Kochugunshikan Boukensha ni Naru

Chapter 92.3 - Pioneers Part 3

Translator: SFBaka

Editor: Thors Stone

It looks like its about time for the bishop to perform the ceremony in front of the cardinal and his other fellow clergymen. Just like how it was a couple of days ago, there was a lectern set up on top of the stairs in front of the courtyard. The only thing different was a table that looks like it was meant to seat guests of high station placed a bit behind the lectern.

A white-haired old man clad in very expensive-looking vestments was seated behind the said table. He must be the cardinal. I, Selena, Sharon, and the others were led to seats located just below said table.

The courtyard in front of the church was filled with church officials and those who were related to it in some form or another. After noticing the commotion, the capitals citizens scurried over in droves to see what the fuss was about.

Bishop Gertner finally made his appearance after a short while more, knelt behind the lectern, and started to offer his prayers to the Goddess. After seeing him do so, the church officials and personnel also started doing the same.

I already had a drone start flying around the area above the church earlier, so the preparations on my end were perfect.

After about three minutes of praying, the bishop suddenly looked up and raised his arms to the sky.

Oh, Merciful Lord! As a sign of your love for your people, kindly manifest a symbol of Your divine grace for all to witness!

All the people gathered within the vicinity looked up at the sky as well.

(Now, D-1.)

Roger, Captain.

D-1 deactivated Stealth Mode and showed itself, eliciting a commotion among the people gathered below.


Dear Apostle!

Everyone looked intently at the sky as they continued to devoutly kneel. Hm? Should I offer a bit of extra service here, I wonder.

(D-1, give them a little show. Slowly spin about above us.)

D-1 heeded my order and performed a tailspin maneuver.


Oh, just look at how pleased our Dear Apostle is with our devotion!

Mm. It looks like the reactions are quite positive.

(Gradually increase your altitude while spinning like that, and after reaching sufficient height, enter Stealth Mode again.)

Roger that.

Just like how I instructed, the drone spun as it slowly rose upward until it finally disappeared from our sight. The people packed within the courtyard continued to look up in stunned silence. After a while, some broke down in tears due to how deeply moved they were.

Even the cardinal was in tears while nodding approvingly. It looks like everything went well huh.

Starting from the cardinal, all the church officials and personnel started filing back inside the church. We were also led back into the church by a Sister and brought to the guest room for nobles again.

The Sister then prepared hot tea and some delicious-looking snacks for us.

She then requested for us to wait until the bishop returns. Judging from her apologetic look, it seems well have to wait for a while. Oh well. Guess Ill just have some snacks while waiting then.

These snacks are quite delicious!

The one Sharon ate was a snack consisting of nuts mixed with hardened sugar syrup and the crisp texture of the sweet coupled with the mellow and nutty flavor was exquisite.

It really does taste good. I havent seen this type of snack being sold in any of the stores weve visited before. I wonder where theyre being sold.

These cookies are delicious too.

The three of us waited while eating and comparing high-class snacks that dont feel like they are suitable in a place like a church.

About an hour later, the bishop returned to the guest room as I was asking the Sister, who came over to pour another helping of tea for us, about where we could purchase the snacks. His face was glowing as he displayed a happy smile, unlike his stressed and nervous look from earlier.

Im sorry for keeping you waiting so long, Lord Corinth.

Its fine, Bishop. I dont mind at all.

My nomination for the position of archbishop has just been confirmed and recognized.

Oh!? But isnt the election still a ways away?

Its all thanks to the miracle from earlier. My peers have unanimously approved of my appointment, including the cardinal.

Oh, now this is a cause for celebration. Congratulations!

Thank you very much. This is also thanks to you, Lord Corinth.

No, its surely thanks to the blessing of the Apostle and our dear Goddess.

With this, I will be able to cooperate with your request to dispatch priests to your territory.

Thats great. It looks like our newly promoted archbishop hadnt forgotten about my request to dispatch priests to the Sea of Trees. It was worth choosing to cooperate with him.

Thank you very much. With this, I feel more at ease about our endeavor.

It can be said that weve managed to clear most, if not all, of the hurdles now. This was a big achievement.

Ah! Come to think of it, youll be setting out to head to your new territory soon, arent you, Lord Corinth? What should I do if I get requested to perform something similar in the future as well?

Ah, you shouldnt have to worry about that for a while.

We were planning on leaving at least one drone stationed in the royal capital to continue monitoring the situation in the castle and the movements of the garrison. We still havent decided if we should station one permanently, but it should be okay to leave one here for a while.

Just what do you mean by that, Lord Corinth?

Ugh. Dammit! I ended up answering on reflex. The appearance of the Apostle was supposed to be tied to my dreams.

Uh actually, the dream I had last night showed several scenes of you praying. So I think that means that the Apostles manifestations will continue for some time, similar to today.

Lord Corinth Are you perhaps No, its nothing.

Boy, am I glad that Bishop Gertner was a smart and prudent person. My earlier slip of the tongue was fatal, but it looks like he decided not to pursue it.

I will send one priest and five Sisters to Lord Corinths territory.

Oh! Thank you very much.

I would like you to guarantee food, clothing, and shelter them, of course.

Thats only natural. I shall personally take full responsibility.

Oh, and I was told your attendants actually visited one of the orphanages to request some of the orphans to join you, Lord Corinth? Though I believe their age didnt suit your needs.

Selena and Sharon were visibly surprised when they heard Bishop Gertners words. They told me the orphanages only housed children twelve years old and below in their report.

If I remember correctly, the bishop was actually the owner of the orphanages so its natural that he got ahold of such information quickly.

Yes, thats right. We would have taken some in if they were just a bit older

You should have come to me directly. I can prepare as many children of suitable age as youre willing to take in. Do you have a concrete number in mind?

No, well, about that The situation has changed a bit. Our finances no longer allow taking in additional people you see. We wouldnt be able to provide for their needs adequately.

Lord Corinth, As they were orphaned, they wouldnt be able to find any decent and proper jobs. Most of them would have no choice but to become criminals or prostitutes just to survive. If you can still bear to do so, please do take them in. Its alright if they live in harsher conditions at the start. In any case, I imagine they will still be living much better lives out there in the frontier compared to here in the royal capital.

That might be true. What should I do, I wonder.

Alright. Well accept both males and females, but please make sure to send us a hundred orphans between 14 and 20 years of age.

Oh, having a defined preferred age range helps. However only a hundred? Ive heard that youll be taking in 300 craftsmen and their families though?

It looks like I cant underestimate the bishops information network huh. Of course, Im sure he also knew the fact that we werent recruiting any local pioneers.

Five hundred then. Thats the most we can take in for now. And the children need to be able to sufficiently take care of themselves. And there also needs to be a person who would organize and manage the children dispatched as well.

Ooh! By the way, Lord Corinth. Please pardon me for asking, but could you tell me what kind of life the children would have in your territory?

Im thinking of having them work under the craftsmen first. I will guarantee them the same treatment as the children of the craftsmen.

Oh man, I went and did it. But we should be able to handle 500 somehow.

Thats wonderful! Well then, the church and the orphanages will work together to prepare everything.

The bishop displayed a very satisfied smile.

Im sure well be able to manage. We have to make sure everything goes without a hitch.

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