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7 months ago
When she came to, she was in another world. A world just like the stage of a popular game, the girl... Read more When she came to, she was in another world. A world just like the stage of a popular game, the girl “Kazane” collects and fights with monster skills in a Hyper Learning Story.Before she realizes it, she’s saved a town, exposed a scandal, met a ghost, saved a princess, went into a hot spring, and spent her time going to the hot spring daily with her party. In the fight against the approaching devil, Kazane confronts her own dark side during her destined reunion with the Big Cat. Did I mention she also spends time at a hot spring? Collapse Ability Steal, Adventurers, Appearance Different from Actual Age, Aristocracy, Beautiful Female Lead, Charismatic Protagonist, Charming Protagonist, Cheats, Childcare, Childish Protagonist, Clever Protagonist, Demons, Dragons, Dungeons, Elemental Magic, Elves, Female Protagonist, Friendship, Game Elements, Golems, Kingdoms, Lack of Common Sense, Level System, Loli, Misunderstandings, Monsters, Multiple Reincarnated Individuals, Overpowered Protagonist, Quirky Characters, R-15, Royalty, Skill Assimilation, Strong to Stronger, Sword And Magic, Thieves, Transformation Ability, Transported into a Game World, Transported to Another World, Unique Weapon User, Weak to Strong No review?? No one reading?