Kochugunshikan Boukensha ni Naru

Chapter 17 - Talas Village

The side road which leads toward the village was a narrow one with a width of about 2 to 3 meters and continued to a fairly steep uphill slope.

After walking on it for a while, my scanning magic managed to detect something. It doesnt seem to be human.

Cleria, theres a reaction in that direction, about 500 meters out. It may not be human.


We carefully scaled the slope. After climbing for about a hundred meters, something which looked like a Big Boar suddenly jumped out from the side of the road.

I zoomed in on it to check it out. Its huge! Its the largest Big Boar Ive ever encountered. It should be at least a hundred kilos. Can animals really grow to this large a size?

It seems its noticed us. It started pawing the ground with its front hoof and bared its aggression towards us. Honestly, why the heck are these things so aggressive? Well, I guess its convenient for us anyway.

Ill finish it with magic.

Got it. Cleria responded as she drew her sword. Uh, did you really catch what I said, Ms. Cleria?

As we inched closer to it, it also slowly drew itself towards our direction. When we came within 50 meters of each other, the Big Boar broke into a full charge. But Ive already anticipated that.

My magicle reserves are already prepared. Lets cast Flame Arrow then. Can I make it so it fires off just one arrow instead of three? Let me try it then.

Flame Arrow, fire!

The Flame Arrow struck the Big Boars head dead-center when it came within 15 meters. However, its momentum was too strong so it kept heading straight for us. That looks nasty! Well definitely die if we get run over. We hurriedly moved to the side to avoid it.

The single shot concentrated Flame Arrow experiment was a success. The rate of magicle consumption was about the same as a single Fireball spell. This looks nice! Ill use it more often from now on.

Alan, that magic just now was?

I tried condensing all three flame arrows into a single shot.

May I try to learn it? Is it easy to use?

It just needs a little practice Cleria. The magic consumption is about the same as a Fireball spell.

When Cleria heard me, she immediately lost herself in thought. Oh, right! Lets use this Big Boar as a souvenir when we arrive at the village.

Lets head to the village first.

Cleria nodded in agreement. After walking for a little bit more, I got a response from a magic scan once again. This time, it looks like its human! There are quite a lot of them about two hundred or so, give or take. There are also some smaller signals. Should be children or domesticated animals.

As we walked further, we finally saw a village surrounded by a fence made out of logs. The height of the fence is about 3 meters, and several wooden houses could be seen beyond it. There were two people manning a wooden gate, which seemed to be the entrance to the village.

As we came nearer, the people finally noticed us.

Stop right there! Whore ya people!?

It was a middle-aged male villager.

Were just some travellers. We were hoping to get some rest in your village for a while.

He was eyeing me in suspicion. Im wearing my black jumpsuit right now, so I must look weird to them. He faltered a bit when he got a look at Cleria, who was standing behind me.

We just killed a ridiculously large Big Boar back there! Id like you guys to help me carry it back.

Ya serious!? A really large Big Boar?

Im telling the truth. We can go together if you want.

The middle-aged man talked to the youth beside him. The young man started running back inside the village.

I jus told im ta call fer more guys. Jus wait there fer a bit.

Got it. I raised my hand in answer. But the way this guy talks is a bit different. Did he have an accent or something?

After a short while, it seems some villagers finally arrived. The gate opened slightly, and the ones who came out were just the middle-aged uncle and the young man. Both of them carried things which resembled spears.

Lets go. Over here.

We went back the way we came and guided the two villagers. We reach the place where the Big Boar fell dead soon after.

Theres no mistakin it. This guys Black Speckles!

This thing has a name? Its not some pet, is it? Well, it did look to have a lot of black spots on its hide.

Are you familiar with this guy?

Yea. This guy did in quite a few of my mates.

Whew. Thats a relief. It looks like its not a pet after all.

Hey Beck, go call out ten men and a cart the uncle instructed the young man, who then promptly ran back again.

Are ye really sharin this with us?

Yeah. Ill just get enough for tonights dinner and tomorrows breakfast. The rest are yours.

Ye really sure we can have most of the meat?

Uhuh. Also, Id appreciate it if you could give us some preserved foods. And I dont suppose you can spare us a place to stay for the night as well?

Thatll be easy. The names Zack, by the way.

Cleria stepped forward at this moment.

My name is Ria. This man is Alan. Well be in your care, good sir.

Oh, its a good idea to use a pseudonym. Thats good thinking, Cleria. Zack was a bit taken aback when he heard her speak.

Likewise, Milady.

Zacks tone became all formal. At that moment, the young man from earlier brought back ten able bodied men and a cart with him. The villagers surrounded the Big Boar and started making a fuss.

Alright mates! Lets take this thing back ta the village! Heave!

It looks like Zack is a leader figure here. The villagers proceeded to tie up the Big Boar with rope and began to work on it with an experienced air. I also helped out until we finally managed to get it loaded onto the cart.

Everyone then headed back to the village while pushing the cart forward. It was hard labor since the way back was steep.

The wooden gate was already open when we got back and a crowd has formed. We went straight into the gate and entered the village. We parked the cart in the middle of a clearing at the center of the village. Everyones gazes gathered toward Zack.

Alright ya lot! These people herere this villages benefactors! They killed Black Speckles an gave almost all the meat ta us! Its a banquet tonight folks!

The villagers cheers rang out of the square. Some were running to other parts of the village to share the news.

Go ahead an have a seat, you two. Here, lemme make ya some tea.

Several sets of tables and chairs have been moved to the village square. I immediately took a seat along with Cleria and proceeded to relax.

On the other side of the square, some villagers have begun butchering the Big Boar. They looked like they were really familiar with the job.

Are you the head of this village, Zack?

Oh? Uh, yeah, thats right. Uh, pardon me fer askin but, just howd ye kill that pesky Boar anyway?

I killed it with magic. It charged straight for us, so I hit it with magic right on the head.

Yer a mage?

Hm? He seems quite surprised. Are there people who cant use magic, perhaps?

Are there people capable of using magic in this village?

There are two or three who can, but none of em are capable enough ta get rid of Black Speckles with a spell.

So thats the case. I didnt think some people are unable to use magic. As I watched the dismantling work being performed, I noticed that the knives they were using were quite dull so the work wasnt progressing all that fast. The suns going to set soon. Dinners gonna be late at this rate.

Ill lend this to you guys, Zack. Try dismantling it with that.

I handed my electromagnetic bladeknife to Zack.

Its a magic tool, so its really sharp. It can even cut through bone. Be careful while using it.

Magic tool, ye say!?

Uhuh. Be careful so you wont injure yourself. Oh, and wash it properly before returning it, alright?

Soon after, cheers could be heard coming from the people dismantling the Boar. It seems the works proceeding smoothly.

After a while, the tea was served. This is my first time trying a local drink on this planet!

Mmm. Delicious! It kinda tastes like the green tea of Earth.

Its delicious. Can you share some of the tea leaves with me, Zack?

It seems Zacks wife was pleased when I praised her tea.

Of course mate. I also love the taste of this tea. Ye think thisll sell in the city?

I think it definitely would. Ill buy some at least.

I dont know anything about the city, but delicious things are delicious. How about Cleria? I sent an inquiring gaze at her.

Yes. Its quite delicious.

Looks like that confirms it. Milady Cleria says itll sell.

But ya know Alan, Ive been meaning to ask about that outfit of yers. What exactly is that?

Ah, so they really were conscious about it huh? Its not like I had any other outfits to wear anyway.

Uh, well, due to some certain circumstances, these are the only clothes I have right now.

Is that so. Well, the specialty product of this village is **. We also make clothes as well. We can probably whip out a decent set fer ya tomorrow.

Really? Thank you, I appreciate it. Ill be paying, of course. Ill leave it to you.

There was an unfamiliar word there, but they offered to make me clothes. I hope they wont be too expensive.

Alright, well fix ye a set tomorrow.

Villagers were already starting to gather around the tables. A boy who looked to be about twelve approached me.

Um, thanks for getting rid of Black Speckles. That thing killed my dad.

I see Im sorry about your dad. So eat plenty of that guys meat to get even, okay?


The boy then went over to the dismantling spot.

How many people were killed I asked Zack.

He got six people. This year, there were three. We were almost unable to come further outside the village lately. Were really grateful ta you two fer bringing it down.

I see. Im glad we could help.

It seems theyve butchered quite a few portions already. A group of village women were starting to cook the meat on a stove made of stones on one side of the village square.

Cleria talked to Zacks wife for a time, but excused herself just now. Seems like she needs to go on a bathroom break. Zack saw it and moved closer to me afterward.

Hey, that knight-sama is a **, right?

Hm? Seems like I wouldnt be able to understand the word without updating the language database. Anyway, knight huh? Shes a knight since shes wearing armor? Do knights have a higher social status or something?

Why do you think so?

I need more info.

Well, the way she speaks is like that of a **, so isnt she one? Are you her *** Alan?

Theres another word I cant understand.

Whats a ***?

Ya dont know? Its someone who takes care of a knights wellbeing and daily needs.

I performed a language update. So the meaning of *** is attendant huh? Well, its true that Im basically taking care of her daily needs. Im even cooking for her. So like Im her attendant huh?

Well, I guess its something like that. Ive only met Ria recently, so Im still not that familiar with her.

So, hows the knight-samas skills with a sword?

He sure was asking about some unexpected stuff.

Hm, lets see. She should at least be able to take on two Gray Hounds at the same time.

Well, it may be a little tough on her though.

Thats amazin!

Our conversation was interrupted because Cleria came back.

The village women carried over a large serving of a dish on a large plate. Theres also some bread. Im kinda looking forward to eating other peoples cooking after so long.

The dish seems to be cooked out of Poto tubers and a lot of other vegetables I was unfamiliar with, coupled with lots of meat. It was a type of vegetable stir-fry.

Zack picked up his plate and started getting a portion of the dish on the large plate. He took quite a lot. So its that kind of system? Cleria and I also picked up some wooden plates and scooped out portions of the dish. Cleria took quite a lot for herself.

Its delicious! It lacked a bit of salt, but they used a generous amount of that garlic-like herb. It smelled unique. They must be using some more herbs I was unfamiliar with. I feel that the saltiness of the dish was a little too thin, but its plenty tasty as it is.

This is delicious!

Cleria was busy stuffing her cheeks full.

It was a fun banquet.

All of the villagers began to eat the food. It became quite lively.

Hey, thats right! I managed to find some of those leafy salad-use vegetables before we came here. I reached for my ingredient bag and took some out. Its fresh so it was still quite crisp. Oh, and theres some leftover Blackbird meat as well. Lets cook some then.

Whaddya have there? Oh, are those sappa leaves?

I found some earlier. You can have some if you like.

It seems the salad vegetable is called the sappa. The sappa leaves were torn to small pieces and were put in on an empty wooden plate. Afterward, the plate was placed in a corner easily accessible to everyone participating in the banquet.

I wrapped some sappa leaves around the meat and started eating it. Yep, thats delicious alright. When some of the villagers saw me, they started imitating what I was doing.

Its delicious! Weve never eaten meat like this.

And heres some meat from the bird I managed to hunt yesterday. Does anyone want some?

The meat left was about five kilos worth. It would be better to finish it all tonight.

Oi, oi! Aint this Black Bird meat!? Ya sure we can eat it?

So the Blackbird really was called Black Bird. A simple but fitting name.

Yeah. Itll go bad if we dont eat it tonight.

More meat was served to the villagers. More cheers rose from the gathered crowd.

The bread looked a bit hard. But when I tried it, I found that it wasnt as hard as I thought. It was about the size of my palm. It looked like it was freshly baked.

I cut the bread into two halves with my knife. I lined the inside with some sappa leaves and placed a large amount of meat in between. Now I had a homemade meat sandwich.

Do you want some Cleria? She was staring hard while I was preparing the sandwich after all. I handed it over to her and proceeded to make another one.

Yep, this is also tasty. The bread is softer than expected, and the meat was overflowing with juice.

That looks good too.

Zack also started making his own. Zacks wife followed suit.

Oh boy. The village women brought out something like thick steak slices this time. Ill get myself a smaller piece. Mm, this was also made with plenty of garlic. Delicious! Cleria got herself a huge slice. Talk about oversized.

I ate my fill. I couldnt stuff myself anymore. Both Cleria and Zack were eating like crazy and it didnt seem they planned to stop anytime soon.

That was truly delicious. This might be the first time in my life that I got to eat this much meat.

Zacks wife brought out an earthen container and placed it on the table.

Do you two drink alcohol?

Yes, Ill have some please.

Cleria also nodded in response. It resembled red wine. Mm. That hit the spot. The sourness was a bit pronounced, but it was still quite good.

So, are you two goin ta Gotania by any chance? Zack inquired as he drank.

Uh, yes.

I might have answered his question a little too readily.

Hey, Beck! Come ere son!

Zack called out to the young man with him earlier.

Can he tag along with ye two as well? This lad heres my son Beck.

Come to think of it, their faces practically resembled each other.

Alright. But why is he going to Gotania as well?

Ysee, we come to Gotania every six months in order to sell the products made in this village. Its about time for us to head over there again. We always go in groups of fifteen as a countermeasure fer bandits and monsters, but it wasnt very efficient and we failed to make profits. We couldnt pack a good number of wares as well. Now we have a knight with amazing sword skills and a mage able to kill a Big Boar with one spell here. And you both are also heading to Gotania. So I was thinking if maybe we could tag along as well and hire you two as our escorts.

Cleria blushed red upon hearing her being described as a knight with amazing sword skills.

Are you going to Gotania using a carriage?

Thats right. Can ye escort Beck here, along with another young man to the city?

Hm, it doesnt seem to be a bad proposal. We need a guide after all, so this saves us the trouble of looking for one.

What do you think Ria? Im fine with it though.

I dont mind as well.

Alright then. Well accompany them. But only for going to the city. What do you plan to do when its time to go back?

Theres no need to worry, because were going to hire adventurers by then.

Adventurers? Those are people who go on adventures for a living, right? Are escort services also a part of their duties?

I see. But is this really okay? Youre entrusting your safety to people youve just met today.

I have confidence in my ability ta judge people. Ye two are people we can trust.

Cleria nodded in agreement. Well, were definitely not villains so Zacks eye for people is pretty spot-on.

Understood. We accept your request for an escort to Gotania. We promise to keep Beck and the carriage safe along the way.

Thank you. But I cant give ye much compensation for yer troubles though.

You dont have to. We get to go to Gotania on a carriage after all. Thats enough of a reward.

Even if you say that Oh, right! How bout that set of clothes I mentioned earlier? The clothes we make in our village our fairly reputed yknow.

Thank you for your consideration then.

I did need to get a new set of clothes anyway. As expected, it would stand out too much if I entered the city wearing my jumpsuit.

Alright, now that thats outta the way, lets drink!

Hey, thats right! Speaking of alcohol, I have the perfect snack to go with it. I retrieved the dried salmon fillets from the backpack. Since they were quite hard, I cut them into strips with my knife, put them on a plate and placed it on the table.

Heres some dried fish. I cant guarantee the taste since Im the one who made them, but these should be good snacks to pair with the wine.

Hooh, now this is something unusual. Lets see.

These are delicious! Youve used plenty of salt on them, and they do seem like the perfect snacks to go along with the wine.

I also gave some to the rest of the villagers. Looks like they liked the taste, judging from their excited reactions.

The bonfires continued to burn, and the banquet lasted until late into the night.

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