Is it Wrong to Copy Abilities in Apocalypse?

Chapter 132: CHAPTER 131 - The Second Scenario.

This time, there was no fixed small zone where everyone had to gather around; the scenario zone was the whole area within a 100-kilometer radius of Muzaffarnagar.

That is the reason why Alex could have the luxury of having peace with no one around him, but it didn't last long as the voice of the game system echoed within his head.

[Hmm... it seems like a lot of you are still alive...]

The system's voice sounded lazy, as if she had just woken up from a long slumber, her words stretched as one could hear her yawning.

But unlike the times before, they couldn't see here; the only thing they could do was stare at the text floating in front of them and hear her voice.

It was a very big area, and even she couldn't divide herself into so many pieces so that she could attend to every human, or maybe she could but she just didn't want to.


But just then, as if noticing something, her voice grew energetic.

[Look at the quests! There are so many humans still left with some gods angry at them!]

She seemed excited for some reason, causing Alex to frown.

'What's so special about it?'

Weren't these quests up there for a while? Why is the system getting delighted by it right now?

[Yeah, I know your dumb brains wouldn't be able to understand the reason behind my actions, but soon you will realize...]

The system's voice spoke, now dismissive before it turned vicious, as if telling the humans that whatever was going to come wouldn't be something they were going to like in the slightest.

But she wasn't done with her word, as she added, her tone derisive, causing Alex's frown to deepen.

[Don't strain your bird brains, you lot! Lest you die by that, and I have to carry the blame for getting you all killed without even doing anything.]

It seemed like the system was talking to him in particular, but she was not, as there were many others who were thinking the same thing; the only difference was that the ones with their names up in the sponsor quests were getting more and more anxious.

[Now, let me present you the thing that made me waste my time with you mutts—the second scenario!]

As soon as those words were heard, a new, illusionary blue screen filled with a series of words that made the humans tremble in nervousness flashed in front of their eyes.

[{Main Scenario 2 – Castles of Slumbering Doom.}

Quest Category: Main.

Difficulty: B+.

Clear Conditions: -

→ You need to have 5 relics/artifacts from the castles in your hand by the time the scenario ends.

→ You cannot be inside the castle by the time the scenario ends.

Rules: -

→ No two relics/artifacts can be the same.

→ You cannot leave a castle until you have at least one relic/artifact in your possession.

Duration: 10 hours.

Reward: -

→ 2000 coins.

→ The relics/artifacts you have collected.

Penalty: Death.


'Castles of Slumbering Doom...'

The moment Alex saw the name of the scenario, just like many other wiser ones, he could somewhat guess what the quest might be about, but he wasn't sure of it.

But the humans didn't have to wait for long as the system's voice echoed through their heads again.

[Yeah, yeah, I know; you dumb mortals won't be able to understand a thing even though the name says it all, so let me tell you guys what it is.]

Her voice was tinged with frustration at the start, only to end up with an excited giggle.

The humans waited for the system to continue her words, but she didn't say anything, causing the humans to grow confused, but the next second...


The earth below the humans' feet shook, almost causing them to fall to the ground, but since they had experienced something like this not long ago, they were prepared for it.

Things, however, didn't end there as the landscape shattered and large—impossibly large and ancient—castles erupted out of it.

Their jagged spires pierced through the clouds as their large, huge doors closed off as if trying to keep something sealed inside.

These castles didn't seem old or worn out; they were something entirely different, as they gave off a very unique feeling—a mix of dread and awe.

[Alright, shut that agape mouth of yours; they stink.]

As the humans were still staring at those colossal castles, the system commented, her voice dripping with disgust, causing the humans to finally break out of their thoughts and turn toward the floating, blue illusionary screen in front of them.


The system, after getting the attention of the humans, began as the doors to the castle creaked open without anyone touching it.

[Welcome to the second scenario—castles of slumbering doom. As said in the quest's clear conditions, all you have to do is find 5 relics within these castles. Pretty easy, right?]

The system's voice relaxed as if it really meant those words, causing some humans to inadvertently loosen up a bit, but then her voice turned condescending.

[You think you have what it takes to get them? How cute. Like, how did you even think it would be this easy—Ah, I get it, the problem lies within that tiny brain of yours; it lets you get your hopes up too soon.]

Every human could imagine the system shaking its head with a mocking grin, but they couldn't even let their annoyance out, as many of them had seen some people who cursed the novel die in different ways just a while ago.

[Do you see the 'Slumbering Doom' in the scenario's name? It is there for a reason. Inside these castles lie beasts so strong that you humans, with your level of power, would never be able to defeat them—]

The system went on, but then it paused as if it realized something.

[—well, yeah, some of you might be able to defeat some beasts, but that is all.]

She paused for a while, as if looking at someone, and Alex, who was staring at a castle—which fortunately or unfortunately spawned right in front of him—frowned as he felt a pair of eyes on himself.

The system then continued.

[So, as I said, there are these beasts—so hungry that they were forced to sleep as they had turned a bit too bloodthirsty—lying in every room of the castle; try not to wake them up or you might just become their snacks.]

Her words were like a harsh reminder to the humans that this wasn't going to be any easier than the things they had faced until now, as it might just be harder.

The system, which found the atmosphere tense, tried to 'boost' the humans' spirits.

[Awww, don't be so down. Look at the bright side; you will at least know how you died. Probably.]

Although her words sounded sympathetic at the start, by the end, it was filled with doubt and uncertainty, showing how good of an actor she was.


The humans, on the other hand, could do nothing but grind their teeth, as they knew that the system was just trying to scare them more than they already were.

But just then, the system added again, her voice turning malevolent.

[Tick-tock, tick-tock! Just so you know, your time is ticking, and the task you are supposed to do is not an easy one, so be mindful of how much time you want to waste.]

Then, as if speaking to a certain group of people, she added again.

[Oh, and if you are already tapping out, then I would advise you just lay down and wait for the death penalty; it would at least save me the trouble of finding you.]

With those words, the system went silent, and some humans, who knew that they were really tight on time, moved toward the door of the castle with hesitant steps.

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