Love Worth Fighting For

Chapter 175

175 Confused

Clarke Enterprise, 2.00 PM.

The meeting between Christian and Henry Tom the GM of Star Entertainment which is one of the biggest EOs in New York went smoothly, everything went according to Christian’s expectations. Henry Tom and the two assistants he brought seemed satisfied and happy with the offer that Christian made, they also immediately signed a Cooperation agreement that had been agreed by both parties.

“See you in New York in a month, Mr. Clarke,” Henry Tom says happily as he shakes Christian’s hand. “It is an honor for us to be working with Clarke Enterprise.”

Christian smiles. “I’m the lucky one to be helped by the very famous Star Entertainment.”

Henry chuckled. “You’re praising us too much, sir. I’ll send you a few designs to choose from when you get to New York.”

Christian nods excitedly, looking so impatient. Since there was nothing to discuss anymore, Henry Tom and his two assistants then left the meeting room with Kainer who would escort them to the office lobby as usual.

Jack, Nicholas and Erick, who had just gotten out of the special elevator that had only been used by Christian so far, stopped when they saw Kainer enter the second elevator beside the one they had just used.

“Looks like Christian is busy,” Jack said quietly, commenting on the three strangers who had just gotten into the elevator with Kainer.

“They’re from Star Entertainment, sir.”


Jack immediately turned to Erick who had just spoken. “Star Entertainment? What company is that?”

“Star Entertainment is one of the most well-known EO in New York, they have executed several big events well over the past few years. It seems that the young master would like to have a jewelry exhibition in America in the near future, sir,” Nicholas replied with quickly preceded Erick, Nicholas was not willing if the information he got was reported by Erick to Jack first. Even though they have worked with Erick to serve Jack, the smell of competition between the two is still strong.

“Exhibition,” Jack muttered under his breath. “At times like this he still thinks about the big job? That kid is a real workaholic.”

“And you are the one who bequeathed it to the young master, sir,” said Erick quickly with a small smile.

Jack laughed out loud, he had forgotten that what Christian was doing now he had already done decades ago when he raised Muller Finance International.

Christian who just came out of the meeting room immediately stopped his steps when he heard the sound of his father’s laughter so loud, his blue eyes stared coldly at the man who had bequeathed all perfection to him without blinking. Jack who finally realized that Christian was watching him immediately stopped laughing, with a smile still on his face, Jack walked closer to his proud son.

“Why did Daddy come?” Christian asks coldly.

Jack pursed his lips. “Can’t Daddy come to the company that still belongs to Daddy?”

“Tsk, annoying! If you want to argue better go to my room,” Christian said quickly, as fast as his steps were returning to his study without inviting his father to come with him.

Jack’s brows furrowed at the sight of Christian’s obvious impoliteness, if it weren’t for Erick and Nicholas to calm him down, maybe by now Jack would have landed his punches on Christian’s body again. After his temper subsides, Jack finally catches up with Christian. Jack’s steps slowed slightly when he saw the pink-dominated room right beside Christian.

“I think this is Elena’s study, sir,” Erick said quietly.

Jack laughed softly. Cynical. “That witch was truly extraordinary, fortunately all her lies and scheming were exposed immediately. Otherwise, I don’t know what misfortune will befall my family.”

Erick and Nicholas didn’t dare open their mouths, they didn’t want to add to the chaos. As soon as Jack sat down on the sofa which was directly in front of Christian who was waiting for him, Erick immediately closed the door preventing anyone from hearing their conversation even though that would not be possible considering that Nicholas was already standing guard at the door.

“Daddy’s going back to Geneva this afternoon,” Jack said quietly. “Daddy has been away from Muller Finance International for too long.”


Jack’s brow furrows again, Christian really being very disrespectful to him. “Daddy hope you keep punishing the witch after Daddy comes home.”

“Elena is my business, Dad. Daddy doesn’t have to interfere in whatever decisions I make for her,” Christian replies quickly, Christian really doesn’t like it when someone interferes with his decisions even if it’s his own father.

Jack shrugged his shoulders. “Who can guarantee that you will still punish her? You were once so infatuated with her...wait, don’t tell me you still love her after all her rot is exposed?”

“I can control my feelings and I can also make sure that this woman has no place in my heart,” Christian replies firmly.

Jack laughs, he looks very satisfied to hear Christian’s answer that he so desperately wanted to hear. “Good, that’s how it should be. You deserve a much better woman than that witch, Daddy has lots of business partners who have daughters who are much prettier and smarter than that little witch. Don’t worry about women, Daddy can give you any kind of woman you want, Son.”

Christian shakes his head. “I’m still not interested in any kind of relationship right now.”

“Ok, Daddy won’t force you. Daddy just wanted to let you know that Daddy is ready to help you if you need help Daddy find a woman to be your partner.”

Christian is silent, he doesn’t respond to the last words that come out so smoothly from his father’s lips. Even though what he told his father was what was in his heart right now, Christian felt so hurt when he spoke. By this time Christian was completely heartbroken, Elena had ruined all the beautiful plans he had so well laid out.

Feeling that there are no more discussions to discuss, Jack finally decides to leave Christian. Jack wants to buy some of Suri’s favorite food this afternoon before he returns to Geneva, Jack also can’t wait to meet Areez, a friend who Anne calls able to control Suri’s anger.

After his father left, Christian’s attention returned to the pile of documents that a representative from Star Entertainment had just left. Although his mind was disturbed because his father brought up Elena, Christian managed to focus on his work again. When Christian has changed seats, Kainer comes in. The young man was seen carrying two cups of coffee with him.

“Cappuccino latte, sir,” Kainer said quietly, inviting Christian to enjoy the coffee he had prepared.

Christian glances over, staring at the coffee cup on his right. “Thanks.”

“I accidentally saw Erick and...”

“Yes, Daddy and his two assistants came. They said goodbye to me.” Christian cuts Kainer off without mentioning Elena.

Kainer squeezed the coffee cup in his hand slowly, although he didn’t know what the father and son had been talking about, Kainer felt that the tension between the two had not subsided. As Christian’s concentration returned to work, Kainer chose to sit down and immediately did the same as her master. The exhibition in New York was an important step in expanding the Clarke Enterprise jewelry business which Christian wanted to give Suri to take care of, but because Suri’s current situation didn’t allow it, Jack couldn’t help but still have to take care of it himself. Inheriting the best blood of David Clarke makes Christian always right to read the opportunities that come to him, like this time for example when he got a golden opportunity to expand his jewelry business in a country filled with world celebrities who sleep on piles of dollars.


“Let’s eat, Miss,” Romaria pleaded for the umpteenth time to Elena who had woken up from her stupor fifteen minutes ago.

Elena, who was still in shock when she saw her house on fire, shook her head slowly. Let alone the appetite, Elena’s desire to live is not present at this time. The house he had come home to was now intangible, shattered and razed to the ground.


“I want to go home, Romaria,” Elena said quietly. “I want to meet my parents.”

“Later Miss, when the young master comes you can...”

Elena grabbed Romaria’s hand quickly. “Help me out of this place, I don’t want to see that man again.” Elena’s eyes welled up again.

“Sorry Miss, I can’t help you,” said Romaria quietly. “I dare not go against the young master.”

“I want to go home...I want to meet my parents, Romaria,” said Elena again with a voice that sounded so sad.

Romaria slowly touched Elena’s cheek gently. “You can talk to the young master properly when the young master comes later, miss. Although I don’t know what the problem is between the two of you, but I believe that your problem can be resolved. I still see the great love in the young master’s eyes for you, miss.”

Elena shook her head. “Christian doesn’t love me, he doesn’t have those genuine feelings for me anymore, Romaria.”


“He wouldn’t have hurt me like this if he really loved me, he wouldn’t have locked me in this place if he loved me, Romaria. The only feelings left in Christian right now are hatred and anger, Christian is angry over a mistake. which I didn’t even know. Our relationship before this was fine sob... he even proposed to me in front of my parents, he also took me to a jewelry store to choose a wedding ring. Everything went well until finally I had to be stuck here.. I didn’t do anything wrong, Romaria. I also never betrayed him, that’s why I’m confused why he suddenly had to lock me up in this place.”

Romaria knows that Elena is telling the truth. Romaria also knows that Elena and Christian actually love each other.

“I just want to live in peace with my parents, Romaria. If the Christian family doesn’t give us permission to get married, I don’t mind, I can back off and walk away. I won’t appear in front of them again.”

Romaria wiped the tears from Elena’s eyes that were again pouring from her eyes.

“If indeed you did nothing wrong, then what accusation did young master give you that you had to...”

“I was accused of being the one who kidnapped Suri.”

“Suri?” Romaria looked confused.

“Suri Mireya Clarke, Christian’s younger sister who has been missing for three years and I’m accused of being part of the kidnapping gang... even though I met Suri when Christian took me to meet his family.”

“Oh Jesus...”

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