Lord Evolution: Starting With SS-rank Skills

Chapter 34: Emotions and monsters ( XIV )

Glenwood Village hasn't been the same in the last twenty-four hours!

It first started with the blasting of the announcement trumpet, followed by the message of five of Lord Fagin's women.

This report brought about the beginning of chaos, as soldiers stormed all the streets in search of the women. They entered every house in Glenwood, turning everything upside down in search of them. Sadly, there was no result.

Seeing that there was no sign of them in Glenwood, Lord Fagin, infuriated, asked his horsemen to ride down the path leading to Winterseed in search of them.

"If you find them and they resist, kill them!" he said to the horsemen before sending them out in search of the women.

While he gave these orders, Liara hid behind the room and, sadly, heard everything.

Those words kept playing over and over again in her head, causing her to tremble as emotions surged inside of her.

She ran back to her quarters and couldn't keep a calm composure, her mood dampened, eyes reddened, and breath ragged. She simply stared at the walls, recalling those words over and over again.

Sadly, her alone time wasn't even peaceful as two soldiers soon stormed the room and dragged her out.

They dragged her body across the rough ground towards the large hall Lord Fagin used for receiving his guests. There, she could see the different able-bodied men and some classily dressed women gathered together, looking at her with hateful eyes.

"Drag that bitch over here!!" Lord Fagin roared in anger.

The guards immediately obeyed, they dragged her and tossed her in the middle of the hall, where all the eyes in the room could reach her. She could only let out a short cry of pain as her body ached from the rough toss.

"You!! Where are your sisters?" Lord Fagin asked with anger blasting from his voice.

Liara could only look at him with terror, refusing to answer.

"Are you deaf?? Answer my question! Don't act like you are not aware of your sisters' plans to kill my soldiers and escape!" Lord Fagin's round figure stormed towards her, his fatty flesh swaying disgustingly in the air.

"I don't know," Liara replied.

"What do you mean? You bitch." Lord Fagin planted a slap across her face. "How dare you lie in front of me?"

Liara held her face, now inflicted with the stinging pain from the slap. She realized that it would be even harder to get herself out of this situation.

"I wasn't told about their plans. You have to believe me," she immediately replied, tears falling from her face.

"Fake tears! Lord Fagin, she is clearly lying. This bitch is definitely in on her sisters' plans. Who knows? She might even be the one who killed those young innocent soldiers in order to aid their escape," one of the women in the room said with a scoff.

"I agree with you. Someone like her does not deserve to live anymore. We should get rid of her immediately," another woman supported.

Liara could tell easily why these women were actively against her just from the wrinkles on their faces. Both are almost the same age as Elara, but unfortunately, their skin wasn't as healthy as hers. The women of Glenwood never liked any of them from the beginning.

Some men joined in condemning Liara, suggesting that she be killed immediately. However, one of the captains couldn't help but smirk evilly.

"Lord Fagin, she looks too weak and innocent to have committed such a crime. How can a woman of such structure kill three of our well-trained soldiers at the same time? That is impossible. It is obvious the others grouped up to kill them before leaving," the captain suggested with a serious expression on his face.

As he spoke, Liara couldn't help but observe him, and she immediately recognized him—he is Captain Stanis, the same captain who has been trying to steal Elara from Lord Fagin.

'Why is he trying to help me?? What sort of sick thoughts is he harboring towards me right now?' Liara's worries increased.

The room became real noisy after Captain Stanis's suggestion. Everyone, especially the women, disagreed with his suggestion.

Stanis remained calm and didn't even bother to argue with them, he kept his eyes fixed on Lord Fagin, who was fuming like a balloon ready to explode anytime soon.

'Why are you so pissed off about the departure of women you can't even make love with? I would soon lay my hands on that thing, and when I do, I will claim those women and make love with them every day and ensure you watch,' his sick mind raced with dark thoughts.

He turned to look at Liara and winked at her. His wink was quickly met with a feisty glare, which caused him to lose composure. Nevertheless, he quickly gained it back.

The noise in the room continued, growing even more every second. The tension in the room was palpable at this moment.

"Quiet down, all of you!!" Lord Fagin barked.

The room immediately fell silent, only a few murmurs could be heard.

"I said cease it!!" he barked again, and the noise died down completely.

Everyone turned their heads towards him, ready to hear what he had to say.

"All these issues started because of your poor security management, Stanis. You were supposed to be in charge of defense while the party was going on, but instead, you drowned yourself in alcohol and left three tiny soldiers to guard the gate," Lord Fagin complained with a dark expression, facing the captain who spoke in favor of Liara earlier.

'How dare a dickless fat fuck speak to me in such a manner,' Stanis cursed inwardly.

"I am very sorry, Lord Fagin." He bowed his head and apologized.

"Keep your sorry to yourself. You have to take care of this mess because you started it. You will have to apologize to the families of the young soldiers and then take your men outside to search for those women. You are not allowed to return unless you find them," Lord Fagin declared.

Hearing his words, the room fell into a deeper silence, every eye turned to Stanis with pitiful looks. Some who had grudges against him found the order really appealing.

"But Lord Fagin..." Stanis grumbled.

"No buts, Stanis. If I were you, I would kick off my mission immediately."

After saying this, Lord Fagin sat back on the large chair in the room, his body already worn out from talking too much. He waved his hand, and almost immediately, two maids brought out two trays containing different delicacies.

Stanis observed Lord Fagin for a few seconds before storming out of the room, swearing in his heart to get his revenge as soon as possible.

As Lord Fagin ate his meal, he asked the guards to haul Liara away and lock her up.

Liara let herself be taken away without uttering a single word. As she was being taken away, her eyes glowed with a sharp glare of deep hatred that was felt by those who looked into her eyes. Some of the women couldn't help but shiver at the intensity of hatred radiating from those eyes.

They were only able to maintain proper composure after she left.

"Lord Fagin," one man in the room who had been quiet throughout the previous ordeal finally spoke up.

"What is it?" Lord Fagin grumbled.

"We need to be ready for war," the man responded.

"Why? Is it because of a small place like Winterseed? Their total number of people isn't even as big as our army." Lord Fagin scoffed and cleaned his mouth with a napkin.

"Those women have stayed with us throughout most of our meetings. They have heard a lot of our core battle strategies. If the Lord of Winterseed lays his hands on those strategies, his victory would be easier."

"So you are trying to say those women left to give out our battle strategy?" Lord Fagin asked, not even taking his suggestion seriously.

Strategy or not, he believes Winterseed, with their small army, wouldn't be able to defeat his.

Not only are his soldiers much greater in number, but they are also well-trained and much stronger than Winterseed's.

"Yes, my Lord. I suggest we attack now before Winterseed gets the time to act on the information they've received," the man responded.

Lord Fagin scoffed, grabbed a chicken wing from the tray, tossed it into his mouth, and devoured it while everyone watched.

"You shouldn't concern yourself with that. How can their young lord, who hasn't experienced any battle in his life, gain the ability to understand our strategy and make a counter-strategy? It is impossible," he said.

Everyone in the room agreed, they believed Winterseed stood no chance at all, except the one who brought the suggestion, he could only shake his head in pity.

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