Is it Wrong to Copy Abilities in Apocalypse?

Chapter 16: CHAPTER 15 – Garvit and Shera.

"It's no use. I've tried it before."

A lazy and relaxed voice sounded.

Alex's dagger was about to clash with the barrier the moment he heard that voice.

But he parted his legs, changing his body's momentum, and did a swift turn.


He pointed his dagger toward the voice that sounded lazy and relaxed as if nothing could hurt them.

Alex scanned the guy with a serious gaze.

It was a man with a large build of 190 something centimetres, standing at the entrance of the large tent.

The distance between them was about 50 meters, but the guy's voice was clearly heard by Alex, especially with how eerily quiet the whole area was.

"I wouldn't be pointing that dagger at me if I were in your place…."

The man spoke as he slipped his hand into his pants pocket casually.

He didn't seem concerned, even with the cold look Alex gave him.

'Even though he is this young…'

He was surprised by the look in Alex's eyes, as he could guess Alex's age, but that was all.

'Everyone has a story of their own.'

That's what the man thought.

As the man observed Alex, the same was done by Alex.

'Large build, black hair, coarse beard that covers half of his face, black eyes, and that casual attitude...'

Alex muttered inwardly.

He had read about this guy just before he came to this area.

'Garvit Tanwar.'

The owner of the Mewari Circus.

The tiger tamer.

A guy with many names, but only good at two things: bluffing and talking to a tiger.

But those two things made the man what he is today.

Owner of one of the most famous circuses in India.

And if you have not already noticed, then yes, this was India, and right now, Alex was in Uttarakhand.

Alex was not Indian, but he learned almost every language in the world, other than some hidden or primitive tribes' languages, and he mastered them to the maximum proficiency.

So, it was not hard for him to live in any country.

Just like his other missions all around the world, India was supposed to be the place where the last mafia leader was supposed to be hiding, and his last mission was to kill that guy.

But following Garvit's words…


A low growl was heard, causing Alex to tighten his grip around the dagger he was holding.

"I told you, I wouldn't be pointing that thing at me…."

The guy repeated his words again, and the growl intensified.


This time, the warning was clear in the growl, and Alex, who was looking for the source of that growl finally found it.

'The red tiger.'

It was a large tiger; even with it standing on its fours, it had a height of 160 centimeters.

Right now, it was 10 meters behind Garvit, staring at Alex with its nocturne eyes.

'A bit larger than the one I killed before…'

Alex muttered inwardly.

The fight won't be easy, Alex knew that, but that didn't mean he would lose.

'My gun…'

He sighed at his inability to use a gun anymore.

It would've been a way lot easier with that.

"Hey man, just let it go."

Garvit, the master bluffer, knew how to read someone's intentions, and he could tell that Alex had no intention of backing down.

And Alex's eyes were telling him that Alex wasn't even scared.

That could only mean two things: Either Alex is the best actor there is, or he is strong enough that a tiger as big as the red tiger won't be a problem for him.

Garvit didn't want to take risks by assuming that Alex might be the former.

The world had changed, and things were different.

No one knew what kind of ability your opponent had.

So, Garvit tried to dissuade the situation.


But the tiger seemed to have another plan.

It started walking out of the tent with light and measured steps.

The tiger could see the look in Alex's eyes.

The cold look in Alex's eyes. The look of a predator, although trained, the tiger knew that look.

It was a look that a predator would make when they were thinking of a way to kill their prey.

The tiger being a tiger, didn't take that stare of Alex lightly…..

There was only one thing it could do now.

"Shera! Calm down, man!"

Garvit finally couldn't maintain his casual attitude.

He started panicking.

Never in his life had he seen Shera do something like this.

Shera, the tiger, was someone who played along with a 10-year-old child if Garvit asked him to.

'So, why now?!'

The eyes that bore on his back from inside of the tent didn't matter right now.

Things were about to get out of his hands right now.

'Is that guy dangerous….?'

This was the only thing Garvit could think of.

Alex was someone powerful enough to make Shera ignore his words.

That's what Garvit thought, and he was not wrong.

"Hey, you! Can't you see the number over there?! We need people right now, so stop this shit!

It ain't getting you anything!"

Garvit hugged the tiger, trying to stop it, but the tiger just continued on, dragging Garvit with him.

So, Garvit tried to stop Alex.

He didn't have any other choice.

Shera was the only one he cared for, and Alex's aura, which Garvit could ignore because of his skill, was now felt by him in real time.

And Garvit was shitting himself just because of that.

The closer they moved to Alex, the colder he felt.

Garvit didn't like it. Not a bit.

He was a big man, and he was strong as well, but he never fought!

Not once in his life had he even killed an ant.

He was just a bluffer!

He lived with bluffing his way out, and people believed him, but the real action was not his shit!

Alex, however, didn't say anything.


He just gripped his dagger.

The AI's voice resounded in his head, and for a second, Alex thought of doing that as well.

'No, I will have to do it manually, and that would give it a chance to attack me.'

But, in the end, Alex shook his head.

The system didn't take mental commands, so he had to access it manually, which, right now, was not possible.

The tiger looked menacing. Its fur trembled with every step it took, and its eyes were like gauging out its prey.

Alex took a stance.

Shera stopped 4 meters away from Alex and stared at him with no clear intention.

"Stop, man. Stop it!"

Garvit tried to move Shera again, but it was too late….


With a fierce roar, Shera jumped at Alex.

Garvit was thrown away because of the force.

'Just why did I have to pretend to be cool?!'

Garvit regretted trying to make a cool entry for the newcomer.

If, just if he didn't disturb Alex, maybe things wouldn't have ended up this way….

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