Just Blame Me For Being Blind in the Beginning

Side Story 3

Side Story 3

(A little dumpling)

Although Song Nanchuan had brought up having a baby, Pei Ying had just won Best Actress, which meant her value as an actress had risen. And that also meant that various production companies were putting out offers to her, so this really wasnt the best time to have a baby.

She and Song Nanchuan had some discussions and decided to wait a year or two, until her career became more stable, before returning to this question.

Even if Song Nanchuan was the one to bring up having a little princess, after thinking of having a few more years with just Pei Ying, he readily agreed.

In the next two years, Pei Ying filmed a TV drama, two movies, several advertisements, and she also reunited with Qiao Yichen to put out another EP. Her schedule was filled to the brim. Not to mention her popularity rise, shed definitely earned enough milk money.

Finally, after two years of unyielding perseverance by her fans, Pei Ying finally made an announcement that shed be taking a temporary break from the entertainment industry to prepare for her pregnancy.

This news left a lot of old fans with streaks of tears on their faces, as if they were the ones having a baby. The media was also getting riled up as they set up for baby-bump watch.

Pei Ying was reading comments from the baby-urging army, and the she turned to Song Nanchuan and said, Chuan Chuan, I think theres a lot of pressure on you.

Song Nanchuans brows jumped up. Why?

Because if I dont get pregnant, theyll think somethings wrong with you.

Song Nanchuan, .

Hahaha. Then lets see whether theres something wrong with me or not. He picked up Pei Ying and carried her to the bed.

With their combined efforts, good news was right around the corner. Under Song Nanchuans watchful gaze, Pei Ying shared the news on Weibo, proving that there was nothing wrong with him.

[Pei Ying] (Official)

Hello, everyone! We went to the hospital for a checkup today, and Im pregnant (shy) In a few more months, there will be a new face to greet you guys (heart)

A few minutes after Pei Ying posted this news, there were already several hundred comments. It was as if shed just taken a sip of water, but Weibo had grown very lively.

My goodness, my Peis going to be a mom!!! (love you)

Finally! Thank goodness Im still alive and breathing!!!

The babys coming, my last two years of urging didnt go to waste! Congratulations, Pei Pei and CEO Song! Let me think about what I should push for next!

The people of the Southwest region send our congratulations! My Pei and CEO Songs baby girl will be beautiful!

Where are all the people who asked how long they would last when they got married? Theyre having a baby now. What else do you have to say? (picks nose)

Some people just cant stand seeing others being happy (smile) Congrats to Pei Pei and CEO Song. Make sure to take care of yourself! Waiting for the babys arrival!

Pei Pei, promise me that youll have a son! If I cant marry CEO Song, I can at least marry him! By the way, I just turned 13 this year, so Im not much older than him (shy)

As fans from across the nation waited earnestly, Pei Ying finally received her expected delivery date. When she entered the delivery room, Song Nanchuans chest felt very tight. When she came back out, he rushed over to her.

Pei Yings face was very pale, and her hair was plastered to her face with sweat. Seeing her, Song Nanchuans heart ached. He frowned and asked the doctor, Whats wrong with her?

She used up a lot of strength, so shes a bit weak now. Shell be fine after some rest.

After the doctors reassurance, Song Nanchuan finally let out a breath. He kissed Pei Yings sweat-covered forehead, and then he felt that he wanted to see the baby.

Pei Ying had a baby girl, plump and soft, like a white dumpling.

Because Sister-in-law had had a son, this little dumpling was the Song familys first daughter. And so, this baby girl received the utmost doting and adoration from the family.

On the day that she was born, her (paternal) grandparents gifted her a seaside villa. Seeing that she already had a house, Song Nanchuan decided to give her a gemstonelike the quiet and azure sea, a sapphire of a legendary degree.

This stirred up the entire entertainment industry, and even the melon-eating crowd couldnt help running to Weibo to admire a bit.

After the birthday gifts were given out, the next major event was choosing a name for the little princess. Mrs Song said that when she was first pregnant with Eldest Brother, shed already decided that the name would have to have a jia character, but after so many years, that name still hadnt made an appearance (t/n: jia beautiful, good)

To fulfill her dream, the babys name would have a jia character. Song Nanchuan asked Pei Ying if there were any characters that she really liked. Pei Ying thought about it, and then said that she wanted her daughter to live a happy, worry-free life, so she chose the character le. (t/n: le happy, cheerful)

So, finally, the little princess was given the name Song Jiale.


Song Jialie attracted quite a lot of attention on Weibo. Even a month after the her birth, the fervor hadnt died down. It was at this time that Tang Qiang sought out Pei Ying once more. He gave the baby a first-meeting present, and then he got down to business. Ms Pei, do you still remember my invitation for you to join KaiHuang two years ago? Your contract with Scenic Studios has ended, so if you were to change companies, everyone would understand.

Pei Ying hadnt expected for Tang Qiang to still remember this. She pouted and considered. Tang Qiang continued, Chen Shengs not a fool. Your schedules been very full for the past two years, so youve definitely earned him a lot of money. Whatever affection you had for him, surely youve returned it all. KaiHuang can give you a larger stage to expand on. And because of your popularity, Scenic was able to sign a slew of new talent. Even if you were to leave, someone will be there to take over your work.

Tang Qiang went over things with Pei Ying for nearly half an hour, when she was finally a bit moved. It wasnt because of his eloquence though, but rather the terms he offered.

Before shed gotten pregnant, Chen Sheng had also sought her out, to discuss her contract renewal. Shed looked over the contract terms, and though they were much better than when shed first started, they seemed quite insignificant compared to the terms KaiHuang was now offering.

Pei Ying had a child now, so it was only natural she was more concerned about money. Although, it didnt really seem like she needed to worry about money to raise the child.

But who wouldnt want to earn more money?

With the help of Tang Qiangs glib words, Pei Ying finally signed the contract. When news of this went out, Pei Ying shook the entertainment industry once more.

Even though shed changed companies, she would, of course, continue to work very hard. But Song Jiale was just born, so Pei Ying wanted to spend more time with her first. Fortunately, Tang Qiang was understanding of that. He accepted a movie offer for her, and then didnt push her to work more than that.

One year passed by very quickly, and the little princess, Song Jiale, happily welcomed her first birthday.

The one year old Song Jiale was already able to call out Daddy and Mommy. When Song Nanchuan first heard her call to him, he was so invigorated that he pulled Pei Ying in for an entire night of activities.

Of course, the important thing was Song Jiales birthday party. Song Nanchuan had the seaside villa decorated to look like a castle, and he even got a circus to come perform.

They invited many family members and friends, and also quite a few celebrities. Song Jiales birthday party caused another sensation throughout the country.

There was one reported who wrote a gossip-filled article, tallying up the value of all the gifts that little Song Jiale had received one year after she was born.

The number was astounding when the calculations were complete. Song Jiale had only had two parties since her birth, and the presents shed received were estimated at a value of 1-2 billion

Most of the netizens were greatly hurt by this number Who said that Song Nanchuan wouldnt marry Pei Ying? And then if they did, they wouldnt last long?! Can that person come out to act as a target for our knife throwing, so we can let out some steam?!

Even as the netizens were falling to pieces over the matter, the Song family continued to happily shower Song Jiale with money.

Aside from feasting, drinking, and showing off his daughter, Song Nanchuan had also prepared a zhua zhou event for Song Jiale. Sitting on top of the red carpet were several objects: jewelry, RMB, US dollars (t/n: I dont know what a good word for zhua zhou is. Baby grab? Essentially, several objects are laid out in front of the baby for them to pick, and each item has its own meaning, fortune, etc.)

Pei Ying felt a headache overcoming her. These were all different forms of currency!

She turned to Song Nanchuan and asked about it. He replied, Isnt there also a top quality Barbie doll and a name brand purse?

Pei Ying, .

Dont corrupt her daughters soul while shes still so young!

With all types of money surrounding our little Song Jiale, she ended up choosing the most unremarkable triangular ruler.

Song Nanchuan, .

Who put that ruler in there?! That object wasnt anywhere near good enough for his princess!

Pei Ying said with surprise, Le Le likes the triangular ruler, ah? Do you like math? Maybe one day, youll become a mathematician.

Song Nanchuan, .

No!! Who said his princess wanted to be a mathematician?! He wouldnt allow that!

He really couldnt imagine his daughter wearing a pair of glasses so thick that you couldnt see her eyes, with her hair all a mess, sitting at a table, going over math theorems.

It was horrifying!

He would later find that his worries had been unnecessary, as Song Jiales math scores were worse than her mothers English scores when she was a student

As for why the girl chose the triangular ruler at her first birthday party, it seemed that would remain one of Pei Yings greatest life mysteries.

Looking over the nth math exam that her daughter had failed, Pei Ying felt very tired.

She pat Song Jiale on the head and asked, Le Le, do you like math?

Song Jiale frowned and wrinkled her nose. She shook her head. No.

Pei Ying asked, Then, do you like triangular rulers?

Song Jiale shook her head again. No.

Pei Ying, .

So why did you pick that triangular ruler?! Tell me why!

Oh, but our elementary school has a really amazing boy. They said he won an award at the Math Olympiad. The principal praised him during the morning flag raising.

Is that so? Pei Ying didnt care about other peoples children winning an award at the Math Olympiad. All she knew was that Song Jiale failed her math exam again.

The principal invited him to speak on the stage today too. His hair is curly, and hes really cute.

Pei Ying emptied out her worries and then suddenly seemed to realize something. She turned to ask her daughter, So, you like the curly-haired boy?

Mmh, I do! Song Jiale nodded her head.

Pei Ying, .

So the triangular ruler was picking out a husband?!

When Song Nanchuan returned home, he saw Pei Ying and Song Jiale staring at each other. He didnt have to ask to know that Song Jiale must have failed another math exam.

He walked over and sat down on the sofa, pulling his daughter up to sit on his leg. He said to Pei Ying, Le Les still young. Dont pressure her too much. If shes bad at math, so be it. As long as she can count money for daily use, thats enough.

Pei Ying turned to him, and then she laughed. She just told me that she likes the curly-haired boy whos very good at math.

Song Nanchuan, .

A bolt of lightening came from the sky and impartially struck his head.

His daughter was still so young. How could she like a boy?!

With a serious expression, he returned Song Jiale to the floor. He looked at her and asked, Whos this boy? Whats his name? How old is he? Where does he live? Who are his parents?

Pei Ying, .

Song Nanchuans series of questions made Song Jiale dizzy. She tilted her head and answered the questions she could remember. His name is Qi Rang, I think. His dad is a mathematician!

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