LV999 Villager

Volume 3 - Ch 11.02

Pack (01/02)

NT: My impressions of this chapter? DAMN. Just that, DAMN

NT2 (A few (many) days ago): Yeah, honestly, I have no excuses for the delay this time I just wasnt in the mood to start earlier. I could have done it, definitely, but I didnt oh well, it doesnt matter. Errrm, how is everything here? Meh, no changes. Protests here, demonstrations over there, and classes canceled everywhere. Besides that nothing. And me? Im fine, happily locked in my room.

NT3 (At the present time): Im really, really sorry for the delay. I was really busy with some personal matters, and I ended up in a horrible place isolated from everything for a while but well, Im finally free more or less.

Alice-sama !

Ah, Menou

Menou appeared from the right side of the hall while Alice was looking the outside.

What a relief I thought I had been sent to a different place than Alice-sama was sent

I had also begun to worry Menou By the way, Menou, there is something that bothers me

Alice, after noticing some irregularity with Menou, approached him with a curious look. Then, she stare at Menou.

Is-Is there something on my face?

Something is different but what? I feel something is missing

Menou was wearing the same gray tunic and pants that matched the rest of his clothes that he had been wearing when they went to see the Dark Dragon. There was nothing particularly different in how it looked. The only thing missing was the hat he used to wear to hide his horns.

You have no horns!

Alice, who looked at Menou from top to bottom, finally realized what he was missing. Menous horn, which had always been covered by his hat, was gone.

After Alice pointed out that, Menou muttered, I dont have my horns?, While touching his head, then, after checking his head a few times, he finally said,My horns I dont have em!?, surprised.

Its absurd I dont have the horns that the Demon King praised!? Impossible, Alice-sama, you dont have your horn either!?

At that moment, Alice noticed that she was not using the cloth that suppressed her magical power. Normally, it should be under the ribbon with which she used to decorate her hair, covering the horns that grew behind her head, however, no matter how much she looked in her bright red hair, she couldnt find her horns.

I-I dont have my horns!

The moment she realized that she didnt have her horns, Alice, unlike Menou, didnt feel depressed, on the contrary, she couldnt help smiling while jumping for joy.

Alice was extremely happy that her horns, which were what defined her as a Demon, have disappeared, on the other hand, Menou couldnt help but get depressed, thinking that Alices joy was because she didnt like being a Demon,

Now nobody can criticize me if I marry Kagami-san!

However, the words Alice said made it very clear that the reason for her joy was completely different, which made Menou smile while muttering Indeed.

But, Menou, without your horns you seem like a nobleman. Also, I dont think we are going to look very different since we always keep them hidden with the fabric

A nobleman I have felt a little uncomfortable calling me that since almost all of them are a bunch of vulgar people, but I will take it with as a compliment. And besides, if I look like a noble, then you look like the daughter of a rich merchants no, maybe an angel? No I could even consider you a true goddess

Menou, are you feeling well?

After checking that Menou didnt seem to feel bad, Alice let out a sigh as she started walking to the left side of the hall, however, immediately after, she stopped.

But what is this place? We are definitely in the Next Stage, but why do we wake up here?

I wouldnt know how to answer you. I really dont know why we were in that room. In addition, we do not know where the rest is I wonder where they will be

The pair continued walking down the hall for a few minutes, but the only thing they came across was with numerous doors, the same as those that led to the room from which they left, but none of them seemed to be an exit. Bored by the fact that they found nothing different, no matter when they walked down the hall, Alice began to look outside through the window.

Suddenly, as if noticing something, Alice stopped, then laid her hand on the glass and began to look outside.

What do you think about this?

I dont know how to express it in words. I had never seen anything like this. Everything, those steel boxes, the strange carriages, those vehicles that move through the sky and even the atmosphere of the city is something completely unknown to me

So why do you have that expression on your face?

Its just that, although Ive never seen anything like this before, I somehow feel that I know what it is. Those vehicles, and its even the city environment I feel like Ive seen them somewhere before its a strange feeling

I see, so thats the way you perceive this world Wonderful


Alice, feeling something strange in Menous response, quickly turned around. However, Menou was nowhere to be found, and in his place was a thin man, dressed in a white coat, who was watching her with a smile on his face.

Half of the mans face was covered by her long asymmetrical black hair, and although he was enveloped by a suspicious aura, his gaze was really calm. For that reason, Alice was unable to read his intentions, which made her be even more alert than normal.

It is natural that you feel that way. After all this place is also Japan, it is the country where you live and the origin of Hexaldoria

Then, the thin man casually spoke the name of a certain country that was supposedly just a myth, which should not exist.

NT: Here a little summary Previously, in Volume 1, it was said that the territory where Hexaldoria is located was part of a country called Japan, which was destroyed, like all other countries in the rest of the world, when The Monsters appeared.

NT2: I dont know why, but I couldnt help thinking about matrix while translating this chapter I mean just think about it, it seems like but its different, but, but damn, here is a lot of things to think about besides the origin of Hexaldoria the way he said it seemed odd

NT3: As always, if you find something weird, whatever, just tell me in the comments

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