LEVEL EVERYTHING UP in my Eldritch Tribe

Chapter 18: Back to the ruined Magical world

The night descended swiftly, casting a blanket of darkness over the vertical farm.

The gentle hum of the hydroponic systems and the rustle of leaves filled the air, a stark contrast to the chaos and danger Lyerin had faced earlier.

His mother, Lina, remained in a deep sleep, a side effect of the drugs the E-type headquarters had injected her with.

These drugs were designed to ensure that even if someone managed to save their loved ones from the Borgias family's clutches, they would remain subdued and compliant upon their return.

Lyerin knew he had no supplies to counteract the drugs and restore her to normal, but saving her from the E-facility was his immediate priority before it was razed to the ground by dangerous undead zoo animals.

As the clock struck six in the evening, Lyerin prepared himself for another foray into the ruined magical world. He muttered to himself, "I will level up this time!"

Determined, he closed his eyes, and moments later, he found himself once again transported to the devastated realm.

Unlike the previous day, where he had been thrown into a life-and-death struggle to face the tribe, this time he emerged from a summoning circle.

The atmosphere felt different, more controlled.

A notification screen appeared before him, bearing the words:

[ Kingdom of Rose: Kingdom of New Beginning. ]

Lyerin took in his surroundings, noticing rows of guards clad in heavy armor adorned with blood-red roses.

The sight was both striking and intimidating.

One of the guards, a knight, stepped forward and introduced himself as a Knight of the Kingdom of Rose. He handed Lyerin a scroll and asked him to sign the papers.

Lyerin glanced at the scroll, not bothering to read the contents, and filled in the required information. His name, "Lyerin Borgias," was the last to be written, standing out starkly against the parchment.

As soon as he finished, the information on the scroll vanished, leaving only his name. He returned the scroll to the knight, who read his name and froze in shock.

The reaction was immediate and intense.

The Borgias family was renowned throughout the kingdom, known as the dagger of the kingdom—assassins who carried out the Royal family's darkest desires.

They were one of the three strongest Duke Families, wielding power and influence that struck fear into the hearts of many.

The knight's face contorted with surprise, and he exchanged nervous glances with his comrades.

"A Borgias family member," the knight stammered, his voice filled with awe and trepidation. He quickly composed himself, realizing the gravity of the situation. "Please, follow me," he said, this time with a respectful tone.

Lyerin nodded, his expression neutral, and followed the knight.

As they walked, Lyerin took in the grandeur of the Kingdom of Rose.

The architecture was a blend of elegance and fortification, with tall spires and robust walls.

The streets were lined with lush gardens, each adorned with the signature blood-red roses.

The air was filled with the subtle fragrance of the flowers, creating an almost surreal atmosphere amidst the looming tension.

The knight led Lyerin through a maze of corridors until they reached a temple with dark, imposing features.

Above the entrance, a sign read [ Borgias Family Temple. ]

The atmosphere was thick with an ancient, almost tangible energy.

The knight gestured for Lyerin to enter a grand hall within the temple, and without hesitation, Lyerin stepped inside.

Upon emerging into the hall, Lyerin found himself surrounded by figures in dark robes, their faces obscured.

Each figure held a crystal ball, the orbs glowing faintly in the dim light.

The silence was oppressive until one of the robed figures spoke loudly, their voice echoing through the hall.

"No core!" the figure announced, staring at Lyerin.

The crystal ball in their hands remained dim.

One by one, the other robed figures repeated the same declaration, their crystal balls also failing to light up.

"No core!"

"No core!"

"No core!"

A chorus of drums began to beat, a rhythmic and solemn sound that filled the hall.

Lyerin watched as the ceremony unfolded, understanding its significance.

The more crystal balls that lit up, the more important the person was within the Borgias family.

To have none light up meant he held no status in the family, a fact underscored by the unlit orbs before him.

The drums continued their relentless beat, each thud resonating in Lyerin's chest. He remained stoic, his face betraying no emotion as the ceremony concluded.

The figures in dark robes turned their attention away from him, signaling the end of the ritual.

A knight stepped forward and addressed Lyerin politely. "Sir, please follow me." Lyerin nodded and followed the knight out of the temple. As they walked through the winding corridors, the knight began to explain Lyerin's duty in the Kingdom of Rose.

"Even though the crystal balls did not light up, you are still a member of the Borgias family," the knight said, his voice calm and respectful. "Your duty in the Kingdom of Rose is to serve as a guardian of the realm, using your skills and knowledge to protect and uphold the kingdom's values.

You will be expected to assist in missions that require your unique abilities and to represent the Borgias family with honor and integrity."

The knight continued, detailing the expectations and responsibilities that came with his role. "You will be given assignments ranging from protecting important individuals to gathering intelligence and executing strategic operations. Your actions will reflect upon the Borgias family, so you must conduct yourself with the utmost professionalism.

You will have access to certain resources and information, but your primary allegiance must always be to the Kingdom of Rose and the Borgias family."

Lyerin listened attentively, absorbing every word. He understood the gravity of his situation and the responsibilities that came with it. The knight then handed him a small pouch containing five gold coins.

"These are five Rose Gold coins," the knight explained. "In comparison to the average civilians of the Kingdom of Rose, this places you significantly above others in terms of wealth. An average civilian with five Rose Bronze coins is considered wealthy. This gold will allow you to live comfortably and carry out your duties without financial concern."

Lyerin accepted the pouch, feeling the weight of the coins in his hand. The knight then presented him with an insignia of the Kingdom of Rose, a symbol of his new status and responsibilities.

"With this insignia, you can access various parts of the kingdom and command respect from those who recognize its significance," the knight continued. "It grants you certain privileges and authority within the kingdom. Use it wisely and remember that you represent both the Borgias family and the Kingdom of Rose."

Lyerin nodded, understanding the importance of the insignia and the responsibilities that came with it. He attached the insignia to his belt, feeling its weight as a constant reminder of his duty.

"You are free to move about the Kingdom of Rose and fulfill your duties as needed," the knight concluded. "If you require assistance or further instructions, you can seek out the designated officials in the kingdom who are familiar with the Borgias family's operations. Remember, your actions will always be observed, and your loyalty to the kingdom and the family will be tested."

With that, the knight stepped back, allowing Lyerin to proceed on his own.

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