Isekai Shoukan wa Nidome Desu

Chapter 42

42 The goddesss daughter

I grabbed that fist, paid my feet and hid it on the floor of the tree.


All right, it sounds like our greetings

Damn it!

I tried to raise my body to stand up, I interfere with taking a mount.

I reached for the frustrating lower neck.

Sawa, wrinkle


Like gently stroking with sasa.

Unlike tickling hands, I try to touch with peace of mind using the palm.

Then Roas facial expression gradually collapses, gradually the power of the whole body comes out, it turns into a melted look.

Fuuaaah ~ ~ ~ No this handsome guilty ~ ~

Long time no see, Pechapai Sonko.

Setsuu ~~~~ Yaahya

Like patting the cat.

It seems that this behavior that I did doing dozens of times apparently remember the body even after five years passed.

I fought further, and the body was all but enough I could not get up already.

I feel so comfortable this

My sister, are you watching? Roa, the daughter of that beast king is being picked up .

Nadedenad Enviable .

Thats not it! Sister please make sure!

What are you comicing, these guys are .

The thing that I recently understood is that it is a ponkonu and the mineko serves as a tsukkomi.

It is something unexpectedly balanced.

And thats not the case.

Fuwaa ~ ~ ~ more

I do not manage to manage this thing soon

Where have you been walking hitherto Setsu !!

Well, its a bit of a human nation

I know that but !. I was worried hearing that I was forcibly returned to the former world Do not stroke it ___ ___ ___ 0 ___ ___ 0

You are as fresh as you always

A little noisy mouth, I can not talk by stroking.

Because I was not true, I guess it would not be overestreted to me?

Because I came home in this way, forgive me, I owe it I will return the borrowed properly

Oh, okay, now I do not crouch now

Oops, I forgot to stop my hand.

I will withdraw my hand just before my waist is pulled out.

It took a couple of minutes until Roar got up earlier.

Now I am on my way to the room where the beast kingdom is, and it will be tough if I sit in the middle of this corridor.

Fuu So, what did you do with the blue-necked cow and the minneck? It seems she came with Setsu .

There are various things .

Setsu became the master, so we are with you

Say! It will not be my master, will you say I can be a master of the netowen?

Shiraneko ma Unnecessary things.

Do not tell the explanation quite a bit, should I explain it to this guy?

You have not become different, just this guy is talking about it

If I do, I will!

Did you hear the story? I do not want to recruit pets

To be able to discipline is all I can do with that ice de woman.

At best nothing other No, as expected after all.

For the time being, after this story is back !! There is nothing you can do not go talking to the beast king and go tell me!

Muu OK.


Well, it is a nice cat that can be disciplined.

The tribe is a lion, it is a cat family, so there is not much difference.

And Ive trained up to here.

Because there was a place treated as a nuisance because there was a rampant lion in the front now we are greeted with smiles to the people of the castle and are returning greetings with a smile.

It is something, I am very pleased with that change.

Well the language is mixed with rough and soft, and it is occasionally amusing.

It will be a charm.

By the way, what kind of relationship is Setsu and Roa? I heard that Setsu was a brave five years ago, but I can not read about it

Is it a relationship between me and Setsu?

I was talking about my story.

It is useless to be concerned about Lores relationship with me who is a former hero.

Thats right Setsu was very strong from that time, when I came to the beastman continent with three people accompanied by humans, it was also during the war that human beings! Sets were also attacked at such a time that it was extremely aggressive.

They have dozens of people, like soldiers.

Well of course .

It was destroyed by Setsu in a blink of an eye in a blink of an eye, and I was a trumpet at that time did the two of you know that I was a messenger?

The alias of the rampage lion is reaching us as well

Wow that you are saying on your own, but its embarrassing, thats it.

That guy at the time was also the daughter of the beast king and was famous not only for beastmen but also for other continents.

By the way, it was said that the silk cats and minnes began to become famous after I was sent back.

Oh well, so I heard that there is a strong guy and challenged the battle, the result was a crushing defeat,

There is a remember that it was a blow at the cross counter where I was coming.

It was not different from other small fish soldiers, it corresponded, at that time.

It was the first time I lost to anything other than my dad . I fell in love with Setsu who defeated myself, so I began to cling and walk, though I wanted him to be my husband, if possible.

Whos going to do that troublesome thing?

Its stingy, as usual

What I have been told is that I do not want to make a pet.

Even though my husband is my husband, I wonder if he is the master of my husband.

Do they both stick together for the same reason?

I lost to Setsu, so I want you to be my master.

Because I have not fought directly, but Setsu is a benefactor of life, I think that this body will be used for Setsu.

Setsu, its motemate.


Loa sticks my side with my elbow.

I do not feel bad by being told so far, but I do not understand their ideas after all.

From a human being, I do not think Ill follow a guy who has defeated me.

The difference in values by tribe is still big.

I arrived while I was talking about that

As Roars leg stops, we also stop walking.

In front of the door is a double door.

Its nostalgic here as well.

I will join my dad


We even succeeded in gaining free admission for the entrance to the world tree with Shironeko and Minekos faces.

If they dont do a check besides physical appearance so far, then I feel like they would end up allowing easy trespassing with something like a disguising magic, but there is their useful sense of smell.

It means they could instantly judge if its the real one or not with that outstanding sense of smell of theirs.

Place got a good atmosphere like always.

Even humans understand desu?

Humans like places surrounded by trees like this too, surprisingly.

This castle which is made by gouging out the tree itself has wooden walls, floors and ceiling of course.

I can say I like baths made out of wood more than those made out of stone and so I think the scent and feel of this sort of tree is nice.

Oh, more importantly, is the beast king still upstairs like always?

Yes, at the top floor desu.

Its not like I really have much time either, I cant take my time.

Shall I show my face right away then?

Okay then, shall we



Suddenly a shout reverberated inside the castle, interrupting my words.

Everyone unintentionally looked towards the owner of said voice.

What is there is a blonde girl with a healthy skin color.

Needless to point out, shes the daughter of the beast king Regulus Gold, Roa Gold.

Yo- You! This scent!


I knew it, so she found out even when my appearance has changed

The next moment, Roa kicked the floor and instantly appeared in front of me.

And then I perceive the shape of a fist approaching me from the corner of my sight.

Youre stillNaive!


I seize that fist, sweep her legs and hold her down on the floor.

Mister Setsu!?

Its fine, its kind of like our greeting.

Dang it!

When she was about to raise her body in order to stand up, I interfere on that by taking on a mounting position.

And then I reached the nape of the startled Roa with my hand.

Touch, touch.


I stroke it as gentle and rustlingly.

Im aiming to use my palm to give a peaceful touch, different from tickling with your hands.

Upon doing so, Roas expression rapidly crumbled, her strength gradually left her body and her expression changed into a charmed one.

FunyaadontThis hand technique is, I knew it

Long time no see, you washboard kitty. Here here!

Its Setsunyaaaa

Its like Im stroking a cat.

Ive done this dozens of times, but for some reason her body still seems to remember it even after five years have gone by.

I play with it even more and that body of hers ended up becoming so languid she couldnt stand up anymore already.

Does it feel that good, what Im doing

Sis, did you see that? That daughter of the Great Beast King, Roa was led around by the nose

Stroke, strokeIm jealous desu

Thats not where you should be looking at, you know!? Sis, get a hold of yourself please!

What are they doing a comedy skit for, these girls

What Ive come to know these days is that Mineko has the role of the straight man with Shironeko being the useless one.

Its unexpectedly balanced.

Wait, this is not the time for that.


I have to work it out with this girl too before long

Where have you been loitering around all this time, Setsu!

My bad, my bad. Got lots of things happening in the human country for a while, you know.

I know that though! We heard you were forced to return to your former world so we were worried, thats whywait, dont stroke me! Stop i-fuwaa

Interesting like always arent ya.

I stop the loud mouth from talking with a little stroking.

It wasnt even my intention, so cant you overlook it for me?

And thats how I returned here, so please forgive me. Ill properly return your worries, okay?

NyaaO- okay, I get it, so stop your stroking noow

Oops, I forgot to stop my hand.

I withdraw my hand just before shes unable to stand anymore.

It took Roa a few minutes to stand up earlier.

Now were on the way towards the room the beast king is in, itll be difficult if she sits down in the middle of this hallway.

FuuhAnd so, whats wrong with you, Shironeko and Mineko? It looks like youre here with Setsu, but

Various things happened

Setsu became our master desu. That is why we are together desu.

Huh!? Setsu! Are you saying you can become Shironekos master even though you wont become my master!?

Shironeko, you bitchstop saying unnecessary things.

Explaining it is quite troublesome, but I have to explain it to her.

I didnt actually become one you know. They just declared it on their own.

Then me too!

Didnt you hear me? Im not even taking applications for something like pets.

Things like disciplining and all, I already have my hands full with just that total M ice woman.

Go to other people for that as much as you canNo, dont go to anyone for that after all.

For now, lets leave the conversation for later, okay! For later! I have something I have to talk about with the beast king right away!



Hum, shes a good, disciplined cat.

Her race is leo, but well, they shouldnt be that much different since theyre related to cats.

And the one who disciplined her this far is me.

Its because she was treated as a trouble maker due to her being a wild lioness tomboyNow she has become someone who is greeted with a smile by the people in the castle and who can return their greetings with a smile.

How should I put this, Im also very happy of this change of hers.

Well, her wording is a mixed with fierceness and gentleness and sometimes it becomes funny.

Thats a fun aspect of hers I guess.

Speaking of which miss Roa, what sort of relationship do you and mister Setsu have? I have heard of the story that he was the Hero of five years ago, but I couldnt read about that part at all, so

Hm? Relationship between me and Setsu?

Oh right, I did talk about myself on our journey here.

I guess you cant help but get curious about the relationship of me, the former Hero, and Roa.

Thats rightSetsu was, you know, amazingly strong since that time. The time he took along his three companions and went to the beastmen continent, we were also at war and it was an extreme time where it was pretty much like Its humans! Kill them!, so Setsu and the others were also attacked.

They went at me with dozens of people you know, those soldier looking guys.

Well, of course

Setsu ended up annihilating those in the blink of an eye. And then I who was a naughty kid at that time hadwait, did you two know I was a naughty kid?

Your nickname wild lioness even reached us desu.

UwahIts one thing to say it yourself, but this is embarrassing.

Its because this girl at that time was famous even in the other continents from having the position of daughter of the beast king, to say nothing of the beastmen continent.

On a sidenote, Shironeko and Mineko seemed to have started to make a name of themselves after I was sent back.

Well, whatever. And so I heard there was a strong guy and I challenged him to a fight. The result was a crushing defeat though.

If Im not wrong, I have memories of it being a single blow from a cross counter when she was about to spring at me.

I ended up treating her the same way as the other small fry soldiers at that time, didnt I?

Now that I think about it, that was the first time I lost to anyone besides daddyAnd so I was charmed by Setsu who had beat me and decided to walk arm in arm with him. I wouldve wanted him to be my master if that was possible though.

Whod go do that sort of bothersome thing?

So stingy arent you? Like always.

That being said, I dont feel like getting a pet.

Though even if master means master, Ill think about it if its a husband type of master

Didnt you two accompany him for the same reasons?

I lost against Setsu desu. Thats why I want him to become my master desu

I havent personally fought mister SetsuBut still, he is my lifesaver so Im thinking about using this body of mine for his sake.

Thats what they said, Setsu. Popular arent you?

Yes, yes.

Roa went elbowing my side.

It didnt feel bad being told this much, but I still dont understand their thinking.

Humans wouldnt even think about following the guy they lost against after all.

The difference in sense of value between the races really is large.

We already arrived while we were talking about that

Roa stopped her feet and at the same time we also stopped walking.

In front of us is a wooden double door.

This also takes me back.

Daddy, Im coming in

Miss Roa!


A mans voice called out from behind us in order to stop Roa who has put her hands on the door.

What, its just you Ruga.

I look over my shoulder and who was there was a young canine man.

Hes got a burly figure and a handsome face.

I guess the beastwomen wont leave this guy alone. Hes someone of considerable ability, with his conduct and the pressure I feel.

What do you want with me? Id like to ask you to make it as brief as possible.

What do you want with me, you sayyou, are you planning on letting a human meet the beast king!? We are at war, you know that!?

Oh I get it, this guys quite the stubborn guy.

Because Ive been with these three, we havent been dragged into unnecessary trouble up until now, but from the eyes of a guy who have some ability and is at a level to talk back to Roa, interfering with my being here is natural I guess.

A troublesome guy appeared after coming here

Even Shironeko and Mineko are together with a human, what is the meaning of this!? Ill have you explain this to me!

Before that, who are yo

Sis, this person is the wolfblade(roujin) Ruga you know. (; ruuga)

AahNow that you mention it there was such a person desu

Forgetting about me isI can see your memories are quite bad.


Si-Sis, restrain yourself

Uoh! Shironekos looks became dreadful when he made fun of whats inside her head.

I should remember thiswait, more importantly.

Old man (roujin), right? First of all I just have some business with the beast king, so Im not thinking of doing anything in particular (: roujin: old man)

You bastardYou just insult me didnt you?


Wolfblade (roujin)old man (roujin)Ah, that was certainly my verbal slipwait, isnt the nuance the same!? You cant condemn me for this can you!? It depends on how you catch it right!?

Do you want me to erase you, human

Stop it, you stupid.

Why are you protecting a human, miss Roa?

Roa stood in between me and Ruga.

A clear hostility was released from Roas eyes to that guy.

Youve got it backwards, I stopped you in order to protect you. This human is my future ownerno, wait I mean. The human who will become my master. Even if you say you have enough strength to become daddys right hand man, you wont be able to beat this guy.

Hey, whats up with that owner part? While youve been saying master and have been mixing in a different meaning to it up until now, your desire to be owned is completely showing you know. Quit that please.

Ah, more importantlyBeastkings right hand huhI thought he was like a powerful person from the streets.

What did you say? Wait a second please, miss Roa. Your masterNo, husband is supposed to be me isnt it?

Ah? Whats this guy saying?

As I have spoken with His Majesty the beast king, I have triumphed in a duel with you and I should have the rights to be wed to you.

Tha- thats, well, my physical condition was a little

That excuse does not apply between beastmen!

Tch, would you just shut yer hole! Who would want to marry a nagging son of a bitch like you, ya dumbass! Next, dare say something funny in front of Setsu! I tell ya, hes gonna tear ya a new one, just see!

While saying were going, Roa grabbed my hand and opened the door to the throne room.

Ruga was taken aback from the sudden return of her tone from the olden days and being disparaged, he stood stiff and unmoving.

The four of us took our opportunity to finally reach our destination, the throne room.

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