LEVEL EVERYTHING UP in my Eldritch Tribe

Chapter 22: Finally, level up!

Seeing the options, Lyerin was not surprised.

Back in his first life, he had encountered countless ways to level up, many of which were tedious and mundane. He remembered the days when he had to count grains of sand or complete endless repetitive tasks just to gain a fraction of a skill point.

Each grain counted, meticulously and tediously, in order to improve his precision.

There were times he had to walk exactly ten thousand steps in specific formations to enhance his agility, or recite ancient texts until he memorized every word to boost his mental fortitude but only used to count sand.

Lyerin could remember the frustration when he was made fun of like a circus animal and he needed to find ways and show everyone his method to count sands!

The memories were a reminder of the grueling path he had taken after choosing a skill to count sand and leveling up his ability to count sand!

But now, with the notifications in front of him, offering him immediate combat-based leveling, Lyerin felt a sense of relief of escape.

Leveling up everything in the tribe was far more efficient and rewarding than counting sand. He could grow stronger through actual combat, not through mind-numbing repetition.

Lyerin's focus snapped back to the present. "Spread out in different directions!" he shouted. "If you don't, all of you will die!"

The group scrambled in response, their movements chaotic as they scattered into the forest.

Lyerin froze for a moment, watching them.

Why was he suddenly concerned about their safety? Has his frail heart and mind changed?

He shook his head, dismissing the thought. Maybe he just didn't want to burden himself with them.

Yes, that must be it.

He didn't want to be responsible for their lives. He nodded to himself, reaffirming his belief.

Lyerin wasn't concerned for them; he just needed them to spread out so he could use them as a distraction for the Goblin Shrews to spread out and make for his escape. He couldn't possibly take on a large number of Goblin Shrews alone, even if he transformed into his Devil Horned Tribe form.

Satisfied with his rationale, Lyerin sprinted off in a straight direction.

As he ran, his eyes skimmed through the available options for leveling up. He scrolled up and down through the notifications quickly, searching for the most advantageous upgrade in the current situation.

Until one notification stood out to him:

[ Ding!

[ Would you like to level up your rank as Mana User? ]

Lyerin's heart skipped a beat.

Leveling up his rank meant an overall increase in power—strength, speed, endurance, everything.

It was the most comprehensive upgrade he could get. Clicking 'Yes' he quickly accessed the content, which stated:

[ Ding!

[ You have chosen to level up your rank as a Mana User!

[ Eldren cycle 0/1

[ Determining if the host is a part of the Devil Horned Tribe… ]

Lyerin would nod, seeing this. With the knowledge from his last life, his eyes gleamed with confidence that he is…

[ Ding!

[ The host is a temporary member of the Devil Horned Tribe.

[ Within two days, the host would no longer be a part of the tribe. ]

Lyerin was satisfied, although he needed to go and participate in the tribe's ceremonial welcoming as soon as possible. However, it was not much of a problem now. He would deal with it later after this Borgias Family scene.

[ Ding!

[ Mission: Kill five more Goblin Shrews

[ Current kill count: one of six. ]

After that notification, Lyerin felt warm.

Soon, he would feel something inside him spread, along with the ecstasy in it. His eyes glinted with a dangerous light as he realized the opportunity in front of him. He needed to find and kill five more Goblin Shrews to level up his rank.

This would significantly enhance his abilities and give him a better chance of surviving in this ruined magical world and the real world!

Lyerin paused, his eyes scanning the dense forest around him. He needed to find the perfect terrain for an ambush.

To his left, the forest thickened into a maze of gnarled roots and underbrush, perfect for hiding but too tight for swift movements. He could get caught in the brambles if he wasn't careful.

To his right, a steep rocky incline rose, dotted with sparse vegetation and loose stones. It would provide high ground but was too exposed, with little cover.

Further ahead, the forest floor dipped into a shallow, muddy valley, slick and treacherous. It would slow down any pursuit but could also hinder his own agility.

Lyerin analyzed each path meticulously, his mind running through possible scenarios. "The brambles are too dense," he thought. "I'd get trapped before I could strike. The rocky incline leaves me too exposed; they'd see me coming a mile away. The muddy valley... it's a death trap for both sides."

He continued to study the terrain, noting every detail. His training had taught him to use the environment to his advantage, but none of these options seemed suitable.

Then, he spotted it—a narrow ravine off to the northwest.

It was lined with tall trees whose branches intertwined overhead, casting deep shadows on the ground below.

The sides of the ravine were steep but not unclimbable, providing natural cover.

The path through the ravine was winding, with numerous large rocks and fallen logs scattered about, perfect for creating choke points and hiding spots.

"This is perfect," Lyerin thought, his brain analyzing deeply. "The narrow path will force them to come at me one by one. The steep sides will prevent them from climbing out and surrounding me. The dense canopy and shadows will make it hard for them to see, and the scattered obstacles will slow them down even more."

He didn't waste any more time.

Without saying a word, he proceeded into the ravine, confident that the terrain would work to his advantage.

As he moved deeper, he heard the shrieks and grunts of the Goblin Shrews echoing through the forest, drawing closer. He crouched behind a large boulder, his left hand transforming into the monstrous claw of his Devil Horned Tribe form.

Lyerin's heart pounded in his chest as he waited, the minutes stretching into what felt like hours.

Finally, a lone Goblin Shrew appeared, cautiously making its way through the narrow path.

It moved slowly, its poor eyesight straining in the dim light, and its nose twitching uselessly as it tried to sniff out danger.

The creature was forced to navigate around the large rocks and fallen logs, its movements halting and disjointed.

Lyerin's eyes gleamed with predatory anticipation. "Perfect. The narrow path and dense shadows are working as I thought. They have to come at me one by one, and they can't see or smell me."

He waited until the Goblin Shrew was almost upon him before he sprang from his hiding place. His left hand shot out, clawing at the creature's throat with deadly precision.

The Goblin Shrew didn't have time to react; its lifeblood spilled onto the rocks as it crumpled to the ground.

Lyerin quickly dragged the body into the shadows, his mind racing with the possibilities. "If they keep coming like this, I can pick them off one by one. They won't even know what hit them."

He didn't have to wait long for his next target. Another Goblin Shrew appeared, moving cautiously through the ravine. Like the first, it was forced to navigate the scattered obstacles, its poor eyesight making it slow and vulnerable. Lyerin grinned, feeling a surge of confidence.

"The terrain is perfect. They have no choice but to divide and come at me alone. They're sitting ducks."

Again, he waited until the creature was within striking distance before he attacked. His clawed hand tore through flesh and bone with ease, and the Goblin Shrew fell lifeless to the ground.

Lyerin's heart raced with exhilaration.

He was in his element, using the terrain and his abilities to their fullest potential.

As he continued his ambush, the Goblin Shrews were forced to separate, each one entering the ravine alone and unsuspecting.

Lyerin took them down one by one, his movements precise and deadly.

The narrow path, steep sides, and dense canopy ensured that none of them could see or smell him until it was too late.

The scattered obstacles slowed their progress, making them easy targets for his ambush.

After what felt like an eternity of careful stalking and lethal strikes, Lyerin finally saw the message he had been waiting for:

[ Ding!

[ You have completed the mission.

[ You leveled up to level six!

[ Congratulations! ]

Lyerin allowed himself a rare smile of satisfaction.

"It's time," he said slowly, "to raise my Mana user's rank endlessly!"

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