LEVEL EVERYTHING UP in my Eldritch Tribe

Chapter 32: Corora's reason

Lyerin's breath came in ragged gasps as he finally reached his climax.

The female ibex beneath him had reached her peak as well, and for a moment, they stayed there, intertwined and exhausted.

Slowly, the magic curse or pheromones that had driven him to this frenzied state began to wear off. He could feel his blazing, lustful red eyes returning to their normal color.

He moved to stand up, ready to leave the scene, but felt a sudden resistance.

The female ibex's legs were still locked around him. "Hm?? What's wrong?" His voice sounded concerned, which surprised him. He was not used to feeling such emotions.

The girl began to cry, her tears streaming down her cheeks. She begged him not to leave her, her voice a mix of desperation and fear. "Please, don't leave me," she sobbed. "Please stay."

Lyerin, usually cold-hearted and indifferent to the feelings of others, found himself asking, "Why?" The question surprised him as much as it did her.

Something inside him was shifting, and he wasn't sure why.

The girl continued to cry, clutching onto him as if her life depended on it. "I don't want to be violated by others who might come after you, please, please…" she cried. Her words were filled with terror, and her plea resonated with him in a way he couldn't understand. He looked around and noticed the three other girls in cages not far away.

They were crying too, their faces a picture of fear and despair but somehow, when he looked at them, he felt nothing, but to this girl below him, he felt a strange feeling.

Before Lyerin could even process what was happening, he heard a deep, booming voice of the Zur'Ibexs Clan call out again, "Zur'Ibexs!" And then several rumbling sounds would be heard. He turned to see several giant humanoid ibexes approaching, their eyes filled with rage and lust.

Realization began to eat his brain.

The girl had accepted him because she saw him as her only protection against these beasts, she wanted to use him.

Since she gave him sexual favors, she believes that this goat girl could tell her what to do.

Lyerin wasn't one to be manipulated, but suddenly, his body stiffened, and the rage that had just subsided came roaring back. And then earlier, he remembered. "Is this the leveled up ownership!?" he wondered in panic.

Scenarios flashed through his mind, each more horrifying than the last.

In one, the girl he had just been with was brutally violated by the approaching ibexes, her screams echoing through the night.

In another, she was tossed around like a rag doll, used and discarded without a second thought. A third showed her locked in a cage, treated as nothing more than breeding stock, her spirit broken.

The final scenario was the worst: she was left alone, her body lifeless, her eyes empty, having endured unimaginable horrors.

These visions fueled his rage, making his body tremble controllably. Lyerin roared, a primal sound that echoed through the night.


Inside his head, a voice screamed, "She is just for me! I own her, and I will absolutely destroy these fuckers, whoever they are, I won't let anyone touch my property!!!"

The approaching ibexes paused for a moment, startled by the ferocity of his roar. It was as if the magic inside them was blasted upon that massive roar.

Lyerin's rage gave him strength, and he pulled free from the girl, standing tall and defiant. His eyes blazed red once more, but this time, it was a controlled fury.

He charged at the first ibex, his movements although heavy were swift and became even more deadly. His claws raked across its chest, drawing a spray of blood.

The ibex roared in pain, but Lyerin was relentless. He drove his claws deeper, tearing through muscle and bone until the beast fell to the ground, lifeless.

The other ibexes hesitated, their confidence shaken. Lyerin turned to them, his eyes promising death. "She is mine," he growled, his voice low and menacing. "And I will kill anyone who tries to take her. Anyone who tries to touch her!!"

The ibexes exchanged uncertain glances, but their leader stepped forward, determined to challenge Lyerin.

The two clashed, their bodies colliding with a force that shook the ground.

Lyerin fought with a ferocity born of desperation and rage. He had never felt this way before, but he knew he couldn't let the girl be harmed.

As the battle raged on, Lyerin's body moved with no grace but with ultimate violence, his attacks precise and deadly. He took down the leader with a swift strike to the throat, blood spraying from the wound.

The remaining ibexes faltered, their resolve crumbling even with their drugs in their eyes were not enough.

Lyerin turned to them, his eyes blazing. "Leave now," he commanded, "or face the same fate."

The ibexes hesitated for a moment longer before retreating, their confidence shattered.

Lyerin watched them go, his breath coming in heavy gasps. He turned back to the girl, who was still on the ground, her eyes wide with shock and relief.

He knelt beside her, his rage subsiding as he saw the gratitude in her eyes. "You're safe now," he said softly, surprising himself with the tenderness in his voice.

The girl was so surprised, but she felt safe and unconsciously threw her arms around him, sobbing into his chest. "Thank you," she whispered, her voice trembling. "Thank you."

This is the person that she gave her first, and she won't let this one go now that she felt a safe haven.

Lyerin held her, his mind swirling with confusion. He had never felt such protectiveness before, such a fierce need to keep someone safe.

As he looked at the other girls in the cages, he wanted to see something if he had to protect them all too like this girl.

"Stay close to me," he told the girl. "I won't let you get harmed."

As Lyerin approached the cage holding the other girls, he observed them carefully.

The girl who had been clinging to him was still latched onto his side, her face buried in his fur. He glanced at the girls in the cage, noting their fearful expressions and tattered appearances.

Despite their condition, a cold realization settled over his conclusion.

"I don't care about the rest of these girls," he mumbled to himself. His priority was the one who clung to him, her fear palpable and her dependence on him felt absolute.

Suddenly, the clan called out once again, "Zur'Ibexs!"

Lyerin's ears pricked up at the sound, and he heard another series of rumbling noises.

Without warning, his body moved on its own again, driven by the same force that had overtaken him earlier.

"Get down," he ordered the goat girl clinging to him. She somehow listened, sliding off him and hiding behind a stone cage with another girl inside. Lyerin turned to face the incoming group of ibexes, his eyes narrowing as he assessed the threat.

This time, the ibexes were even more terrifying. Their eyes glowed with an unnatural light, and their bodies seemed larger and more muscular.

They ran with an almost mechanical precision, their hooves pounding the ground in a synchronized rhythm that sent vibrations through the earth.

Lyerin felt his rage intensify. His muscles bulged, and his veins throbbed with a fury that seemed to fuel his very being. His face contorted into a mask of utter violence, his eyes blazing with a murderous intent.

The more ibexes he saw, the clearer the image in his mind: they were trying to take his prize possession.

With a thunderous roar, he smashed his feet into the ground, causing it to crumble and shake several meters around him.

The earth trembled under the force of his anger, creating a terrifying rumble that echoed through the canyon. Without waiting another moment, Lyerin charged forward, his massive form barreling towards the ibexes with unstoppable force.

He was extremely confident.

Standing four times their size due to the level difference, he knew these wild ibexes were only below level five wildlings. In human terms, they were comparable to rank five first cycle Mana users.

Lyerin, on the other hand, was a rank twelve peak Mana user in human form. In his transformed state, he was even stronger, akin to a rank six second cycle Mana user.

To him, these ibexes were merely numbers, insignificant obstacles to be obliterated.

He crashed into the first wave of ibexes without hesitation. His claws slashed through fur and flesh, his powerful jaws clamping down on anything that came near. Blood sprayed in all directions as he tore through the horde with a savagery that was both mesmerizing and horrifying.

The ibexes fought back, their horns slashing and their hooves striking out. But they were no match for Lyerin's sheer power and rage. He moved with a speed and ferocity that left them reeling, unable to mount a coordinated defense.

His mind was a blur of violence and bloodlust. Every strike was fueled by the image of the ibexes trying to take what was his. He could see their twisted faces, hear their snarls, and feel their claws scraping against his skin. It only made him fight harder, his movements becoming more brutal and efficient with each passing second.

Lyerin's body became a blur of motion, a whirlwind of claws and teeth. He ripped through the ranks of ibexes with ease, his rage driving him to new heights of brutality.

The ground beneath him was stained red with the blood of his enemies, and the air was thick with the scent of death.

Despite their numbers, the ibexes began to falter.

Their confidence shattered in the face of Lyerin's relentless all violent assault.

They tried to regroup, to mount a defense, but it was futile.

Lyerin was unstoppable, his rage felt like it's making him impervious to their attacks.

He roared again, a sound that echoed through the canyon and sent chills down the spines of those who heard it.


The ibexes hesitated, their resolve wavering. Lyerin took advantage of their uncertainty, launching himself at them with renewed ferocity.

His claws tore through flesh, his jaws snapped bones, and his massive form crushed anything in his path.

The ibexes fell before him, one after another, their bodies piling up in a gruesome testament to his power.

Lyerin's rage showed no signs of abating. Every fallen ibex seemed to fuel his anger, making him even more determined to protect what was his. He fought with a single-minded intensity, his focus solely on destroying the threat before him.

As the last of the ibexes fell, Lyerin stood amidst the carnage, his breath coming in heavy gasps. Blood dripped from his claws and muzzle, and his body was covered in wounds. But he felt no pain, only the satisfaction of having protected what was his.

He turned back to the goat girl, who was watching him with wide, awe-filled eyes. He approached her slowly, his rage subsiding as he saw the gratitude and relief in her gaze.

"You're safe now," he said softly, surprising himself with the tenderness in his voice.

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