Lucifer's Descendant System

Chapter 154: Is He Flying?

Chapter 154: Is He Flying?

The view was brutal. Thirteen imps stood around a single man who had a cold expression on his face as he watched two corpses being cremated on the ground for apparently no reason.

If there were anybody seeing that, they would surely think that that man was offering those corpses in some kind of ritual to the demon, which really wasn't so far from the truth.

Noah was truly proud of the imps. Because of the addition of an imp with the ability he called [Fire Claws], the group's speed was much faster than before. The number of monsters they had killed had already reached double digits. Noah's earnings had already exceeded 1,000 exp points at level 04, which for him who had left level 03 a few days ago was a great progress.

Because of the small imp's [Fire Claws] ability, Noah was able to regenerate his energy even without even participating in the battle. Just as he thought, anything burned by his flame would generate energy for him, although a small part of that energy went to the imp who used the skill, to be able to support themselves to the skill for longer. The amount was small, and considering that Noah didn't make any effort to intervene, it was negligible. Not to mention that the imps' abilities would probably evolve on its own from now on. Just as Noah noticed that the first imp's [Healing Flames] had become more powerful just because he was using it all the time on himself and on his companions, [Fire Claws] would probably also evolve in the same way.

Just like the first time he had received a mission, that mission also gave him a radar of sorts. And they had been following the direction of this radar signal for some time now, so Noah could imagine that they were probably already close.

Bearing in mind how dangerous the nest he had invaded last time was, this time Noah prepared for something at least with the same level of difficulty, leaving his energy almost full at the time being. He might as well continue to provide energy for another imp to learn to [Fire Claws] too, but that would leave him vulnerable by not having full energy, so he just transferred the surplus to the imp with [Healing Flames], as his skill was still very weak.

After killing the monsters in two more pools, his group finally came along a place that Noah was sure was where the totem was hidden.

A pool at least five times larger than the other pools they had found before had appeared in front of them. This pool has a much larger area than normal.

'Surely there must be a totem around... but how am I going to go about doing this?' Noah started to think.

First, of course, the ideal would be for him to order his imps to eliminate the monsters while he was watching, and so he did.

It reminded him of other times that he imagined the possibility of breaking into a Fortress and just watching from a distance. Truly, that was exactly what was happening to him now. He was just watching the imps venturing through the Fortress while he stood at a distance, giving commands and support to them, without ever having to put himself in danger.

'Hehe, this is life. Invading a Fortress and having nothing to do? Haha ha,' Noah thought. He knew that if he went alone, with his skill set, it would probably be faster, but it would be a lot more work. Besides that, the fight against the Boss might be even more difficult, because he was alone.

Lilith was very comfortable wrapped around his wrist, but Terrence didn't like the atmosphere in this place at all, and even started to suffocate, causing Noah to send him back through the portal again. Unfortunately, the test of his skill would have to wait for another hour.

As Noah ordered, the small army of imps he owned used the same strategy to deal with the monsters in the lava pools, luring them away and trying to get rid of them as quickly as possible, but avoiding putting themselves in unnecessary risks.

Unfortunately, a small detail had changed. Instead of 2 monsters exiting the pool as usual, this time 8 monsters appeared at once. It is as if they had caught the attention of four pools at the same time, something that had never happened before.

Fortunately, they didn't know what it was to "despair", as they just followed Noah's orders with conviction, believing 100% that it was the best way to deal with the situation. So just as Noah mentally ordered, the imp with the greatest agility of the group, which by the way was the imp that had developed the [Fire Claws], ran towards the monsters while roaring as loudly as possible to try to attract the attention of all of the monsters to himself, while he increased the amount of energy he used on [Fire Claws] to try to do as much damage as possible before falling.

He was purposely throwing himself in the midst of all the enemies to let their guard down, thinking that they could easily deal with a single imp that had stepped between them, but contrary to what they imagined, thinking it would be to catch this easy prey, the imp suddenly underwent an explosion in his speed, and with his hands he plucked an eye from two different wolves and put them in his mouth before dying with a satisfied smile as he was bitten and smashed by the other monsters.

This was a suicide attack that Noah had ordered him to do. As he realized that these little guys were very fond of eating eyes, he specifically ordered him to do that and gouge two eyes out of the monsters he got before he died so that at least his death was not in vain. It was both for the strategic good of the team and for the imp to feel it was worth it, which by the bloody smile he had on his face when he died, it showed Noah that his assumption was really right in that regard.

The other imps did not waste the opportunity that one of their companions had created, and like the first imp, they also went on suicide attacks to eliminate as many enemies as quickly as possible, focusing on the wolves that already had one eye plucked in order to start part two of Noah's plan.

In just that suicide attack Noah commanded seven imps to die, but they managed to take three wolves along with them, which reduced the number of enemies from eight monsters to just five.

From the monsters' body language, Noah could see perfectly well that they were pissed off for having lost three allies to these weak monsters who needed a large number just to deal with the few of them. But the monsters figured that at the speed that they were killing the horde of suicidal creatures attaching them, it would be easy to end this battle soon and return to the lava pool to recover from the injuries they had received.

But suddenly a ball of fire came out of nowhere, which made them retreat as far away as possible instinctively. Even though the fireball apparently hadn't targeted any of them, still, for their own security they retreated, trying to find this enemy who had launched a fireball like this, since among the small imps there was no one who had the ability to do this. But unfortunately for the group of monsters, Noah was very well hidden behind a hill, only showing up to help things out once in a while to get a better sense of how the battlefield was doing, and hiding again before the monsters saw anything.

And unlike what they imagined, that fireball had not been launched with the sights fixed on any of them. In fact, the target of that fireball was never any of the living monsters.

When the monsters turned to where the fireball had hit, they realized that one of their companions' corpses was on fire, and as much as they were never afraid of fire, that particular flame looked very scary. If the flame of the small imp that they had killed in the beginning was a little scary, this flame that was consuming the corpse of their companion was terror incarnate.

For the first time during this battle they were concerned. Inside the lava pool there was something they could trust, but their confidence in it was slightly shaken after seeing that this flame could be superior even to that one.

And if someone able to control these flames wasn't scary enough for them, the same imps they had killed once again came running back up, returning frantically once more to fight and maybe even give its life on the battlefield once again in exchange for some of their eyes.

The monsters had never before dealt with a situation like this. The only remaining wolf, who was accompanied now by just the four ghosts, even started to tremble. He saw how much his fellow wolves had suffered from having their eyes gouged out, and he didn't want to be the next to feel it.

The ghosts were not too concerned, since they didn't even have eyes, so when they saw the wolf trying to run back to the lava pool, they didn't even understand the reason for such fear. But when strangely an imp came flying from some random direction towards them, they finally understood how terrifying it was to try to deal with these little monsters who didn't care about anything but killing.


Please read the author's notes down here! hehe :3 ↓↓↓

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