Lucifer's Descendant System

Chapter 176: Ace

Chapter 176: Ace

Looking around, Noah soon realized what the current match map was, and a big smile spread across his face.

When the match started, the 10 players were teleported to one of the most treacherous arenas in the league. It was like a big castle with walls made entirely of glass, where it was impossible to get out of there by any means other than falling.

As long as a player managed to throw another player through one of the walls, whoever fell, if there was no way back, he would practically be eliminated, since the great height decreed the death of the unfortunate person who hit the ground after such a great free fall.

But it was different for Noah, after all, he had a way to get back if he was thrown. He would just have to pay attention somewhere, that in the next instant he would have gone back to the castle and saved himself. Unfortunately this strategy did not work for his teammates, who, if they were thrown, would each die for sure.

Noah, being a proactive assassin, ran out of the castle as soon as the match started.

Unlike his team, the opposing team had no assassin in the line-up. Since their team Ace was a warrior, they had a healer to heal and buff this warrior all the time, which was why they managed to get this far. With a healer on the team, the only thing they needed to do was to keep the healer alive and their Ace would also hardly die.

That was the problem for Noah. As soon as he reached the enemy team, he immediately noticed who the warrior was and who the healer was, exactly because of the training they were doing. While the healer was in the rear being protected by two more players, the Ace advanced to try to hold the attacks and attract the attention of the enemy team.

'Shit... How am I going to get to their backline with a formation like this? Only if I can teleport very fast and kill the healer before he realizes... but the way he's glowing strangely, he probably has a protective buff on himself... without my [Hell Flames] I would barely be able to kill him with a single attack... but I don't want to use them yet...' Noah thought seriously as he watched the enemy team from a distance walking cautiously, watching the corners as they were probably looking for him.

The information that Lucifer was a proactive assassin was common knowledge, so everyone knew about the possibility of being ambushed by him. As much as it was a "surprise attack", when the opponents knew that this attack would appear at any moment, the surprise effect was no longer as effective.

'I will probably need to cause chaos again,' Noah thought as he decided to just wait for his team to arrive before making any attacks. But something was puzzling Noah; it was as if from time to time the Ace's gaze from the opposing team hovered over where he was. Noah was sure he was well hidden, and because that person was using a generic Blessing, it should have been impossible for him to have anything that could locate him.

Soon James and the others reached the opposing team. As Noah had already told them through the text communication chat that the team had, unlike the enemy team that had no assassin to tell them where the opposing team was, Noah's team knew exactly where they would meet the opposing team.

But just like a few minutes ago, something strange happened again. As if the opposing team knew where Noah's team was, they stopped and prepared for battle.

The whole time, Noah was watching the five players and he was sure that at no time did anyone leave the formation to get information from their opponents... How had they managed to identify the position of Noah's team and when they would strike?

Observing from a distance, taking advantage of the shadows that the furniture of this castle with the glass walls produced, Noah realized that the gaze on the enemy team's Ace again fell on the approximate location he was in, as if he knew exactly that someone was there before turning and looking almost directly at where Noah's team was hiding.

"Shit ... Get out of there!" Noah screamed with all his might, ignoring the text chat, as he knew it would be more efficient, as soon as he saw a wizard raising a staff and pointing in the direction that Noah's team was hiding.

'Shit, how does this guy know where we are? I used everything I knew about stealth and ambushes to hide as well as possible. In the dark it is impossible for even me to see myself without any Blessing that would make it possible, but as the only one who saw me was the Ace from their team, I doubt he has anything like that.

Unfortunately Noah's scream was too late as suddenly a big wave of water was launched at his team, pushing Carlos and Kevin through a glass wall, hurling their bodies under the castle before a message appeared on everyone's holographic screen.

> First Blood

Only James and Mateo had managed to dodge the big wave, but as soon as they did, a rock of ice came flying towards them accompanied by an arrow at high speed.

'Shit ... I needed chaos, but not this way. Unfortunately I'm going to have to use this for myself,' Noah thought quickly as he adapted to the situation and teleported to the enemy team's backline.

Changing plans to try to kill the healer with a single attack, Noah teleported to the back of the water magician who launched that giant wave, and before the magician could understand what that hot feeling of the explosion that happened behind him was, he felt the HP bar itself being drained while his throat hurt a lot.

Before his corpse even turned into particles and disappeared, Noah teleported back to the position he was in, but oddly with a slight cut on his left leg.

Looking at the cut, Noah realized it was a small, shallow cut caused by a... sword. And when he looked back at the opposing group, the enemy team's Ace was exactly in the position Noah was in while finishing the swing of the sword he carried.

'How did this guy manage to react so fast and attack me as soon as I teleported? His reaction speed is even faster than that of Leon, the Blessed Rank C that I fought in the arena that Robert took me to.

It is practically impossible for an ordinary human to achieve a reaction speed as high as a Blessed Rank C, let alone an even faster reaction speed. If he were investing his generic Blessing in agility, I would even understand the possibility, but with the strength he has, that would be impossible.

Not to mention that the maximum limit for this championship was Rank D players. Players with a higher rank than that would have to go to a larger city to compete, since the city Eyrin did not have enough competitors at this level of skill.

The only explanation for this would be that he has two generic Blessings, but it is strictly forbidden by the company to have something like this. After all, it would give an unfair advantage for people with a generic Blessing.'

Seeing the strength of that warrior's sword slash, Noah knew that if he stayed in that place another second before teleporting, he too would be transformed into particles of energy.

But something stranger happened at that moment.

Unlike what Noah imagined, where that young warrior would glance around looking for any clues that Noah might have left, in fact, his gaze went straight to where Noah was currently, as if he knew exactly Noah's location.

"Shit, how does he know where I am? It's like I'm shining with some kind of light the whole time, but I've already turned off my skin's aesthetic sparkles... It doesn't make sense," Noah said to himself in frustration, unable to understand what made this young man so omnipotent.

'Do I really need to use more of my skills? I wanted to leave it to use only in the final games...' Noah thought, a little frustrated.


Please read the author's notes down here! he he he :3 ↓↓↓

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