Life of a Magic Academy Mage

Chapter 28

Chapter 28

– True. I was supposed to give you a present

The Talking Oak looked straight at Lee Han.

The soil in front of Lee Han’s feet wriggled, and tree branches emerged, intertwined and twisted, growing upward.

The tree branch had changed into the shape of a long magic wand.


Magic tools and artifacts of wizards were the same as wizards’ limbs.

Among them, the magic staff could be said to be the most important artifact.

Sometimes it amplifies the power of magic.

Sometimes it shortens the casting time of magic.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a wizard’s best friend who

sometimes makes him use unusable magic .

Right now, all first-year students at the magic school were using long staff-shaped magic wands made by the school.

It had no special features or personality, but the strength of this magic wand was that it was very hard.

In addition, it was long enough to lightly exceed a person’s height, so Lee Han used it like a wooden stick.

Without this wand, he would not have been able to catch the mutant pig unleashed by Thunderwalker.

-ah. By any chance, have you grown fond of the cane you are currently using and have no intention of changing it?


Lee Han pulled out a new staff without thinking for a second.

tools are tools.

It was strange to be sentimental about such things.

‘Is there anyone who is hesitant because they are excited about changing the experimental equipment?’

From the side, Durgyu looked at Lee Han as if it was absurd.


The first thing I felt when I pulled the new staff out of the ground was freshness.

It might have been strange to feel the freshness of a wooden cane that had fallen from the ground, but Lee Han definitely felt it.

– How do you feel?

“It feels fresh… but.”


The Talking Oak Tree was startled.

He got used to the cane much faster than he thought.

‘I thought I’d feel the energy of the staff as soon as I grabbed it.’

Originally, I thought it would take much longer.

What Lee Han felt now was the energy of the tree spirit dwelling within the staff.

That wooden staff was the staff crouching on the spirit.

Just as a new wizard has to repeat all kinds of training and trial and error in order to summon a spirit, it took a lot of effort to communicate with the spirit in the staff and draw out its power.

Originally, you had to hold and wield the staff for several months to feel it, and that was only possible when you had some affinity for spirits.

‘Your ability to detect magic is beyond imagination. Even though it’s from the Wardanaz family, it’s that kind of talent.’

-excellent. do you feel that

“Is that so?”

Lee Han looked at the oak tree with a puzzled expression.

I had no idea what was so great about receiving this fresh feeling.

It was natural that I didn’t know what was inside.

-If you use a cane, you will come to know the power within it.

“Could you please tell me now?”

-Can not be done. Even if you don’t rush, your talent will suffice.

The Talking Oak Tree began to sense that Lee Han was a very unique freshman.

Occasionally, among the freshmen, such an idiot would come out.

Fearless and capable idiots.

Lee Han’s appearance now reminded me of the madman from the Wardanaz family whom I met about a hundred years ago.

Although much more polite and calm than that…

– Come on. i should go back to sleep And now don’t use magic near this forest. Your magic is so powerful that it awakens all the trees around you.


‘I’m sure you didn’t say it roughly to send me out because I was sleepy, right?’

Lee Han suddenly began to have doubts.

It was a bit strange to praise him for being great just because he said that he felt a refreshing energy from the staff.

It was a bit suspicious that he didn’t tell me the power of the staff right away.

Didn’t you just say it roughly because you were sleepy and wanted to go to sleep?

If I just let him go, he could come near this forest and be a nuisance, so he made me a suitable staff…

But apart from Lee Han’s suspicion, the clearing started to close. The trees moved, blurred the surroundings, and moved farther and farther away from the clearing.

The voice of the oak tree speaking through the blurry vision reached Lee Han’s ears.

– Remember the riddle I told you about. Unscrew it and you’ll be able to get out.

* * *

When he returned outside, fortunately, all the undead had disappeared.

Lee Han and his party carefully descended the mountain while the dawn slowly drove away the darkness.

Everyone was exhausted and wanted to lie down on the bed and rest rather than do anything else.


Lee Han threw himself on the bed as soon as he entered the blue dragon’s tower. I was thinking about escaping or what after sleeping and waking up.

“…Naz! Wodanaz!”

After a few hours of sound sleep, I heard someone knock on my private bedroom door to wake me up.


Lee Han yawned and opened the door.

Asan, a human boy from the Dalcard family wearing glasses, was standing in front.

“The principal, Saani, is holding an event outside!”

‘I’m waking up in a bad way.’

When Lee Han heard that, he woke up.

Is the principal running the event?

‘…Couldn’t it be that you’re trying to track down the students who tried to escape?’

To be honest, I felt more uncomfortable because there was a corner that was stabbed.

Lee Han’s group came back without being caught, but with the principal’s personality, it wouldn’t be strange if he did something eccentric.

‘But if that’s true, not attending is more dangerous.’

Lee Han knew well.

When you have an accident in the first place, you should act more as you normally do.

If you make a suspicious tee for nothing, you will be caught right away.

“okay. I need to wake up Yoner and Guinando and go out.”

“Isn’t everyone sleeping too late?”

When Lee Han woke them up and walked out of the tower, the sun was already overhead.

The three yawned and walked out in pursuit of the Blue Dragon Tower students.


The huge skeleton floating in front of the school’s main building caught my eye from afar.

now! It’s not an opportunity that comes every day! Welcome! A young iron bar… you bowls! welcome!


Judging by the atmosphere, it wasn’t like finding out the ringleader.

Rather, it was closer to a friendly meeting or event.

Several tents were set up in the front yard, and people dressed in priestly uniforms presented food and drink to the good freshmen with good-natured smiles.

Lee Han also accidentally received the cookie given by the priest. The cookies smelled warm and wonderful, probably just baked.

With one bite, the sweet jam leaked out with a crunchy sound.

‘what? Will the school fail??’

Perhaps noticing Lee Han’s embarrassment, the principal opened his mouth.

Today, on the occasion of a happy weekend, priests from various denominations of the empire visited the school. Will everyone be happy? ruler. clap!

Clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap –

the freshmen were buzzing. The priests bowed their heads in gratitude.

“thank you. Mr. Osu Gonadaltes. You must always have a lot of trouble teaching the young wizards of the empire, but I never thought you would allow and help with an event like this.”

haha. what It’s all my pleasure. Please convey the message to His Majesty the Emperor. I need a budget to discover and study new ancient magic…

“I don’t know how helpful we will be, but we’ll do our best.”

The priests were taken aback by the headmaster’s frank words.

However, Lee Han somehow felt a sense of familiarity in that appearance.

‘Can’t a professor get out of a budget in any world?’

Even an arrogant professor who seemed to have nothing to fear in the world was bound to show weakness in front of the person who gave him research budget.

No matter how fearless the Skeleton Headmaster was, he had no choice but to weaken in front of the Emperor of the Empire who supported the budget.

The priests spoke to the gathered students.

“Students who will become outstanding wizards in the future. It is an honor to meet you today. We are lowly servants representing the various denominations of the Empire. I would be truly happy if I could introduce our denominations to you today.”

‘The magical power is amazing.’

Lee Han was surprised at the magical power he felt from the priests.

It was a feeling that an incomparable amount of magical energy was swaying all over the body.

Moreover, the magic power of the priests was unique.

It’s magic that has a divine aura.

Aren’t you curious?


Lee Han got goosebumps.

Before he knew it, the skeleton headmaster had come to Lee Han’s side, hiding his presence.

I understand. Because the magic power of the priests is unique enough to be called divine power.

“yes. I’ve heard of it a lot, but this is the first time I’ve actually seen it.”

As expected, you sensed the magic power of the priests.


Lee Han realized his mistake.

He fell for the principal’s words.

Why are you trying to hide it? If you have a great talent, you should be proud of it. How many people do you think can detect magical power so accurately among the cast iron poles… cast iron bowls?

Headmaster Skeleton asked as if he did not understand.

Wizards had to know how to show off and show off their abilities.

That way, you can extort money from wealthy nobles, or receive investments to study stronger and higher magic…

‘Hmm. If I say ‘because I don’t want to get involved with you,’ they’ll turn around, right?’

Lee Han swallowed his thoughts.

Lee Han’s goal was to graduate with good grades and good connections, not to explore the truth of magic with the skeleton headmaster.

But I can’t honestly say that.

“I thought I should be humble because there are many people who are better than me in this school.”

isn’t it? From now on, show off your talent to every student you meet. It should be.

‘Isn’t this crazy?’

If you do what the principal said, Lee Han’s friendship will only be one Gainando in a day.

Fortunately, the skeleton principal changed the topic again, as if he was not very interested in Lee Han’s friendship.

Perhaps the Wodanaz family had no chance to meet the priests as they were not interested in the faith.

“yes. It was.”

There were numerous gods and churches in the empire, but wizards were not familiar with the original religion.

Basically, wizards…

I also don’t have much interest in religion. Because I’m too smart to believe in God.

‘…Because of this, it must be so.’

Even if it wasn’t an extreme case like the skeleton headmaster, there were many unbelievers among the wizards.

In fact, Lee Han’s father, the head of the Wardanaz family, once said this during a meal.

-Divine power is a type of magical power. However, the collective belief of countless retards only caused a change in their nature. Holy magic is also a type of magic after all. Why divine ‘magic’?

– In that case, the head of the household. What do you think of studying divine magic?

– That’s a good idea. If you want to waste your time in vain. Compared to real magic elaborated on the background of formulas and theories, divine magic is just the babble of savages who howl intoxicated with faith and emotion.

‘I must never reveal that I am from the Wodanaz family in front of the priests.’

After the reminiscence was over, Lee Han nodded.

No matter how good the priests were, if they heard that, they would be furious.

Perhaps Wodanaz has the same thoughts as me. Churches are also very pathetic. If they’re enough to go in just to give you something to eat, they’re probably useless. to hold an event like this

Headmaster Skeleton grumbled next to Lee Han, as if he needed someone to grumble about.

Lee Han, who had been listening silently, opened his mouth.



“Are there any denominations you would recommend?”


In response to embarrassing the person who just said it, Headmaster Skeleton looked at Lee Han as if he was dumbfounded.

‘Wait, denominations?’

Not a denomination, but a denomination ‘field’?

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