Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei

Volume 2 - Ch 6

This chapter is updated by

Just before the school gates closed, in the club headquarters.

"The situation is concerning the Kenjutsu Clubs barging in on the Kendo Clubs demonstration for new members."

Tatsuya, having witnessed and experienced the event, provided details concerning the attempted brawl including how after Mibu Sayaka and Kirihara Takeaki started arguing, he had stepped in their struggle and personally challenged the Kenjutsu club to the three people standing before him.

"Even so, after taking on more than ten opponents, its a wonder youre still so well."

Facing him to the right, the Student Body president, Saegusa Mayumi.

"To be exact there were fourteen people. As expected of Kokonoe-senseis disciple I guess."

In the centre, the one who in a sense is his boss, the Public Morals Committee chief, Watanabe Mari.

Laughing interestedly not in the sense of 'strange', but in the sense of 'amusing' while commenting made her words rather ironic. Though her expression was somewhat insincere, she's probably praising him.

What most impressed Mayumi and Mari (?) was, after overpowering Kirihara, Tatsuya had only defended against the frenzied mob of Kenjutsu club members without attacking. However, Tatsuya had not shown off any techniques worth praising.

He seemed to have the skill of an average high school student, but they didnt know of what level.

That was why those attackers fared that much worse than the Yakumo temple students they had no idea he could manage fourteen opponents at once and sustain no injuries and how valuable that was.

Instead, Tatsuyas awareness was focused on the 3rd Year male student, on the left side.

Its likely that he is the Club Management Group Leader, Juumonji Katsuto. Bearing the number '10' in his name, the eldest child of the Juumonji house.

(He looks pretty steep alright)

Standing up, he was about 185 cm. That alone didnt make him a big man to be looked up upon.

Rather, it was the thick chest and broad shoulders and the rippling muscles, easily recognizable even under a uniform.

It wasnt just his physical features; every element that makes up a human seemed to be condensed in him, giving his character an incredibly heavy sense of presence.

As expected of one who stands alongside Mayumi and Mari as part of the First High School Big Three, Tatsuya thought, understanding just from his appearance and impression.

"You didnt see the incidents beginning circumstances?"

Being questioned by Mari, who had changed her expression, Tatsuya snapped back to reality. Once again, he recalled the event of the report he had just finished and replied affirmatively to her question.

"Thats right. Whether Kirihara-senpai had provoked the Kendo club or the Kendo club had earlier caused some grievance against the Kenjutsu club, we cannot say for certain."

What he had seen was from the point when Mibu and Kirihara had been quarreling. Along with Erika, they were behind the stands and were about to exit the gym when they heard the buzz of an argument breaking out, but they hadnt heard the contents. By the time he had waded through the crowd and arrived on the scene, both Mibu and Kirihara were at swords points already.

"Is that why you didnt act straight away?" That question was from Mayumi.

Katsuto seemed to have assumed the listeners position.

"I intended to intervene only if I deemed things became too dangerous. If they only ended up bruising each other, thats a problem between themselves."

Tatsuya answered Mayumis question conditionally.

As Mayumi said, Tatsuya had initially taken the attitude of a bystander since he didnt know who he should stop.

You could possibly say that he had the option to simply stop both, but since that would result in him gaining the reputation and notoriety of defeating both of them, that case wasnt considered.

However, that wasnt the only reason. The duties requested of him by the Public Morals Committee was the prevention of magical violence. Neither Kirihara nor Mibu, when they started sparring, had used magic. Had Kirihara not used the magic "Sonic Blade", it was likely that Tatsuya would have simply watched until the end.

"Well its fine. Its certainly a fact that we dont have the personnel to intervene in every fight."

The trouble during recruiting was how club headquarters generally handled things. Maris remark was based on that, so neither Mayumi nor Katsuto objected.

"Then, what did you do with Kirihara?"

"Kiriharas collarbone was fractured, so I handed him over to the Health Committee. That level of injury was easily healed rapidly with magic. He admitted his error in the infirmary, so I didnt judge any further action to be required."

The truth was that while the blow Kirihara sustained from the shinai cracked the bone, it was Tatsuyas slam that broke it. Tatsuya didnt feel the need to add such an extraneous detail.

And as Mari had not actually seen Kiriharas condition, there would be no way to tell.

"Hm very well. Prosecution is left to the discretion of the apprehender, after all."

Nodding at Tatsuyas words, Mari turned her eyes towards Katsuto.

"Its as you heard, Juumonji. As the Public Morals Committee head, I dont intend to bring this matter to the Disciplinary Committee."

"Im grateful for your leniency. To have used a highly lethal magic such as Sonic Blade in such a place, even though no one got hurt, we had thought that a suspension at least was unavoidable. Im sure the person in question himself realized that. Well give him a full lecture, and make sure he takes this lesson to heart."

"Well leave it to you."

Katsuto gave a light bow, which Mari returned. "But, is the Kendo club satisfied with that?"

"They share the same offense of provocation. Theyre in no position to make a fuss."

Mari brusquely dismissed Mayumis concern. Mayumi didnt refute her. This was a matter under the jurisdiction of the Public Morals Committee chief. The Club Management Group Leader accepted it, and the Student Body president didnt object. With this, the incident was closed.

Tatsuya paid no attention to the exchange. It was not his job to combat the smoldering fires of discontent.

"Chief, Im sorry for being discourteous."

By that, Tatsuya was signaling to Mari that he wanted permission to leave. "Ah, before that, theres one thing I want to confirm."

Mari also had no intention of detaining Tatsuya from his duties (although that would probably be it for today), so her question was brief.

"Was Kirihara the only one who used magic?"

"That is correct."

Tatsuya answered Maris question simply.

To be precise, Kirihara was the only one who successfully activated magic, is what he should have said, but Tatsuya had no intention of going into such a detailed explanation.

"I see. Thanks for your hard work."

Receiving permission, Tatsuya turned around and left the club headquarters.

After coming out of the club headquarters, Tatsuya turned to head towards the Student Council room.

Sunset was only a little while away.

However skilled one was at magic, it was improper for a girl to go out alone at this time, and Miyuki had earlier requested Tatsuya to return home with her.

His plans were to meet her halfway along the road.

The club HQ was in a building separate from the main buildings the

Student Council room was in.

In order to get from HQ to the Student Council room, it was necessary to leave the campus for a moment (although there was no need to change shoes, the phenomena known as indoor shoes was rarely seen anymore) and walk around to the main entrance, but there were already some familiar faces waiting there.

"Ah, good work~"


Erika called out first, but it was Miyuki who rushed over to him. The others stared amazed at that unexpected agility.

"Thanks for all your efforts. Today was rather tiring wasnt it."

"It wasnt a big deal. Good work today as well, Miyuki."

As Miyuki stood before him with both hands clasped onto her bag in front of her, Tatsuya, with a fond look, gently stroked her hair two, three times.

Miyuki half closed her eyes in pleasure as she gazed up at her brother, and their eyes met.

"I realize that theyre siblings, but you know"

As they walked towards the two, with an embarrassed expression, Leo muttered to himself.

"Its almost like a scene out of a painting"

Beside him, Mizuki, with her face red, stared at the two as if to devour them.

At that, Erika narrowed her eyes towards Leo and Mizuki. "Hey, you guys just what are you expecting from those two?"

Shrugging exaggeratedly with both hands extended from her body, shaking her head leisurely from side to side would have looked rather contrived normally, but somehow suited Erika.

"As you said, theyre siblings right?"

Her expression, along with those lines, seemed to bring the two back to their senses. In a panic, Leo and Mizuki reacted to that incident in an absolutely eloquent manner.

"D-D-D-D-Dont say such obvious things! I, I wasnt expecting anything at all!"

"Y-Y-Yeah thats right, Erika-chan! D-Dont say weird things!"

"Yes yes, Ill leave it at that."

Most likely, if not for Erikas chaffing retort, both Leo and Mizuki wouldnt have known where to stop with their misunderstanding.

Unaware of Erikas lone struggle, Tatsuya at long last took his hand from his sisters head and turned to the three.

Miyuki, with a reluctant expression, followed her brother. Seeing that expression, one would definitely get weird delusions.

However, Tatsuya made no such colorfully suspicious guise and, with a sincere face, called out to his friends apologetically.

"Sorry, Ive kept you guys."

The delicate atmosphere dispelled, Leo shook his head with a crisp smile. "Dont be so distant, Tatsuya. Theres no need to apologize."

"I just came from the end of club orientation. I havent been waiting at all you know."

Mizuki agreed with a soft smile, and also insisted that she didnt require an apology.

"Shes also just come from her club. Dont worry about it." Erika laughed mischievously as usual, and gave a biting remark.

Leo, Mizuki, and Erika; each of the three greeted Tatsuya with their own smiling face.

Tatsuya immediately perceived that their words were contrary to the truth, but he didnt want to waste their thoughtfulness.

"Since its this late already, why dont we go eat? If its under 1000 yen each, it's on me."

The current value of currency was worth around twice what the denomination would have been 100 years ago.

For a high school student, 1000 yen was a bit more than usual, but still reasonable.

Instead of swallowing his apology further, he offered an invitation.

There wasnt anyone here who didnt understand that, or felt the need for any unnecessary reserve.

On the next day of the entrance ceremony, the five talked about the days happenings clubs they joined, boring housekeeping matters, people who asked their names in an attempt to hit on them, all sorts of experiences, but in the end the topic that drew the most interest was the drama involving Tatsuya.

"That 2nd Year, Kirihara, he used a rank B lethal magic didnt he? Its a wonder you werent hurt."

"Even though you say it has lethality, in the end, Sonic Blade is a magic with limited application. Apart from having an untouchable blade, its pretty much no different from a sharp sword. Its not such a difficult magic to deal with."

Responding to a visibly impressed Leo, Tatsuya replied in a tired manner.

"But, didnt you stop someone using it seriously with just your bare hands? Wasnt that dangerous?"

"Its fine, Mizuki. If its Onii-sama, theres no need to worry."

"Youre considerably calm about this arent you, Miyuki?"

As Miyuki reassured the now somber Mizuki, Erika drew attention to her unnatural confidence.

"Certainly, I can only praise Tatsuya-kuns prowess in being able to handle more than 10 opponents in melee, but Kirihara-senpais weapon was by no means a blunt sword. Rather, its more like he ended up slipping out from the midst of all those people.

Miyuki, werent you worried at all?"

Being accused by Erika, Miyukis reply was simply,

"Of course not. There is no one at all who can defeat Onii-sama." An answer without the slightest hesitation.


Even Erika could only be at a loss for words.

She had seen Tatsuyas techniques up close at that time.

Even through her eyes, Erika could tell that Kiriharas swordsmanship was flawless. And Tatsuya should also have realized that the cutting edge was not inferior to that of a real sword. Not only that, but Tatsuya also hadnt tensed any part of his body that showed that he hadnt felt any anxiety or fear even on a subconscious level and had reached up faster than Kirihara could bring down the shinai, grabbed the hilt and slammed him down by the wrist with essentially Aikijutsu. No, rather than Aikijutsu, it might be called No Swords style.

It was no exaggeration to say that such techniques are on the level of an expert. Long before his current age, Tatsuya had already mastered enough techniques to be called, if not a master, then something very close. Yet even with that, Erika wasnt able to just confidently shrug things off without worrying.

"I dont mean to doubt Tatsuya-sans ability, but Sonic Blade is far from just a normal sword. I mean it emits ultrasonic waves, doesnt it?"

"Come to think of it, Ive heard of something similar. Therere practitioners who wear earplugs in order to block out ultrasound. Although, youd have to be prepared for that from the start."

"Thats not it. Its simply that Onii-samas Taijutsu is superior." Miyuki laughed lightly as she replied to Leo and Mizukis concerns. "Countering magic rituals is Onii-samas specialty."

Erika immediately latched onto Miyukis words.

"Countering magic rituals? Not just Data Fortification or Zone Interference?"


Looking between Miyuki who was nodding proudly and Tatsuya who was chuckling with a look of "it cant be helped", Erika could only mutter in shock with an admiring expression.

"Thats got to be an amazingly rare skill."

"Thats right. Or at least, its not something taught at high school. And even if youre taught, that doesnt mean anyone can do it. Erika, just after Onii-sama jumped out, do you remember an illusion as if the ground shook?"

"Ye~ah, it wasnt such a big deal for me, but it seemed like there were numerous students suffering symptoms similar to severe motion sickness. Come to think of it, it wasnt just at the start, but also fluctuated during the course of the battle?"

"That was Onii-samas doing. Onii-sama, you used Cast Jamming, didnt you?"

Faced with Miyukis broad smile, Tatsuya could only sigh in resignation. "Im unable to match you as always, huh."

"Oh come on. If its about Onii-sama, Miyuki knows everything."

"No no no no."

Leo interrupted the two as they exchanged smiles and laughter.

"Thats not a conversation between siblings is it? In fact that goes beyond the level of lovers."

"You think?"

"Is that so?"

After a second, faced with Tatsuya and Miyuki who were in perfect harmony, Leo fell flat onto the table.

"Trying to throw a tsukkomi against these lovey-dovey siblings will be a difficult task. You stood no chance from the beginning."

To the regretful Erika: "Ahh, I was wrong"

Leo responded remorsefully, while rising. "Im very much opposed to those words."

Tatsuya objected (?) with a tone one could think was terribly reluctant, and,

"Its not a problem. Its simply a fact that Onii-sama and I share a strong bond of sibling love."

Miyuki lightly soothed her brother.

This time, it was Erika and Leo whose faces hit the table at the same time. "Gahhh!"

Leo expressed his feelings with a sound effect similar to a spray of blood.

"Thats because I love and respect Onii-sama more than anyone else in this world."

Miyuki didnt stop there. In full view of their friends, she nudged her chair closer and snuggled up to Tatsuya, looking up at her brothers close face with a flushed expression.

"Ahh I think Ill go home now."

With her cheek still firmly pressed to the table, Erika began to sulk.

"Miyuki, theres no need to get carried away alright? Were with people who dont fully understand that were just playing around."




As Tatsuya smiled wryly while chiding Miyuki, Miyuki, Erika, and Leos gaze turned to the one person left.

"Eh? Eh? Playing around?"

Mizuki, whose face was dyed red, began shifting her eyes restlessly at the sudden silence as everyone held their breath.

"Well, this is pretty much a characteristic of Mizuki."


At Erikas sympathetic murmur, Mizukis face went red for a different reason.

"In any case, you were talking about something like Cast Jamming?"

Not able to put up with the unbearably prickly atmosphere any longer, Leo forcibly returned to the previous topic.

"Since its already been revealed, thats right."

To Tatsuya, this was a less than desirable subject, but more than that, he too wanted to do something about this atmosphere. With nothing for it, he joined Leos conversation.

"Cast Jamming, is it some sort of electromagnetic wave that hinders magic?"

"Its not exactly electromagnetic."

"That was a figure of speech!"

At Leos retort, Erika smacked him with a straight face, then glanced over at Tatsuya as if nothing had happened.

Cast Jamming is also a magic ritual, but its a kind of magic that interferes with the phenomenon-altering mechanism of Eidos. In a broad way of speaking, its nature is similar to that of a magic cancelling system.

Theres a similar magic that disables the opponents magic called "Zone Interference". This procedure affects a fixed area with the caster at its centre without bringing about a change in information, and the technique is such that if the strength of interference is less than that of the defined magic ritual, then the interference will be shut out. In contrast, Cast Jamming scatters vast amounts of meaningless Psion waves, and as such, it is a technique that prevents rituals from affecting Eidos.

Zone Interference in a sense does not reserve magic, but rather directly prevents the opponents magic, and it is fundamental that the strength of interference be greater than that of the opponents magic.

On the other hand, Cast Jamming works by overwhelming a Magician's data with a large amount of extra data, greatly reducing the speed of a Magician's data upload to his base station. Therefore, the strength of the interference is not so important. Instead, the Psion noise propagates randomly and rapidly across all the eight varieties of the four Systematic frequencies, and essentially becomes an antennae that blocks all transmissions.

"But for something like that, dont you need some special kind of stone? Anti anti something"

As Erika struggled to remember the remnant of the word, it was a somewhat revived Mizuki who came to her rescue.

"Its Antinite, Erika-chan. Tatsuya-san, you have Antinite? I thought it was something really expensive."

Antinite is known to fulfill the same conditions by emitting Psion noise. In theory, it is possible for a magician to evoke noise for Cast Jamming by themselves, but in practice its exceedingly difficult.

Unlike Zone Interference, under the influence of Cast Jamming, the users own magic would also be affected, since even if the magician in question consciously tries to tune the noise of Cast Jamming, his subconscious would reject it. (Magic processing takes place in the subconsciousness, and thus the actions of the subconscious have priority over the conscious.)

Because of that, it is thought that in order to use Cast Jamming, its essential to use Antinite, which satisfies the condition of emitting just Psion noise but Tatsuyas reply overturned that common sense.

"No, I dont. In the first place, Antinite is a military resource. Price notwithstanding, its not something a civilian would be able to obtain."

"Eh? But, you said you used Cast Jamming"

It was not just Erika making a confused face as she spoke out, but Leo and Mizuki as well.

"Ah Id like to keep this conversation off record alright?"

Giving Tatsuya puzzled looks as he lowered his voice and leaned over the table, the three nonetheless followed suit.

"To be precise, its not Cast Jamming. What I used is a practical application of Cast Jamming, Specific Magic Jamming."

At Tatsuyas words, Mizukis face blanked out as she blinked a few times. "Uhmm theres such a magic?"

"I dont think so."

It was Erika who answered Mizukis question directly. "Then, doesnt that mean its a theoretically new magic?"

Erikas voice this time carried not so much a nuance of admiration or surprise, but rather total shock.

The number of Magicians who use original magic is not insignificant. There are also numerous expert Magicians who have been devising original magic since childhood. However, thats just instinctively, and in a way intuitively working out ones own natural magic, and the Magicians who can devise theoretically entirely new magic are few indeed.

Magic is highly dependent on the subconscious.

Even though its simple to work back towards the theory on magic ones subconscious can use, to make up a new magic theory, even if its just a variation of an existing magic, requires a full intimate understanding of the structure and operating principles of that magic.

Its not exaggerating to say that devising theoretically new magic at a high school age is insane.

"Its probably more accurate not to say devised, but rather that I discovered it by chance."

At Erikas honest reaction, Tatsuya laughed as he answered.

"You guys know that when you use two CADs simultaneously, Psion waves are given out and its impossible to use magic in most cases right?"

"Ah, Ive had that experience!" Leo nodded at Tatsuyas words. "Uwah, how arrogant!"

Erika responded in shock to Leos line.

"The hell!"

"Using two CADs at the same time.... were you trying to pull off a parallel cast? Thinking you could do something so high tech, I'm at a loss for words."

"Shut up. I thought I could! One day, if the conditions are right Ill definitely be able to do it!"

"No way youre joking stop it "

"I get that youre making fun of me, so could you please stop with that tone? Its incredibly annoying!"

"Y, you two, lets just listen to Tatsuya-sans explanation alright? Ne?"



Erika and Leo looked away from each other.

As Miyuki flusteredly glanced about back and forth between the two, Tatsuya gave a shrug.

"I think thats pretty much enough about me but you want me to continue? Well, thats also fine I guess

The point is, when using two CADs simultaneously, the incident Psion waves resembling Cast Jamming envelope a Magician and emit Idea containing Eidos phenomena. If you initiate an interference magic activation ritual with one of those CADs, and start a reverse ritual in the other, those two activation rituals will amplify one another without needing to be translated into magic rituals. Then if you release those Psion waves as a Non-Systematic Magic, each CADs developed activation ritual will naturally build up and the two types of magic rituals that are the result can cause interference to some extent.

Even a persistent magic, such as Sonic Blade, cannot be sustained indefinitely with just one magic ritual. After some time, the formula must be recast. So I simply catch it at that point."

In a small voice, Leo whispered "You gotta be kidding" The utter lack of inflection along with his stunned look showed that he was utterly serious.

Abruptly, Mizuki began to cough. Because she kept sucking on her straw after her glass became empty, it seemed she'd choked. Once the coughing fit subsided and she regained composure, her expression settled into that of shock.

Erika crinkled her brow and contemplated in silence. From her grim expression, she wasnt enjoying it much, but it didnt seem like she was recalling something bad.

"I have no idea how to actually do it, although I guess I kinda understand the theory behind it. But why is this all off-record? If you patent it, Im sure it would be very profitable."

To Leo, who had recovered his faculties somewhat, Tatsuya presented an inscrutable expression.

Tatsuya smiled bitterly as he answered Leo, who was tilting his head, and it was evident that the bitterness ran deep.

"For a start, this technique is still incomplete. It can only be used on magic the opponent is in the midst of casting, and moreover its not like they cant use it, its just more difficult. Also, of course I cant use any magic whatsoever myself. That alone is fatal enough, but moreover, being able to interfere with magic without using Antinite is a problem in itself."

"I dont see how thats a problem?"

As Leo asked with not so much confusion as dissatisfaction, Erika scolded him in earnest.

"Dont be an idiot. The reason is huge. In terms of national defense and security, magic is now indispensable. If the ability to disable magic without great magical strength or the exceedingly expensive Antinite became widespread, the foundations of society could crumble."

"I also believe exactly what Erika said. Within the world, there are supremacists who discriminate against magic, as well as extremists who condemn it. Yet since the production of Antinite is so small, they remain below the surface and are not a real threat. Until a way is found to counter that, I have no intention to publicise this mock Cast Jamming."

Whether he was finally convinced or not, Leo bowed his head numerous times. For some reason, Mizuki was also nodding her head in a similar fashion.

"Thats amazing to have thought so far." An admiring breath escaped her lips.

"If it were me, Id probably jump at the chance for fame."

As Leo continued to sigh, Miyuki smiled softly and gave a modest laugh. "Onii-samas over thinking things a bit, dont you think? In the first place, being able to read the activation ritual your opponent is in the middle of and projecting CAD interference waves, its not like just anyone could do it. But then, my Onii-samas like that I suppose."

"Are you implying Im an indecisive weakling?"

At his sisters point, Tatsuya made a face best described as no mercy. "Who knows? Erika, what do you think?"

With an offhand attitude, Miyuki passed the ball to Erika. "No idea? I think Id like to hear Mizukis opinion on this." Erika, with a deliberate tone, passed the ball to Mizuki. "Eehh? I, uhm, that is"

"So no ones denying it"

Miyuki averted Tatsuyas eyes with a cheerful smirk, as Erika hid her face behind a menu and Mizukis nervous gaze hovered about everywhere. But no help came from any direction.

One week had passed.

For Tatsuya, recruitment week had been like the stormy season.

Within the Public Morals Committee, the busiest person was probably him. In addition, his duties had changed slightly from before.

On the first day, he had overpowered Kirihara Takeaki, one whose combat magic had been amongst the most promising in the school.

By the time Tatsuya had stepped in, he had already taken damage from Mibu Sayaka, so there are some who view that as the reason he was taken down so easily, but those who had not known the circumstances of the match were only interested in exaggeratedly touting that a 1st Year student, and a Weed at that, had defeated a regular combatant.

As a result

"Tatsuya, do you have committee work today as well?" As Tatsuya got ready, Leo handed him his bag.

"Im off duty today. Seems I finally get a break."

"Youve done a great job huh?"

"That doesnt make me the least bit happy."

As Leo stood before Tatsuya, who was sighing in disappointment, he made a face as if barely suppressing a laugh.

"Youre a real famous guy now, Tatsuya. The enigmatic 1st Year student who defeated a swathe of Magicians without magic, you are."

"Whats up with the 'enigmatic'"

"According to one theory Ive heard, Tatsuya-kun is an assassin sent by the magic deniers."

Popping her head up unexpectedly, Erika was finishing her preparations to leave as well.

"Who the heck is spreading all these irresponsible rumors"



"Just joking of course."

"Give me a break that was too much."

"But, the contents are really true."

Hearing the particulars of the rumor from Erika, Tatsuya once again let out a sigh.

Itd be nice to think that there wasnt a single person who would believe such a hoax, but enough had jumped on the bandwagon to almost lend credibility to the stories.

"That was a pretty big sigh just now?"

"Getting all worked up over other peoples affairs Ive felt like I was gonna die three times this week already."

"Thats pretty bad."

At Leo, who wasnt even trying to hide his amused expression, Tatsuya had the urge to make a fist, but eventually settled for a third sigh.

The Kenjutsu clubs next ace, 2nd Year Kirihara Takeaki, whose strength was widely viewed as top class, had been defeated by a 1st Year Weed.

As stated earlier, this news had greatly startled the ones who believed in the "perfect" magic evaluation process, and caused a not inconsiderable uproar.

They had directed their unreasonable anger and mutual hostility against Tatsuya, even going as far as to take misguided retaliation.

Meaning that their conflict made him the target of their purge.

Even for those who didn't know the specifics, it was easy to guess that the Public Morals Committee chief was on Tatsuyas side, and that both the Student Body president and the Club Management Group Leader would come to his defense.

If so, then what should be done?

At times like this, the established tactic is to make it look like an accident. Which is what they did.

They would wait for Tatsuya to approach as he went on patrol, then cause a commotion.

When he went to intervene, theyd shoot off magical attacks under the pretense of misaiming.

That was how the pattern pretty much went.

From Tatsuyas perspective, it simply seemed like disturbances were breaking out one after the other, and they were taking their toll.

Due to his position as a Public Morals Committee member, he couldnt just pass by, and had to try to settle the situation.

On top of that, magic randomly came flying his way daily. Most of them could be avoided or negated before they took effect, but there were always some that couldnt be blocked in time.

He had realized that he was being targeted within a day, but until he could find evidence of collusion it was out of his hands, and by the time he did a week had already passed.

In other words, he was constantly only able to escape from their traps.

He had only caught someone red handed on the fourth day, but in the end, that person escaped.

As expected of students from the prestigious First High school, in general, their tricks were successful. It rather felt like they were using all their strength to demonstrate their excellent capabilities at the entirely wrong time, place and purpose, but still.

"Come to think of it, Ive come out of that rather well, havent I"

"From today, restrictions on devices will come into effect, so you shouldnt need to worry anymore, right?"

"I sure hope so."

At Mizukis comforting words, Tatsuya wearily nodded.

Even when off from the Student Council, one wasn't off duty. It was not a shift based system in the first place.

Miyuki had work in the Student Council room today as well.

Yet for the siblings, the concept of leaving the other and going back first simply didn't exist.

Looking at it objectively, there wasn't even any point teasing them with labels such as "brocon" or "siscon" anymore.

Even so,

"Im terribly sorry, Onii-sama. I'll be making you wait all this time"

Just by having these concerns, like feeling guilty for keeping the other waiting, showed that they may still be able to be saved.

"Even if I say something like dont worry about it, it probably wouldnt work"

Laughing affectionately, Tatsuya *pon* *pon* lightly tapped his sisters head.

Rather than saying tapped, it was probably more accurate to say stroked, and, at the tender chastisement, Miyuki half closed her eyes with a look of utter bliss. Other students were also just happening to be walking back and forth along the corridor on their way home.

Confronted with this scene, which was sure to cause misunderstandings everywhere (?), there were numerous hostile glances directed at the two headed towards the Student Council room. However, there was a marked difference in the feelings directed at the couple with the too good relationship, with Tatsuya single-handedly soaking up all the animosity.

When walking alongside Miyuki, up until last week, the primary intent behind the malicious gazes would be scorn.

Now, behind the enmity was, with careful discernment, fear.

Not a fear of strength, but a fear of the unknown.

Also, those who should feel less bitter about his "activities", the Weeds, felt the same way.

Because of that, this became the first time they were called out to by someone unfamiliar.


Both Tatsuya and Miyuki looked back at the same time. In terms of physical specs, Tatsuya far exceeded her.

Yet the reason they reacted at the same time in spite of that was because while Miyuki turned reflexively, Tatsuya had spent a period of time debating whether the voice had been intended for him.

It was somewhat husky, but definitely a female voice.

"Good afternoon. Should I start by saying, pleased to meet you?" Her semi long hair done in a ponytail, she was a rather attractive girl.

The hairstyle had changed, but her face was somewhat familiar to Tatsuya. "Ah, nice to meet you too. Mibu-senpai, correct?"

To Tatsuya, she was the 2nd Year student from the Kendo club who had kicked off a whole week of headaches.

The Kendo club had been the other party in the incident that had broken out.

She rapidly approached the stationary Tatsuya without a hint of hesitation.

It could be because she wasnt the shy type, or not worried since he was an underclassman or simply because she was taking him lightly.

Regardless, this was strangely less unbelievable than if she had reservations.

Miyuki, despite being a Bloom, had earlier stopped in front of her brother but now moved to the back.

Standing in such a way as to not be in Tatsuyas view if he needed to focus, yet naturally just within eyeshot, such was her position.

"Im Mibu Sayaka. In class E, same as Shiba-kun." Tatsuyas eyes were naturally drawn to her left breast. Sewn onto the green blazer was a green, plain pocket.

The meaning of 'same' was rapidly deduced by Tatsuya.

"Thanks for earlier. Even though I was saved by you, I never properly expressed my gratitude."

Bound by that friendly smile, most males of the same age would immediately be drawn in.

--These are words that come easily to one well versed in the use of magic, but it would probably be more appropriate to use the literary term that they 'contained the power to subtly charm ones mind', although when saying literary, its referring more to popular literature.

"I wanted to properly thank you, as well as have a little talk with you Is it possible for you to accompany me for a bit?"

She was probably well aware of the power of her smile to captivate the male students, whether consciously or subconsciously.

However, as Tatsuya constantly had an all too beautiful little sister by his side, he differed in that slight advantage.

"I cant now."

Being rejected so unceremoniously, she didnt seem so much offended as simply taken aback.

"If 15 minutes later is alright with you..."

At Tatsuyas follow up line, Sayakas expression fell, or rather, she slipped on a blank expression, and after blinking a few times, she finally seemed to take in what had just been said.

"Um, then, Ill be waiting in the caf."

While the response was totally different to what she had expected, Sayaka at least successfully managed to extract that one promise from Tatsuya.

Tatsuya accompanied her only as far as the Student Council room entrance.

If he entered, the possibility of meeting up with Hattori was too high. Since neither would be particularly happy at such turn of events, naturally, Tatsuya simply avoided the Student Council room in which he had no duties.

"Ill be waiting for you in the library then."

Up until yesterday, it had been Miyuki waiting for Tatsuya.

Today was the first time for Tatsuya to be waiting for Miyuki, but he had already simulated such a situation even before admission.

He had known that without a doubt, Miyuki would hold some position of office.

Therefore, he was not at a loss as to what to do with his time.

One of the reasons he had originally come to this school was because of the presence of a large amount of private literature one couldnt access unless they were somehow connected to the National Magic University organization.

"The library is it?"

However Miyuki, who should have known that, questioningly tilted her head to one side. It didnt help that she seemed to be slightly suspicious.

"Thats the plan, but why the doubt?"

"No, its just that I had thought you now have a meeting with Mibu-senpai at the cafeteria"

Miyukis glance focused on a region around Tatsuyas throat. "Miyuki?"

Even at Tatsuyas call, she didnt raise her head. It seemed she wouldnt meet his gaze.

Rather, she was averting her eyes.

As to why his sister would take such an attitude, Tatsuya was at a total loss.

Thinking rationally, this would be considered sulking, but concerning this particular sister, it couldnt simply be just that.

Even if he asked, they were standing right in front of the Student Council room, and they were starting to hold people up.

"I wont be having such a long conversation with her. In any case, shes probably simply going to try recruit me to her club."

It felt rather like he was guessing in the entirely wrong direction.

However, a chance to defuse the situation nonetheless appeared. "Is that, really all?"


"Im wondering if shes really only trying to recruit you. I have a different feeling.

Im not sure why.

But Miyuki is worried.

That Onii-sama would have such a reputation makes me very happy but if your true power is found out, there would be many who flock to you out of self interest or gain.

Surely, those that do not would be the exception. Please, be very careful."

It would be a simple matter to laugh that off as needless worry. If he had not been Shiba Tatsuya.

If she had not been Shiba Miyuki.

"Theres no need to worry. Whatever happens, Ill be fine."

"Thats why! That is exactly what Im afraid of!"

At last, Tatsuya began to faintly understand what was worrying his sister. "There wont be a problem. Whatever happens, I wont cause any grief."

"Its a promise, Onii-sama."

"Got it.

Speaking of which, Miyuki, saying that I have gained a reputation simply from high school committee activities is a bit much."

"Its fine!

Theres nothing wrong with that, is there?

To me, Onii-samas name has the best reputation out there!"

As Miyuki spun around and swiped the card reader, her cheeks, hidden by her flowing black hair, seemed to faintly glow with a red tinge.

He soon found the one he was to meet up with.

The reason was because Sayaka was standing to the side of the crowd. "I think it would have been better if you sat down to wait."

"If I did, then Shiba-kun might not have found me, right? I was the one who invited you. It would be a fault on my part."

Whether it was a feminine thing or because she was concerned as a senior, this person really didn't seem to understand herself, Tatsuya thought. She stood out about as much as one possibly could.

Now another troublesome rumor couldnt help but surface.

To be greeted so eagerly by an upperclassman. As such thoughts emerged, Tatsuya sighed inwardly,

Then again, even if only outwardly, he was not one to carelessly pretend. Meeting for the first time with a lady, it would be rude to keep her waiting. "In any case, lets sit down. We can talk from there."

"Its not that crowded, so it would be better to sit after we buy some drinks."

That was neither a question, nor a suggestion, but an assertion. He faintly remembered something startling.

However, he didnt disobey.

Tatsuya got a coffee, while Sayaka had juice; then they sat down face to face at a vacant table.

Sipping at his coffee, Tatsuya sat up with his cup in hand and eyed the opposite seat.

Sayaka was sipping dazedly away through a straw at a bright red liquid. After finishing off almost two thirds of her drink, she finally looked up. Their eyes met.

Her expression was vacant, but her cheeks were red.

It almost looked like the juice had come up and dyed her face. "Do you like it?"

Tatsuya asked a simple question, but,

"Uu Whats wrong with liking sweet things?! You can say Im childish as much as you want!"

Suddenly getting angry or rather, pouting.

If youre going to get that embarrassed, then you shouldnt have ordered it in the first place, Tatsuya thought.

To properly cover her embarrassment, he felt that it may be somehow necessary to correct her defenselessness.

But what he said lay in a different direction.

"I like sweet things too. I havent had that particular one before, but I often drink juice at home."

"Is that so?"


"I see"

Thats not really the case, but the Sayaka who was looking down at her chest right now didnt seem like an elder. It was quite the different impression from last week.

"Um, Ive been rethinking

Thanks again for last week. Its thanks to Shiba-kun that I didnt get seriously injured."

She placed her hands on her knees and, correcting her posture, gave a bow.

Whether to say it was something to be expected of a "kendo swordswoman", she changed notably from the "cute schoolgirl" she was just a while earlier.

"You dont need to thank me. I was just doing my job."

Tatsuya, semi automatically processing his thoughts whilst paying no actual attention, gave a bland reply.

"No, its not just for stopping Kirihara-kun."

However that formal answer didnt seem to put off Sayaka.

"Despite having such a wild duel, the one who spared not just me and Kirihara-kun from punishment, but both the Kendo and Kenjutsu clubs as well, was due to Shiba-kuns insistence, wasnt it?"

"The truth is, it wasnt such a big deal. Apart from Mibu-senpai and Kirihara-senpai, no one else was injured. The subsequent brawl was entirely the fault of the Kenjutsu club, so the Kendo club couldnt be blamed in the least."

"The reason it wasnt a big problem was because of you. Anyone else wouldnt have been able to prevent further injuries to the bystanders. They may have been able to overpower the offender without harm, but even now I still almost cant believe that you pulled it off without incurring extraneous damage. Even though I think you went easy on them, the Kenjutsu club has plenty to be grateful to you for. Along that point, I hurt Kirihara-kun but Ive often heard the excuse, and Shiba-kun may think 'youre just a girl' if I knew martial arts to that degree, its something Id feel as well. The appeal to not suppress your strength, and display your power openly for all to see, would definitely be there.

Shiba-kun, do you recall that?"

"Thats right. I know what you mean." That was a lie.

Or at least, half of it was.

He had no concept of having practitioned martial arts.

What he had learnt was merely the concept of combat. He could see the appeal of gaining the efficaciousness to complete objectives, but had no desire to simply show off that strength in any way.


However, naturally for Sayaka, who only began speaking with Tatsuya today, there was no way to know that.

"Theres no need to make such a big deal.

In any case, if too many people had come out injured from that melee, then its likely there would have been numerous issues, but the only one who seemed to have had sustained any injuries at all really was just Kirihara- kun. Both Kirihara-kun and I were prepared for the possibility of getting hurt, so thats not really anyone elses concern."

Thats incorrect, Tatsuya thought. One of the problems was that Kirihara had broken the rules by using a high risk magic. The principle during recruitment was to let the clubs handle their own troubles internally. If Sayaka and Kirihara had only been swinging shinai at each other, Tatsuya would not have intervened, and its likely Mari would not have felt any need to get involved either.

This was what he thought, but he didnt voice it out loud.

"And yet, it seems like so many people have a problem with that. Even now, there are many students who keep going on about the incident over and over. The Public Morals Committee is trying to score points or something arent they?"

"Actually, Im also a member of that committee I apologize."

"Ah, s, sorry! I didnt mean it like that, honestly!"

Looking down at the bowing Tatsuya with a panicked face, Sayaka, who had become flustered all of a sudden, launched into a hurried explanation.

"What I wanted to say was, Shiba-kun is different from those people. Its because of that that you saved me, and uhm, its not like I wanted to say bad things about the Public Morals Committee, the only ones I dislike are those guys, and, uh, huh?"

Tatsuya had been expressionlessly watching the wildly gesticulating Sayaka.

But his eyes were, filled with laughter.

The rambling series of words gradually petered out to a halt until Sayaka was just silently opening and closing her mouth, having finally noticed Tatsuyas smile, and the embarrassment really started to settle in.

"Hey, Shiba-kun, is actually quite a bully?" Those were words that were quite familiar.

"I dont possess any such specialized trait."

A little white lie. Then straight back to the point.

"In any case, what was it that you wanted to discuss with me?"

"Ill say it bluntly."

Her lips were forming different sounds, but whether it was because she had resigned herself, or regained her sense of purpose,

"Shiba-kun, wont you join the Kendo club?" Sayaka, at length, cut to her original intention.

While this didnt exceed his expectations, and it could not be denied this was rather anticlimactic in a sense, his answer was already ready. If she had just come out and said it from the start, they could have finished off nice and quickly, but now with a hint of irritation, Tatsuya immediately replied with his prepared answer.

"Im going to have to refuse."

"Could I please hear the reason?"

At that instant answer without even a hint of consideration, Sayaka couldnt hide her shock.

"Let me ask you why you want to recruit me instead. The abilities I possess are completely different to those that are required in kendo. Someone as skilled as Mibu-senpai should definitely know that, right?"

His voice held neither roughness nor provocation, but there was a definite edge to it that would not forgive any concealment.

Sayakas glance wandered away.

With such a gesture, it was like she was desperately searching for an escape route.

In a sense, that was probably exactly right.

At length she uttered a sigh and, with a resigned look, opened her mouth.

"At a magic academy, the performance of magic is paramount I knew that from the start, and I certainly did enroll with that in mind, but for that to be the be all and end all, dont you think thats wrong?"

"Please go on."

"Its a certain fact that were discriminated against in class. Simply because we have no ability. But, a high school life shouldnt involve just that. For magic to be prioritized so much over clubs is totally wrong."

From what Tatsuya had seen this week, he could understand that clubs that did not involve the use of magic received unfair treatment. Indeed, the clubs that did received various backings from the school.

However, that was a sort of propaganda to raise the profile of the Academy, and done so by the school management.

Thinking about it, the passionate girl was not making a distinction between "preferential treatment" and "being snubbed".

However, such a conclusion seemed hasty.

"Just because I cant use magic well, they go as far as to mock my swordsmanship. I cant stand being disregarded any longer. Everything about me shouldnt be denied just because of magic."

Without thinking, she took a strong tone.

Within those words, was something beyond conviction bordering on obsession. Tatsuya certainly sensed it.

While it seemed like she found it uncomfortable to look into Tatsuyas eyes, she nonetheless cleared her throat and continued.

"People like us sought solace in clubs that didnt require magic. There are also many people who think like this in the Kendo club.

This year, we want to create a different club organization and tell the management of our ideas.

Magic shouldnt be everything.

For that, wont Shiba-kun lend us his strength?"

"I see"

He had simply considered her an idol, but she was closer to a crusader. Tatsuya laughed at his own blindness.

"Are you making fun of me?" Seems she had misunderstood.

If he had left it at that, it would have saved him a lot of trouble later, but Tatsuya went on to say something unnecessary.

"Not at all. I was simply laughing at my own ignorance. I had thought of senpai as merely a beautiful Kendo girl, so I couldnt see beyond"

He had said the latter portion to himself.

Since he had entered, he had met one beautiful girl after another who were difficult to deal with, so why was he expecting this one to be normal? He felt like laughing at himself.


Since his thoughts were facing inwards, Tatsuya rather failed to notice that Sayaka was suspiciously blushing furiously and mumbling.


"Wha, what?"

Stifling the impulse to laugh without even noticing, Tatsuya changed his expression.

Sayakas voice as she responded was rather heated, but Tatsuya didnt register it.

Then finally, Tatsuya uttered one last unnecessary line.

"After telling your thoughts to the school, what would you do then?"


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