Is it Wrong to Copy Abilities in Apocalypse?

Chapter 134: CHAPTER 133 - Alex clears the castle.

Alex, who, just like many other participants in the scario, had tered the castle, frowned wh he heard the AI's words.

'What do you mean?'

He was already alert, with his vigilance at an all-time high from the momt the system had repeated the fact about monsters inside the castle being dangerous.

About the rules and palty, he never ignored them like those few humans; he had already once faced a palty for breaking the rules of the system, so there was no way he would forget to make sure not to break the rules again.

The AI's words caused Alex to frown, but as he thought about it for a while, his frown relaxed.

'That just means that I stay here for more than hour.'

With that thought, Alex moved toward the first door in the hall, and oped it with light and cautious movemts.


The clicking of the doorknob echoed throughout the castle hall, causing Alex's body to tse; the silce here was suffocating.


The next instant, he pushed op the gate, but the creaking noise caused him to frown.

He peeked into the room, his infrared vision getting activated, and the momt it did, his eyes wided in shock.

The room from the inside was way larger than it seemed to be; it was so large that ev an tire castle could fit inside of it.

The room was plain with gray-colored walls, and many drawers placed here and there in the room.

Those drawers were probably the place where the relics/artifacts were hidd, but the drawers were not the only things within the castle, as there were the beasts that were supposed to guard the relics in there as well.

The beasts were a mix of lizards and cats, resting on the g with their whiskers moving a every once in a while—the only thing that showed that made them seem alive.

Alex's eyes, however, were staring at their status scre.

[[Name: Unnamed Scalynx.

Race: Scalynx.

Title: --


→ Strgth – Level 40 (Tier )

→ Defse – Level 39 (Tier )

→ Agility – Level 4 (Tier)

→ Stamina – Level 40 (Tier )

→ Mana – Level 40 (Tier )


The momt Alex saw their level, he closed the door and took a deep breath.



The level of the beasts was a bit too high for them to be his first try.

From the system's words, he was sure that there were beasts that were not too strong for him to defeat; after all, it did say that there were some people who could defeat some beasts.

There was only one way that was possible, and that was that there were some beasts who had their stats betwe levels 0 and 5.

The humans had their stats limited to level 0, and Alex found it hard to believe that there would ev be some humans all over the world who could defeat beasts more than 5 levels above them; he himself couldn't do it.




He walked up to the next room in the hall and oped the gate, scanning its insides just like the one before, and just as he did...


His body relaxed and his grip on the doorknob loosed as he got the perfect view of the beast within the room.

Just like the last room, this one was also large—way larger than it seemed from the outside.

There were bookshelves and drawers placed all a the room randomly, with some being quite close to the gate, but how many of them had a relic or artifact?

Only the system knew, or maybe ev it didn't.


Alex again took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a second, only to op them the next second with a determined light shining within them.

[[Name: Unnamed Carabrine.

Race: Carabrine.

Title: --


→ Strgth – Level (Tier )

→ Defse – Level (Tier )

→ Agility – Level (Tier)

→ Stamina – Level (Tier )

→ Mana – Level 3 (Tier )


→ Mystic Roar (Rare): As a part lion, the Carabine has a commanding presce; their roar alone carries a lot of power with the ability to disrupt the magical attacks that were shot in its direction.

→ Silvermane Charge (Rare): As a part stag, the beast has antlers, and it can use them to ram into its emies, causing them immse harm; this attack can break the barriers of the beast's emies.

→ Hard Fur (Uncommon): The beast's fur—a mix of a lion's and a stag's—is hard ough to protect it from some attacks, shielding it from physical attacks at least.


It was a beast with stats not high ough for Alex's attacks to not ev go through it.

So, while revising his plan and backup plan, Alex took the bow he had out of his invtory.

His finger pinched the arrowhead, causing it to light up with bright purple fire.


Only th did he pull the string, aiming the arrow inside the room; his eyes squinted, causing his vision to change from infrared to a holographic blue structure with a grid-like marking.

He had activated his mapping skill, giving him a detailed view of the inside of the room.


He bashed op the door of the room, not caring about the noise it caused.



The beasts, one after another, started to wake up, and Alex noticed that unlike the last room, which had no more than 5 beasts, this one had a if not more.


One of the beasts finally saw Alex, who was standing just outside of the door, and listing to its roar, other beasts also turned toward Alex, hunger clouding their vision.


Alex, on the other hand, just shot the arrow into the room before he pulled the gate, closing it shut, and making himself invisible to the beasts again.

"ROAR!!" Xn

The beasts, however, didn't seem to be satisfied, as Alex could hear the muffled roars echoing throughout the room.

Yes, muffled. Alex had noticed this before, but no matter what one did inside the room, the sound didn't seem to come out, or it was muffled a lot.

He found out about it wh he closed the door of the last room he oped.

In that room, one of the five beasts was lying right next to the door, and its breaths were clearly audible the momt one reached the door, but right wh he closed the door, it was as if the beast suddly died; he couldn't hear a single thing from the inside.

So he knew that ev if he were to kill all of the beasts inside this room with a big blast, the other beasts wouldn't be affected.

For now, however, he focused back on the beasts inside the room, who were all now rushing toward the door, as if oblivious to the arrow's presce or just too hungry to ev focus on it.

But it was better for Alex.

With a calm expression, Alex twirled his finger, his eyes still observing the holographic image of the room, making it possible to navigate the arrow without ev having the door op.

The beasts, unaware of their impding doom, kept rushing forward before...


The arrow passed right through the head of one of the beasts, killing it on the spot.

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