It Seems Like I Got Transmigrated Into An Eroge

Chapter 153: Cytheria Karmeut (4)

Chapter 153: Cytheria Karmeut (4)

"Cytheria..." Ami muttered.
"P-Princess!" said the purple-skinned woman.
The sight of a woman above us almost blinded me, as her majestic figure was in full sight for the world to grace upon. She's sitting on a cloud, wearing a see-through loose nightgown, revealing her fair skin with a bewitching sculpted body that will make any man salivate. Then, as she got near us, the first thing that my eyes caught was her hairless nether region and her pink nipples that were slipping out. I almost lost myself to my carnal desire and completely forgot my objective of coming here in the first place. But, simultaneously, I wished we continued where we left off yesterday.
'Damn, she's got one hella body right there!' I thought.
"Humph!" Suddenly, I felt a hand grabbing my dick, and looked at the culprit next to me. "Clara?"
My entire body jolted when I saw Clara staring deeply into my eyes.
"The young lady said I shall protect you from other women by any means," Clara whispered.
If I understood it correctly this is what she means by that. 'Protect him from himself! Don't let his libido take over him!'
"All right, all right, no need to grab my thing. Why my dick...? You could've done something else, but you resorted to that. You almost gave me a heart attack." I whispered.
Clara nodded and finally did let go of my dick, giving a sigh of relief.
Meanwhile, Ami who was right next to us saw everything and had a disgusted look plastered on her face. "Have some decency! Just because there's a naked woman in front of you, there's no need for your maid to... to... to...! You know what I meant! And, pick a better place, not in the public! Have some decency!" She yelled.
"What can I say, whenever I see a beautiful naked woman my libido soars to the sky. Who wouldn't get aroused on seeing a naked beautiful woman? I'm still a young man after all. I mean, I also feel the same way about you too." I shrugged.
Ami's beet-red face flushed even more as she took a few steps back away in disgust.
"Fufufu~ Flirt as always~ So, what brings you all here to my humble place?" Cytheria said with a soft smile.
"Can't I visit you?" I smiled charmingly.
"Oh, you~ Do you want to continue our unfinished business yesterday? My, aren't you a greedy one?" Cytheria said as she licked her lips seductively.
"Any man would succumb." I shrugged.
"You two already know each other?" Ami said with a hint of suspicion in her voice.
"I met her yesterday."
"Indeed. It was also yesterday when he also took my first kiss." Cytheria said gleefully.
"Quite the opposite."
"And I have no regrets."
"I-I thought... Aren't you interested in Shin?" Ami asked Cytheria.
"Of course, I'm still interested in him. Isn't he too charming and cool? A heroic figure. The protector of the weak. A man of his word. Who wouldn't like him?" Cytheria replied nonchalantly.
"Basically, you're widening your options?" I added.
"Maybe?" Cytheria smiled uncannily.
"This bitch!" Ami grunted.
"Language, please. Needless to say, I need to find the perfect man for me. I'm a princess after all."
"Then wear something proper! You're naked! B-Basic etiquette! Did you lose your common sense when you kissed 'that'?" Ami pointed to me.
"Okay... Oh, come on, don't treat me like I'm a pest or something, also no need to emphasize it!" I remarked.
Ami didn't bother to even glance in my direction.
"Oi!" I called her out.
"Shut up, y-you pervert! Get away!"
"Now, now, let's not fight. How about I offer you three tea at my place?" Cytheria walked between us.
"Sounds good," I replied.
"Don't casually accept it!"
"Come on, Ami-chan. Don't you want to discuss something with her? Isn't that the reason why you're here in the first place?" I pointed out.
"I-I do... Tch, fine! Let's go." Ami then points her finger at Cytheria, "... Also, don't hold me accountable for the mess that your people made in the first place! They attacked Shin and me first!"
"Pfft! I don't really care. Their fight, their responsibility. If you lose, you lose."
"You've been watching everything since the beginning." I alluded.
"Indeed. I watched everything in my bedroom. So, are you all coming or not?" Cytheria turned around which exposed her plumpy cheeks, shaped like an upside-down heart. In terms of shape, I would rather choose Lily, Clara, or Diana's butt over Cytheria's; however, I need to have a closer look and feel it in order to determine because right now, Lily was on top overall.
"Also don't mind them. It's not like Reyna is hurt. She can take care of Flora." Cytheria added.
"Y-Yes, Princess!" said the purple-skinned woman whose name was Reyna, who immediately carried the plant lady despite her skirt drenched in piss.
"What about Shin?" Ami asked.
"Do you dare to stop them?"
"Good! Are you coming, darling~" Cytheria winked at me?
It sent shivers down my spine.
"... Okay, coming." I held Clara's hand and followed Cytheria; however, I noticed Ami behind us looking in a distance, "What are you doing there, standing? Aren't you coming?"
"Ah, yeah!" Ami followed us in a hurry, whilst keeping her distance from us.
"Hey, Mr. Pervert," Ami called.
"Who else?"
"Suuure... So?"
"Your relationship with them, do they all know, especially Ms. Adelle? Are they aware?"
"Um, why are you asking this?"
"Just answer the question! It's not a rhetorical question! It's a yes or no question!" Ami exclaimed.
"Yes." I blatantly lied.
Ami narrowed her eyes suspiciously.
"What? You asked the question and I answered."
'Why does it feel like we had this conversation before? A déjà vu?'
"Hard to believe that you have your hand wrapped around Ms. Adelle and the ice princess at the same time. Both of them are tough to crack, but when I saw them around you... They became a completely different person like they're liberated."
"Why are you so obsessed with Adelle? You a fan or what?"
"So what if I am?! You had a problem with that?! Haaah?!" Ami curled her lips.
"Pffft—!" I chuckled.
"What are you laughing at? Haaah?!"
"Kuff—I've noticed that Adelle had a lot of girl admirers even back in the guild."
"Who wouldn't?! She's cool, strong, beautiful, kind, and so chivalrous. Most importantly, she has magnificent swordplay that even heaven admires!"
"Yeah, she does indeed have one, slender, firm yet so soft, and most importantly, she has the best tightness! Oh, forgot to add her expression! She has the best facial expression! Whenever she's riled up—"
"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! I don't want to hear any of that! Don't taint the pure image of my Adelle!"
"My Adelle, not yours," I stuck my tongue out.
"I don't care! Disgusting—"
"Use the potion that I gave you first. The blood is already staining your uniform."
"Oh... Thanks." Ami opened the bottle of potion that I gave to her and drenched her other free hand with it before pulling up her uniform shirt slightly. Then realizing I was staring at her, she gave me a scowling look. "Turn around!"
"Yeah—" Then the ground trembled which caused Ami to stumble forward and my body reflexively reacted to her falling. The image of the princess falling into the prince's arms flashed in my mind. Wouldn't that be romantic? 
Yet, the reality is far off from what I expected.
"Ah!" When Ami was about to fall down, I went to her quickly to catch her; however, as she was falling, she instinctively tried to grab something and accidentally hit me right in the throat. Thereafter, I also lost my footing and ended up falling backward.
"S-Sorry! I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" Ami backs away immediately and reaches out for my hand helping me to get up.
'Just in time! F*ck me! Right in the throat!'
"Hey, I said I'm sorry," Ami said.
"Yeah, yeah. Out of all things you could go to, you really went to the throat. You could've gone for my shoulder, head, or chest, but no, you chose my throat... You really wanted to kill me, didn't you?" I responded roughly while shaking the dirt off my clothes.
"No! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean it! It's an accident! I have no such intention! I hate you, but not to the point that I wanted to kill you! Believe me!" Ami leaned forward to the point where I could feel her breath.
"I know, I know, geez, get away from my face."
"Ah!" Upon realizing it, she backs away slowly.
"What happened to the both of you," Cytheria asked.
"An unfortunate accident," I replied.
"Ohh! Ami's pregnant with your child?! Since when?!" Cytheria's eyes glistened.
"Huh! No! Where did that come from?!" Ami retorted.
"Wait, you're not?"
"I'm not!"
"Eeeeh~? I was about to congratulate you two, but now, that's ruined."
"You're really getting on my nerves."
"Thank you~!" Cytheria beamed a smile.
"Piss off!"
"I'm so fed up," I muttered exasperatedly.
"Young master."
"I'm okay, thanks for worrying."
-Boom! Boom!
At the far distance, two individuals are sending each other exchanges of strikes that reverberated throughout the forest. The sound was slowly getting nearer and nearer, then in a split second, Mr. protagonist and his opponent appeared within our sight, and sparks from their swords flew between both of them like I'm watching a movie in person.
Shin's blade slashed through the air and a dazzling white radiance darted toward his opponent. However, his opponent took half a step back and parried it, and the exchange produced a blood-curling ear-piercing sound. This battle appeared to be progressing more fiercely than I anticipated.
From just catching a slight glimpse of their eyes, I could tell what was going on in their mind. Their only focus right now is to defeat the person right before them. Their strength and sword techniques are on par with each other, so it's anyone's game.
From what I recall in the game, Shin was the best swordsman in the academy alongside Lily and Adelle.
"Shin! Shin! Shin...!" No matter how many times Ami called Shin's name out, Shin wasn't answering as he was too engrossed in the fight that he already lost his awareness of his surroundings.
The wind erupting from their blades was also progressively getting stronger as Ami was having a hard time withstanding the fierceness of their fight. Even though they've been fighting the entire time now, they're showing no signs of slowing down. Their resilience is frightening.
"This idiot! Whenever he's so engrossed in the fight, he forgets everything!" Ami exclaimed.
I darted my eyes around the place, tracking their insanely lightning-quick battle. Then it crossed my mind, I recognized the dual crescent sword style that Shin's opponents wield. It was the same sword style that mercenary junky uses.
"What's the name of that junkie Veto sword style?"
"Konchu Style."
Veto was known as a top-caliber mercenary for hire in the Maiveil kingdom, also known to be a misogynist among women. On one of my missions, I met him when his group was getting ambushed by a horde of beasts while escorting an important merchant from another kingdom that was about to visit the capital of the Maiveil kingdom.
I just met them accidentally and helped their group by annihilating almost half of the beasts. At that exact moment, he was amused by my fighting ability and attempted to recruit me into his mercenary company, but I respectfully declined. Yet, he kept persisting that I should join him.
Unlike adventurers, in important missions like escorting, nobles or wealthy people will often hire mercenary groups because of their unique given skillset that have the capability to execute a mission cleanly, or should I say swiftly execute their dirty works for them.
As their slogans say, "Fret not, let us do the dirty work for you."
On the other side of the coin, mercenaries can be treated as an alternative way of owning an army of knights. However, unlike military knights, they're soldiers serving merely for money. They don't care whom they are serving, as long it's paying, they will gladly take orders.
In essence itself, mercenaries and adventurers are similar, yet the difference was canny. Mercenary companies are unhinged individuals, as they're filled with thugs, rakes, thieves, spies, and assassins. Mercenary jobs that are considered low-paying missions can pay a more surmountable amount than a normal adventurer mission. That's why a lot of adventurers became mercenaries because of the higher wage they receive from there
"Yeah—" I was rudely interrupted by Shin's sword that flew in our direction, as it was trajecting towards us, I grabbed Ami by her collar and Clara by her waist to teleport somewhere safe. The everlasting beauty of pink clouds in the sky was rendered into this dreadfulness of scenery where every tree at sight was completely destroyed.
"Buweeeh—!" Then I heard someone on my left vomiting.
"Ah! Sorry about that, Ami."
"Gueeeh—! W-What—Bueeeh!"
"Woooow! You disappeared and appeared here!" A voice came from above us. It was Cytheria sitting in her cloud alongside her associates, which is the Iryth and the purple-skinned woman from earlier.
'She...' I narrowed my eyes.
We all shifted our gaze to Ami who was vomiting on the ground. I smiled wryly at the sight of Ami.
"She needs medical attention. The place isn't far from here, it would only take like a few minutes to get there."
"Yeah. Thanks... Clara, can you give her a hand?"
Clara nodded and assisted Ami.
Editor : Zenon#4120

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