Is it Wrong to Copy Abilities in Apocalypse?

Chapter 10: CHAPTER 9 – Cleared the wave.


The system laughed as hard as she could.

She had been amazed looking at Alex's achievements for a while, after all, he was doing better than anyone out there.

{But he's just a mortal in the end!}

[Who uses mana so recklessly??

You don't even know what mana is now, and you already started overusing it!]

The system mocked as she looked at Alex lying with his face on the ground.

{Foolish humans!}

[That's what happens when you use up all of your mana.

Now be stunned for a minute, and by the time you are able to move, the undead poison will already be in your body!]

The system showed no favoritism.

No matter how good you are, you have to do everything on your own, the system won't help you.

Everyone who heard the system's words was shocked.

'He's going to die?!'

'No way!'




Many suck thoughts came into the villagers' heads.

Alex was the only thing that gave them hope.

But none of them moved forward to help him.

They were scared of the undead who were as weak as 10-year-olds.


Alex, who was still on the ground, was listening to everything.

He could hear the steps, he could hear the shouts, he could hear the growls of the undead, he could hear the system's words, and he could hear the nearing steps of the undead.

He could tell that one undead was just near his leg, but what had most of his attention was the mechanical voice that he heard in his head.

'Who are you-'

He was about to ask who it was, but his mind stopped functioning the next second, causing his words to cut off.


All of that happened because Alex was electrocuted from the inside.

For a second, his mind blanked.

But the next second...


Alex screamed inwardly.

His inside felt like they were on fire; they were burning.

But he didn't scream; he didn't let out a single groan.

No matter how painful he felt inside, he didn't voice it out.

'Brace for severe pain….'

He recalled the last words he heard in his mind and after a long time in his life, he felt like cursing.

The pain didn't last for long.

The shock was only there for a second, but by the time it ended, Alex felt like it had been an hour.

However, he then realized something.


He was clenching his fists.

He had his grip on the dagger tightened.

He could feel his body again.


But he realized that he didn't have time to think of anything like that.

The undead were now right next to his foot.

Alex hurriedly twisted his body, facing the sky now, and then he kicked the undead on its leg.


The leg of that undead bent at a strange angle, with its bone coming out from the back.

Losing its momentum, the undead fell forward.


It fell straight on Alex's dagger and got its head pierced, dead on the spot.

There was a pregnant silence in the surroundings.

The only thing that could be heard were the growls of the undead.

The system stopped laughing; she stood still, and honestly, she was shocked.

{How did he get out of the stunned state?}

She stared at Alex seriously before she saw his body trembling like a vibrator.

He was trying to hide it, but the pain from before was still there.

He could still feel the sensation of being zapped without a warning.


The system didn't know about the voice inside Alex's head, so it thought that Alex used pain to get out of his stunned state.

However, it soon calmed down.

{Nothing great; if he couldn't do that, then dying would've been better.}

The system shrugged inwardly.

She was never going to accept the fact that a mortal did something that surprised her.

Gulshan and Misty, just like everyone else, were frozen on the spot.

One second, they saw Alex lying face first, not moving for some seconds, and just when they thought that they might lose him, he turned the table.

Alex, the center of attention and the reason for the silence, was still trying to stand up.

He got up on his trembling legs and started looking around.

It had not even been 3 minutes since the start of the tutorial by now, and he was already in this state.

Alex heard the same mechanical voice in his head, but he could feel the system's squinting gaze on himself, so he didn't comment on those words.

He was sure that this thing was not something that was normal.

It was there even before the system came, so it was something that the system didn't have control over, and Alex didn't want to expose that thing in front of the system.

Alex surveyed his surroundings.

He could see the undead now moving toward him.

All of them were headed in his direction, but that didn't scare him.

Rather, it was something he welcomed.

'I can't move my body too much right now, anyway.'

His body was still a bit stiff, so if the undead came at him, then it would be easier since he wouldn't have to rush at them.

Alex stared at the undead that was the closest and then he slashed his dagger right on his neck the moment that undead entered his range.


His movements were still smooth, he could feel that.

His movements were better than before, but his stiff body was limiting his movements.

'Then the graph thing is also gone…'


Alex muttered as he felt the loss.

That really helped him a lot, and if he could do that again, he would be able to make his battle art better than it already is.



What was this mana?


He wanted to know the answer, and he knew where he could find the answer, but for now, he decided to let it be.


The system and the voice in his head, both of them were talking about mana, but he didn't even know what it was.

But he had a feeling that he would know what it was sooner than he could guess.



And with that thud, Alex slayed the last undead before he slumped on the ground.


Alex sighed audibly, ignoring the two people rushing toward him.

'That was tiring….'

Alex muttered inwardly.

He felt more tired than he had felt when he ran for an hour during one of his past missions.

But it was justified.

He did push his body more than he was supposed to.

Alex's body was still trembling. His muscles were contracting and relaxing, and his heart was beating like crazy.

It felt like his heart would break the rib cage and jump out, but Alex was satisfied.

He really enjoyed this fight….

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