Isekai Majutsushi wa Mahou wo Tonaenai

Volume 2 - Ch 5


When I returned to the mansion, I headed to the basement where Lily was, and found her asleep. Conveniently, I lifted her up as she was and used the to travel to the vicinity of the church. I used the same method as last time to get inside the ward, and from there I moved to the hidden room where Fairis was being held last time.

When I slapped her on the cheek to bring her back to consciousness, she found herself in a different room than before and began to look around.

Rejoice, I'm taking you to the one you should be serving.

Oh, so it's finally happening. Thank you very much. So where on earth am I supposed to go?

If you wait a little while, the man you want will come to you. Until then, don't make a fuss and be quiet.

As you wish.

After that, I just make sure she doesn't tell anyone about me. When she sits down quietly and listens to what I say, I'll use the to remove all information about me. This way, if she saw me, she won't know that she know me.

I listen for sounds to see if there are any people around, and then go out of the room. There were a good number of people this time, so it was hard to get out without being spotted.

After I got out of the church, I waited for Fairis to arrive with innocent face, and a little while later I saw her coming with some people.

The men dressed like bishops and the warrior-like men who came with them belonged to the Inquisition, as far as I could judge from their clothes.

Yard-sama, as I told you, I have brought the bishop with me.

Are you Count Werner? My name is Marco. I'm serving as a bishop in the Inquisition.

Yard-sama, Marco-sama is a person who has declared a neutral position in the Inquisition, not belonging to any particular faction. I'm sure he's in a position to be trusted, since his family is a count and he's not likely to be pressured.

It seems that Fairis has brought a person in a good position. The inquisitorial court is likely to be pressured by the Savile family, but with the count's rank, it is not impossible to remain neutral.

I see, Yard Ray Werner.. I'm sorry to bother you so late at night.

Don't be, it's always better to act before the other party does. Come on, let's get a move on.

After greeting the girls, I joined them and went to Bishop Philpot's room. Fortunately, he hadn't gone out and seemed to be doing something in his room.

He opened the door and the Inquisitors who had come with him surrounded the bishop at once. He went rigid for a while, unable to comprehend the sudden event, but when he came to his senses, he stood up from his chair, revealing his anger.

What the hell are you doing!

Bishop Philpott, you are under suspicion of heresy.

Wha!? Nonsense! That can't be right!

We'll be the judge of that. And we have witnesses. Isn't that right, Count Werner?

The bishop who found me is moving his mouth like a fish. Well, if a man who even went into the mansion and couldn't find him came in front of me, my reaction might be like him.

Yeah, someone from my mansion saw that Bishop Philpot brought a dark elf here the other day.

That's nonsense! Where are the dark elves in this church!?

By the way, the witness is supposed to be Tia. I've already told Tia to get on the same page. She has been wandering around the area to check on Philpot, so she should be somewhat persuasive.

He's yelling at me, his face red with anger. I thought to myself, "Everyone who has a problem in their stomach reacts the same way".

Fairis-dono, the bishop is talking like that, but do you have any idea where he's hiding something?

Huh? Oh, yeah, I have one thing in mind, but. ......

Fairis, who was suddenly asked to speak, was upset but replied. I'd been accusing her of looking at me, wondering why she was talking to me when she knew it too., but I soon seemed to realize her intention to keep what happened that night a secret.

I knew that Fairis was referring to that room. She believes that the dark elf is lying, but she's probably thinking that if the room is known, there's a chance that Fairis' case will come to light as well, so I'm scratching my head, trying to get out of this somehow.

Th-That's right. Rather than that, don't we have to catch these two as heretics? Isn't that right, Bishop Marco?

The warden of the Inquisition has just ruled that these two were innocent. That rumor was just a rumor with no roots.

Th-That's ridiculous. ......

Philpot was stunned by Marco's words. It must have been a new situation for him. He may have believed in Rand's help a while ago, but that belief is now gone.

All of us, including Philpott, followed Fairis as she made her way toward the hidden room. Philpot doesn't know about the woman in the hidden room, so he seems to believe that there is still a way to cover it up.

When we came to the hidden door, Philpot was instructed to open it, and he reluctantly inserted the key into the wall. He slowly pulled the door to the side, and of course, there was a dark elf inside.


Hooh, so it seems that Count Werner's information was correct.

The dark elf inside, Lily, blinked her eyes at our sudden arrival, but when she saw Philpot's face, she instantly smiled and approached him.


Wh-What is this guy talking about? Does anyone know?

Bishop, this elf calls you master.

Wha!? That's bullshit!

I see. Then I'll make sure everyone knows it.

I activate the on her. It's a magic that has the same effect as the translation ability I have. This will cover the language problem. I had created this new magic in advance in case I needed it, and it seems to have come in handy.

Oi there, dark elf. I've just made sure that your words are understood by everyone. You can try saying what you just said again.

Thank you very much! Master, do you understand my words?

Her words were understood by everyone through her translation ability. Everyone froze at her words, except me. Just as I had said, there was an elf in the church who called Philpot her master.

Fairis doesn't seem to have any doubts about her presence here either. I decided to pretend that she was captured after she was captured, so there was no problem with the timeline.

T-that's nonsense! I know nothing of this dark elf!

No way. ...... I have master's child in my belly!

He paled as she said the words I told her to say. Faeris is also pale with astonishment, and Marco and the other Inquisitors have grim expressions on their faces.

Bishop Philpott, I thought you knew what it was like to consort with a pagan and even impregnate them.

No! I have done no such thing!

We can find that out by examining her, and if we find out that you're communing with pagans in the church, you are committing the greatest abomination of all. This is an abomination.

No, this can't be right. ......

Master, what is the matter with you? Please, spit your desire into my body.

She gulped and dropped to her knees, nodding. She rubbed up against him and took out the rod and began to lick it. The sound was so disgusting that Fairis backed away, her cheeks flushing red.

What the ...... let Fairis-dono rest somewhere else.

Marco was still looking at them with a grim face, but he looked at the Inquisitors and told them to get Fairis away from here, and one of the men took her into another room.

You're getting hard. Then I'll serve you here.

S-stop that. ......

Oh, Master's thing is going deep inside me. ......

When I checked the two of them again, in contrast to the pale face of the guy, Lily's cheeks were red as if she was completely in heat. Marco, who was watching them with Pilphot cock buried in her crotch and her hips swinging, shook his head and then gave some instructions to the men.

One of the men approached the still connected pair, drew his sword and chopped off her head. Philpott, who had been watching in dismay as fresh blood spurted out, came to his senses and approached Marco with surprising speed and began to beg for forgiveness.

Please, this is someone's conspiracy, just save my life!

......Once you have actually heard and seen it, you can no longer fool around with it. Let us at least have mercy on them and send them to heaven so that they will not suffer. Please do it.

At Marco's signal, Philpot's head was chopped off. He collapsed on top of Lily, spurting blood from the spot where he was cut. The two of them were surrounded by a puddle of blood, a scene straight out of hell.

Even though this is our mission, it's still heartbreaking to have to deal with our own people.

As I looked at the pained expression on Bishop Marco's face, I was filled with a feeling of revulsion.

It was not out of mercy, of course, that Philpot's head was chopped off. The Inquisition has the authority to kill heretics, but I've heard that they rarely do it on the spot like this.

So why did they kill Philpot here? If Philpot were to say something inappropriate in my presence, it would raise suspicion in the church, especially the noble faction to which he belonged. He killed him to prevent that from happening.

Fairis said he was a neutral bishop, but in the end, he was also a person close to the nobility.

Oh well, my plans are a little off, but now all hesitation against the noble faction is gone. I no longer have any qualms about crushing them with all my might.

I see, then, I'll take care of it here.

I pretended to burn the two corpses with a rudimentary flame magic, and secretly sent them to the basement of the mansion with an . To the casual observer, it looked as if the two corpses were instantly reduced to ashes down to the bone, so I'm sure I was able to fool the people here.

It's a wonderful power of magic. As expected of a person with a reputation for being very religious.

This is no problem for me. I'm more worried about Fairis-dono, so I'm going to go to her.

Yes, I'll take care of the rest here.

Nodding to Marco, who smiled wryly, I left the room and went to the room where Fairis was and found her lying on the bed, not feeling well. I told the Inquisition officer who was beside me that he could go back and left me alone with Fairis, and after a while she started to talk to me.

What happened to Bishop Philpot?

He was executed at the discretion of Marco-dono.

...... Was there no salvation?

There's nothing I can do about it, even if you ask me. I have no right to judge him.

Fairis let out a sigh and prayed silently for a while. It seemed like her to pray for Philpott, so I decided to watch in silence.

...... Why did Bishop Philpot do such a thing?

I don't know. I think he've been feeling a bit resentful since Fairis-dono ran away from him?

Then if I hadn't run away, would that elf lady have been able to stay safe?

It's no use talking about hypotheticals. He brought her here, raped her, and impregnated her. That's it.

If you replace the person who did it with me instead of him, what I just said is true. I can't have her distrusting me for something like this, so I tell her in a very serious tone.

...... Um, Yard-sama.What happened to the woman?

They were both killed.

I see. ...... Do you think I could have stopped it if I had been there?

I don't think you could have stopped what even I couldn't stop.

In fact, I didn't even want to stop. Even if he was beheaded anyway, he could be revived. If that was the case, it would be better for Philpot to be thought to have been killed in order to catch the inquisitors off guard.

I feel sorry for the elves who were involved, but now there is no one left to suspect us. Shouldn't we just agree that it turned out to be a good thing?

Yard-sama is cold, aren't you? ...... I believe that even if he is punished, the bishop's crime is not the kind of crime that would get him killed. There was no reason why the woman who was victimized should have been killed either.

That's a kind thought. But that sympathy would have been humiliating for the bishop. And I'm sure he'll be plotting to bring us down again. There would be no problem if punishment could purify people's minds, but in reality, punishment and mercy cannot change people's minds so easily.

Yes, but I don't think I'm wrong. I still think that they shouldn't have killed those two people.

You can do whatever you want. I can't see it that way, but I'm not a good enough person to say that someone's opinion is wrong. I'm too busy with myself. You can stick to your will, too.

After that, Fairis falls silent. Seeing her conflicted about the two people who were killed, I think it's good that she's young and suffering. My sense of ethics is not as full of justice and mercy as hers.

But as I looked at her depressed face, I somehow felt sorry for her. Those two indeed had their heads chopped off, but their heads are clean, so the will definitely succeed first. There's no need to keep quiet about it to her, so I'll tell her.

Fairis-dono, actually, what I said earlier was half a lie.

...... What?

The two of them were indeed decapitated, but I secretly administered first aid to them, so they are probably safe.

...... Huh?

She didn't seem to understand what I was saying, and her voice sounded dumb. But after a while, she finally seemed to have caught up with my understanding, and suddenly stood up, walked up to me, and punched me painlessly.

If those two are safe, why don't you just say so at the beginning!

No, I'm sorry. I wanted to see how Fairis-dono would react.

Why are you being so mean to me, Y-Yard-sama? Even the other day, ......!

Hmm? is something wrong?

Before she could finish her words, Fairis suddenly sank into a crouch. I wondered if her embarrassment had reached an extreme level. After watching her for a while, she raised her head and looked up at me.

What do you think of me, Yard-sama?

Hmm? Well, I think you're an interesting person to tease.

That's not it! For example, that, y-you have feeling for me......and you're holding it......

The end of her sentence was getting smaller and smaller, even though she had said it herself. I couldn't hear the last part at all, but apparently she wants me to say I like her.

I'm about to marry Princess Sophia, so I don't really have anything to say to you, Fairis-dono.

You're terrible! After what you've done to me!

What, you wanted me to apologize? I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you to the best of my ability.

That's not it either! Oh my God, why don't you understand me!

Fairis was getting impatient with my continued avoidance of her true feelings, and her voice was getting louder and louder. I'm sure she knows I'm doing this on purpose, but she doesn't know how to get me to say it, so she gets angry.

Well, I guess I'll never know unless you make it clear.

Perhaps my comment was the final straw, but Fairis suddenly became quiet and turned her head. I was about to look at her to see if I had seriously offended her, when her face suddenly jumped up and she kissed me.

She looked at me with an embarrassed expression on her face as I suddenly froze. I felt that there was a strong determination in her eyes.

I like you Yard-sama. What does Yard-sama think of me?

...... I think I told you I'm getting married soon, are you serious about that?


It's a hell of a road you're about to choose, you know?

My words didn't change the look of determination on her face. It seems she's really fallen for me. She is also stupid, throwing herself into a pitched battle.

I see, you've made your decision. Don't regret it, okay?

Oh well, it's not me who's in trouble. I'm not engaged to her, and she knows it.

So, Fairis, will you become my woman?

Um, ...... yes.

She responded hesitantly to my words, and I kissed her in return. She was amused at the fact that I had just kissed her.

I never thought I'd be in a relationship with her, but now that it's happening, I don't feel bad. She has a good personality and good looks, except for a little bit of a goofy side. Also, she's a little on the naughty side.

She has very little experience, so her tongue is not very good, and she forgets to breathe. But that first reaction gives her a freshness that is different from other women. They are all surprisingly sexually active, and very few of them react this way.

Fairis, put your hands on the wall and turn your hips toward me.


She was a little nervous, and her movements were a little awkward, but she did as I instructed and turned her back to me. As I pulled her clothes up to her waist, I could see her buttocks wrapped in her simple underwear. When I stroked her blemish-free skin with my hand, I felt an indescribable sense of comfort.

When I traced her crack from the top of her underwear, it was definitely moist, though only a little, and I could tell that she was looking forward to the next act.

Fairis, who are called saint, is no different from an ordinary woman when you peels back her skin.

P-Please don't say that.

What are you embarrassed about? You've experienced more embarrassing things, haven't you?

With that, I pulled down her underwear and pushed my middle and index fingers into her crack. Her secret was wet enough that she could swallow my fingers, and there was a slight resistance.

It was her second time, so it was still narrow, and I was able to fit all the way to the base of my fingers inside, although I felt a reasonably strong pressure tightening my fingers. She also felt a lot of pressure in her stomach, but it was not over yet.

Nnhh, nfuhh, uuhhh

I bent and stretched my fingers, rubbing and spreading them inside her vagina, and each time I stimulated her, the tightness inside became stronger. But she doesn't seem to be getting much pleasure from it, and I don't think she can feel it inside her yet.

There are many people who can get pleasure from the atmosphere alone, and she probably felt that way during her first time, but I still want to make her wild with my hands.

I guess you don't have enough experience yet. It can't be helped.

Um, Yard-sama? Ah! Hyuhhh!

As I move my fingers, I use my other hand to play with her clitoris. This way, her body can learn the sensation of getting pleasure if it is stimulated inside. As I expected, after many times of stimulating her clitoris, she seems to have begun to grasp the sensation of getting pleasure inside.

Aahnn, m-my inside, Nnhhhhh!

Her vagina began to overflow with her love juices, and her moans began to leak out. Her skin was flushed with pleasure, and her breath was coming in gasps. I tried to stop the clitoral stimulation, but there was no change in the charming voice leaking from her mouth. It seems that she can already feel it only inside.

Y-Yard-sama, I am already.....!

Yeah, come once.

I hugged her from behind with my hands, stimulating her vagina more and more strongly with one hand while I grabbed her breasts and squeezed them with the other.

Ahhh, no, I-I'm coming, I'm comiiiiiiing!

Keep coming!

Yes, haa, aahh, Nnnhnmmm!

When I finally twisted my finger inside her vagina, Fairis arched her back and climaxed.

When I pulled my finger out, I found it covered in her love juices, so I shoved it into her lingering climax mouth, and she started licking it without me saying a word. The sight of her licking my finger with the look of debauchery on her face after her climax was quite lewd.

Watching her, I couldn't hold back any longer, so I took down my clothes, took out my cock, and placed it on her still-wet clit.

I'll put it in now.

Yes, please.

I slowly slide my cock inside her. Her newly climaxed vaginal cavity swallowed mine effortlessly, and her hot, burning vagina swallowed mine deeper and deeper, as if it had been waiting for me.

She herself seemed to have gotten the hang of it after climaxing once, and seemed to remember the pleasure from just the stimulation of the cock pressing and rubbing up inside her. Maybe she had a talent for this kind of thing, because she had already learned to cum inside for the second time.

Just when I thought it would not be a problem if I went a little harder, the door of the room suddenly slammed.

Excuse me, how is Fairis-sama?

It seems that the inquisitor from earlier has come to check on Fairis. If he enters in this state, he'll be able to see the connection between me and her perfectly. She seems to know that, so she turns around and looks at me, shaking her head frantically.

I thought about it for a moment and deployed the illusion around her.

You can come in now.

I see, now if you'll excuse me.

After my response, the inquisitor came into the room. For a moment, he looked as if he felt something was wrong, but he soon returned to his serious expression.

As for Fairis, the moment this man entered, the tightness of her vagina suddenly became stronger and tightened on my object to the point that it was a little painful and would not let go. Her face is pale, and she thinks she's been seen completely.

It seems that........Fairis-sama is asleep.

But after making a surprised expression at the inquisitor's words, she glared at me. It seems that she found out that I was cheating with my magic. The way she glared at me with tears in her eyes wasn't powerful.

But at the same time, she seemed relieved that he hadn't seen me and her in action. When she let her guard down, I picked up her clitoris and slammed my hips into it as hard as I could.



The sudden stimulation seemed to make her climax lightly, and her insides moved to squeeze the semen out of me.

She let out a sound, and Fairis paled again, worried that this time she'd been found out. Her vagina also tightened up as if it was about to go into spasm, and I almost screamed out as well.

The inquisitor, who had a quizzical look on his face at the sudden voice, looked at the fictional Fairis created by the illusion with a suspicious look.

Um, didn't you just hear someone's voice?

Hmm? I didn't hear anything. ...... What's wrong?

Oh, no, it seems I was imagining things. Then please call me if you need anything.

The inquisitor, who couldn't sense the discomfort caused by the illusion, seemed to have decided that the voice he heard was just his imagination. He called out to me and left the room.

Looks like he's gone.

Siiiighhh. ......

After the footsteps moved away, I held Fairis as her body lost strength and she seemed to fall. It seems that she managed to keep her body from collapsing due to her climax through tension.

I thought my heart was going to stop: ......

You seemed to be feeling pretty good for that.

That's because it came out of nowhere and surprised me! More importantly, that kind of thing has got to stop: ......

It feels so good inside Fairis that I'm about to cum too.

G-geez,don't change the subject, Nnhhh!

When I moved my hips without listening to her until the end of the conversation, she angrily shook her hips in time with my movements. This is the reason why people think she's easy to handle, but it is not something I should point out every time. I think it's best to keep quiet until she realizes it.

Fairis, I'm cumming inside you!

Y-yes! Kkuhh, hnnnmmm!

She seemed to climax at the same time as I shot my semen inside her. I hold her mouth to prevent her voice from being heard, but I don't think it's worth it since she was screaming earlier.

When I pulled out my cock, a mixture of semen and love juice dripped from between her legs, staining her feet.

Then, after a short rest, we left the church and parted ways with Marco and the others.

Fairis was walking with a smiling, happy expression on her face. In her mind, today's event must have been a good one. It's relief that she doesn't hate me, and I'm glad that she's happy.

Thank you very much for everything, Yard-sa,a. Please come to my house sometime as thank to you. I'm not proud of my skills, but I'd be happy to cook for you.

I'm going to have to say no to that. I'm not much of a picky eater, but I'll limit myself to human food.

I've had the opportunity to see her cooking skills a few times, but unfortunately, it was something I'm not comfortable calling cooking. The taste was such that I almost spit it out reflexively the moment I put it in my mouth.

Wha!? How dare you say that! That's rude, even it's coming from Yard-sama!

It's not me who's rude, it's that dish. I think you should apologize to the ingredients first.

You said it! I'll make sure you eat it!

Fairis is angry, her face bright red. It's ruining the mood we were in earlier, but I'm more comfortable this way.

As I listened to her say something to me, I was thinking fluently that it was almost dawn.

When I returned to the mansion and immediately headed for the basement, I found Lucia hunched over in front of the door. When I approached her, she seemed to have noticed my appearance and stood up in a hurry.

M-Master, this is different. I have done nothing of the sort.

What are you talking about ...... that thing, huh?

I sent two dead bodies to this room, but come to think of it, none of the people in the mansion know about it. I guess she was just trying to take care of them like she always does, but there they are, the corpses of the dark elf she was trying to take care of and the old man she didn't know. It's no wonder she's scared.

Never mind, you don't even have to take care of them today. Just forget everything you've seen here.

Huh? I-I understand.

She looked at me strangely for a moment, but then seemed to decide that it was safer to stay out of it. She swatted the dust off her butt and left quickly.

I closed the room to prevent anyone from entering and approached the two corpses. Thanks to the neatly chopped off heads, Philpott's pleading expression on his deathbed and Lily's look of ecstasy as she died were clearly visible.

In order to bring them back to life, I quickly removed the dirt from the cross-section and connected their bodies and heads. Then I used on them, and in an instant the cut surfaces were connected and their hearts began to beat.

Before they woke up, I put a only on Philpot. Not long after, they both woke up.

Wh-What the hell ...... Where am I?

Philpot looked around and immediately realized that this was a different place than the church. And when he saw that I was the only one, he glared at me with a look that could kill a man.

How does it feel to be dead for once?

Dead? What are you talking about?

You were killed by Bishop Marco. You remember the part where your head was chopped off, don't you?

!! C-certainly

Philpot shuddered as he remembered the moment of his death. It's not surprising that a normal person would have been traumatized, so it makes sense that he's terrified.

But even if that's true, why did you bring me back to life?

To help me get my revenge.

Revenge? If your goal was to get revenge on me, why didn't you leave me dead?

I've already dealt with you. I want revenge on House Savile, and by extension, the noble families. Didn't you notice? Bishop Marco killed you for the noble. He killed you to shut you up before you could say anything else.

No way!? No, but it does make sense. ......

Get on board with my plan. If you do, you'll be able to destroy those nobles who betrayed you.

Okay, I'm in! I'll make them regret betraying me!

Now I'm ready to bring down Rand and the Savile family. Now all I have to do is get the king's approval.

Speaking of which, the thought of what to do about Lily crossed my mind and I looked at her, but she still had a stunned expression on her face. I waved at her, but she didn't respond. Maybe she's had a mental breakdown.

Maybe it was a bad idea to kill her with the on, or maybe it was a bad idea to bring her back to life with the , either way she will never regain her original personality. I didn't have anything against her in the first place, but I do feel a little sorry for her that she ended up like this after being pushed around for my convenience.

Philpot, are you willing to take this dark elf in?

That's nonsense, I hate elves. I don't even want to see them.

He refused me outright. I have no choice but to take over the responsibility.

When I released the , she looked at me and distorted her face, but only slightly. The light of reason seemed to have returned to her eyes, though only slightly. I'm sure she'll recover if I give her some time.

For now, I'll just let Philpot fall into a coma for today and sleep until the afternoon.

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