Lord Evolution: Starting With SS-rank Skills

Chapter 19: Winterseed -XIX-

It is a new morning, and the villagers are happily returning to their various farmlands with pride and happiness. After hearing how their young lord defended them last night from the hands of goblins, their hope of getting their village revived to its peak increased, and they were all ready to work towards it.

On a random street in Winterseed, a large group of villagers could be seen marching towards their farmlands with happy smiles on their faces as they discussed.

"Who could have thought that our young lord would be blessed with immense sword knowledge after resurrecting?" a man said to his colleagues with a proud smile. He is one of the soldiers whom Rowan rescued yesterday.

"Haha... our village is blessed. Before, my hope that we would be freed from Glenwood's slavery was low, but now my hopes are high! I believe Lord Rowan will make Winterseed a big name again!" his colleague replied.

"Today, I will train very hard to comprehend that sword technique he is currently teaching us and make sure to impress him!" the young soldier clenched his fist and said with determination.

"But did you hear the discussions by the captains last night?" one suddenly asked.

"Huh, what is it? You know I wasn't around the captains too much," the other replied with a curious expression.

"Yeah, I knew that. You were away guarding the villagers, and when you were away, the captains had a brief discussion. They believe a larger group of goblins will attack very soon, and there's a 50/50 chance a hobgoblin will be leading them."


"Yes, that's what they said. But the chances are low; they might not come with the larger group, but we should still prepare for the worst."

This was the discussion of two young soldiers who escorted the villagers to their farmlands.

Among the large group approaching the farm, there were others who discussed different topics, especially how Rowan told them he would build their houses very soon and the fact that their village would soon have a big war against Glenwood.

Following these discussions from the villagers, a lot of windows popped up in front of Rowan, summarizing their conversations and also informing him about certain important details.

[ One of your followers prays continuously for your downfall. ]

[ One of your followers voices out his hate for you. ]

At this point, Rowan was already used to this specific message popping up every now and then, making him wonder who the hell hates him this much and why he hasn't been able to find them.

However, he was very happy to receive these kinds of messages. If not, he would have fallen into a big trap in the upcoming war.

Taking his attention off the system, Rowan's eyes fell on the door, which creaked open at that moment as Riela's pretty figure walked in, holding a tray of food.

A beautiful smile appeared on her face when her eyes met Rowan's.

"Good morning, Rowan! I brought you something to eat!" Riela greeted with a cheerful and angelic voice as she strolled towards Rowan, who was standing beside his bed.

Rowan couldn't help but smile. It was very early in the morning, and she was already bringing him food, which could only mean that she had woken up very early to prepare it. He was very grateful for that.

He watched as Riela squatted innocently and placed the tray of food on the small stool beside his bed. However, her figure was too wicked to do something innocent without triggering a reaction from Rowan. As she squatted, her soft clothes hugged tightly against her figure, accentuating her curves.

Seeing this, Rowan couldn't resist the urge to spank her. He lifted his right hand and gave her a light tap, causing a low spanking sound to spread across a small radius.

Feeling the gentle tap on her behind, Riela's face turned red hot as she flushed profusely. She stood up abruptly and stared at Rowan with a flustered expression, which made her really cute.

"Thank you for waking up so early to prepare something for me to eat, Riela." Rowan smiled at her and thanked her, acting as though he hadn't just teased her behind.

"Rowan~," she let out in a low tone, her face still red as she wasn't used to being touched in such a manner, especially by Rowan, who she had a crush on.

Seeing her flustered expression, Rowan continued to tease her verbally.

"What, Riela? You know you're so pretty, and I couldn't contain myself anymore. We're both adults now, remember? Our urge to do it and procreate when we see those we love becomes higher and harder to resist." He spoke in a low and charming tone as he stepped closer to her.

"When all this is over, I want you to be the first woman in my life and carry my babies," he continued. As he stepped closer to the flustered Riela, he pulled her in for a romantic hug, wrapping his hands around her waist and pressing her body against his.

As he hugged her, he patted her hair lovingly as her head gently relaxed on his chest.

"Remember when we were young, you promised to be the mother of my unborn kids? Now is the time to keep that promise." While patting her, he whispered in her ear, his whisper summoning an electrifying sensation within her.

Unable to hold back any longer, Riela quickly pulled away from his embrace. Her slender hands reached for his head, drawing it down as she stretched her body to press a deep kiss against his lips.

As Riela's lips met his, she closed her eyes, savoring the warmth and softness of the moment. Her heart raced as she poured all her unspoken feelings into the kiss, her body leaning into his as if drawn by an invisible force.

For a brief second, Rowan was stunned by her sudden fierceness, his eyes wide with surprise. He hadn't expected her to act so boldly and initiate their first kiss.

But his initial shock disappeared as he accepted her kiss and reciprocated it. Riela was new to kissing, and her kiss was somewhat amateurish, but Rowan preferred it that way—it was better for him to teach her than for her to already be experienced.

Rowan's hands moved swiftly, one settling on her waist, the other gently cupping the back of her head, pulling her closer as he slowly dominated her mouth with his tongue.

Both of them enjoyed a passionate kiss that lasted for more than a minute before Riela realized what she was doing and shyly pulled away. She was so deep into her feelings a minute ago that she didn't realize what she was doing until now.

"I... I can't believe I just did that!" she exclaimed, her voice trembling as she tried to steady her breathing.

Without waiting for Rowan to respond, she spun around on her heel, her feet moving on their own as she bolted towards the door. "I have to go!"

Rowan simply watched as her gracious figure bolted out of the room with a smile on his face.

"Hehe, this is what I'm talking about! An innocent wife who doesn't even understand how to display her love and lust. The next time we meet in private, she might try to explain herself or explore that same feeling. I don't mind teaching her—she's my woman, after all," he said to himself.

But then he realized something important. "Fuck, I forgot to give her the skill book!" he cussed loudly.

He was too focused on his lust that he forgot the skill book. Well, he couldn't really blame himself—she was just too adorable.

Letting out a sigh, he walked towards his bed to eat breakfast, but before he could sit back and eat, the door opened. Brandon and Roland walked in with questioning expressions on their faces.

"We saw Riela running out of here. Was there a problem?" Roland asked curiously as he observed Rowan's lips and noticed the wetness.

Rowan only smiled and replied, "No problem at all."

But his response made the men even more suspicious.

[ Your captain looks at you with suspicious eyes. ]

[ Your assistant sarcastically thinks there's definitely a problem. ]

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