Lucifer's Descendant System

Chapter 152: No More Chicken Wings...

Chapter 152: No More Chicken Wings...

[Ding, new mission acquired.]

Seeing the window appear, Noah was instantly excited. He had been waiting for weeks for another mission to appear, as the reward for the first mission was very good. Now that mission had really appeared.

Without thinking twice, he ordered the system to open the mission window, and finally he saw what he was supposed to do.

[Quest Line: Journey of the Wings (2).

Background: God had never given wings to angels since their birth. Each angel always had to complete several tasks for God before he could receive his own pair of wings and finally be considered as a real angel. Like the other angels, Lucifer also had to go through chores to get his own wings.

As the user starts to develop his own army, the army needs glory, both by battle and by great leaders. The wings are the symbol of glory and respect for the angels, so the user must evolve their wings even more to increase the morale of the army and bring even more glory to each soldier.

Mission: Totems from other deities have been scattered throughout the universe. One of these totems is being detected nearby. The user must order the army to find and defeat all enemies en route to the totem, so that the user can absorb the divinity contained within. The absorbed deity will be used to develop the user's Lucifer Wings.

Destroyed totems: 0/1]

'There! Finally, I will be able to evolve these wings to stop looking like little chicken wings... I hope they become something useful.' Noah thought excitedly as he looked around.

At that time the Blessed Ones were finishing recovering from the battle they had. Noah was still burning the corpses, that was, until he had an idea.

After all their cold treatment, Noah couldn't care less what these people would have to do without him. Whether these people were going to die or survive was none of his business; in the end he could just take more time in here and get stronger in addition to using his imps to try to go solo against the Boss.

So resolving to stop helping these ungrateful people, Noah got up and walked towards one of the monsters.

The party's curious looks fixed on him, but he could feel the great layer of disdain these older people had for him for being so powerful at such a young age, but so useless in battle.

In their view, Noah was like a child, useless and curious. That was exactly what Noah was proving to them now: he was uselessly wasting his energy to burn those fire corpses which would probably leave him with almost no energy for the upcoming battles. But after they saw how much he was disrupting the battle, instead of helping him to realize his folly, they didn't even complain. Maybe it would be better to let him run out of energy; that way he at least wouldn't make the monsters stronger.

Not to mention that his curiosity would probably do him some harm, because he got up and with a curious expression, as if trying to understand something that intrigued him, he walked over to one of the corpses and touched the hot flames.

In the next moment, strangely, Noah's body burned instantly, and like an explosion, he was apparently burned to death, leaving just a little bit of ash from where he was, causing the flames in the corpses to gradually subside and only leaving some meat and bones that were not consumed by it, showing to them how lethal his flames could be against those without resistance.

The Blessed looked at each other in horror; whoever was closest to those monsters did not think twice and stood up to move away. Even if the flames were fading, they wouldn't risk just dying from being burned alive like Noah had.

While astonishment and a little fear washed over the blessed, Thomas said out loud, "Didn't I say this kid was going to find his own death? He never had anyone to teach him true Fortress knowledge. I wonder how long he had been invading Fortresses to still be so foolish as to make such an idiotic mistake?"

One of Thomas's friends, Ethan, said shortly thereafter, "At least now he won't disturb the group anymore. There was a moment when he threw a fireball that almost hit me and that made the monster even more angry. I'm sure the monster's speed increased too... Who is such an idiot who attacks fire monsters with fire?"

"That's true, I'm glad he's gone. Now we will probably be able to deal with the monsters without any problem, unlike before when we had to worry about that moron," Daniel said in a proud voice.

Only Amber saw things in a different way. She had noticed that Noah was the only one to set those monsters on fire. The monsters after dying had only small flames around their bodies, while the flames from the interior had extinguished, along with their lives. But even with them dead, Noah was still setting monsters on fire, pouring even more fuel on the monsters.

Theoretically, those flames were flames of his own; it was impossible for someone to die burned by their own Flame Blessing; this has already been tested by many powerful Blessed with Flame Blessings over time.

So for Amber, it just meant that there was more to what was going on. From what she had known about Noah, it was very unlikely that he was so foolish as to just die in such a way. Now if she was wrong, well, it would just be a pity that someone interesting like Noah, in fact, was so foolish to the point that she didn't notice.


Noah had obviously not died. He had used an imp's feature that he believed to be one of the most practical.

When an imp was out of his sight, he could still feel his life. That is, if Noah felt that he was alive, it was possible to vaguely feel the position of that imp, allowing Noah to have a coordinate to be able to use [Hell Tunneling], even though he had never seen that place. The only problem was that since the imp was a bit distant, Noah had to spend a lot of energy for this teleportation.

But to the delight of his eyes, next to the remaining four imps were two monster corpses: the two monster corpses that they killed recently.

Unfortunately 9 imps had died during the battle, but that over time maybe could end up changing, after all, Noah realized by the expressions of the imps that they were maturing. They were artificial lives, but the aura they were emitting was gradually changing, and that was exactly what Noah wanted: to temper these little guys in the fire and blood of battle, so that they would leave here much more powerful than when they had entered.

Adding the energy he still had after absorbing the two corpses of the monsters he killed with the team, discounting how much he spent on the fire dagger and the teleportation, and adding up how much he got back by absorbing these two corpses from the monsters that the imps left, Noah had his energy back up again to be ready for combat.

So this time, after summoning again the 9 imps who had died, Noah still had at least 35% of his remaining energy, which was more than enough to protect himself and let the imps fight.

His goal was to complete the mission given by the system, and the only way to do that was to let the imps battle and act himself like a general in the rear, giving the most useful orders to the imps, but not to the point that they didn't have to think. What Noah wanted them to develop here was a refinement to be more powerful, not a refinement for them to be even more dependent.

So, in this way, the journey in search of his wings began again, which last time had been of a single lonely man looking for a nest of monsters, but this time it was a man accompanied by 13 small imps thirsty for blood and battle. That battle-crazy character Noah was only feeling over time, but it was something he was definitely loving for one reason in particular:

Nothing was more worrisome for someone than having to deal with frantic enemies who didn't care about their own life and security.


Please read the author's notes down here! hehe :3 ↓↓↓

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