Kenkyo, Kenjitsu o Motto ni Ikite Orimasu

Chapter 24

A stalking-horse character is, in romance stories, the rival used to urge the main characters into a relationship. Or into a deeper relationship. Basically they had no chance to begin with, and were only introduced into the story to push the main couple along. Like um, what was his name? The werewolf dude from Twilight. He had a team, and&h.e.l.lip; Was it Team&h.e.l.lip; Jacob?

Also, sliding dogeza at 5s

An ojousama has her own ojousamas circle of acquaintances.

Myself included, an ojousama has lots of different lessons to go to. And those lessons often have showcases or recitals. Honestly speaking, I cant imagine that anybody outside of family would want to watch a bunch of kids dance or perform. But with just family alone, the seats wouldnt fill up and it wouldnt look very good, so those in high society often go to each others events, which also serve as chances to socialise. And so, today I went to a violin recital because of that.

Okaasama came with me to the recital, and apparently she hadnt given up on her dreams of me learning the violin yet, because she asked me stuff like How about you use this opportunity to start learning yourself?. No thank you. At my mothers strong insistence, I went to a trial cla.s.sroom once, but the finger that held down the string hurt. There was so much friction that it felt like my fingerprint would burn off. That day I decided that I was a bit too squishy for violin. Likewise, at my mothers recommendation, I tried the flute as well, but I still have nightmares about my last life when during the recorder recital I could only blow this pathetic and ridiculous puupiiii~ sound from beginning to end and ruined it for everyone, so Ive got a bit of a trauma about wind instruments now. When everybody returned to cla.s.s afterwards and yelled Who the h.e.l.l made that sound!? and began searching for the culprit, I was seriously terrified. I joined in and made this Ehh~ I dont know either~ face, but inside, my heart was pounding. The fact that the kids who sat next to me were tightlipped was the only reason I barely escaped my death. So when it comes to music, please just give me a break, and let me stay with just piano.


When the recital was over, we headed out to the lobby to hand out bouquets. While I was waiting, I looked about randomly and spotted somebody surprising.


Just like us, Akizawa-kun was standing there a little distance away with a bouquet in hand. I told Okaasama that I had a friend here, so I left her and headed over to him.

Akizawa-kun? Whatever are you doing in a place like this?

Eh-, Kisshouin-san!?

When he turned around, Akizawa-kun was shocked to see me too.

Why are you here, Kisshouin-san? Umm, today my childhood friend was in the recital, so I came to watch, but what about you?

Something similar as well. A friend was performing.

While we were talking, Okaasama, and a person who seemed to be Akizawa-kuns okaasama came over.

Reika-san, who might this gentleman be?

Ah-, Okaasama. This is Akizawa-kun. He is in my grade in Suiran, and we attend the same cram school, you know.

Its nice to meet you. Im Akizawa Tak.u.mi.

When Okaasama found out that he was a student at Suiran, she smiled happily. I greeted Akizawa-kuns okaasama as well. While our mothers were exchanging greetings, we went back to our own conversation from before.

By childhood friend, do you perhaps mean the one that gave you chocolates on Valentines?

Ah, thats the one. To think youd remember that.(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});She lives in my neighbourhood, so our families have been close since we were little. Shes in the same grade as us, but shes like a little sister to me.

A little sister?

Yeah, since we were small shes always been following me around, and we went to the same kindergarten. When we had to go to different schools, she started bawling. It was terrible, you know. For today too, she told me that I absolutely had to come.

Akizawa-kun, you&h.e.l.lip;

At that moment, the performers and their families started to enter the lobby.


A j.a.panese-styled beauty with long black hair called out his name, as she trotted over to him.

Ahh, Sakurako, good job! Your performance was great.

Akizawa-kun met her with a smile. When the girl heard his praise, she smiled happily with a flushed face, but the moment she saw me standing next to him, her expression turned bewildered.

Tak.u.mi, whos this person?

Ahh, this is Kisshouin-san. Shes in my cohort at Suiran, and were in the same cla.s.s for cram school. Our at school are different though.

Right? he asked me with an innocent smile. Seeing that, Childhood Friend-chan started to look sullen.

And this is the childhood friend I mentioned, f.u.kioka Sakurako.

I am Kisshouin Reika. It is a pleasure.

&h.e.l.lip;f.u.kioka Sakurako.

Her face clearly says that she isnt happy to see me. Aahh, this settles it.

Tak.u.mi, it cant be that you came with her, right?

Nuh uh. Apparently Kisshouin-sans friend was in the recital as well. We met by chance a little while ago. Right, Kisshouin-san?

Once again, he smiled at me, at which point f.u.kioka-sans expression grew more and more severe. Ah-, shes glaring.

I never heard about any of your friends being female, Tak.u.mi. Even though when you talk about them, only male names come up&h.e.l.lip;

Really? Well, we basically only ever talk at cram school, so,

Are you&h.e.l.lip; close?

Ehh~ I wonder about that. We dont hate each other, right?

Eh-? Y-, Yes. That is true.

f.u.kioka-san looked sadly at Akizawa-kun.


Oh my G.o.d. I made light of this guy. Even though I thought he was just a loveless, normal primary schooler like me&h.e.l.lip; To think that he was holding the hidden trump card of all romantic cliches, a sizzling love with a childhood friend!! Akizawa-kun who I thought was my comrade in no-romances was actually in a completely different realm to me to begin with. I should have realised the moment he mentioned the yearly chocolates from her. It wasnt courtesy chocolates, nor was it friendship chocolates, it was the real d.a.m.n thing chocolates. To think that I grouped myself together with a guy who had such a powerful romance card. I want to apologise to Akizawa-kun with a sliding dogeza now.

Apparently Akizawa-kun had no idea why f.u.kioka-san was upset, and carelessly asked Whats wrong?. Cliche. Its so cliche. The romantically slow childhood friend cliche. Akizawa-kun, it feels like youre so far away now&h.e.l.lip;

To f.u.kioka-san, Akizawa-kun is the childhood friend that she loves, and who has always been by her side, so I guess that makes me the suddenly-appearing villainess rival character. Even though Kimidols protagonist hasnt even appeared yet, why the heck do I have to be the stalking horse in some random other place? A sordid love triangle even in primary school? No thank you.

My ojousama companions who invited me appeared in the lobby, so I gratefully used them to retreat.

Okaasama, Emiri-sama is here. We must hand her the flowers.

My, so she has. Well then, Akizawa-sama, I look forward to our next meeting. Well then, please excuse us. We shall be leaving first.

Please excuse us, and gokigenyoh, Akizawa-kun, f.u.kioka-san.

See you at cram school, Kisshouin-san.


I could feel f.u.kioka-sans gaze stabbing painfully into my back.




When I left the venue later, it was snowing. No wonder I felt so cold.









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