Life of a Magic Academy Mage

Chapter 4

Chapter 004

The private rooms given to each person were surprisingly spacious and comfortable.

It seemed that even if the skeleton headmaster didn’t give anything else, he didn’t take away his private room.

Of course, this was Lee Han-joon’s idea, and by now the other nobles were shocked to see the bleak room without anything.

-That… is that where the beggars live?

– Didn’t someone steal the room? The room feels more


because there is nothing except for the desk, chair, and bed.

Lee Han organized the clothes he received, put his luggage in a corner, and took out a book.

< About Einrogard >.

Before entering, it was a thin book with a brief explanation of each school they attended.

‘Required subjects must be taken unconditionally, and the rest are freely chosen. In the first month, I can go around and listen to what lectures I like and decide…’

This school seemed strict, but it was free in this area.

Once in, students don’t care what they study.

– A wizard is a person who seeks the truth of the world. Even if your seniors and teachers help you, you must decide your own path and move on. Osu Gonadaltes.

‘The principal’s name was Osu Gonadaltes.’

Lee Han, who got the information he didn’t want to know, finished the work roughly and got up from his seat.

I heard that you can go to the freshman lounge earlier, so I thought of going there and having a chat.

* * *

“I want to learn alchemy.”

Yoner had come down first. Upon discovering that Lee Han had arrived, Yoner waved happily.


“huh. I’ve been interested in alchemy ever since I was in my family. It’s my dream to open up my own studio and deliver products to the imperial family.”

“It will be some money.”

“Would you like to join us?”

“Ugh. I’ll think about it. The alchemy business isn’t that easy.”

Lee Han did not accept it right away.

Just as Yoner has been interested in alchemy since he was in his family, Lee Han has been interested in business since he was in his family.

Speaking of alchemy, it sounded plausible, but the empire’s alchemy business was also fiercely competitive.

Guilds created by outstanding alchemists were fighting fiercely to steal market share from each other.

Spreading potions for free to the adventurer’s guild, spreading bad rumors about potions made by the opponent’s alchemy guild, monopolizing all the herbs used as ingredients for potions, and so on.

I couldn’t help but be afraid as each rumor was heinous.

‘It might be better to be stable after all.’

Lee Han’s primary target was an imperial official, that is, a civil servant.

There was nothing wrong with being a civil servant in the past and now.

“Then where are you interested?”


Lee Han was a little taken aback when he was asked the question.


‘I was thinking of taking subjects with less competition and good grades.’

The grades I received here became my specifications when I went outside.

Of course, Lee Han couldn’t be bothered.

“Since I have time for a month, I was thinking of looking around and deciding. Because you shouldn’t judge anything hastily.”

“Wow… that’s great.”


Yihan looked at Yoner, not understanding what was so great about it.

Anything great?

“Usually, they think about the magic they want to master. one that suits your taste. But that’s not necessarily a good way…”

It was hard to know what kind of magic he was suited to before he tried it himself.

And forcibly learning magic that doesn’t fit your aptitude isn’t as efficient as you think.

If you are a magician who seeks the truth, you should know how to overcome your stubbornness and choose a better path.

However, as human beings, there is greed, and when you have greed, you want to go the path you want.

It wasn’t easy to let go of such greed.

“Is that also the Wodanaz family rule?”

‘If I just say something, the Wardanaj family will come out?’

Lee Han was dumbfounded.

I didn’t know it when I was in the family, but when I came out, I realized the power of the family name more.

Just like the eyes from the Black Turtle Tower students…

Perhaps the image of the Wodanaz family was much stronger than Lee Han thought.

“It’s a big deal!”


Gainando, who arrived late, exclaimed hurriedly.

“What is going on?”

“There must have been a thief in my room! Nothing!”


* * *

Understanding basic magic.

It was a compulsory subject for first-year students entering Einrogard.

There were no students from other towers, probably because it was a subject only for the students of the Blue Dragon Tower.

“Does everyone look weird?”

“I’m hungry, I’m sleepy because I can’t sleep properly, and I’m nervous when I move because my clothes are rough.”

Gainando nodded in agreement with Yoner’s words.

When he woke up early in the morning, Gainando thought yesterday was a dream.

He expected to be served warm white bread with freshly made butter and hot soup with chicken and spices.

But it wasn’t a dream, and what greeted Gainando from the bed was hard black bread, hard rice balls, and a cup of cold water.

‘I could eat it…’

Lee Han thought.

Although he was well-to-do after being born into the Wodanaz family, Lee Han was originally a person who lived a very difficult life.

-Uh… Did I get it wrong? Seniors. If you work from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., when do you eat?

-ruler. here. energy bar. Eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner sparingly.

-…That’s bullshit, right?

-Don’t do that to me. I also need to get energy right away. But when it’s over, a feast awaits.

-If you say cup noodles, they will kill you.

-…sorry. It’s cup noodles.


-Still, they also have triangular gimbap…

‘Hmm. I think I’m better now.’

But except for Lee Han, all the students in the Blue Dragon Tower looked exhausted.

This happened the day after I entered school.

Kiik –

The < Understanding Basic Magic > lecture room was located on the first floor of the main building of Ein Rogard.

It was the kindness of the school that was considerate of new students.

The higher you go upstairs, the more likely the freshmen will get lost.


“Did I get it wrong?”

“You came in right. ruler. Everyone sit down.”

The students stopped in front of the door, and the whisperer Lee Han was puzzled.

Why are you like that?

The answer came right away.

There was a troll in the classroom.



“Come in quickly!”

“Uh… Um…”

The students hesitantly entered the classroom with a mixture of horror and fear on their faces.


It was such a ferocious and tyrannical monster that even students who had lived in the family all their lives would have heard of it.

It was embarrassing to see such a troll dressed up as a professor and waiting.

Now, I am confused as to whether this is a lecture hall or a troll’s buffet.

“ruler. I should start with my introduction. I am Garcia Kim. He’s a mixed troll. I know you’re all scared, but there’s no need to be scared. I don’t eat people unless I’m very hungry.”


“It was a joke, but I guess I did it for nothing.”

Garcia was very apologetic as the atmosphere grew colder.

“ruler! There’s something our principal always says. Time is the greatest treasure. Shall we start the lecture?”

Garcia swung his staff. Then, as if the students who were standing in the middle were pushed out, they went to their seats and sat down.

“You are the seed of the wizard who came in with the title of steel. A few of these arrogant or stupid people may have secretly practiced magic, but most have not. This lecture is a lecture that will teach you what magic is and find the magic that is right for you. The magic road is a rough and narrow road, and you have to walk it alone, but I want to be your compass before walking on it.”

The expression of the students inside also softened at the gentle professor troll’s words.

‘Do you think he’s several times better than the skeleton headmaster?’

“ruler. So, we’ll have to start with the very basics. What is magic?”

Princess Adenart answered in a calm voice.

“It is to change the world with the wizard’s own will.”

“that’s right. Twisting the world with the will of a wizard. The question is ‘how’. How do we change the world?”

“With the power of mana?”

“Very good. Magical mana… borrowing this fundamental power to change the world. Everyone here knows how to feel magic and is conscious of the magic within them.”

Everyone nodded.

Basically, since it is a place where only qualified people are accepted, everyone is in a state of awakening to magic.

“But that’s just the beginning. To use magic, you have to go beyond that. It is to summon magic with one’s own will, weave it delicately, and create it as a result. People often say that magic requires an incantation or action reagent, but what really matters is willpower. Wizard’s own will. You shouldn’t forget that. Of course you will need spells and actions. as i am still very immature. ruler. The story is too long. Are you sleepy? I will try it myself once. Take out your wands and gather your mana.”


The energy of magical power began to spread in the large lecture hall.

The young wizards each began to squeeze the magic within themselves.

Lee Han also concentrated and began to gather mana into his staff. The magic power inside his body flowed out and pooled in his staff.

“Now, while maintaining that magical power… don’t lose focus! In that state, imagine an image of light. The image of light you think. Bright, warm and sparkling. Anything is fine.”

This time, grunts started to come out.

Controlling one’s mana was close to grabbing and pulling the reins of a ferocious horse.

If you concentrate a little bit, it will just hook and scatter.

“I’m reminding myself of it more and more… I’m shouting. Anything is fine. light! light! bright! bright light! Anything that comes to mind is fine.”


“Bright light!”

“A light more dazzling than the sun and as beautiful as my glory!”

“Don’t order too long! Casting spells that are too long for your level will distract you.”

Concentrate on gathering mana, converting that mana into one’s own will, and finally shouting an incantation to bring it to a certain end.

Lee Han seemed to know what magic was.

Of course, it didn’t happen all at once.

pop! Perong! Boom!

“Ugh!” “Heuk!” “Ah-oh…!”

The groans of young wizards who had failed magic leaked out from everywhere. Professor Troll smiled and waved his wand.

If the cast of magic fails, the accumulated mana could injure the wizard as it loses its master and goes on a rampage.

It was the professor’s job to prevent that.

“ruler. Don’t be intimidated by failure, don’t panic… it’s all like that at first. As long as there is magic power left in the body, again!”

2nd try.

The students groaned again with a popping sound.

Professor Troll laughed to himself.

Originally, it usually took more than a month to learn the simplest magic called ‘light emission’.

Magic is such a difficult thing.

But the professor had no intention of telling me that. It was something the students had to experience on their own.

“ruler! again!”

3rd attempt.

Gradually, among the students, exhausted students who had exhausted their mana began to appear.

Magic consumed a lot more mana than I thought.

More than half of the students sat down with exhausted expressions.


4th attempt.

This time almost all the students sat down. There were only two or three who were lucky or had good control.


5th try.


6th attempt.


7th attempt.

“Uh…Professor. I’m really sorry to interrupt you, but should I continue…?”

Professor Troll, who had been shouting nonchalantly, realized something was strange.

Usually, no matter how many times there were 4 rounds, it had to end at the 5th round, but one person stood until the 7th round.

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