Yunis looked at him like he was some kind of idiot. For a moment he regretted asking such a stupid question.

Of course I am!

But then he was knocked off his feet by his sisters radiant smile. At this moment, it shone brighter than the sun.

Im going to give birth to my beloveds child. My big brother and father are here with me. All my friends are here for me. Why wouldnt I be happy about it?

She truly looked like a happiest person in the entire world.

And yet he killed her.

And its all thanks to you, big brother. Thank you.

Zaitreed was so surprised that he thought his heads going to blow.

Why are you telling me this? I have

Killed you. Is that what you want to say?

Yunis asked him, and continued to smile.

You were just following fathers teachings.

Still not convinced, Zaitreed nodded.

Falling in love with your enemy, refusing to kill him, losing your memories, being manipulated, betrayed? If you hadnt done what you did, I mightve killed Aur myself. By killing me, youve changed my fate. Thanks to you, I am where I am today.

Yunis continued to talk while keeping her hands on her chest, as if she held something very important.

And that is why now I can ask this of you without feeling any ill intentions: was killing me painful?

Finally he felt like he would be able to tell her that which he was unable to for the last eight years. After all theyve been through, he could finally be honest with his beloved little sister.

They always loved and cared for each other, there was no doubt of that. But at some point a rift was created between them, a divide that prevented them ascertaining their true, honest feelings.

Of course it was!

Zaitreed could not help himself and hugged Yunis tightly. When he held her in his arms, she seemed so small to him, so fragile.

Youre my only sister! Theres no way it wouldnt have been hard! Im sorry! Im so sorry!!!


He paid close attention not to hurt her and her child, and he hugged her into his chest. That way, he was unable to see a small tear that went down her cheek.


At the outskirts of a village at the border of the kingdom once known as Figlia, now a part of the Demon Lords territory. A small stone tablet was placed at a hill seemingly in the middle of nowhere.

It was a simple tombstone placed so casually as to not attract any attention. In front of that tombstone void of any letters, Spina left a simple bouqet of flowers.

Her face was expressionless and emotionless, there was nothing on it. Nor anger, nor sadness.


Looking behind her, a young woman who was once called Sophia saw a little girl with golden hair.


The girl looked at the tombstone and asked:

Your mommy?


That was Spinas mothers grave. Because the villagers hated and resented Spina, she and her mother were forced to live outside the village, and due to that her sick, weak-bodied mother was unable to get a proper treatment for her sickness, and ultimately died, blaming her own daughter for all her misfortunes.

I hate you, you know? Because you remind me of myself from that time. And I wanted to kill you so many times for it.

Hearing that sudden confession, Mari didnt budge an inch. Spina approached her and tightened her hands around the girls neck.

I also thought about myself the same way.


Sofi, the truth is Ive always hated myself.

Because she became half-slime, Spina wont die of old age. She will live much longer than this feeble girl in front of her. It can wait, theres no need for her to stain her hands with blood just yet.

Putting her hands away from Maris neck, Spina decided to address another matter.

Logan. I see youve come together with her.

As Spina said that, Maris shadow trembled and waved.

Its foolish of you to think that you could hide from my sight.

Shut it!

Unable to bear it any longer, the red demon jumped out of Maris shadow.

I, the great lolicon gentleman Logan, wont tolerate any more insults from any old hag whos above the sweet and tender age of thirteen! Right, Mari, my angel?

Yup, I like you, Logan. It was super nice of you to carry me all the way here!

Mari grasped his rigid arm tightly.

Oh! My! God! The cuteness! ITS OVER NINE THOUSAND! GONNA DIE!!!!

The despicable lolicon seemed to be going through quite the predicament.

Oh, thats perfect then, carry me back as well. Just try not to touch me with those perverted hands of yours, I dont want master to catch any of your perversion.

Are you all right in the head?! I refuse to carry an old hag like you!

Logan, please? Pretty please?

Ughaaaaaaa! H-how can I say no when my angel asks this of me?

Screaming happily at Mari who pleaded with both her tiny hands held together, Logan took both of them on his shoulders and departed.

Oh, thats right, I almost forgot.

Mari turned towards Spina and said with a smile.

Ive always loved you, Sofi!

And I still hate you, thank you very much.

Spina answered coldly, but Maris smile remained unfazed.

And I like Lord Aur the most! But youre right behind him, Sofi!

Spina raised an eyebrow.

I am sure that I love master more than you, brat.

Mari laughed a little.

Yay, so that means you like me the second most! Hurray!

Th-Thats not what I!

Spina rebukes her, blushing furiously.

By the way, how much you love me, my dear Mari?

Logan asked the golden haired girl.

Thinking about it for a while, Mari finally answered:

About as much as a pebble next to the road!


Logan cried out while flying through the sky with two people on his back.

The flowers in front of the tombstone were gently blown by the warm wind.

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